how many of your votes were for the winning game(s)?
yes, 5 years is not old. Seems like people changes the meaning of "test of time".
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Ah, that is good (maybe).
Giving somethign a try never hurts.
Had bought it years ago (think was less then 6 months after it got on steam) just out of curiosity to see how it is....was surprised that it got me hooked so much (to be honest i...the first few hours i had a grin out of joy on my face while idea why ^^) as that kind of games was something i not really played before..
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Never played it with keyboard/mouse...but if you want to try it i would say try the mouse steering.
Played it for years with my 360/xboxone gamepad and if you set it up to your liking it works very well.....joysticks should work too (no idea how it plays..but read that people use them).
Of course the best experience might still be with a (900° able) wheel, but that does not mean that it would be necessary.
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I haven't played it yet, either, but so far it seems the people who play it, like it, but those who haven't don't see the appeal. Kinda funny.
For the "I thought this game was cool before..." Award, it had some odd competition, IMO.
Starbound is kinda broken, according a friend of mine who runs a server for it.
Stardew Valley is still fresh and popular enough that its inclusion is almost questionable (probably came in a close second, if I had to guess).
I didn't even know people even played Unturned.
Paladins isn't even out of Early Access yet, and has competition from Overwatch and stuff.
Plus, there might be the macho factor to consider: what's the manliest looking game on the list? The one with the friggin' truck.
For the "Sit Back..." Award, I think the decision probably came down to what people actually have played and/or heard of. I haven't played any of them, myself, but ABZU looked like the proper answer. Oh well.
But that 's just my take.
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For the "Sit Back..." Award, I think the decision probably came down to what people actually have played and/or heard of. I haven't played any of them, myself, but ABZU looked like the proper answer. Oh well.
Both are great for that award. I'm glad at least one of those two won that one. At least some categories made sense...
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I didn't even know people even played Unturned.
or - version, if you're reading this comment on mobile or something without adblocks, as PCGamer can be a real eyesore.
But then, title alone tells everything...
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thank you c:
I didn't know about that but it is nice, something new and fun
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They should've named every category "which game out of these is the most popular one?".
I can see why Portal won its category, though I'd say BL2 deserved it more.
The “I Thought This Game Was Cool Before It Won An Award” category might as well be "we picked 5 random games, which one do you like?".
"Test of Time" not sure why is a 5 years old game in this category, but guess I am too old (I picked TF2, though AoEII is also a very good contender).
“Just 5 More Minutes”. I can see why CSGO won, although I don't have a favorite in this category, I'd say Civ5/Terraria/RL are better contenders, because CSGO games usually take a lot more than "5 minutes", so a more fitting category would be "Just 30 more minutes".
“Whoooaaaaaaa, dude!” GTAV won because of fanboys. Bioshock (the scene right before you enter the city) should have won or perhaps Witcher (the game as a whole), there's not even a "whoah dude" scene in the rest of those games, at least not any that I'd remember (actually I haven't played MGS at all, so perhaps there?)
“Game Within A Game” - Garry's mod or Tabletop should've won.
“I'm Not Crying, There's Something In My Eye” That's the only category where all the games are actually fitting.
“Best Use Of A Farm Animal” - agreed on this one.
“Boom Boom” - also agreed.
“Love/Hate Relationship” - my pick was Darkest Dungeon, probably because I don't like DS series.
“Sit Back and Relax” - agreed on this one as well.
“Better With Friends” - my pick as well.
Got 4 right.
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“Just 5 More Minutes”
Bullshit name for category, description works kinda better - game that you can play for hours.
It should be called, "Just 5 More Minutes, Mom!!!". :)
“Whoooaaaaaaa, dude!”
GTA5 truly deserves that award. I can't remmeber last time I made "whoa, dude, look how badly those guys are milking their franchise and totally abandon single player for multiplayer" :P
“Game Within A Game”
I actually see GTA5 or Witcher 3 as much better examples for this category. Main point of GTA5 is driving and shooting, so all those mini-games are "games withing a game". Same with Gwent in Witcher3 (or, how tons of people say, that mini-game Witcher 3 added to Main Game Gwent :P ).
In case of Tabletop Simulator, you start it to play those minigames, there is no "main game", so it doesn't really fit "withing a game" part..
Similar case can be said about Garry's Mod - you don't start GM to play GM, you start GM to play those other games.
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GTA5 truly deserves that award. I can't remmeber last time I made "whoa, dude, look how badly those guys are milking their franchise and totally abandon single player for multiplayer" :P
Well, that's one of looking at it. And you're totally right. All those additions to multiplayer and you can't even get the cars in singleplayer (although I think there are mods that do it)...
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Some of the winners just don't match the categories really, I wonder if that's really how people voted because some are horrendous
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Why not.
It's a few years old and people still play it for thousands of hours
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quite a farce if i do say so myself
sorry for the mistake; this is take two; failed first try
have a consolation gib for a game that would have been suitable for several of the awards
original (afaik) discussion - wish i'd've more thoroughly checked 'fore making this redundant
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