Are you a self-described RPG Master™?
20$ for 1 teir up with 1 more game, before that spot was held by real goods like a shirt or something
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oooh, i would like some dlc's but not at that price, and some repeats....
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I bought tier 4 for this. Already own Rogue Trader and needed the second season for Wrath of the Righteous, which on its own made the bundle a solid decision.
I am correct that when they say Neverwinter Nights Complete Edition, they really mean the Enhanced Edition? As far as how I need to list it for a giveaway.
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$20 is its cheapest price ever, so... yes? Do you ever not pay actual money for games?
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I do. I have played far more than 72, but good stalking I guess?
2287 games on my Steam, most played is DOTA2, next is Balatro (full price), then 20 Minutes Til Dawn (full price), Slay the Spire (full price), etc.
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oh, I'm sorry I watched the different number, but still 300 against the 2126.
But when you have thousands of unplayed games, paying full price or more than a couple of bucks for a new one is just a waste of money.
So yes, you're wasting 20€ for a game that will be worth 5 in the next half year. At least don't try to justify your wasteful financials with that try to persuade others to do the same.
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Lots are from bundles, and I am not the only one using my library, it's one my family uses (with the sharing system). Full price games are ones I've played.
I'm not persuading anyone, just pointing out how silly your comment is.
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You own over 3k games yourself.
And there's no chance of Rogue Trader being $5 anytime soon. $20 is an objectively excellent price for the game at this moment. The only real determining decision is whether or not someone is wanting to play it sooner than later. If so, buy it now. If not, wait to buy it.
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Yes, I do. That's why I tell you that 20 bucks for 1 game is too much when we all have others to play with. I talk about moderation. The most expensive games are those that we never play.
You don't need to believe me, but the Owlcat usually bundles their game after one year. So Rogue Trader will be in a humble choice next winter. This bundle now is the same sales tactic that they do with High on Life not so long ago.
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Debating value is subjective. Insisting on arbitrary spending moderation when your vast library suggests none is present OTOH is just kind of odd.
A lot of people still enjoy playing newer games despite having libraries filled with bundle junk they'll literally never play.
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And you still debating. But thank you too for being personal Mr. 7k games and going way off topic. If you check back the original post is about that Rouge Trader will be cheaper in a couple of months and about those who want to play it now. But if you want to protect this type of predatory business practice, let's play this. Hi! I'm a collector, yes, but still, I collect games that I want to play someday. And I "bought" them all for cheap. And if I ever buy unbundled games I buy them with card money or exchange bundled games for tf2. So they cost nothing or have a really big discount. You are too a trader, you know how this works. It is a waste of money to buy games that you don't want to actually play or buy games just to inflate your game number on Steam. But you can use that money for so many things like to buy a better PC or games that you want to play or do charity. Just do the math Mr 7k. How much money could you save if you only bought those games that you wanted to play someday? How much if you buy them when you want to play them? But I don't have any beef with you personally. The problem is way bigger than this, just check any games with achievements. Hell, check a AAA game, just to give them a higher chance, how many owners have not received the easiest achievement yet? We are conditioned to buy more than we actually use/play. This is what the whole thing is about. And if you don't see this, not just a little, I truly pity you.
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You're never going to play all 3k of your games, nor are you going to stop adding games to your library. Let's not pretend. And I'm not the one arguing against purchasing games for a great price just because my own library is vast. That is you.
But what I'm most interested in now is how you can label the cheapest a game has been to this point as predatory business practices. Please expand upon that. Simply asserting that a game will reach a price point you want in an unrealistically short period of time, or that it isn't currently the price you want to pay, isn't an indication of shady business practices. That's just you guessing/hoping and making unsubstantiated accusations. What makes $20 for a game whose base price is lower than market norms AND which has never been priced so low previously (whether in the legit stores or grey market), somehow predatory? Go ahead. Support that claim.
