Don't call out users here! Even if some winners are a**holes.
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They did? Well, I think I'll be lucky if someone wins who simply commented anything at all, regardless if it is a good/famous game or unknown/average game. But I never check out what they do with the gift. I am sure a big percentage does not activate or play the game and perhaps even trades it away. It's better not to know.
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That's what I was thinking. Just because people doesn't jump into the game rightaway doesn't mean they are not grateful that they won the game.
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Public giveaways tend to end up like that, specially when the games you giveaway are (not meant to offend you or anything) relatively bad. Not everyone is like that, though. We have a crapton of members but some just enter every giveaway they can; not even knowing what game they're entering for.
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It's a pretty fun game if you get into it, but it's a short indie and isn't really worth much. Being bad is pretty relative to the context.
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None taken. I know that those games are not worth much, i just wanted to find someone who would actually like to play them, as i would not.
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Hang around in the Group Chat or in the forums and do giveaways for those groups by making them private and distributing the link. Usually people who are regulars are more into stuff and sort of more honest. No guarantees though.
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I try to be as grateful as possible to the creator of the giveaway. But if they just use email, it's kinda hard. But my giveaway for The Void ended a month ago, the guy has the game but hasn't touched it since he won it.
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My last few winners didn't thank me, but some of my other winners have been good people.
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4 giveaways - 4 thank you's. Don't know if they played or not. Don't care.
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So true. I won 2 games that I didn't want, yet ended up enjoying one.
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You enter giveaways that you do not want and "steal" the games from people who really want them. Thanks for telling us this. Another user to my "block" button
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Not like I meant to win them. Thanks for blocking me. Another user to my "SG Blacklist".
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HAHAHAHAHA . The "I didn't meant" part just cracked me up. That is why I play the lottery.I don't meant to win.
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I meant that when I enter giveaways that I don't really want, I don't have an INSTINCT that "I will win this." if I did then I would not enter.
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"I meant that when I enter giveaways that I don't really want" . Nothing more to say. I hope that after our "conversation" you will stop doing this.
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Believe it or not, I actually played the games I won whether I liked them or not. I ended up liking them a lot more than I expected. I accept whatever comes my way graciously whether I like it or not.
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I agree, entered once for Monkey Island Special Edition Bundle, I never touched the original series or ever wanted them at all but I heard some good things (point and click, humorous etc.) and I decided to give it a go , ended up enjoying and beating both episodes twice (still didn't get some cheeves though)
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Some people are jerks. Get used to it. They'll always go for games they never play because they just want the game for their collection.
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Do you give away games just for the gratitude? Seems a kinda silly thing to do. Are you just looking for recognition, appreciation, or what?
I put stuff on here that I don't want (or can't use, e.g. extra copies), can't give to my friends, has little "sale" value, and that others might benefit from. I don't expect gratitude because, to me, it's all just junk that I've been giving away. I have no use for it, so someone else might as well have it. Who cares if they say thanks or not?
And what they do with it after? That's up to them. What they enter? That's up to them. I wouldn't bother to "track" things that much, because I'm just giving away my unwanted things. If you're giving away thousands of pounds - well, that's your problem, not the winners. You chose to give them away and you can't go imposing conditions or demanding recognition. What are you after? "Buying off" people who say how cool you are for frittering your money away? Seems kinda narcissistic to me.
The stuff I've won? It's something I won. I say thanks if I see the guy in question online but often when trading a lot, things just appear or pop up and often I'm not even in front of the computer at the time (even if it's logged into Steam). By the time you go to reply, they're offline or just not on your friends list any more. The stuff I won - yes, I enter it for me - but who cares what you actually do with it. If you're that bothered you shouldn't have given it away. You have GIVEN IT AWAY, including any say in what happens to it.
I don't really see the fuss. I also never pre-emptively say Thanks. I could be there for years saying thanks to the 2000 giveaways I entered, and I've won precisely 2 things (the others were no-shows!). Really, the gratitude you see is proportional to the effort and perceived value of what you gave away. When 99% of people are just clearing out their inventories, getting rid of competition wins they don't want, handing out their extraneous copies, putting up stuff they acquired as extras from trades, or just mistakes of things that didn't want or were given by friends, then really this website's just a bargain bin.
If you're after recognition, spending your money to give away games is a shallow way to get it.
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I buy things that I like to play when they're on sale. I give them away to people that don't have them because I think other people should have an enjoyable experience with that game.
This is a website that operates on the premise that there's people giving away games to other gamers who don't immediately have the funds to buy it. (Read: don't have any money to spend on games at that moment)
People that enter solely for the purpose of padding their Steam Account value or trading games away are going against the very purpose of this site.
More importantly, they're going to drive away all the contributors. It's great that you like giving away things you don't want. I give away things I enjoyed playing that were on sale.
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Part of those people who "pre-emptively say Thanks" do so because the gifter gave them the opportunity to win a gift. These people don't take this for granted and show some respect about it.
This is probably difficult for you to accept because you view this place as a trash bin; a place where mice scurry about trying to nab what's left of the crumbs. Your view of this place is purely materialistic and cynical. You have no attachment to who you gave your game away because you felt no attachment for that game in the first place, so you fail to see the sacrifice and good will involved in someone else's giveaway.
