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Or Option 2: It's a promo key, so you have the full game, but it's just a key from the devs.
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what i can say it's that the devs or creators of the game did the tipic registration to beta tester apply to find bugs etc...
the game it's 9.1GB with english and jap voices.
the game it's already for sell from the store from 2 months already.
so... it's posible that i will get stuck in some point of the game like a demo??? it feels strange because i can't buy the game on the store right now if i want.
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I got some games straight from devs, and the name was the same. Because they gave me the keys before the game released, and it don't change anything.
Play it to test it. And when revoked these, then was it just a beta or not a good trader.^^
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It's labeled "Beta Testing" because it was indeed intended for beta testing, but it's not timed, no need to worry.
Idea Factory often has beta test periods for their new games before the official release date, and they usually send an extra key to beta testers, to share with a friend... or, more likely, a "friend", as these keys usually end up being traded (like in your case) or sold on grey markets.
In short, to answer your question: yes, it's the full game, it's exactly the same thing as what's sold in the store.
Was it a good trade? If you wanted the game, and you consider the price right, then yes.
Just know that your trade partner made profits from something they got for free.
Well, you could argue that the time spent to beta test the game and send bug reports wasn't exactly "free", but I wonder how many beta testers actually apply with the intention to help?
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No one of us are able to know that stuff for sure.
MAYBE its the full game or MAYBE it will get revoked at some point.
MAYBE you will have the problem with the revoke but if it is a bad trade only you can answer in a few months when you know if the game got revoked or not
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Sometimes beta keys stay forever and are the same as retail keys. Sometimes devs have different packages for beta and retail (obviously not the case with you if Steam tells you that you own the game). Sometimes beta keys get removed after a while, but very rarely.
Could you have a problem one day with game being removed/cancelled? Sure. Will you? It's not likely, but no one can predict for sure.
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The game is almost certainly the full game. With beta testing keys, they are usually sent from the game dev for testing or review purposes. They are generally permanent unless the beta keys are abused by resellers or other parties and then all beta keys may be revoked but that is not terribly common though it's happened (I tested for a few games and I haven't lost any of them, even after well over a year).
In short, it's a good trade but there are potential risks, if you don't want it to happen again, specify in your trade comments and confirm the source beforehand. Hope you enjoy the game!
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i copy one of my replies to another user, seems that you know a lot about this
what i can say it's that the devs or creators of the game did the tipic registration to beta tester apply to find bugs etc... before the release
the game it's 9.1GB with english and jap voices.
the game it's already for sell from the store from 2 months already.
so... it's posible that i will get stuck in some point of the game like a demo??? it feels strange because i can't buy the game on the store right now if i want.
edit 1: i even got 1 card right now
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The game is the full version (as beta testing keys generally are or it is pointless to test only portions of the game) and you should still receive regualar game updates like you would with a retail key you bought in the store. You can't buy the game again because you do have the full game (you may be able to buy it as a gift though). It's just listed deep in the system as a beta key (even if it is the same game you would get if you bought it at the store) so that if there is abuse (like people selling beta keys for profit) they can shut it down (again, this is not common but is possible).
Beyond that, I wouldn't worry. The game should be fully playable and it's the full version. And that dev, in particular, is not known for revoking beta keys in my knowledge. The best thing to do is to play the game, enjoy it, and leave an awesome (but honest) review.
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Hello i just made a trade for this game
when i activated the code i got it said was beta tester key.
i installed the game and entered the game i even started to play, my question it's...
1-it's the full game??
2-i can't buy the game on steam, only to friends, so i bet i have the full game with the newest update etc...???
3- i did bad trading this game?? i will have any problem in the future???
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