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Chiming in with a small addition because I was curious what was the last comment and ended up here:
Rogue Trader is at a historical low in the bundle
There are no strings attached, no other game in the tier, no +1th tier that is "kept hostage" by Rogue Trader's $20 price. It's simple, clear and honest.
It's just a yes or no question at this point - do you want it for $20?
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@adam1224 I kindly remind you that you need to buy the previous tiers for the option to get to your yes or no question. Furthermore, the other tiers were already in bundles so for some who want only Rogue Trader, they'll end up with doubles. It is not so simple.
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That's true, but the whole chain started with "Buf for $20 for T5?" and not "pay $35 to get a $20 tier" note, I just addressed tier 5's pricing. (and I definitely would have group buys in mind to sell most of the other tiers, but that a different thing now)
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"You're never going to play all 3k of your games"
Mate! Watch me! I already played almost 2k. Don't hit me with them negative waves so early in the morning
"And I'm not the one arguing against purchasing games for a great price just because my own library is vast. That is you."
Dude! The whole thing started with that I argued against purchasing games for a great price. You went off-topic, that's on you
"how you can label the cheapest a game has been to this point as predatory business practices."
Chum! I labeled the MOST EXPENSIVE game in the bundle as predatory business practices. You need to actually buy previous tiers so you get the option to buy Rouge Trader for $20
"Simply asserting that a game will reach a price point you want in an unrealistically short period of time"
My man! It is not simply asserting. It is based on the fact that the previous Owlbear games came in Humble Monthly bundles 1 year after their release. (for example Evil West will be in one this autumn mark my words) Furthermore, we can simply assert with time games only get cheaper
"$20 for a game whose base price is lower than market norms AND which has never been priced so low previously (whether in the legit stores or grey market), somehow predatory"
Friend! You don't pay $20. You need to buy the whole bundle for $35. That's predatory. Furthermore, It has a $19.69 historical low, it is still $21 on $21 is still less than $35 if my math is right.
Go on! I can do this all day.
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I don't think idling games counts as playing.
You brought up library totals first. So, I was very much on topic. And it was amusing to see it considering how many games you own.
Having bundle tiers is definitely not predatory, lol. You aren't under any obligation to buy the highest tier. I think I see the problem though. You thought it was a store sale not a bundle. It's a bundle. Bundles often have tiers. Which are choices. That's the opposite of predatory lol. What could be considered predatory is acting like Rogue Trader should have been in the lowest tier.
$21 is less than $35 if we're talking about you buying one game. Which you aren't. You are buying many games in a bundle. The entire bundle purchase, by its very nature, isn't a purchase for a singular game. But if you were to break it down, it's $15 for all the other games and $20 to top it off with the Rogue Trader. Kind of an amazing bundle actually.
Tell me more about how you can do this all day, lol.
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"I don't think idling games counts as playing.
Buddy. Please tell me more about what you think, we are already way off-topic anyway...
"You brought up library totals first."
Mon ami. To you? What is your first line in this conversation? You wanted this. It helps sometimes to know the whole conversation and our part in it.
"Having bundle tiers is definitely not predatory,"
Partner. Nobody is telling it is. But paywalls and fomo are what the last tier actually is. I won't argue anymore when you start talking about different things.
"$21 is less than $35 if we're talking about you buying one game."
Bro. We always talked about buying one game. At least I do. Let me help you with my original comment: "Great games, Buf for $20 for T5? wft? I just wait. It will be a normal bundle in December or the very max early months of next year." I hope you see how off-topic you are.
Partner. We are running the same circles again and again. I talk about something, but you counter it with a totally different thing and miss the whole point. I can't do this all day. You win, I can't argue with your ever-changing subjects. You managed to drag me down to your level and beat me with experience. I'm out. Feel free to write something totally off-topic again, to feel better about yourself. I promise I will not react. I have games to play.
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I appreciate your attribution of my power and accept my victory as having always been predetermined. Cheers!
