I've learned my lesson buying the last 2 itch.io bundles, i won't do it again lol. Too many games i'll never play.
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Yeah, I understand that the charity is the main point here, but in that entire list I see... maybe 3 games I'm mildly interested in. No point in buying 256 games if I'll never even look at the vast majority of them.
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Wait, that's what they mean by physical? So it's basically DnD style?
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Was very excited for Wilmot Warehouse, just to realize it's only the OST lol
I also saw Dredge and FTL in the list, just to realize they are not the games I expected!!
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I played it a little bit last month that way, but then cancelled my Humble subscription haha I like the game, just not sure I liked it enough to buy it given it's a bit short
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lol. I was similarly excited to see A Monster's Expedition, only to realize that it's just the OST.
Btw, Wlimot's Warehouse was given away by Epic 3 years ago.
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I started collecting freebies by EGS two years ago, so I missed some good gems from the past! But can't really complain because the games I got are really nice, tbh
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Unfortunately, terrorists take the advantages of these charities, not people of Gaza.
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Please just ignore my comment and move on. Google it, there are a lot of facts. I wouldn't like to turning it to an argue at all and I didn't know it may turned into controversy.
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We don't have propaganda medias at least like totalitarian regimes in free democratic countries, please just stop it. I don't wanna continue this discussion. The FACT is that Hamas is a jihadi terrorist group that controls Gaza, they are like ISIS, Al-Qaedeh, Taliban, ...
Please just DO NOT answer me back here.
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You said to just google it.
But the internet is rife with misinformation, both the unintentional and intentional kind.
I'm simply saying that it isn't nearly as simple as 'just googling'.
Propaganda doesn't require totalitarian regimes to be used.
And no, I'll reply as I feel necessary. If you don't want to engage with me, then that's fine. Understandable even, given the subject. But that's on you to not reply, and would bring the exchange to a halt just the same.
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Good thing I don't have to open the link thanks to the URL text. Not in the mood for even more direct downer material. xP
Yes, Hamas will intercept some of the resources sent for the noncombatants.
But this is always a known factor when it comes to war relief efforts. Military / terrorist / criminal seizure (either Hamas or IDF ground troops). Loss due to bombardment or collateral damage. All expected. Though the alternate to that, is simply to cease relief efforts, and that's hardly helping any, is it?
The wording of the original post that I was challenging was strange, suggesting it funnels straight to terrorists and nothing reaches its intended target. Given the language barrier and other assertions made in the thread, it could have been intended to imply Hamas would be funnelling from it directly.
It's a hell of a muddy thing to say without backing it up or clarifying, given this was a charity thread.
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There is an even worse one further below left untouched and unpunished. Can't point it out since calling out is against the rules, but it seems random/unsuspicious at first until you think about the context of where this charity goes to and what's currently happening there.
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i don't trust where the money will go or who to
I would say the least one can do is check out the mentioned humanitarian organization, MAP (Medical Aid for Palestinians), in charge of the raised funds, before making uninformed assumptions.
The website has information about their history, goals, standards, processes and procedures, and various publications including yearly financial report:
They've been operating for close to 40 years.
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NGO Monitor (Non-governmental Organization Monitor) is a right-wing non-governmental organization based in Jerusalem that reports on international NGO activity from a pro-Israel perspective.
The organization was founded in 2001 by Gerald M. Steinberg under the auspices of the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, before becoming a legally and financially independent organization in 2007.
NGO Monitor has been criticized by academic figures, diplomats, and journalists for allowing its research and conclusions to be driven by politics, for not examining right-wing NGOs, and for putting out misleading information. NGO Monitor's stated mission is to "end the practice used by certain self-declared 'humanitarian NGOs' of exploiting the label 'universal human rights values' to promote politically and ideologically motivated agendas". A number of academics have written that NGO Monitor's aims and activities are political in nature.
The organization's leader, Gerald M. Steinberg, has reportedly worked for the Israeli Foreign Ministry and the Office of the Prime Minister while heading NGO Monitor.
Jerusalem, Israel
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We both know the facts presented in the link I shared are not disputed. It really doesn't matter how desperate you are to push an anti Israel agenda. You might want to take your own advice and really look into MAP's history. We both know you won't, but you definitely should.
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We both know the facts presented in the link I shared are not disputed
It is very much disputed, by many academic figures, diplomats, and journalists, all clearly documented:
Heck one of their staff member has been permanently banned from Wikipedia for biased editing in hundreds of cases on subjects they oppose:
It's pretty clear who is the desperate one here with an agenda to push, on a thread about a charity bundle nonetheless!
