Just have a look at the system specs the games need :P
Trust me - my laptop is a little worse - I play pretty much all AAA titles until up to 2012 without any problems - of course you have to be satisfied enough with NOT "ultra" details and stuff :P
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CanIRunIt? always search on google Can I Run It and click the system requirments lab dot com one :) .
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I ran Morrowind with Pentium III 500 mhz, 128 mb ram and some graphic card with 32 mb ram on board getting 5 fps at max on lowest settings possible.
Gaming for me has never been so entertaining since then. Morrowind is still on the top of my most favorite games.
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Can your computer run that game?
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I own a fairly similar system (though a bit slower). I can run TF2, Castle Crashers, Bastion, Audiosurf, Awesomenauts, Atom Zombie Smasher, Dungeon Defenders, Minecraft, Fairy Solitaire, HL2, Killing Floor, Limbo, Super Meat Boy, Terraria, Titan Quest and Worms Reloaded. Also game debate is really good as it tells you the rating on your various components (ram, graphics card), and then tells you what rating each game requires (instead of highly specific system requirements). Legally emulated games may be an option (up to N64 era consoles, most handhelds).
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Actually your laptop isn't too bad, it is just the Intel card that bones you.
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try the games from Matrix, Ageod, HPS Simulation...
Dwarf Fortress...
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yeah I got a really shitty laptop but sometimes I still use it to play games. Here are few games that you can probably play on any shitty old integrated graphics laptop:
Binding of Isaac
Avernum (or any spiderweb software game really)
Defender's Quest
Dungeons of Dredmor
Starseed Pilgrim
The Blackwell games
Thomas Was Alone
there are plenty of older games on steam too that should run no problem for you
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My only problem with laptop gaming is overheating u_u
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You should be able to run just about any newer titles on at least the lowest graphics settings. Just remember to manually update your drivers by pulling them off of the Intel website as the ones that usually come with laptops are shit.
I have a similar (worse) laptop than you, yet I have had no problem making any game at least playable (Other than Saints Row 2), and some new ones should work great like Metro: Last Light once you employ a few fixes (I got the game running on high by changing the Directx version the game was running on and turning off the Nvidia settings). If you aren't sure that you can run a game on your laptop, just plug "(Name of game) Intel HD (Whatever version you have)" into Youtube and there should be a couple of benchmarks run from laptops very similar to your own.
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Nothing 3D from 2004+...what the people here don't realize is that that's the first generation of Intel HD Graphics when they were basically little more than Intel GMA chips moved to the CPU rather than something that's remotely competitive like the current chips are starting to be at the low end...
My sister's laptop is the same basically and it has horrendous lag even running something like the demo for Mini Ninjas or Street Fighter 4...so you're gonna be a looking purely at retro gaming and even for the more advanced cases there Intel's poor standards implemenation will let you down.
Most modern things that that have a smartphone/tablet counterpart or that look like they could run on them will probably also work, at least those that don't "excessively" do 3D which might even include Voxel Games (Minecraft) though I haven't tested those.
CPU and RAM are fine but those Intel HD Graphics COMPLETELY torpedo the package. Laptops with older processors than yours but with discrete mobile graphics can probably run more than that laptop, even ones with much older weaker processors.
This isn't quite the right chip but it should give you an idea
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binding of isaac , limbo , FTL , mark of the ninja .. all off the simple 2d games :)
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You can play most of the games out there. You should be able to run even this years games, but on low settings.
Games like Bioshock 1 and 2, Darksiders, etc, should run above average.
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I have a worse laptop than you, and I can run Crysis on low settings, no problem.
AMD E-450, 1.65GHz dual core with Radeon HD6320, 4GB RAM by the way.
People often underestimate what a poor little laptop can do. Well, as long as you crank setting down low (even resolution), you can play quite a lot of things.
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That hardware should be enough to play anything up to source engine games (on low-medium detail settings). So your options are pretty large.
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My 10y old laptop has an Intel graphics chip and 256MB RAM and can run both old Max Payne games just fine.
As others said, you should be able to run most games, though you have to lower the settings for some of the newer games for them to run smoothly.
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Intel(R) HD Graphics (Core i5)
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5 CPU M 560 @ 2.67GHz 2.67GHz
(RAM) 4.00 GB (3.68 Gb Usable)
System Type: 64-bit
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