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"being too personal"
Says the person who stalked my profile to make a point which applies to them also.
"going way off topic"
Like you did?
"predatory business practice"
Of... selling full price games at the best ever price? We get it, you don't pay more than $5 for games, we heard you the first time.
"I truly pity you"
Very very weird.
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"$20 is its cheapest price ever, so... yes? Do you ever not pay actual money for games?"
I feel you started it ^^
"stalked my profile"
Hardly. Your profile is public
"applies to them also"
Yes I know, that's why I don't buy games for $20
"Like you did?"
No, the topic was always $20 is too much for a game that will be in future bundles. and not that I'm ever paying actual money for a game.
"Very very weird."
Not my problem that you can't comprehend it. And I'm truly sorry, but I can't help you make you, I have games to play.^^
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Very weird you brought this up... for a charity bundle that sold out immediately and is not available. I also did not say it would not get cheaper. Do you thrive on being this stupid?
Good one.
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owlcat games is pathetic spyware, be aware when you install it
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No, you can try google, because this typical ruskies, they always remove all topics on steam about this.
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Last year they had planned to add a software to measure the efficiency of their marketing. And dropped it immediately after a backlash.
People like Yorickmeister just love to hold their grudges forever. Life is so much easier if everything is black or white.
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again some old communist guy trying to teach me how to live
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I have everything except Warhammer 40,000: Rogue Trader, I guess in the next days latam key should be lower in key resellers
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What is with the outraged responses to a game cheaper than it's ever been?
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$20 is less than €19 (at dodgy key sites). But yes, keep going.
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I am really unsure if you are being simply sarcastic here. 2$ difference, yikes. Certainly guarantees a 4 month wait.
And sir, trivializing key sites as dodgy doesn't justify anything here. I am talking about de facto things. Nobody is given enough reason to buy that tier (besides their own moral suasive reasoning which I don't really care) and you label these responses as outraged. They are only reasonable and to a degree, fair.
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No, $20 is definitely less than €19. Yes, it's still the cheapest it has ever been.
Justify what? It's the cheapest, end of.
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All I needed was WOTR SP2 and Neverwinter Nights CE, so $15 for the pair of them is a great deal. I'd love to get Rogue Trader but I just can't see the justification for the added price right now; that's only a 60% discount for it, and I know it's going to be cheaper than that sooner than later. Better to wait for better deals with the deluxe editions.
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I wish Beamdog and Interplay could make a deal so that the Dark Alliance games could be included. I'd definitely buy this if that were the case.
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Some items on the list seem to have been removed, particularly the Baldur's Gate DLCs, it could be just me though.
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It's come up that the Kingmaker Season Pass bought in NA was not redeemable in Germany. Not sure if that is unique to Germany or if the key provided for NA purchase is not ROW. There are no region disclaimers when revealing the key.
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the base game for NA is - cannot be activated in EU, CIS, LATAM despite being called ROW, so season pass probably has the same limitations ( fits the description)
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Do you know if it is the same for all the keys, or just the Kingmaker ones?
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No worries. It was still valuable info.
I think it would be safe for Lilly to switch up the description regarding NA purchases to NA only.