Shame on you, just how low can you go...
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Nah. It's been independently proven that MAP's founder is literally a Nazi sympathizer. MAP themselves have acknowledged this, but since they get a lot of funding from such people, they never rebranded despite this. You pretend you care about the Palestinian people, but that's demonstrably false. You actually only care about pushing an anti Israeli narrative. Shame on you.
My suggestion would be to donate to legitimate charities such as Doctors Without Borders if you actually care about the Palestinian people. You won't, but you should.
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you are the only one here hell bent on shooting down this charity bundle while you continue spamming hot air rants and attacking people left and right...
you have been asked multiple times now to stop derailing this charity bundle thread just to push your own political agenda.
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Political agenda is not an applicable concept. But, I do definitely state that providing (admittedly nominal) funding to charities that have ideologically supported and are funded by hate organizations is a terrible idea. Especially when you can instead directly donate to a charity that is literally already on the ground helping the Palestinian people. Ball's in your court. Don't only pretend to care about Palestinians. Ante up.
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funding to charities that have ideologically supported and are funded by hate organizations
Ball's in your court
Ante up
This is getting ridiculous. You're clearly here to instigate commotion. I'm leaving it to the mods to deal with your obvious disruptions.
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"I would say the least one can do is check out the mentioned humanitarian organization, MAP (Medical Aid for Palestinians), in charge of the raised funds, before making uninformed assumptions."
That was you^^^
Done and done. Took your advice.
In actually looking into them, they are found to be an inappropriate destination for contributions. Fortunately, there are legitimate organizations with people already directly assisting the Palestinian people in the conflict zone. One of whom I provided a mission statement and donation link to in this thread. As I said before, you should take your own advice.
Have a great day!
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All you did was cherry-pick a clearly biased and tainted so-called organization, with an appalling history, strong political ties and mountains of criticism against it. You declared it as a source for truth and adopted all of its wild claims as undisputed gospel, and now somehow think you made a point?
Yep we've totally taken the bait... Again stop pushing your politics on a charity bundle thread!
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Didn't you say you were gonna let the mods weigh in? You don't appear to be doing so. Weird.
The facts provided about MAP continue to be true whether or not you like one source of reporting on it. You continue to fail to take your own advice as far as actually researching MAP. I guess it doesn't fit your agenda.
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Your first reason was still being unsure and distrustful about you could have checked in a minute on the same device you wrote your comment. You don't need 3 layers of laziness, not caring and backup excuses to not buy something. It's not mandatory or anything
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btw its not "wasting" if its for a good cause aka charity
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you wrote you dont want to waste money when it comes to this charity games bundle, right?!
so first off its a charity bundle, so its for a cause. they are there to support.
normally if you want to support something, you just do it, without getting anything back in return, because you want to help.
your comment is just...
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You could just move on instead of lecturing people about why you are correct to call giving money to charities a waste just because you don't like that one. You still don't need to buy it. Nobody cares about you not buying it, but your floundering about not being able to let it go is really, really awkward. You already bought people's goodwill with giveaways, just smile and wave and enjoy it.
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you blacklisted me (which i don't care about)
Apparently you do care enough to check randomly, as you're such a generous and great person that you don't enter giveaways yourself.
so sadly i can't make a nice giveaway for you to win anymore
See my part about buying people's goodwill with giveaways, it's a seedy attitude to want to manipulate people like that, wigglenose. I can afford such a loss ^^
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To both above comments:
Please don't make random assumptions/aforisms without checking first..
Read up at the bundle site about MAP to learn of the charity before jumping to conclusions.
And let's keep this thread to just the bundle and the games..
Than Kiou..
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fine i don't want games which are not pc games which most are and some included are just OST and not the games and trust me i know first hand how charities are meant to do and do other things instead (not saying this charity does or anything) - i have since looked at the charities web page and it looks like something that people could feel safe in giving their donation to
i didn't mean anything dis respectful towards the people who added their items to the bundle - i only meant they would have little use for me as i never have many people in my house at one time to play physical games where you all need to be in the same room
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What Will Be Here? isn't a proper paper-book. It's a 10-episode sci-fi audio drama. Edited as "audiobook".
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yes no Steam games because if they were or some were included more people would buy
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itch.io = non steam (usually, but especially on massive bundles)
itch.io = terrible library management
itch.io = if you purchase something there and one day the dev decides to delete it, you lose it. Unlike Steam, itch.io can't/won't store/restore your digital purchases. You won't even know the content isn't there anymore.
