Temper Tantrum giveaway is now up here on Steam gifts. We have also added a Master Of Orion,XCOM 2,Hurtworld, and Dungeons and Robots giveaway on our website to go with the Forsaken Uprising mega giveaway. Drop by and check it out. Thank You!


9 years ago*

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9 years ago

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look whos back, the con artists

Jim Fucking Sterling Son ftw

btw nice job at removing that sneaky advertising thread that you made in the Shakes and Fidget discussions, I suppose you didnt got tired of embarassing yourselves with shitty games using stolen assets?

9 years ago

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i thought if i insulted him i would be assaulted by the community, good to see others have their eyes opened and refuse to even click on that link.

9 years ago

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Lets just say that they pulled of much shit with a gaming community I belong to in order to be pissed off at them

That and their pathetic behaviour as devs and human beings in general.

9 years ago

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While I'm not going to ask anyone to put down their torches and pitchforks, let's try to avoid a lynching, shall we?

8 years ago

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didnt meant to do that, just stated my opinion

8 years ago

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At this point, everyone is pretty well aware of how utterly crap Digital Homicide is. Incompetence is one thing, outright deception and malice are another. But BOTH? Hoo boy.

8 years ago

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I like how you give away games made by other people because yours are terrible and no one wants them

9 years ago*

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Omg, no! Just go away already, ffs. Go back under your bridge...

View attached image.
9 years ago

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I reserve judgement, but it's good to know that if I'm ever depressed, thinking the entire world hates me, I could count on a Digital Homicide thread to remind me other people are hated more.

Dungeons of Kragmor worries me because it looks like it could be a turning point for you which will mean I'd be the most hated person in the world again.

9 years ago

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Huh, didn't knew Digital Homicide had a presence in this community, I learn something every day.
What are you cooking now? Will it piss the audience? Who knows... looking forward to the next rant by Jim Sterling, or you actually making a return, any of the two would probably by amusing. Good luck, I guess.

9 years ago

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I suppose they are basically aiming to live up to their "reputation", because apparently even bad advertising is advertising.

Or they just stopped giving a shit, as if they ever did

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Several new giveaways added and the Forsaken Uprising Still has some keys left if you haven't collected already. Let your friends know!

8 years ago

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But we want them to remain our friends :p

8 years ago

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Oh god. Have you looked at the giveaway page? They have a "Thank God For Digital Homicide" link.
That's right. After throwing a shrill, screeching tantrum over "copyright violation" for people reviewing their games poorly (and even PUBLICLY ADMITTING that isn't a valid copyright issue, if I recall - or was that another studio pulling the same insidious crap?), they're stealing the catchphrase of one of those very people. What a bunch of sniveling hypocrites.

8 years ago*

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So like, after reading the thread I have to ask. Is this some kind of phishing thing or something? Since people here are saying he's like... the worst guy ever, I want to know what's going on.

8 years ago

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Digital Homicide is a notorious developer of horrible, barely-developed games consisting mostly of pre-bought assets strung together with incompetent code, who has thrown screaming fits over negative reviews and retaliated with bogus DMCA claims on YouTube videos. Probably their most infamous bit of... "output" would be The Slaughtering Grounds, a shoddily made arena FPS wherein they could not even figure out how to code multiple ammo types.
Oh, and they've also publicly characterized speaking badly of their games as libel.

8 years ago

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Oh... Well, thanks for letting me know.

8 years ago

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You're welcome.

8 years ago

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just google "jim sterling digital homicide"
there's enough there to make your whole day full of facepalms

8 years ago

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Man, just please if you can, do make a little less games at least.. if you can't do them better or not do them at all that is )

8 years ago

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