I created a private raffle for friends/members on a few forums that I frequent and have a couple questions. I am giving away the THQ Collection and was wondering if anyone can enter the raffle if they already own some games from the collection? Also there are a couple people that would like to enter but are claiming they can not log into the website since they don't own $100 worth of games on Steam.


12 years ago*

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You giveaway collection. So any1 who have random game from it can enter.

12 years ago

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1) They can enter, you just have to agree with that.

2) There are reasons that the account has to be at least 100$ worth.

12 years ago

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They need to own the amount to sync their profile, and everyone can enter regardless of if they own one of the included games or not. You can specify that you will reroll if someone owns more than one game or whatever you choose.

12 years ago

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Anyone can enter it. If your friends don't have 100$ worth of games they can't join the site

12 years ago

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I posted a reply saying it was up to you, you didn't have to ask here! :p

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by Xtreme2damax.