Dunno if you can grab it as a gift and redeem with an existing sub, extending it.

1 month ago

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Eligible new, paused, and canceled members only. Offer ends August 6th, 2024 at 9:59am PT. Offer redeemable with a monthly membership billed at $8 (USD) per month.

1 month ago

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Way to reward your loyal customers...

1 month ago

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Yep, that's capitalism for ya. They lower the entry barrier temporarily to get more people to re-subscribe and in turn get more money for them and for their chosen charities. The loyal customers have already been paying that price so they know they won't stop now. I personally unsubscribed a couple months back because I didn't see it as worth the price for me but now (for 30% off) it seems like a nobrainer. Still, if you like the stuff they put out, the discounts and everything else about Choice then 12$ a month probably isn't the worst thing ever. You can always try to cancel/pause your subscription and then renew it no? The offer stands till Aug 8th.
Edit: Charging date is last Tuesday of every month, so maybe cancel before the 30th and then try to renew before Aug 8th? Should work in theory.

1 month ago*

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^^^ why i cancel every time right after buying. got almost every deal this way.
they didnt email me this offer but using the link and having purchased last month for discounted price i was able to partake in it

1 month ago

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They don't need to reward their loyal customers. They are already customers.
Capitalism only values expansion, like a virus.

1 month ago

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1 month ago

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Wow, amazing! Thanks so much for the heads up, so worth it!

1 month ago

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good offer!

1 month ago

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It's really annoying that active subscribers never get any offer. Anyone managed to redeem this and was an active subscriber this month ?

1 month ago

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From what I saw when I subscribed (As a returning sub, not a current one), I'll get autocharged 27th of Aug next. Not sure if it's 1 month + one week or if it's the regular charging date but if it is the latter then you can probably cancel/pause your sub now and in a weeks time (charging date for July 27th) you'll be able to re-subscribe with the deal still going on (Expires Aug 8th). Maybe this is wrong though.
Edit: Charging date is last Tuesday of every month, so maybe cancel before the 30th and then try to renew before Aug 8th? Should work in theory.

1 month ago*

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THIS is why i cancel every single time right after buying!!!!
i am able to get the deal after getting last months deal for discounted price at the end of month

1 month ago

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Yup same. ALWAYS cancel. the 20% discount for staying subbed isn't worth it imo. The coupons come in like crazy when you've cancelled

1 month ago

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is pause different than cancelling? I used to get coupons few years ago for pausing but never got any this year

4 weeks ago

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This feels like ISPs that give better deals if you are a new member rather than a member for years. Loyalty plans are dying out.
Got a friend that changes ISPs every year just because it's cheaper due to plan discounts and bonuses.

1 month ago

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Every November there's a 12mo offer that existing subscribers can use.

1 month ago

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A year for 89usd, every year. It will happen, don't worry

1 month ago

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how do you use it? is the pause thing different than skip-a-month?

1 month ago

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Pause is probably indefinite, like you'd pause your gym subscription if you're going for a long trip abroad.
This is a resource I found about it:

1 month ago

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doesn't work

1 month ago

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Oh, checked the site now and it seems like it's talking about Skip-a-month. Not sure abt pausing but I'd advise looking online, should be some resources on it :)

1 month ago

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i canceled it and it still doenst work

1 month ago

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Maybe try renewing after the 30th, as it's the charging date for next month.

1 month ago

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Fine print says this deal ends if you pause a month

1 month ago

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Pause = Skip a month

1 month ago

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im able to get the deal after getting last month for discount and canceling right away
You will be charged $8.00 for 6 months starting 7/30/2024. Subsequent months will be billed at $11.99.

1 month ago

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this is what i see, the amount you will be charged differ from what is shown?

View attached image.
1 month ago

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scumbag tactics hurting loyal customers again

1 month ago

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you can always try

View attached image.
1 month ago

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so what you bought this month canceled then resubed with this deal?

I already got the games this month haven't canceled yet

1 month ago

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i cancelled right away last month, after getting discounted.
they never sent me the email deal, but i was able to get with the link

1 month ago

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If you already bought the current month, it won't work, even if you pause now. It might after the autocharge date though, so that's worth a try.

1 month ago

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Not bad deal (for me)

1 month ago

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I am a loyal HB customer. I wish I was treated nicely too. Some people love to exploit them and that's because they can't be bothered to reward loyal customers.

I've been one for 4 years now. Not planning to stop because of them I managed to build my library and get the games I always dreamed of owning and playing.

1 month ago

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I got a coupon saying to resume membership for $8 per month for the next 6 months. Thinking about it, although, I'm not sure about this month's games. It's a lock in though. If you pause at all, you lose the coupon.

I only pause when I genuinely don't think I'll play any of the games.

EDIT: Okay, it's €6.49 a month, I'll bite.

1 month ago*

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So the deal applies until when/if you pause, but you're not locked in for the whole six months?

I wasn't going to take this because I assumed it would be six months charged up-front, but if not will definitely go for it. Thanks, wouldn't have done it if I hadn't seen your comment!

1 month ago*

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It's not 6 months charged up front.

It just says that if you pause, or cancel during that 6 months, you go back to full price.

