Let me know if I screwed up anywhere.
Also, please bump after you're done solving/done attempting to solve.
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Sharing link from https://www.chirbit.com/
Basically like youtu.be links, so totally safe. ;)
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Think outside the box!
Nah I lied. I don't know, try to figure out a pattern which makes sense? You might need a few tools to facilitate your work. :P
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Unless I'm missing something major, you don't know if you have the right answer or not until you try the URL - meaning there's no legible answer or anything recognizable. So it's basically a brute-forcing exercise, running through any number of possibilities one by one until you get lucky or "get it". :(
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If you solve it right, there's no bruteforcing at all. :)
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Thought I had the answer, then well...... Erm no lol this ones too hard for me good luck guys :)
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Holy shit, seems I overdone myself with the level of difficulty. And to think that I originally wanted to reverse the audio and invert the empties and the beeps. Luckily, I thought it would be too hard and didn't do it. :P
Alright, so... Here's a very subtle hint to keep you all going until tomorrow (where I'll probably drop a bigger hint).
Basically, there are TWO distinct steps in this puzzle. Once you get past the audio one, there is another main part of the puzzle. My guess is that you are all stuck "on the way" to the second part. The only thing I can give you for tonight is a bit of advise - consider your available possibilities. This is much easier than you'd think, trust me.
Rethink your "strategy". Are you overlooking an obvious and simple solution?
Good luck, and see you all (hopefully) tomorrow for more hints (if there are still no or very few solvers). :D
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Holy shit, really? Congrats! How long did it take you to solve it? :D
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Three solvers confirmed.
For those stuck between part 1 and part 2 (after decoding the audio)... Think carefully about your current result. If you think you've got it but somehow it doesn't work, you're probably on the right track. Now all you've got to do is use that result at the right place. Just think carefully about it, and you'll get it right!
For those of you stuck at part two (the "visual" one), I can't really give you any hint which wouldn't give out the answer right away. I can give you a bit of advise though. Use a tool to slow it down and facilitate your work. Simply observe the pattern carefully and maybe note it on a paper. What do you see? Does the pattern remind you of anything that is being used a lot in puzzles? ;)
Other than that, maybe you should have a quick read: http://www.steamgifts.com/discussion/TLR8m/zelgh-magic-guide-to-basic-sg-puzzling-update-june-2015
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PSA: Threads may become sad when not bumped correctly. Always bump your friendly neighborhood thread from time to time. Thank you for reading.
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Mount & Blade: Warband
Three days
No level requirement
And that's it! I planned on making it harder, but I'm glad I didn't. :P
See you all next time.
Layer just kicked some ass and solved it first. Now you know it's possible. :P
Hint time
Holy shit, seems I overdone myself with the level of difficulty. And to think that I originally wanted to reverse the audio and invert the empties and the beeps. Luckily, I thought it would be too hard and didn't do it. :P
Alright, so... Here's a very subtle hint to keep you all going until tomorrow (where I'll probably drop a bigger hint).
Basically, there are TWO distinct steps in this puzzle. Once you get past the audio one, there is another main part of the puzzle. My guess is that you are all stuck "on the way" to the second part. The only thing I can give you for tonight is a bit of advise - consider your available possibilities. This is much easier than you'd think, trust me.
Rethink your "strategy". Are you overlooking an obvious and simple solution?
Hint time 2
For those stuck between part 1 and part 2 (after decoding the audio)... Think carefully about your current result. If you think you've got it but somehow it doesn't work, you're probably on the right track. Now all you've got to do is use that result at the right place. Just think carefully about it, and you'll get it right!
For those of you stuck at part two (the "visual" one), I can't really give you any hint which wouldn't give out the answer right away. I can give you a bit of advise though. Use a tool to slow it down and facilitate your work. Simply observe the pattern carefully and maybe note it on a paper. What do you see? Does the pattern remind you of anything that is being used a lot in puzzles? ;)
Other than that, maybe you should have a quick read: http://www.steamgifts.com/discussion/TLR8m/zelgh-magic-guide-to-basic-sg-puzzling-update-june-2015
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