Was gonna suggest Torchlight II, only to find out you already put ~90 hours in it :p
Not in your library, but you might want to have a look at Victor Vran & Grim Dawn if you enjoyed Van Helsing.
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was going to suggest Van Helsing, but you got 30 hours there
man, you got gameplay time on a lot of games ;).try Knights of pen and paper, fun game, although not RPG.
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i should really start Driftmoon now that i won it a few weeks ago
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Fallout 2
Diablo 2: LoD, you can try the Median XL Ultimative mod if you get bored of the vanilla game
State of Decay is okay
Titan Quest is great, i recommend downloading the Underlord mod
Wizardry 8 is also nice if you don't mind the fact that it's an older game
I hope my recommendations helped a bit :>
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Oh yeah, missed the zooming part :S
It depends on if you want a slower paced old school rpg in which you control a group of characters or a fast paced single character experience. Oh and if you decide to go for Titan Quest, definitely get the Immortal Throne expansion, it adds a lot of content to the base game. And you can install the Underlord mod for it, it makes the game a bit more difficult in the beginning, but expands most of the skill trees with new passive and active skills.
But all in all, you can't go wrong with either of those games. :>
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I was considering State of decay before but from gameplay vids, looks like the camera is exactly like castlevania and amalur, where it follows one direction and only the character moves (i hope you get what i mean, the camera is still but you can rotate your char 360 without moving the angle, and I really hate that, it's confusing and gives me headaches) Also spent like 6 years in D2 Lod, had 4-5 max chars and lots of items and rune words, etc. But thank you for the recomendations, Will probably go for Fallout and wizardry
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like Van Helsing where you see everything from above
isometric top-down, is the terminology :)
Here you go, Steam search for isometric+RPG.
May help give you some ideas :D
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Yeah.. unfortunately, that happens every so often :(
Ex, Dungeon Siege 3 is also the lowest rated of its first three games.
Though, Sacred 3 is definitely an exceptional case, with how extremely weighted those reviews are. :X
Have you played Path of Exile yet? It's mind-numbingly grindy, but it's basically Diablo 2 on crack [and 100% free to play]. Some of the most complex character building of the genre, as well.
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having played d2 lod in the span of 6 years but never diablo 3, when trying path of exile for a few levels last year if i remember corectly, I found it kinda robotic, repetitive and lacking life, character, story.. wasn't interested enough of playing it a second time sadly
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No, that sounds about right. I couldn't manage it for long, but enough people love it..
I guess it's all down to what you're into. :)
I haven't really found anything too compelling in that (action hack and slash) genre yet, as far as story/etc goes :/
Usually it's more based around the loot farming and level grinding than it is real content :P
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Pretty unrelated with OP's thread but I have a question for all of you that played Titan Quest: should I get Titan Quest without the DLC? I dont have enough money to buy the gold edition, I can only afford the base game, should I get it? Or the game's strong points are included in the DLC? (like in Diablo 2)
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Try http://store.steampowered.com/app/277650/ http://www.gog.com/game/heretic_kingdoms_the_inquisition Kult: Heretic Kingdom. It's the same game, but with different name. Also check Grandia II, Sudeki, S2: SILENT STORM, Dungeon Siege 1 & 2, I Shall Remain, Telepath Tactics, SoulCraft, UFO series :)
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Haha! My Dear Friend! Welcome to the CLUB! =d
Here is my last discussion where I seek for RPGames!
Sadly the giveaways are over =(
but Ruling Pretty Games are still there!
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Ys Origin, it's a really fun action-rpg type game with really fun combat, great music and awesome bosses. It has a view from the top and there's some platforming in there too, but it's mostly about the combat. Also different characters to choose from, you can play the game as a regular melee combatant or the mage character plays more like a bullet hell shooter game
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I was going to say Saturday Morning RPG, but it looks like you already beat that :)
Was just reading up on the forums and there's some exciting news though!
"Sep 24 @ 5:13pm
Hey - the episode is totally not dead! Don't lose hope. I'm uploading a beta build to Steam tonight for the two Mighty Rabbit testers to play through. If all goes well, the only thing between you guys and Episode 5 will be some sound effects that need to get added.
And yes, the new cheevos on Steam are for Episode 5. I had to add them to test them to make sure they actually unlock.
If anyone is wondering, Saturday Morning RPG unfortunately only makes us ~$4 a day if we're lucky. I'm only able to focus on it in my free time between paid work. I'm also simultaneously working on bringing it to PS4, PS Vita, and Wii U - hoping it might make enough money there to fund us for Episode 6.
There's a lot on my plate and I'm trying to get it done as quickly as possible. I'm pretty proud of the episode and I think you guys will like it. I've also gone back and tweaked some stuff in Episode 1. For instance, I added a cut scene back in that was arbitrarily cut back in 2012."
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Van Helsing isn't quite your proper RPG; I'll spare the extra info as everyone and their mother already knows how it is :P
Did you tried Mars: War logs? the Red Faction saga? (specially guerrilla and armageddon). you could also check roguelikes with rpg elements, such RogueLegacy, un-epic (old school style :P), idk, check my library in case you somehow missed some cool rpg.
Wanna go "earlier"? Gothic series, then they split and Risen appeared. The otherones I know surely were named. SR and GTA isnt rpg but have that free cam you want. ofc Fallout series, fo4 is coming soon. GL!
Edit: Huh! waddayouknow! Risen franchise is at discount right now :)
and others I'd like to get one day, Megaman legacy/saga/collection. Are you a fan? (there's plataformers and ther's 3d, like 8 or 9, older but awesome!)
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Wow, I had Mars and Guerilla installed, but never got to play them yet even if I was planning to. Not a megaman fan, but will jump into fallout new vegas most likely. I also forgot about witcher 2, i'm installing that as well, hope to get really close to the skyrim feel
Edit: I own risen 2 but checking out some gameplay looks kinda bad compared to the other options, I tagged it in my library for later though
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yeah, maybe it's best not to compare games cause you'd get dissapointed with one or the other, always :P
ones are made by bigger richier companies while others sometimes don't have that many resources but do a way better job on plot, design and overal feel of detail, entertainment, joy, etc in short: closer to our perfect game.
Enjoy your gaming!
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If you haven't tried it yet, I recommend you to try Grim Dawn. Fantastic RPG.
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From your game list:
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Hello, I have a thirst for an RPG game since the beginning of the week after only playing csgo and dota2 for months now, but can't see to find anything in my library that suits me (even if I have 1k+ games). I tried installing Castlevania Lords of Shadow and Kingdoms of Amalur Reckoning but got dizzy really fast and really disliked the camera placement, it's too much 'consoley' like in the sense that your camera stays in one direction while the character can move in any direction, I want something that follows him.
I'm looking for something that's either like Van Helsing where you see everything from above, that's the last one I played and enjoyed almost until the end or like Skyrim/Wow where you can move the camera freely and steer the hero with it, also zoom in/out.. Can anyone suggest something from my library if they have the time?
Thanks in advance!
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