1 month ago

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I hold only the games I will and the rest I gift/trade for games I want and have in wishlist.

I also made some good use of the 20% discount, and that's another reason I never canceled or paused.

1 month ago

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Trading is exhausting for me. I just can't deal with the greedy people who want everything for nothing. I feel like they are too ruthless for me. I rather give stuff away, or just activate it, you know?

1 month ago

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You can easily get at least your money back by trading Humble Choice games for TF2 keys or PayPal. No discussions, prices listed. You won't make a profit, of course (the buyer eventually will) but at least you can get even and maybe get a game you like elsewhere.

1 month ago

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I get what you mean. It can be, but I found it easier with Bater as I don't have to send messages individually and can select the games I want in exchange unless it's a TF2 key. Either way, it worked well for me and since January of this year, I got out of my trades over 120 games from my wishlist rather keeping the games from the bundle I just don't like or want to play.

1 month ago

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Just wanted to ask this , so if you pause and get this deal I assume you will lose the 20% off

1 month ago

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Does that 20% stack on top of sale prices? Or is it just 20% off regular store prices?

1 month ago

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It stacks upon the sale price but it isn't always 20% It depends on the publisher how big the Choice discount is.

1 month ago

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Yes, pretty sure you lose any time you pause.

1 month ago

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You should be able to keep your discount, as long as you resubscribe before the auto charge date.

1 month ago

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Thank you very much!
I didn't receive the email, but I was able to activate the offer with the link!

1 month ago

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I always pause at the start of every month regardless of if I want the bundle or not in case some sort of deal pops up later on, not able to redeem it even from the link, cancelling for now to see if that triggers it.

1 month ago

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This is the way.

1 month ago

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Had a look through my HB plan, I'm still on the Classic plan.
That is $12 but I see humble choice is €9,99. Using an online currency converter ( ) I see that is $ 10.8736. Not a big difference but still, over time it will be.

Trying to see a comparison of the plans if there is any reason to stay on Classic, but HB doesn't seem to supply one.
Anyone knows?
HB seems very intent of getting us to switch to Choice, so is there some perk with Classic I would lose if change?

1 month ago

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On the classic plan, I was paying €11 per month. I immediately cancelled and switched to choice when it first came out, just because it's a euro cheaper.

It's up to you really. I don't think there's a benefit in sticking with classic.

1 month ago

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I canceled classic a while ago after being on it for years. Really no reason to stay on it.

1 month ago

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Still on Classic plan as well since it exists. And I skipped only few months since 2017. If I already had to pay normal price, like 116€ for one year in 2017, I usually pay around 90€ for one year (got some one-year gift).
As my paid months are few, it seems I can now get a year for 109€ (around 9€ per month) if i received it as a gift from another account. It's been a long time since i bought, I don't know it that's really the normal price for one year, probably lol.
If I reactivate the payment from my account, the price will be $129 (around €119).

1 month ago*

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An interesting offer, but I'll really kick myself if I buy this, then for the next 6 months they proceed to hand out $6.00 coupons like they used to. :(

1 month ago

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Can I just make a new Humble account and get this offer there? Does Humble care if I use my credit card on two accounts?

1 month ago

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Humble will notice this and won’t let you.
I’ve tried

1 month ago

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what about families? Say a father has 3 kids, and all 3 are gamers and have their own steam accounts. The dad needs 3 accounts to buy his kids bundles... same credit card.

1 month ago*

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they have ways to prevent abusers

1 month ago

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why cant he buy from 1 account?

1 month ago

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This offer was provided to existing users, so with new account it could not work.
You can use coupon for a new users (it will be 9$ for the first month). Multi-accounts are not allowed on Humble (you will not able to make a purchase with the same payment method on both accounts).

1 month ago

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Thought it said "new and existing and paused" customers? New is new accounts?

1 month ago

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Sorry, my bad, I was talking about coupon that Humble distributed, but not the promo they are running - it should work for a new accounts.

1 month ago

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I long ago canceled my Choice. When I re-activate, it shows the full price of $11.99 (US).

I could I immediately pause and take advantage of this offer, correct?

1 month ago

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Offer is void if you pause!

Math: 4 months at $12 is $48. If you pay per month, and skip 2 months of the next 6, you break even.
I have no interest in this month, so I don’t see how I’d be better off

1 month ago*

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This comment was deleted 1 month ago.

1 month ago

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Is this working for Europe, i only see €9.99/month?

1 month ago

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It works, we get charged 6.49€.

1 month ago

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I don't have coupon, so it seen this deal is not for me. Thank you for response.:)

1 month ago

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I'd like to know as well. I click on the link, click 'get offer'. Then I'm at Humble Choice. But when I click on rejoin I only see €9.99/month. Don't want to press 'rejoin now' before I'm 100% sure I get the €6.49 per month offer after that.

1 month ago

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If you have the coupon you pay 6.49. And rejoining does you no harm, as this isn't the same as buying. If you unpause you will see what you pay when they auto charge you, in your settings.

