Do you support this?
I like your title better as well....Only had one cup of coffee so far; I'm still a bit foggy.
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Inanimate objects can posses attributes, aspects, or other objects (as components or parts) and possessives are appropriate to use when referring to them - "The gift's wrapping paper was torn," "All the flowers' petals fell off in the heavy rain."
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If I recall correctly Steam only takes a cut of keys sold on the actual Steam store. Developers or whoever owns the game on Steam can make as many keys as they want and (presumably) sell them any way they want.
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By the way check here since such a question has already been asked :)
I never liked Steam because of not actually owning the specified game, not even a hard copy.
With such a change it's becoming all the more obvious and unsettling how little control we have over our (Is it ours or is it GabeN's?) game library.
But now Lord GabeN has decided that gifting is too much of a hassle to fix, and instead chose to remove it.
It goes without saying i'll refrain from giving steam any money (except from Trading Cards, since i can't withdraw it), and hope for the best (GOG, pick up the slack!)
Sorry for the rant, i get steamed up whenever someone mentions Steam's practices.
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If you want to be really technical, ToS/EULAs can say whatever they want, doesn't mean they can be enforced in such a way.
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I like the idea of doing something against gift reselling and fraud on shady third party sites, but as a german fellow I feel discriminated by the new rules:
Buying gifts from third party sites was an easy way to get games that are not available through steam store in Germany, because of stupid steam and publisher rules. Now I have to find someone to buy the games for me during sale which can be kind of a hassle.
Oh: And it's also shitty when a game gets removed from steam. Now we can't buy additional copies to save them for later :(
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I understand why they changed the rules, but personally it makes me sad. I was a big shopper on steam during the sales and quite a few bargains would filter through to Steamgifts. Cannot do that now, mainly due to the price/region restrictions. Time will tell how this affects the Steam store in the future.
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Just wanted to say that perhaps using the search function and bumping (or just reading) a thread is better instead of creating another one. Not that it matters much to me, but here, as with any other forum, people tend to frown upon duplicate threads:
With that said, it's simple - I do not intend to spend any more money on Steam. I have my wallet, which I will spend on stupid shit I don't need eventually. As for the rest, I'm taking my business elsewhere. While this is also a silent protest against Valve's new business practice, I also am no longer interested in purchasing on Steam because it simply does not accommodate my needs. Why buy games on Steam when they are:
Compared to other websites where you get better deals, get a tradable and giftable key, as well as support a charity or cause. As a person who mostly purchases games to give them away to people or for Steamgifts giveaways, Steam is no longer a marketplace I have any use of. It's a decent platform to play your games from, or interact with people through communities (Steam groups, etc.). I'm not going to be hating on the entirety of Steam because of the store - the changes to the shopping feature just means I will be taking my gaming shopping elsewhere.
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steam becoming a game shop again, not this bullhit like it is now
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I'm going to spend even more money (a somewhat obscene amount) this summer sale to send a message to steam that I don't give a rats ass about inventory gifting just like 99.9% of their users.
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This summer sale would've been my first steam sale ever. I was readying my wallet to buy stuff for myself and gifts for all upcoming birthdays.
But I don't wanna be forced to activate games straight after buying. I'd rather have them lying in my inventory until I want to play them, and in case I decide not to play them I could gift them to friends.
Also birthday presents. Even if I can decide when they're gonna be sent. SO MUCH can happen until then. It's far too risky for me to pay now for a gift that I'd have normally sent in half a year.
Well, now I guess I'll support Humble Bundle and BundleStars with that money.
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NO, i seriously DON´T like that removal. They actually destroyed the trading with that, and also makes me think in buying games in other places. I only get games in steam because i can do what i want with the licenses that i bought before using them. If i cannot do what i want with what i bought... i will buy a physical copy of the game, and if the game comes with a digital activation code... i will not buy it. You buy something, you keep it forever / you can trade it if you not activate it...