Those who gift a game because they feel that the game's good and needs to be played wish to see it fall into good hands: Into the hands of those gamers who either couldn't afford or grew curious about the game being raffled. These gifters pay for the game, give it the worth that it deserves and take for granted that those who'll join the giveaway will be eager to play it. There is attachment because there is some sacrifice involved in it and, unsurprisingly, some feel offended to see their gift being treated like a crumb, a trade resource or a piece of trash.
The day that you'll put some real effort into a gift (in real life) and see it mistreated, squandered, ignored or re-gifted will be the day that you'll understand what I meant by my previous paragraph. If you still don't understand, then I have my doubts that you've ever given a heartfelt gift in your life.
Anyway, to each their own.
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I only didn't get thank yous on two of my games. Right now I am still waiting on a reroll because one of my giveaways won a week ago and said he contacted support for a reroll because he won the game an hour before. I also sent in a reroll request but its been 9 days and still under support so I am marked as one not received so now I have a nice 86% received by users until that gets fixed.
What actually annoyed me was one guy who wouldn't mark the giveaway as received when I know he received it because he was playing it later that day. After day two I sent him a message on steam asking him to mark it as received please if he was able to get it. Then after another time I seen him online I left a comment on his profile to mark it as received then I just gave up. On day 6 he at least finally marked it. The main reason I wanted him to do it soon was because there was a private group giveaway I wanted to be in with a contributor value on it that if he marked it as complete it would have put me over the amount but I missed out of entering it it by 2 days. It was a Saints Row 3 franchise pack with around 60 entries before it closed. Oh well.
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Wait, are the winner of the giveaway which is waiting for a reroll and the one who marked his gift 'not-received' the same person? If it's so, I don't understand why he's done that. Sure, he didn't get the game but not because you didn't want to give it to him and the not-received is hurting your reputation on this site while just marking it as received until it gets rerolled wouldn't hurt anyone.
Have you tried asking him to change it to 'received' until it's rerolled?
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I've only created one giveaway so far, but I guess I am lucky I had a nice winner.
At first he was confused -- but he simply forgot and (I guess) never realized he would actually win anything. He was very appreciative and thanked me and everything else. This thread inspired me to look at how much he played the game (Binding of Isaac) he's played it for 0.8 hours. I guess that's good enough for me. As long as he tried it. :)
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I've done a lot of giveaways on other forums, and to people On my friends list, and I rarely do it now, because I have spent my money giving people things that sometimes I don't even get a simple "thank you" for. I've done it here and the winner hasn't even played the game, and it puts me off doing it at all. Tons of people are like that, and it's a real shame.
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I recently got a game here and unfortunately it won't work on this computer. I'm buying a new one in december. So, am I a bad winner?
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I do not think so.. but I've had a similar issue myself. :\ My pc is back at home and I'm off in college. I'm working on getting it out here safely, and because of that I haven't been able to play much of a game I was given (just doesn't run on intel graphics lappy>> ). I plan on playing it all the way through once I can, and I only entered because I did want it. I only ever enter in giveaways that interest me, or that I do want. I always say thanks to people who gift me stuff (be it from giveaways on this site, another, or a random gift from a friend). I never feel like I say thanks enough.
The one game I've won from this site, I've played all the way through and have ~12 hours in it (faerie solitaire) .
Also, the two giveaways I've done I've gotten thank yous for. As for if they've played the game, I'm not really sure, as I've never kept track. I know they both accepted it and, well tbh, I do not expect many people to play fortix, or even enter for any reason beyond the fact that they can. ;)
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I don't think so, as long as you do plan to play it at some point I wouldn't have any problems if you waited a few months.
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i make sure that when i win a gift, i will thank the winner personally by adding them to steam and talk with them, they went out of their way to make a giveaway, so i will go out of my way to make sure i thank them properly, i have yet to play some of the games i won, but i do have a list of games that i wanna go through, and the games i won is on that list
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Once I sent the key to the winner, I didn't care what they did with it. They could use it themselves, give it to a friend or use it in a giveaway. The rules clearly state a different opinion than mine but it's up to winners to follow that rule, however.
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I always deliver the games via Steamchat and Tradingsystem and everyone was really nice.
I dont care if they played the games. If they entered only for the collection - why not :)
Shiny new little picture :)
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My story is a bit long. The short version is: In my giveaways three out of four winners are undeserving, how are yours?
The long version: I started by giving away "Pat & Mat". The winner did not take the gift i sent to him within seven days, so i made support select a new winner. The lucky second winner installed it but never played it. Thank's a lot, i could have done so much by myself.
Next was Shadowgrounds. There were a lot of them flying around. The winner clearly does not have any language in common with me, but at least he sent me the following message: "t". Thats about as good it ever got for me. He did not redeem the key, but gave it away later on. My latest giveaway made me find the "report user" feature, so i used it on him as well.
My latest giveaway turned up one truly deserving winner, he has almost as little luck as i have. I'm happy that he actually tried the game, though a short "thank you" would have been nice.
The second winner (i gave away two keys) is the worst i've met so far: He won Shadowgrounds in four giveaways and gave it away twice later on, two (or five) clear violations of the rules. Now i've reported him and asked support to give me a more deserving winner.
Are you experiencing the same thing or are there actually friendly people out there that make you feel your gift went to the right place?
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