1 month ago

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I don't have a coupon (looked in my profile under 'coupons'). I only clicked on the link in the op where the offer is listed in usd and where I can click on 'get offer'.. I now clicked one step further and it still says nowhere that I'll pay €6.49/month. Instead it says 'I understand this is a recurring plan of €9.99'.

So you need a coupon to get this offer in Europe?

1 month ago

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I just know that I have a coupon and pay 6.49. No idea if there is an option without it.

1 month ago

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Yeah same boat. But if it say €9.99 I am not sure they will charged us less, this don't make sense.

1 month ago

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It's quite a decent offer, since you're not charged up-front and you can change your mind anytime.

1 month ago

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Caved in and got it
It comes to 6.49 euro per month for 6 months, not bad at all

1 month ago

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Can the currency type be changed from dollar to euro?

1 month ago

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I haven't been a member of humble choice. Does this means if I sub now, I can get this offer? Because the webpage said it is eligible for new member.

1 month ago

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Sounds that way.

1 month ago

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Could it be that 5 bad months are coming?

1 month ago

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probably yes

1 month ago

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I think it could be. Especially if lots pre-pay for these 6 months of mystery choice bundles, if they already have your money locked up they can shovel a few bad months in there and you're forced to pay. I'd rather pay 6 months regular price and know what I'm getting than buy 6 mystery bundles at a small discount and probably get over half junk. Don't support mystery bundles.

1 month ago

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In this case, as soon as you hit a "bad bundle" for yourself, just cancel.
You lose the discount but you don´t have to pay in advance!

1 month ago

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That's true, at least there's exit flexibility. I'd still rather have it the old way where you'd buy 6-12 months of bundles for a discount and be able to skip as many months as you want and they carry over as many times as you need to spend them all. This way is FOMO inducing because if month 1 or 2 is a flop people might want to pay it just because the next months might be good and they don't want to lose the discount.

1 month ago

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That is also true. In the end it comes to how much you want, or rather can spend on it.
Honestly, I wanted to skip the July bundle but for €6,49 (Germany), I will keep 4 games (although I would like to play the predecessors first) and the other four I will give away here.

Same with the next five bundles. If I like one or more game, I´m happy. If not, it will rain giveaways :D
Best treatment for FOMO, since I don´t force myself to like the upcoming games just because the discount is so good.

And for the discount in the store, I think I only bought directly from the Humble store once in my life, when RE Village had an incredible price bug last year (I got the standart edition for €6,79). It was the first time in many years where I bought a game and immediately played it :D

I miss this feeling! It´s another treatment for FOMO, since I don´t want to let discounts dictate the need of hording games because of very cheap prices. I rather want to buy them because I actually care to try and enjoy them.

1 month ago

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Somehow some people can't the resist making this silly suggestion for every single promo that lasts for more than one month. And it doesn't matter often it was wrong in the past.

But sure, even Humble doesn't know 100% of the content of the next Choice till few days before release. So it's totally reasonable to think that they got the next 5 months sorted out.

1 month ago

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It's an easy decision to make. $8 a month + tax for 7 games including a couple headliners each month. That's inexpensive AF. And I can't remember the last time there weren't at least a couple games I was either genuinely interested in playing or had already played and enjoyed. The latter being perfect g/a material.

1 month ago

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Does not work for me in EU. I access the site, click 'Get offer', a new tab opens, I click 'Your Humble Choice membership is canceled. Rejoin Now'.
Then they offer me annual plan for €109 or €9.99/month. Anyone else with this problem?

1 month ago

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After I clicked on "get offer" I went to coupons in my account and it was there. I am from EU too

1 month ago

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Interesting. Only coupons I got are for Beholder 2 and Shadow Warrior 2.

1 month ago

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we got scammed, time to get aws but for another purpose this time

1 month ago

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Same here.

1 month ago

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I haven't had a coupon in probably over a year now. And I skip all the time, mostly because I'm not interested in the bundle so I guess they figured a coupon won't change anything.
Have you unpaused because of a coupon before?

1 month ago

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Nope. Never have, but I skipped a ton of months.

1 month ago

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yeah I have skipped more than I redeemed in the past 2 years but I never took a coupon so I guess they figure we're lost causes

1 month ago

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I am in the same situation. I rejoined. So far no coupon for the offer.

1 month ago

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Same. Will see what comes the next few days; no loss either way.

1 month ago

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An offer for 6 months without a possibility of skipping or pausing. Wow. They must have some crap bundles in the pipe.

1 month ago

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This. Incoming 6 months of trash...

1 month ago

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You don't pay them all in advance so doesn't really matter.

1 month ago

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Whenever they send offers of several months without pause I get a bad feeling; I hope they don't give origin games or epic games again.

1 month ago

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I don't remember any Epic games since they featured Control.. and that was years ago. Though I agree, Mass effect legendary stung a lot because it was an EA/origin key.

1 month ago

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offer isnt working for me in canada

1 month ago

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1 month ago

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do i have to take this month choice? or i can wait for next month choice??

1 month ago

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It says that the coupon expires on August 6th, which is the same day the next months bundle, so I assume you'd have to get this months choice bundle to get the deal.

1 month ago

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Yes, you have to take this month. The coupon expires right before next month's choice is released. It's either buy it or lose the discount.

1 month ago

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