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Gift link notifications:
Full list of subs (except Tier 5)
Game Name | Sub Name | Sub ID |
Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition | Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition - Retail (SE-ASIA) | sub/728009 |
Planescape: Torment: Enhanced Edition | Planescape: Torment: Enhanced Edition - Retail (SE-ASIA) | sub/727999 |
Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition | Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition (SE-ASIA) | sub/728004 |
Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition | Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition - Retail (SE-ASIA) | sub/727986 |
Baldur's Gate: Faces of Good and Evil | Faces of Good and Evil - Retail (SE ASIA) | sub/905110 |
Baldur's Gate: Siege of Dragonspear | Baldur's Gate: Siege of Dragonspear - Retail (SE-ASIA) | sub/727976 |
Pathfinder: Kingmaker — Enhanced Plus Edition | Pathfinder: Kingmaker Explorer Edition (Digital - Post Launch) (ASIA) | sub/307372 |
Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition | Neverwinter Nights - Retail (SE-ASIA) | sub/727994 |
Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition Dark Dreams of Furiae | Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition Dark Dreams of Furiae | sub/432982 |
Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition Darkness Over Daggerford | Neverwinter Nights: Darkness Over Daggerford | sub/268593 |
Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition Infinite Dungeons | Neverwinter Nights - Infinite Dungeons Premium Module | sub/215295 |
Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition Pirates of the Sword Coast | Neverwinter Nights - Pirates of the Sword Coast Premium Module | sub/215301 |
Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition Tyrants of the Moonsea | Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition Tyrants of the Moonsea | sub/389089 |
Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition Wyvern Crown of Cormyr | Neverwinter Nights - Wyvern Crown of Cormyr Premium Module | sub/215298 |
Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous - Enhanced Edition | Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous (South East Asia) | sub/613862 |
Pathfinder: Kingmaker - Season Pass | Pathfinder: Kingmaker - Season Pass - Retail (ASIA) | sub/1112632 |
Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous – Season Pass | Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous - Season Pass (South East Asia) | sub/613872 |
Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous – Season Pass 2 | Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous – Season Pass 2 (South East Asia) | sub/779896 |
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Bought the bundle. Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition key was "already activated by another account". Cool. What are the odds I don't get a new key?
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Oh, that's a good idea. I did not know you can ask for the activation date via Steam Support.
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EU (T1 -T4):
Balder's Gate: Enhanced Edition Retail
Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition
Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition
Planescape: Torment: Enhanced Edition
Neverwinter Nights
Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous
Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous – Season Pass 2
Pathfinder: Kingmaker Explorer Edition (Digital - Post Launch) (EU)
Pathfinder: Kingmaker - Season Pass - Retail (EU)
Already had Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous SP 1, did not test. Pathfinder: Kingmaker - Season Pass activated even though I had Imperial Edition bundle bought from steam.
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Just bought, from Mexico. Tier 1 to 4, didn't bother with the highest one.
Gift warning for Planescape Torment, Icewind Dale, Baldur's Gate 2 and Neverwinter Nights Complete:
Gift warning for Pathfinder: Kingmaker and its Season Pass:
Gift warning for Baldur's Gate 1, Faces, and Siege DLCs:
Gift warning for Pathfinder Wrath and the two Season Passes:
Planescape: Torment: Enhanced Edition - Retail (LATAM) -
Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition - Retail (LATAM) -
Pathfinder: Kingmaker Explorer Edition (Digital - Post Launch) (LATAM) -
Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition (LATAM) -
Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition - Retail (LATAM) -
Faces of Good and Evil - Retail (LATAM) -
Baldur's Gate: Siege of Dragonspear - Retail (LATAM) -
Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous - (retail sub, no locks)
Neverwinter Nights - Retail (LATAM) -
Neverwinter Nights: Darkness Over Daggerford -
Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition Dark Dreams of Furiae -
Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition Tyrants of the Moonsea -
Neverwinter Nights - Infinite Dungeons Premium Module -
