Depends on what you are looking for really. I personally am loving the game, but I told myself two things going in, don't believe the hype and take it a little at a time.
With that said, I know some who are disappointed in the game only because they rush through the story on Easy, didn't do any exploring, didn't do any side quest, didn't do any Strikes or playing the Crucible (Multiplayer). Now they are at the end game and don't want to replay the missions on Hard. The end game, from what I am told, is pretty much just a grind fest. Grinding out boss fights and raids to get the rare drops, I know that is not everyone's cup of tea. I've been doing a few story missions, then running around doing side quest and Strikes, playing with my friends, and I am having a BLAST with it!
If you are just looking to play the game's story and not interested in the end game stuff, it's a rental. If you enjoy grinding out for the best gear though, it might be well worth buying. Though if you find yourself on the fence about it, you might just want to wait for a price drop.
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True that. If someone didn't like side quest or exploring, then Destiny would not be a good game for them. The story is just a small sliver of what this game is all about, since it plays out much more like an MMO. Side quest and exploring, along with the Strikes and Crucible stuff, if I were to guess, is about 75% of the game, with the other 25% being the main story. From my understand, just doing the main story on Easy, you can be done with it in about 10 hours, give or take.
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It takes a while but gamepad is ok for coop or single player once you get the hang of it, just think of it as the game being harder :-P.
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i dont own any consoley, so i dont give a yay, or nay.
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Looks good.
Should be on PC also, its on new and old systems, why not PC Bungie, forgetting your routes again devs?
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It honestly really sounds like Borderlands in my opinion. I've never had a console in my life, nor will I be getting one any time soon; seems pretty good though, kind've a mix of Halo and Borderlands, which is sound like a good mix to me.
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I say it leans more towards FPS than Borderlands but it does have some RPGish stuff, but nothing to the level of being able to laugh off weak things.
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Can't say from my own experience, but friend said he was thinking for how much to sell it 4 hours after starting it.
He also said it's poor Borderlands.
Even Activision didn't liked it enough to send review copies, probably affraid those could actually kill pre-orders instead of bringing more.
And last thing. While you can't really trust Metacritic, Destiny user-scores lower than Watch Dogs...
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It's majorly Halo mixed with some Borderlands with a little bit of Call of Duty on top.
Did 2 missions @ my friends home, we went to get his pre-ordered white ps4 destiny bundle and played it.
Game looked like fun, but i do hate two things i noticed:
-always online game (there is no offline mode, i tried unplugging to no avail);
-randoms will always join your runs and possibly kill everything, ruining the game experience in the current session (eg: i was level 2-3 and i had a level 7 player in the area shooting stuff, pretty much overpowering enemies).
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"-always online game (there is no offline mode, i tried unplugging to no avail);"
All of a sudden I don't care that its not on PC.
Yeah I hate Borderlands in Coop, this won't do...
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There might be an option to make the game private, but i didn't see anything. Which is why i stated that, i could be wrong about it... But it's worth keeping it in mind.
I wish they did it like Darksouls 2, they are forcing always online into a game and that's sad... Darksouls 2 got it right, no connection to server = offline mode.
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same... i don't like that "you are forced to play with others, because multiplayer is the BEST THING EVER, YAY!" fuck that.
i only play co-op games with friends, and i don't like some random to get in and fuck up everything
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Truth is 90% of the time I never wanna play with other people, the other 10% is PVP, I like to socialize just not in games usually, guess thats why MMOs always turned me off. Yes most people I know seem in a hurry, I like to take in the sights, I can' t stand playing Borderlands with people because of that...
Destiny Looks great, sad that there is no single player...probably the only game console only I REALLY wanted, oh well still gotta beat BL2 anyways...
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Destiny isn't that special and since it's not on pc i don't care.
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I have played the beta and those comments with Borderlands + Halo are no joke..
If you like both games, consider it.
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I bought it today simply because all of my friends had hyped it up so much and I kind of felt left out. I never understand the hype about this game. People said it was gonna be one of the best games ever and I still don't understand where they got this idea from. I like the idea of looting new weapons for better gear but this game looked kinda small compared to games that are similar to this e.g. borderlands.
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A game like this already exist, lets search PLANETSIDE 2! Ohh, and its F2P.
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As the title states, is it good or bad?
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