9 years ago*

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Another trash dev trying to put his garbage on Steam.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 month ago.

9 years ago*

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9 years ago

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your really active with those shitty devs. good job :P

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 8 years ago.

9 years ago

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On the hunt.

View attached image.
9 years ago

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Gotta catch'em all, gotta catch'em all - shitty devs!!!

9 years ago

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delicious drama is delicious.

9 years ago

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He's a 19 year-old tryna make it as a game developer.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 8 years ago.

9 years ago

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Well, brother. I'm 17 too, wanna make a game? :D

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Im 17 too. Lets make a game about being a 17-years-old game developer that is making a game about being a 17-years-old guy.

We could start making it NOW and release in 17 years :D

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 8 years ago.

9 years ago

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It better cost $17 or I'll be disappointed

View attached image.
9 years ago

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It will cost 17$ but there will be only 17 copies to sell

9 years ago

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1 word: Unturned.

Not a fan of it, but gotta give credit when it's due....

9 years ago

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Well, that's a risk to take with indie devs. Some people seem to have short memory, but Edmund McMillen (Super Meat Boy, Binding Of Isaac) among others is also a complete jackass. Lack of PR might seem like a good thing, but then there are moments where it's really, really not... people are human!

Edit: Actually, I got misleaded by some forgery! McMillen's story is a bit more complicated than that, and he never actually insulted any of his fans. Check joejoebuckbuck's post if you're interested!

9 years ago*

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What he did? I haven't heard about that. Still, his games are at least good.

9 years ago

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Insulted his fans numerous times, and when people started to complain about the lack of support in his games and the numerous bugs he just said "fuck you, it's on your end, not mine". Though he did eventually fix the issues after a while... I don't have anything against his games heh, but seriously, he's a damn asshole.

But you know, that's the thing with indie devs. Remember that game, Braid? The guy behind the whole project said his fans were complete idiots for liking his game for "the wrong reason"... or even Phil Fish from Fez, aka "Suck my dick, choke on it" or "Drama Queen". They're not professionals, they're not in for the business (well, not all of them at least) so it comes with both its good and bad sides.

9 years ago*

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Heard about Braid dev too, thank you for info.

9 years ago

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The whole insulting players over bugs thing wasn't real. A troll emailed Edmund asking for some help with Super Meat Boy, and then got progressively more abusive to him as the conversation went on. When Edmund finally replied to go fuck himself and buy a new computer, the troll cut everything out of the conversation and screencapped it so it looked like he just emailed Edmund asking for some bug help and got told to go fuck himself.

The thing with the Braid creator, Jon Blow, is that he never insulted players for not getting Braid. He only expressed that he was disappointed that his game was only being examined on the base level, and that he had put a lot more intended meaning into the game that no one was talking about.

Phil Fish was kind of a jerk, but most of his twitter rants were exclusively directed at trolls. The guy was being harassed for about 3 years, and it got bad enough to the point where he just dropped out and left his childhood dream of making games. They hacked into his website and stole his personal and financial information after he left, so it just goes to show what kind of people he had to deal with.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

9 years ago

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Editing is a very powerful thing to have on your side. The sad part isn't necessarily that trolls are rude and attack people, but that they have so much power because they get to be the one's who frame the information. I enjoy getting background knowledge on films and games, and just from doing research related to that I see so many stories about game devs and film makers that are just flat out untrue. Most people will never know otherwise because they heard something from a friend and no one normally corrects them.

9 years ago

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Is that so... welp, seems you're right about McMillen. I'll add a note to my post accordingly.

I stand by my point on Jon Blow. This guy is the most pompous asshat I've ever seen, calling the whole video game industry infantile and then criticizing people for apparently not understanding his game, according to his twisted mind. But hey, that's his point of view, and to be totally honest I actually agree. Video games are overall quite terrible when it comes to anything else than the gameplay. But as you said in your post below, they're in the spotlight so yeah, some of those indie devs should learn to behave a bit more.
I'm all for straight talk, but there's a limit that most of them cross for stupid reasons such as "lol troll!!!!!", "you never made a game!" or even "quit harassing me on Twitter!".

