The title says about everything of my matter and I don't think that I am alone about being worried. The virus just arrived to Europe (Spain) a few days ago through an infected victim. Video here

Extra: Here is a picture of how the flight attendants on board aircrafts, cruising between the infected areas are dressed..


Edit: How should one react to this video? Clicky

10 years ago*

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I don't think i can get it twice

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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Unless your job puts you in direct contact with the sick or where the sick have been, I'd not be very worried. Any first world country worth its salt will quarantine any identified cases very quickly (like above, in spain). Unlike illnesses in the movies, Ebola is a pretty nasty disease with lots of crippling symptoms/side effects - if you're ill you know about it & you're not exactly going to go for a jog around town. The incubation period is also relatively low, between 2-20 days I believe, and patients are not contagious before the onset of symptoms.

It might sound a little callous to say this, what with peoples lives being directly effected and such, but it's fascinating stuff. I've a fair amount of casual interest in this kind of stuff :D

10 years ago

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You shouldn't be worried about getting the ebola virus since it's only contracted by direct contact with blood or feces. Video about Ebola

10 years ago

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what if it mutates and get's airborn :O

10 years ago

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Motaba! Goddamnit Billy , I told you .....

10 years ago

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Sounds like I should change how I spend my Friday nights, then.

10 years ago

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You shouldn't be

the same happened with the swine influenza, I was worried for nothing

10 years ago

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Probably get an Ebola Vaccine so the Govt can Inject you with something other than a possible immune cure.. I watched too many movies.

10 years ago

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There currently is no vaccine for it. It is one they haven't been able to create yet.

10 years ago

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There is however a serum in the testing phase that they gave to the Doctors. Only about 3 doses or so, but it was in the news.

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

10 years ago

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Just as worried as a meteor landing on your house in the next hour.

10 years ago

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I'm not worried at all, here in New Zealand. Don't think we have any reports of it here right now.

10 years ago

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I bet that pesky Umbrella corp is involved.

10 years ago

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They just need to sell vaccine . Every few years we have badass virus whos going to kill half world . Lucky us, we have medical companys (same one which created virus) and they have planty of antivurs ready to be sold to us.

10 years ago

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Congratulations on failing both high school biology and common sense.

10 years ago

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The exposure to tin foil hats have had an effect on them.

10 years ago

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I had D biology thats truth . But fell free to elaborate ur statment

10 years ago

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Well, I'm sure the minuscule amount of income they derive from vaccines will cover the staggering cost of developing a designer organism with a customized genome, because that's definitely something that's done routinely and not something that still borders on science fiction. That sort of conspiracy is for sure a much better investment than trying to make the next Viagra, which is relatively cheap, development-wise, and makes money hand over fist. Definitely.

10 years ago

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that is what they want you to think!

10 years ago

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I dont know how to say this in english but theres one nice prashe . It sais something like this : u need to put peopple in fear every offten to be able to control them . On the other hand i bet that 30%-40% of those conspiracy things are truth :D they can use same virus tommorow as bio weapon so it can pay itself :D

10 years ago

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And who are they going to use it against? The developed world is effectively run by corporations, not governments. There's no profit motive to kill off the people producing all the wealth (i.e., goods and services) that you're making money from. Populations in the developed world have access to the vaccine in this scenario, and they're the consumers buying the crap they're selling. That's their money. Populations in less developed places are exploited for raw materials and cheap consumer goods, so there's no point killing off the labor force. Control is maintained through desire and debt. Things like violence and terror are blunt instruments that wind up backfiring more often than not. The game today is much more sophisticated and subtle than that. You're a couple of centuries or more behind the times in your political thinking.

10 years ago

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U won this time :)

10 years ago

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I'm not saying that people in high places don't conspire; they do. I'm just saying that they use different methods, and it's pretty much impossible to keep really big secrets. If there was some revolutionary technology out there, they wouldn't be hiding it; they'd be making even more money with it. Reasonably intelligent folk can work out most of their scams. They're mostly pretty obvious. Just don't go giving them too much credit. They're largely subject to the same vagaries of happenstance that we all are. It may be comforting to think that events like these are orchestrated by some higher force or power, but the uncomfortable truth is that most of what happens is pretty random and out of people's control.

10 years ago

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Absolutely. The profit margins are much tighter on things like that, especially compared consumable chemicals (such Viagra, etc).

