8 years ago

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Bad experience indeed at least you got your money back

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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did you use paypal out of interest ?

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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i think you should try steamtrades too

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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At least you got your money back. I lost my money and my game :(
Anyways, a bad experience. Hope you'll find it somewhere else, soon :)

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I'm a bit surprised everything went so smooth regarding the communication with the seller and you getting a replacement key and then a refund so easy although the small price might account for that.
You might consider yourself lucky.

8 years ago

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If that is lucky then he should really stay away from the site :D

8 years ago

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Even though I haven't had a problem with them YET there are a lot of unfortunate stories floating around the web and a lot of disappointed buyers.

8 years ago

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Yep, that's why I stay away from such sites. Never had any problem with official resellers like GMG, Muve (in Poland), GamersGate etc.

8 years ago

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The funny thing is I had quite a bunch of problems with GMG. They got sorted out eventually but the fact they happened remains.
Even with bundlestars, a place from where I buy a lot of games, I had some issues in the past.

So I'm a bit amazed myself that so far out of those plenty games I bought from this shady marketplace I had no problem. Hopefully my luck doesn't end badly :D.

8 years ago

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GMG and IndieGala have pretty poor reputations in several regards [GMG has some nonsensical anti-consumer policies and rude staff, and a reputation for unauthorized selling of games; and IG has outright scammed several people (I lost over $30), as well as had several issues with invalid keys and happy hour bugs (though they've a good reputation for resolving the latter well), in addition to having neglectful staff] so they're not exactly the best examples of reputable sites to throw up against G2A (though issues with either site, while potentially severe, seem to occur far, far less frequently than those on G2A, so they're probably still far more recommendable than G2A :X).

As far as I'm aware, Bundlestars issues have been pretty minor? =O

8 years ago

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From the most to the least issues (from the above list): IndieGala, GMG, BundleStars.

IndieGala has more problems than the other stores combined. In fact it's hard to find something working consistently on their site. I won't even bother to remember all the encountered issues. In my case their support was fast and helpful. I still buy from them.

GMG had all sorts of issues ranging from missing keys although fully paid, failed transactions with funds locked and unreleased until contacting support, weird bugs, suspicious practices, bad support and others. I buy from them less often than I did.

BundleStars had some issues with duplicate keys (my first duplicate key ever came from them - they replaced it), weird promotions that mysteriously disappeared upon checkout, inconsistent pricing (ending up with more to pay than expected), various bugs, generic support that solved nothing. I buy from them regularly.

There may be other things I forgot about but the point is none of them provided a consistent experience without issues, hence my amazement when the Boogeyman of all marketplaces (G2A) gave me a smooth experience. In no way, shape or form do I advise anyone to buy from G2A unless they are prepared to forfeit their investment. My best description for G2A is that it's like a russian roulette.
Be that as it may but others still have their own range of issues that can lead to intentional or unintentional losses.

8 years ago

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GMG stole all my credit. Apparently, it was not possible to transfer credit when they redesigned the site... yeah sure.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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All is well when it ends well. At least you got a good 5 hours out of that game, your money back and I imagine a good amount of suspense out of the whole experience. It's not so bad if you think about it.
That aside, the smaller price sometimes comes with a catch.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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What was the seller's rating?

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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While I've used G2A Shield in the past, I haven't lately. Seems like they've raised the price.

Good to hear you received a refund in the end.

8 years ago

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Well at least you got refunded. Did you pay for the G2A shield?

I checked out kinguin and a 5star seller gives it for 0.39euro. In case you want to try your luck there

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Kinguin it's another shady seller, I'd better buy it directly from a legit seller (you can find a list of them and their offers at: https://isthereanydeal.com/ or https://www.cheapshark.com/), if a seller isn't listed there, probably is shady and you're risking your money, they also doesn't give income to the developers (that's why they achieve such ridiculous prices).

8 years ago

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Yeah, much like "Instant Gaming". Got "The Walking Dead - A New Frontier", which was falsely advertised as as steam key redeemable. So yeah, that's it. But at least, I got the game via the telltale account.

8 years ago

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never buy from shady resellers... like g2crap

8 years ago

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you might won it! i did. plan to play it soon, soonish

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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My main issue with G2A is that they add all these hidden charges to the price after, and if you try to sell they add even more hidden charges

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I find it weird how many of you guys doesn't know that G2A is pretty much ebay for games. If you buy from a shitty seller you will probably get shat on simple as that.

I don't care much for G2A anymore due to them being greedy cunts but out of the 20-30 games i've bought i've had 0 problems.

Kinguin seem to be better on everything even prices quite often so that is where i get my more expensive games now a days.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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G2A is pretty much ebay for games

That's what G2A themselves claim, but it's rather inaccurate- it'd be like a shady bundle site saying "Hey, we're essentially HumbleBundle for obscure games!" It's accurate by some vague generalizations, but otherwise a complete misrepresentation of the site, intended to grant it legitimacy by comparing it to a site with an established reputation for such.

Ebay adheres to professional standards (including guaranteeing the product without the scam that is G2A shield), pays their taxes correctly (presumably), blocks grey-market trades where they're able, oversees removing illicit traders better, responds to issues more reliably (and without strongarm manipulation tactics like G2A has been reported as using), etc.
It doesn't mean that Ebay doesn't have its fair share of scammers and grey-market trading, but it does mean that the company itself is much more reputable and consumers are more secure in using the site.

