I was searching steam in order to add a couple more games to my backlog and to satisfy my buying addiction untill I've stumbled upon this one.
I've read some reviews and most of them advise to play the first game in order to completely enjoy the second,
What do you guyz think?

P.S: Also where can I get it? It seems it isn't available on steam?

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9 years ago

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Do I need to play the first game in order to enjoy/understand the storyline of the second?

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I don't know. I haven't played it yet but it's very high on my wishlist ^^

9 years ago

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Currently still busy finishing Darkness II, but it's perfectly doable to play even if you haven't played the first one imo.
It's available on steam http://store.steampowered.com/app/67370/

9 years ago

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That's the second game, I was wondering about the first :b
That's the one that I couldn't find

9 years ago

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Ooh, yes. First one isn't available. A lot of people would have liked to see it ported. Maybe someday.

9 years ago

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Darkness 2 was amazing. I played both. Its easily doable if you havent played the first one.

9 years ago

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First Darkness was only released for PS3 and Xbox 360, no PC version at all. Only thing left to do is to watch a YouTube gameplay. As for the sequel, game is fun but the campaign is rather short. However there is also a co-op campaign with unique levels and story so it might add some to the game length.

9 years ago

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Played second without knowing there even was first (ok, I knew there was Darkness 1), didn't felt like there's some "plot hole" because I didn't played first one.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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I didn't play the first one, but I still enjoyed the 2nd

9 years ago

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Me too.

But I did read up some wiki about the first game's plot to better understand some backstory after finishing the game.

9 years ago

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No, the seconds tells everything you need to know.

9 years ago

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Darkness 1 was the bundle game on my friend's PS3 console when he bought it in 2007.

When Darkness 2 announced with its comic graphic style, told myself : Noooooo!, why?!

Darkness 2 is still worth playing even with that graphic style which IMO was a mistake.

9 years ago

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You do know what the source material for the games is right?

9 years ago

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No, i don't.

Searched about source material for the games but didn't find something useful to read it.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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You absolutely have to play Darkness 2. It has probably the most realistic woman's ass in any game. :)

9 years ago

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That's a good one :b

9 years ago

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The rest is good too :D
No, really. You don't need to have played the first one (most haven't anyway). It's a great game with it's own grapical identity and story. Unless you hate mafia-type stories ;)

9 years ago

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At the beginning of The Darkness II there's a video that tells you the back story, so you're good to go. I played it without having played the first one. Worked well. Had a good time ripping people apart.

9 years ago

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Oh, and it was in a humble bundle some time ago, might be people who still have a copy of it, could be worth checking the trade section.

9 years ago

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Good piece of advice, thanks bud =)

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Never played the first, nor read the comics, just jumped into the second, and had a blast through its campaign.

The tentacles things, gore and mobster settings are just gimmicks. Beneath the surface of it all and its poor generic shooting, there's a great psychological thriller. Probably the most surprising, authentic and cathartic experience I've ever had with a videogame. Ever.

Can't recommend it enough.

9 years ago

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I've played a reasonable amount of The Darkness II and didn't have any problems understanding anything and I've never played or even seen number 1.

If you're still after a copy of The Darkness II, you could even try ebay. I got my steam key for AUS$4 off ebay which is less than US$3.

9 years ago*

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Closed 8 years ago by heinzzketchup.