10 years ago

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Profit margin is extremely high in the US. Everywhere else with dictated medial coverage it becomes a lot more minimal.

10 years ago

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When bird flue was still actual every school in my country was sending students to take vaccine . One vaccine cost was 60 - 70 usd

10 years ago

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That was just someone ripping people off. H5N1 vaccine doses cost upwards of $7. I'm guessing by the time it made it to your schools, every link in the chain had done a 10% markup.

10 years ago

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Problem is that you only sell a few dozes per person for any vaccine. Now with medicine you eat all year round for rest of your live or multiple years, that is where the money is.

10 years ago

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In my last school, that would be a fail, and a bad one too.

10 years ago

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Depends on the grading scale. If the average in your school is a 90% A rate, then maybe your school isnt all that hard at all. Just some food for thought.

10 years ago

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Of course, just saying that D would be considered a fail to some :)

And trust me, my last school was hard ;) One of the reasons I'm now in a different education system.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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'You should worry more about getting hit by a car. You have a waaaaaay better chance of that happening.'

10 years ago

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Humans are terrible when it comes to worrying about the wrong things. We're generally awful at risk assessment. A classic example: the pool in your backyard is far more likely to kill your child than your (or anyone else's) gun.

10 years ago

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Exactly. Cars, pools, trampolines.

If you want to find out the highest risk behaviors for your children, just ask for commercial liability insurance at a place of business that allows the public to come in and wander.

The answer? Pools, trampolines, playgrounds, and dogs.

Of course, the number one killer is still cars, by a large margin. But we spend less on driver education than damn near anything else. No logic in parenting there. Pay $50K a year for university education? Sure. Pay $300 for advanced driving school? Too expensive.

10 years ago

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I'm spanish too, i think this is another game from government to make other things in the background while all people are watching this ebola news everywhere.
If Ebola could be a true thing? Yes, of course. But you know how government play with us.

Have a nice day :)

10 years ago

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we have to die sometime...

10 years ago

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From what I learned from Plague Inc, Greenland has the least to worry about regarding outbreaks and infections. :D

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 months ago.

10 years ago

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lol, so true. The only time I ever lose is when I fail to infect Greenland. Damn them and their sparsely populated nation!

10 years ago

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Psh everyone knows Madagascar is where it's at.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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The hardest country to infect xD

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

10 years ago

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the end is nigh


10 years ago

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10 years ago

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Don't worry at all. :)

It's pointless, since they are nowhere near to develop a cure. You either can be worried and die/survive or you can not care and die/survive.

I have already survived epidemy of pertussis in my class (not even got infected) and 21.12. 2012 so I will survive everything.

10 years ago

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well best way to test new deviations of viruses are in Africa :) no one will know who did it or care about it unless it got out on purpose like now.

10 years ago

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we're al going to die by it so gg world

10 years ago

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I'm about as worried about it as I was about Y2K, Mad Cow disease, a Malaria epidemic, Swine Flu, Bird Flu, death by cigarette, tripping over my own feet and falling into the Grand Canyon, freezing to death because the Sun went out, being stepped on by giant robots, etc, etc... to wit, not at all.

10 years ago

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Not as scary as the Birdemic

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

10 years ago

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it has been around for some years this just happens to be for some reason a bad out break though i think we can mostly say that is due to poor living conditions in the country

none the less they really have no cure and nothing really to treat it other then some experimental vaccine that they do not know how good it works or how well it works

is it concerning maybe though that depends on how easy it spreads how it spreads and if it morphs into what they call a super bug of sorts and it is a virus so really there may never be any time soon any type of cure or way to combat it

then again there are things that are in our water already like flesh eating virus which is real easy to get seeing how the most common way to get it is through any cut ..some guy awhile back got it from falling of his bike while riding and got pricked by a thorn and then picked it up from some point after that ..needless to say he is missing a couple limbs and has a high death rate

there is also a worm of sorts that will go up your ding dong and good chance it will ruin your junk

there is also the virus that is in the water that pretty much rots your brain in a few days and the death rate on that is 99%

and the list goes on in short there is always something that can kill you

the only way this would be a real threat is if it spread like the plague but even so i am sure some people will survive it so the good news is not everyone will die the bad news the planet is going to hell anyhow so why worry

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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Closed 9 years ago by augustcool97.