Phil Fish is a prime example of that. Not most of those twitter rants were directed at "trolls". What's a troll anyway? This term means nothing nowadays, everytime someone disagrees with you you can just ditch his entire argument by pushing the magic button, it's bullshit. Phil Fish is a retard that dared thinking he was some kind of messiah when he made one, shitty game, and criticized some japan dev for no reason. If anything, I'm glad we got rid of him.

Still, it's a good thing you brought that up about McMillen, I'll be a little more careful and check my facts better next time. Story's getting old and that's the last I knew of it as I wasn't really interested in any of his games.

9 years ago*

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Jon Blow can seem pompous, so I understand why he alienates people. He's basically a philosopher first, and a video game designer second. He loves analyzing games and their systems, and he gives a lot of in depth talks at game conferences and he streams on Twitch pretty often to talk game design with people. He can seem really out there if you're just expecting him to be like a normal game dev, but he'd fit right in teaching game design at a university.

There were a lot of people who liked to harass Phil and try and get him to lash out at them. He would have been better off if he didn't respond to them, but at first he didn't realize that he was famous and it snowballed from there. He basically got the reputation of being THE asshole indie dev, and he would have never been able to shake that off in his lifetime. Btw though, Phil did realize that he misspoke to the Japanese dev, he found him later on in the day at the convention and apologized to him. Here's the entire 5 minute Japanese games discussion from that panel if you'd like to watch it. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x23if5y_phil-fish-on-japanese-games_videogames

9 years ago

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Thanks for the info. Never really was into all of that, but it was quite interesting to read.

9 years ago

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i think i just lost my reply! stupid website... let me try to remember it (it's going to be worded different now):

it's interesting that kids get bullied online to the point of suicide, but when game devs are bullied & stressed, they are 'not professional'

the examples you listed are all passionate intelligent people, while this greenlight game is what appears to be a young guy trying to make a living with a lack of resources/team members/too early footage

http://www.puppygames.net/blog/ here are some great reads by another passionate intelligent dev about the state of the industry & its supposed 'fans'

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PmTUW-owa2w here is an analysis of the phil phish situation, it's a good watch especially if you werent involved with it (i wasnt, i only saw the headlines & some tweets)

i'm not saying blindly follow anyone, they are human afterall, i am just saying everyone needs to chill out, listen, critically think, & have empathy

the internet is full of noise, mob mentality, clickbait, trolls, children, entitled brats, etc, so you always have to look at why a dev has an outburst, who caused it & in what way

9 years ago

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Herm, I don't think you quite got my post. I'm actually defending indie devs even though I talked about people I don't like. Their reaction is human, because they don't have a team behind them, no PR, and they won't get fired if they speak harsh. Just like us.
A professional reaction would have been to either delete or ignore harsh comments, just like those big studios do.

9 years ago

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ah right, but there are quite a few indie devs with the same lack of PR that results in deleting user replies in a worse way than companies with PR teams, it's these indies that are problematic since some of them are trying to get rich quick or are so incredibly naive

in the end, i prefer to just decide on a case by case basis

i suppose my reply earlier was more disagreeing with which people you dont like & the potentially incorrect reason for it rather than me defending indie devs

this discussion is getting complicated :P

9 years ago

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Right. But as I said, I think I was rather misleaded on my point of view about them and just jumped stupidly on the hate train because I wasn't a huge fan of their games in the first place.

Now if Trine, Shank or Terraria were to react the same way, I think I'd doublecheck what really happened. :P

9 years ago

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The only possible reasons that I can think of that anyone could have to hate Edmund are that he made a youtube video a decade ago mocking people who attack indie devs, and that he used the words concentration camp as a metaphor for how he felt in the crunch time of Super Meat Boy. McMillen's always been an outstanding dev and a nice guy.