If you buy from a shitty seller you will probably get shat on simple as that.

As the OP noted, their seller had a 97% feedback rating. There's numerous reports of users on G2A intentionally keeping high feedback scores and then scamming people intentionally, knowing that so long as their overall % is kept high, they won't get in any trouble for using such tactics.

Honestly, it's hard to really compare G2A to Ebay, given that it may very well be that people are underreporting ebay issues compared to G2A, or that given the scope of interest of users of the site, we're simply more attuned to reports to G2A. Rather, the damning factor against G2A is how openly scummy they've been in their public interactions (as well as their easy-to-note issues of tax evasion and G2A shield scamming), granting credence to every developer and user claim against them.

If G2A (and its extended network) didn't go so far out of its way to come across as shady, people'd give them a lot more benefit of the doubt. :X

Rather, much like Indiegala randomly closing accounts and screwing those users out of any unactivated keys those accounts may have had, severe issues likely occur only for a fairly small percentage of users/interactions- but that doesn't mean someone shouldn't go using the site without full awareness of the risks involved, regardless of how unlikely they are to occur.
The common consensus at the moment is that G2A simply is too likely to present such risks for people to justify using it. Given the frequency of reports against the site here on SG (being far more regular than negative mentions of any other sale site) that's likely a reasonable conclusion. An individual user may certainly go against that consensus, but the consensus suggests they'll be opening a post on SG eventually to complain over the outcome of their decision. :P

In the end, everyone has to make their own informed decisions on things, and it really boils down to if an individual more heavily favors safety and reliability, or if they more heavily favor risk and and additional gain. In the end, it's the same considerations that go into playing a lottery, albeit with the odds presumably being more heavily favorable toward winning, rather than losing.

8 years ago*

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These are the times I wish this forum had some sort op upvote functionality cause you'd get upvoted by me :P

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I don't get it, I've never hear something like that before :O A game removed from steam for payment issues? Why? I mean, if the key worked in the first place, it should be a legit one no?

8 years ago

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The initial seller might have bought it with a stolen credit card. When the chargeback occurs the key is revoked.

8 years ago

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Storefront exploits, misuse of developer keys, stolen credit cards.. there's plenty of ways to convince a developer/storefront it's necessary to revoke a key, due to someone's illegal acquisition of those keys.

8 years ago

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Psst, if you have Paypal, consider the Group Buys steam group for buying a specific game from a bundle.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Kinguin is far better from my experience than G2A, I wouldn't recommend to use it for everyone. :(

8 years ago

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Just buy from reputable sellers. They don't like bad feedback and are willing to help out when things go wrong. If you are not willing to put any time in it, then a market place is not the place for you ;-) I've had bad experience with both G2A and Kinguin, but more good experience overall.

Kinguin: I got a duplicate key, made a ticket for it and got a new key... also a duplicate.. ZzzzZzzz
G2A: Bought Man Alive, but received a key for Adorables... Aaaargh

8 years ago

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I'll be avoiding G2A in the future

nice decision.
if everyone did the same, those useless sites would die.

8 years ago

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Unfortunately there are some games you can't find anywhere else that are available only through these shady marketplaces.
That aside, I'm sure everyone uses them for the overall savings even though each transaction is like playing the lottery.

8 years ago

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If the situation involved with more than $10, then getting the money back would be a trip through hell.

8 years ago

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Sorry to hear but i guess you got warned a lot before this happened. I really dont understand why people ever bought something on that site

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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yeah nice of you

8 years ago

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G2A trully is garbage! And sorry for your troubles :( <3

For the bunnies!

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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G2A is kind of a crapshoot.. sometimes you'll strike pay dirt, other times you'll have bad experiences.. Just be glad you got your money back..

8 years ago

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hiryuuX31 gained WISDOM +1

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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You are very Lucky. Seriously. Second key within minutes? G2A gave you the Money back? My experience is much worse

8 years ago

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It's g2a ... I'm surprised you actually got your money back tbh

8 years ago

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You said he had 97% rating?

IMO, on sites like ebay, g2a or anything similar, any rating under 99% screams red flag.
If you'd say "it's only 3%", would you shop in a store that is known that every 30th person is cheated?

99%+ is yellow flag, since it depends how site makes those ratings, so it requires some research. For example, sometimes 1 negative among 10000 positives will make 100% drop to 99%, as site don't use decimals and round them down.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I also got a key of Kathy Rain a month ago for 50 cents, but mine hasn't been revoked. It happened to me once with Dropsy, and since then, I have applied simple rules to be sure I keep my games. Always pick a seller:

  • with 100% rating (0 negative review),
  • with a small amount of product sold (10 to 1000),
  • who has only 1 copy of the game he is selling (you can check it by trying to add a quantity higher than 1 on your basket),
  • who sells item from time to time (like no more than 1 per day, check his reviews).

All these mean that your seller is someone trying to get rid of its leftovers, and not making business by buying multiple bundles. Because if someone is making business on G2A, there is a high probability he's using fraudulent payment.
So far so good. Bought several games with these rules, and never encountered a single problem ever again :)

8 years ago*

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