Neverwinter Nights - Pirates of the Sword Coast Premium Module -
Neverwinter Nights - Wyvern Crown of Cormyr Premium Module -
Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous - Season Pass - (retail sub, no locks)
Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous – Season Pass 2 - (retail sub, no locks)
Pathfinder: Kingmaker - Season Pass - Retail (LATAM) -
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Pathfinder: Kingmaker Explorer Edition (Digital - Post Launch) (RU/CIS)
Pathfinder: Kingmaker - Season Pass - Retail (CIS)
Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous (RU + CIS)
Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous - Season Pass (RU + CIS)
Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous – Season Pass 2 (RU + CIS)
Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition - Retail (CIS)
Faces of Good and Evil - Retail (CIS)
Baldur's Gate: Siege of Dragonspear - Retail (CIS)
Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition (CIS)
Planescape: Torment: Enhanced Edition - Retail (CIS)
Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition - Retail (CIS)
Neverwinter Nights - Retail (CIS)
Neverwinter Nights DLCs are the same as everyone else's
FYI - none of the Beamdog's keys apart from those Neverwinter DLCs can be activated in Russia or Belarus
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Planescape: Torment: Enhanced Edition - Retail (SE-ASIA)
Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition - Retail (SE-ASIA)
Pathfinder: Kingmaker Explorer Edition (Digital - Post Launch) (ASIA)
Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition (SE-ASIA)
Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition - Retail (SE-ASIA)
Faces of Good and Evil - Retail (SE ASIA)
Baldur's Gate: Siege of Dragonspear - Retail (SE-ASIA)
Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous (South East Asia)
Neverwinter Nights - Retail (SE-ASIA)
Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous - Season Pass (South East Asia)
Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous – Season Pass 2 (South East Asia)
Pathfinder: Kingmaker - Season Pass - Retail (ASIA)
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19 Comments - Last post 30 minutes ago by Gamy7
277 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Carenard
164 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by Superefg
22 Comments - Last post 3 hours ago by Adamdoodles
263 Comments - Last post 3 hours ago by Adamdoodles
16,703 Comments - Last post 11 hours ago by wigglenose
126 Comments - Last post 11 hours ago by Superefg
87 Comments - Last post 3 minutes ago by MouseWithBeer
28 Comments - Last post 4 minutes ago by Patxxv
403 Comments - Last post 25 minutes ago by Venonat
84 Comments - Last post 36 minutes ago by wigglenose
224 Comments - Last post 41 minutes ago by Mileworg
47 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by WaxWorm
17 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by TheMuzo
Beamdog & Owlcat: RPG Masters Encore
2 Tiers, 19 Items
09 Dec 2024 - 12 Dec 2024
View this bundle on: ITAD -
Old version:
Beamdog & Owlcat: RPG Masters
5 Tiers, 19 Items
14 Aug 2024 - 05 Sep 2024
View this bundle on: ITAD -
⚠️ Region lock ⚠️
Everyone receives WW keys for:
Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition Darkness Over Daggerford
Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition Dark Dreams of Furiae
Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition Tyrants of the Moonsea
Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition Infinite Dungeons
Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition Pirates of the Sword Coast
Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition Wyvern Crown of Cormyr
Pathfinder: Kingmaker — Enhanced Plus Edition -
Pathfinder: Kingmaker - Season Pass -
Planescape: Torment Enhanced Edition -
Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition -
Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition -
Baldur's Gate I: Enhanced Edition -
Baldur's Gate: Faces of Good and Evil -
Baldur's Gate: Siege of Dragonspear -
Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous -
Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous - Season Pass -
Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous Season Pass 2 -
Neverwinter Nights: Complete Adventures -
Warhammer 40,000: Rogue Trader -
🔑 Full list of subs (Asia T1-T4) - the subs for Neverwinter Nights DLCs are common for all regions (they can be redeemed WW), the rest are Asia-locked.
🔑 Full list of subs (EU T1-T4)
🔑 Full list of subs (LATAM T1-T4)
🔑 Full list of subs (RU/CIS T1-T4)
🔑 Full list of subs (SEA:TW T1-T4)
🔗 Gift link notification (Asia T1-T4)
🔗 Gift link notification (LATAM T1-T4)
🌟 2024-12-11: Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous Season Pass 2 and "Pathfinder: Kingmaker - Season Pass out of stock for ME
Tier 1 - 15 USD | 13.77 EUR | 11.60 GBP
Tier 2 - 30 USD | 28.59 EUR | 23.87 GBP
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