9 years ago

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Yeah, seems like the guy learned a lesson or two... I might have to review my opinion on him. After all, I'm pretty vulgar myself.

9 years ago

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Yeah, it seems like a big problem for indie devs is that it's just so easy for something to be taken the wrong way. I'm not in the public spotlight, so no one's really going to mind if I start talking about jizz or say fuck. They've got their whole reputation on the line with every statement they make though, and if they've got a sense of humor it's easy for people to misconstrue jokes or ironic statements.

9 years ago

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I agree. By the way, is your name in reference to the Joe Buck from Hank Williams III's project?

9 years ago

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Nah, my full name's Joe Buckley and a friend suggested it. I do sometimes get asked if I'm a fan of a sportscaster named Joe Buck, but I haven't heard of Hank Williams before.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Because people bite at the those games, especially to be jerks to other people.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 8 years ago.

9 years ago

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I mean people always go for such games mindlessly no matter how crummy it looks and most seem to enjoy screwing over the other players than actually working together. It's little wonder that most of the early access scams were such zombie MP survival games.

9 years ago

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I don't see why his game is anything different from the other zombie-FPS Early Access games we already want to burn up because they are baaad.

9 years ago

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Also the topic you linked. Ummm...
" No money nor time to develop game A, so while I don't develop game A, I start to develop game B to fund game A, while game B is only a concept at this point. Suuuuuure.

9 years ago

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This guy was offering keys for votes some days ago. I reported it but I guess Valve won't do anything (as always)

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 8 years ago.

9 years ago

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Actually, it is since it says in the agreement that you are not allowed to buy or manipulate votes. Valve pulled many projects for key for vote schemes. The problem, is that people keep eating it up like candy and dont bother reporting shit.

9 years ago

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How much will infection cost?

Infection will cost around £1, or around $1.60

It really smells of asset flip.

9 years ago

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wow, this can't even be tagged as a mobile game... it's so bad.

it wouldn't even be considered a N64 game back in 1996!

9 years ago

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I myself am a Indie Dev, and I'm appalled that this guy reacted the way the way he did.

He clearly didn't read the comment, and went on the attack for no reason. I get that his work is pre-alpha, and unpolished, but he shouldn't have overreacted like this.

The op's comment wasn't offensive at all, IMHO.
This Dev needs to grow a pair and learn to take criticism.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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That's why i don't look on GL. So many games like that. I mean survival horror etc.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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You know... Survival horrors is not my cup of tea.

9 years ago

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then use the tags or ignore them, that's what lindion is saying, there are some nice games that are not survival horror etc

9 years ago

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Oh this guy...well known here...at least he is not longer active here...cause he can´t :P

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 8 years ago.

9 years ago

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multiple spam-threads keys for greenlight-votes, edited the text several times and tried to the end to tell us, he never asked for green light votes...

9 years ago

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Wait what, you again? How come you find shitty developers all the time? Some shitty magnet you have there. >_>

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

9 years ago

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Looks like he has a few things to say about you :P

EDIT - Nvm you've already seen it :D.

9 years ago

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.... people wasting money to develop crappy "pre-alpha" unity games that only a game collector would play. If you want to place your game on greenlight or kickstarter, then show your significant progress. If not, then you lose community trust.

Games like Broforce, Darkest Dungeon, Space Engineers, Besiege, Black Mesa and Killing Floor 2 have made significant progresses in development. Those what I call true early access games, because these games have reached the point, where the gameplay is great, buggy, but great. The only negative side is that, of course, they're not finished. However, not all early access games have been completed and are left to rot on steam's store page for all eternity, because the devs gave up on developing.

If you're interested in supporting these devs what I mentioned (and I'm sure many other competent devs will follow the same route), then by all means support them, report bugs, glitches, gameplay designs (if possible) and all that. If you're the guy who doesn't trust early access and you prefer waiting for these games to be fully released, then again, by all means do it.