Btw... if you buy a physical copy, you can sell it later.... They win millons... cof BILLONS, and they are just starting to be greedy...
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But no, it doesn't change my spending since that was 0 since SGMA anyway.
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What this means to Steam Gifts is a pity, but in general I'm for any move that makes Steam more into a pure store. I'd prefer that Valve gets rid of trading altogether. I feel that Steam has taken the focus off gaming, and games are now commodities that people can make money off instead of just being a form of entertainment. So people don't buy games just because they're good entertainment, they also buy them to make money off cards or to trade (such as randomly trade on SG), and that IMO is bad for the industry.
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This seems really anti-consumer on the part of Valve. Frankly, I hate it. Often I prefer not to activate purchased games right away and save them for later instead. Maybe I have other things I want to play first. Maybe I would potentially use it in a trade. Or maybe I will decide later to gift it to someone. There can be different reasons and it seems shortsighted on the part of Valve to simply ignore and/or dismiss these. Anyway, the whole thing kind of rubs me the wrong way so I would have to say that this will definitely impact my spending on the Steam store and my recommendation of it (or rather, lack thereof) to others. This now makes me far less likely to shop there and strongly compelled to take my business elsewhere, instead buying keys from other vendors that still retain their flexibility. I can't speak for others but in my eyes this is a big mistake by Valve and I hope it really hurts sales.
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So, why did they make this change at all? It doesn't seem to have any clear advantages and a bunch of disadvantages, for the consumer at least, as outlined in the post above mine.
I stopped buying from the Steam store, except for exceptional deals, a couple of years ago and just do bundles anyway, but I'm wondering why they did this if it seems to have met with unanimously negative feedback, and -- in contradiction to the very thing I just said -- why also have 14 people voted yes in support of this move in this poll here, if it seems like everyone is only saying bad things about it?
Sorry... 69 people... 14%.
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I'm one of the people voting yes. In the end it's just reality that gifts caused huge arbitrage position, which is in longer term negative for whole market. With this chance I believe there might even be positive side. Like publishers to be more ready to give greater discounts as they don't lock the price in for long term.
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Interesting. So, people would have been using the gift system as a store of value, taking advantage of deep sales and then trading them to those who couldn't take advantage in time, undermining the publisher's best interests, if I understand you right? And they, of course, wouldn't want that. I suppose it's the same effect as Steam keys from bundles, since those can also be had cheap for a brief period of time, stored, and traded or re-sold.
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Yes. Plus it's insane that different regions in some cases can create opportunity for someone to profit from arbitrage. Good for consumer, but wouldn't it be better if there wasn't this middle man?
The bundles are grey area. The trading isn't such huge issue, but when we start to go in to reselling it becomes one. Which leads to price points.
The legit keysites is something that I find currently completely unhealthy. I just checked that I now, today could get 109 games for 5$, with number of them having cards where I can gain some money back even. And this was just for DIG store. When copies of game is sold for low as 0.02$ you have to wonder how long such thing can go on. And is there really enough volume there to pay for cheap dev's work. Cards and such change it a bit, but still. It's other side of current market I find unsustainable.
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Just bought Interloper 2-pack off Steam and one copy of the game is now in my Steam Inventory. So it appears you are not able to gift a copy of a single purchase of a game to your inventory but if you buy a multi-pack or add two of a single item to your cart, one goes goes into your inventory which you are then able to gift or trade away. Might be a possible loophole/workaround
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You can't add multiple copies of the same game to your cart, so the only 'workaround' is the multipacks.
Too bad, I am trying to buy the Company of heroes 2: Master Collection, one for myself, one for a giveaway. The giveaway would be for a group where some people want it, but majority already have it probably, so I would prefer to have the giveaway running for a longer time than the current sale.
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So it appears Steam has removed this feature. Any ideas how this will affect websites like steamgifts? Do you support them removing this feature?
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