I don't have it (or any consoles) but my friends were complaining about how they fight with 6 people on 40-man maps. It's a common problem, finding people is hard.
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Yeah, to start with I couldn't find anyone at all. I did find a 40 man one that got up to 12 people in the lobby but the game wont start until it has 20 people :/ I'm still yet to play a game :(
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I'm still yet to play a game, what's wrong with the season pass to cause a divide in the player base?
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Ah ok, I see. I have a code for battle of Jakku, if I redeem that, do you think I'll have more luck?
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I got the BF:H Season's Pass comped by EA because I preordered but couldn't play for nearly 2 weeks because of a weird error. But you're right, it's dead. I swear there's more people in Bad Company 2.
Lack of a decent server browser hurts all the new DICE games hard too.
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Hmph. Battlefront has been dead to me ever since I learned they once again screwed us over on co-op, despite that having been one of the major initial draws of the series. :(
Don't know about the PvP, but it's extremely hard keeping a large enough player base to support online games, these days, with so many games available, and stealing attentions from one another.
Lots of great games have ended up having their multiplayer die rather quickly because of it. :(
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B-b-b-b-but multiplayer is what everyone wants! Everything must have multiplayer! And microtransactions! Games won't make money without it! Just look at the rousing success of the last SimCity!
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Online-only no campaign FPSes always die. Titanfall, barely 900 players. Evolve, who cares. Rainbow Six, no matches found. And yet devs think this is the future?
Give us the ability to play a campaign, or at least give us custom multiplayer matches that we can play offline with bots (or in the case with RS:S, give us difficulty scaling/team AI for trying to play lone wolf).
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Xbox or PC? On Xbox I can't get a match in Titanfall anymore. With Siege I'm often waiting up to seven minutes before the game just kicks me back to menu.
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On PC I wait just as long for Siege as I do on Xbox ;c
Which sucks because I love siege's Terrohunt but normal is the only thing I can ever get into and it's too easy.
I don't own Titanfall on PC. Nobody to play with.
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And yet devs think this is the future?
I've always been amazed at the stupidity of publishing houses (and sometimes devs). It so often happens that they shoot themselves in both feet and then wonder what went wrong.
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Yeah there was an article about this, most battlefront players are on the Ps4 more than the xbox and pc combined or some shit.
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It retails at AUS$90 - 100 but I got it in a 2 for $90 deal.
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Yeah, games are pretty expensive here and being a pretty new game it hasn't dropped in price yet. The special deal I got it in is the first time I've seen it on special that I'm aware off.
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I definitely think you should just return it and get it when it gets cheaper mainly because its not worth the full price and there isn't enough DLC out yet. I'm sure once one of the major DLC expansions come out, then there will be a large number of people in multiplayer but for now people were probably so disappointed in it that they stopped playing.
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Yeah maybe. I just hope the dlc will become cheaper too, the season pass is $70 for me, by far the most expensive season pass I've seen for a game :/
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I thought Titanfall's Season pass was set at the same price? & there are a few games out there with more expensive DLC but yeah EA's Battlefront Game price & DLC price for content you are getting is way too dare
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Really? I wouldn't know, I never ended up looking much into Titanfall, looks like the season pass is now free haha but I heard that game is fairly dead as well. I've come across a couple of games with really expensive dlc but they don't have a season pass and have a lot of dlc, most expensive season pass I've seen other than this one is about US$40 so Battlefront is significantly more, definitely not worth it if the player base isn't very good like it seems.
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yeah fully agree it's a really dare season pass & too much for i
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2 for 90 sounds like a pretty good deal for AUS, games in NZ are like 120-140NZD last time i checked a few years back & screw that no way I can afford that shit
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Yeah it's pretty good for some newish games but I would say the value of Battlefront is still borderline, definitely not worth the $90-100 it normally is here. I can't really afford that either.
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Overwatch is more or less LoL in FPS form, made by Blizzard. Tons of heroes that are unique, but the beta so far is a few maps of clusterfuck matches where you are supposed to have an objective, but it boils down to simple team DMs anyway.
It may be good, but since Blizzard never ever released a game they didn't totally rewrite a year later, you may be better off if you just wait until it gets the mandatory 2.0 patch.
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I'm kind of late to the genre, or old to it, whatever. Just a question.
I never bothered with online games except for MGS 4's MGO, and my favorite FPS would probably be Perfect Dark on the N64, which came out before the turn of the millennium. That game featured up to 8 AI bots that you could play against or even control yourself in multiple different modes, a system I really liked, since it involved some strategy beyond just shooting. I never saw bots in other FPS games, and as an outsider looking in, the pattern seems to be people playing online for a while--maybe a few months or so--then the game just dies out with nothing to show for it.
Are there any FPS games with bots around now? I really haven't kept up.
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New version of Unreal Tournament has bots with decent AI, carrying on the series' tradition. (Well, excluding UT3's vehicles, where they forgot to update the AI to pilot those effectively...)
Other than that, can't think of any released in the past 3 years.
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Thanks. Anything with a campaign too? I liked Goldeneye/Perfect Dark since trying to get the cheats and record times on different difficulties resulted in a lot of replayability.
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No plans for a campaign as far as I know. Then again, previous UT's did have a campaign that was little more than a series of bot-matches anyway. Well, UT3 had a few more cutscenes apart from the ending cinematic I guess, but point is that in this series, single-player campaign mode always has been an afterthought...
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The whole point of UT was the multiplayer so no campaign needed as long as it's got some good bots to have fun with is all that matters but speaking of which wonder if they'll ever do another Unreal one day
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Do you like the game? from what I saw of reviews & such it doesn't look worth it to me
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I'm enjoying it, at least for now. Still a bit hard finding games but I'm finding alot more now than I was so at least it's playable. Don't know how long the enjoyment's going to last though, might get a bit repetitive and boring. I probably wouldn't get it unless you can get it pretty cheap and don't mind the possibility of having to fiddle around with settings and ports to be able to play. I wouldn't expect too much from the game either otherwise yeah, you probably will be disappointed.
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yeah I think i'll only pick it up if it was super cheap or something at this stage but i was going to say if you do really really love it and can spare the money, Season pass could give you a bit more to get out of the game but if your already questioning the long term enjoyment of the game maybe be bets to keep the money but I haven't touched this content myself so I would really bother really reading what I'm writing =P
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Haha yeah, there's not many games now that I'd pay $70 for so $70 for Battlefront DLC is a definate no, especially when there's not much of a player base. I don't think I'll ever get it, not unless it became cheaper and the player base picks up.
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Thanks, didn't even realise. I can't believe I've been here for a year already.
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Thanks, doesn't seem like it's been a year yet haha.
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I just bought this on xbox yesterday and I'm considering taking it back as I can't really play it. I haven't been able to find any games online. I also checked the statistics page and there was just under 27000 people online yet I couldn't find a game. Is there any reason to keep the game? Thanks.
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