9 years ago

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Well Said!

9 years ago

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unity games that only a game collector would play idle.

fixed ;)

9 years ago

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Forgot there are card collectors too. XD

9 years ago

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Is there any collector who isn't a badges collector/cards seller too? :)

9 years ago

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Game looks like another Slauthering Grounds... I still regret that I helped get this on steam ;_;

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 8 years ago.

9 years ago

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Well, back in the day, I was like 'gib me games. gib more and more and more!' :P So, I saw that developer of Slauthering Ground promised a steam key to everyone who will vote yes on greenlight page. I did ;_; If this isn't enough, I did the same with Forsaken Uprising, as I recall from the same creator, also extremly bad. But, at least both of the games had cards, so I was a little richer after that :P

9 years ago

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Ah, I've seen him before. He got banned on here for spamming the boards with his "vote for me on greenlight and get a key" thing for another his games called Blood Of Old. I missed the relevant threads at the time but read about them later.

Separately someone invited me to a group he had going to promote the game which was set up along the lines of "join, vote for the game and get a free key". I joined and voted so it's partly my fault the game is now on Steam. Feel free to throw rotten vegetables my way now :)

. The Greenlight campaign went very fast and he was giving updates as to how far away it was to getting greenlit. A couple of days before the game did get greenlit he put up more details in the form an announcement on his group with his email address in it and said that people would get an itch.io if the game failed to get greenlit or they'd get a Steam key if it did get accepted.

I didn't contact him immediately as it was unclear to me when we were supposed to email, if we were supposed to wait some time for him to judge whether it would be greenlit or if we were supposed to email there and then. No closing date or time period was mentioned by him. Then the game got greenlit and I went to find the announcement again so I could email him for a key but found he'd taken it down. I happened to stumble across hi email address elsewhere (he posted it here on SG) and wrote explaining what happened and that I voted - he ignored it. I left a message on the group page and so did someone else asking how we could obtain keys and he deleted them.

I believe he did send keys out to those who contacted him during the brief period that particular announcement was up but it really wasn't up for long and seeing as the whole thing was unclear I can't say I have a particularly high opinion of this fella. Rather surprised to see he's working on another game at the same time as by all accounts he's a one man team and people were already questioning whether one person could possibly make Blood of Old into a good game considering all the work it would take. I don't know if he's overambitious or after a quick cash grab but I suspect the latter.

9 years ago

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Considering he's saying that he doesn't want all his eggs in one basket I'll go for the cash grab.

9 years ago

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You know, back in the day we had cheap tats that were half finished or stuff that is just so fucking bad that nobody ever played them (you never heard about Country Justice and that's the way it's supposed to be); all laid out in retail store shelves for a 5 buck asking price at best sometimes. One such series was the 2Fast Racing uhh... "games". Like, they released it about 10 times again with different titles and modified cars, but rarely anything else (Skoda Racer, Czech Racer, Maluch Racer 2, Need For Russia, Trabi Racer, you get the idea), but they were always just modded versions of 2Fast Racing, the presumed original game. Neither Wikipedia nor Mobygames knows about them today, but they were cheap and clever little scams that you could see everywhere you went here in Eastern Europe. I always wondered if that scene would start to die with the digital age kicking it and all, but Valve got to the rescue there with Greenlight it seems.

What I would have also never thought to see aside from this unholy revival, is the baffling mindset these developers have. It's like watching a juvenile 10-year-old defending its decorated dogturd that he placed on the teacher's desk as his art, 'cept these guys are actually serious about it. What the blistering fuck happened to this world.

9 years ago

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Chalk another one up for the blacklist. Scummy developers like this can go fuck themselves.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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9 years ago

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9 years ago

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...The Slaughtering Grounds has a baby...

9 years ago

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Closed 8 years ago by Lindion45.