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To be fair, Steam won't normally do anything to protect your library either. That said, I generally agree with your points about itch.io, especially the library management. How am I supposed to know how many of these games I already have on itch from other big bundles?
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I use this to compare what I have and what I do not have often with these bundles. :]
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Doctors Without Borders would be a more appropriate organization to support. They have a 98% rating as a charity (4 stars) and actually do what they say they do.
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Please stop trying to derail the thread.. again. You "casually", twice, dropped a comment/link about NGO Monitor earlier on, which is known for it's right-wing views/policies. The bundle is alive for days and the suggestion for a different charity contributes nothing to the thread.
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Actually, NeverAlone, I took your own advice given in this thread and looked into MAP; shared what I found; and offered an undisputedly better charitable option for helping the Palestinian people. Can you dispute the facts offered about MAP in that link I provided "casually"?
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Then maybe you should take it up with itch.io...
Whataboutism concerning what charities might be better doesn't change the fact that this bundle chose to donate to this charity.
I don't see the problem. If you don't want to buy because of the charity, don't buy. And if you do, that's your decision.
To me, this seems like you are intentionally trying to turn this bundle thread into a political debate.
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You might believe that if you're truth adverse and/or don't understand context.
Most people who offer charitable donations in whatever form however, actually care about the application of their charitable donations.
And if you only care about the video game aspect, this is an objectively bad bundle for that. Itch licenses are unprotected, several of the titles are shameless knock offs of already existing games, and the other offerings aren't all that inspiring either.
Have a great day!
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So why are you trying so hard to derail the thread...
This is supposed to be about the games bundle where they have already chosen their charity....
You seem to be the one who is "truth adverse" as you try to spread your own political propaganda into a thread that should be primarily about the games...
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My agenda of providing better care for the Palestinian people is a problem for you? That's gonna have to remain a "you" problem. Doctors Without Borders is an unimpeachable organization that doesn't care about ethnicity or nationality. They only care about healing. And are already there doing good work at the expense of their own personal safety. The same can't be said for MAP. You should reflect on that.
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Politicking isn't an applicable concept here. Losing your mind over someone providing a link to a better charitable organization to help the Palestinian people is a bad look for you.
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No, you just look like a fool...
They get to chose the charity they want to support. You arguing that it "Isn't the best" is just a foolish excuse to bring politics into a bundle discussion...
The fact that someone has to go back to 2014 to find something wrong with the organization speaks volumes. Tells me it must be a pretty decent charity. Especially given the only complaint seems to be some video someone shared on social media and nothing about the charity itself.
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"No, you just look like a fool...
They get to chose"
Was your choice dependent on my assertions? That's how you've been acting. Which is admittedly flattering. Thank you.
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While it is true that NGO Monitor is marked as right-wing with a pro-Israel perspective on Wikipedia, the report that one of the co-founders of MAP forwarded in 2014 an anti-Semitic conspiracy theorist Youtube video created by a neo-nazi... is also true as it appears on both the co-founder page and the MAP page. There is a small paragraph about it in The Washington Post.
On 24 September 2014, The Telegraph reported that Ang had forwarded a video entitled “CNN Goldman Sachs & the Zio Matrix” featuring Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke.[11] Ang responded by saying “I am concerned that if there is any truth in the video, that Jews control the media, politics and banking, what on earth is going on? I was worried.”[11][12]
MAP has been embroiled in controversy due to its founder's comments concerning a white supremacist video by David Duke made in 2017, however in 2018 the organization has stated it abhors "all forms of prejudice".[6]
Leading British medical journal refuses to retract open letter on Gaza written by authors concerned that “Jews control the media, politics and banking”
By David Bernstein
September 22, 2014
Thankfully, the NGO has since then distanced itself with the views of the aforementioned doctors.
So the controversy is probably obsolete nowadays, as it has been more than five years without any such message.
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just to say it says froggy;s battle comes with a Steam key - not sure if any of the others do - just to make sure people know this
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just to say it says froggy;s battle comes with a Steam key - not sure if any of the others do - just to make sure people know this
Where are you seeing this?
It specifically says the opposite: "(Note: Steam key not included in Games For Gaza)" on the game's page and when selecting to buy the bundle it says again "Note: Steam keys are not included with bundle purchases"
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if you look in the list pf pictures at the side it has a banner on froggy's battle saying steam key included - i don't know how you get it given to you though
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Your purchase comes with a Steam key. (Note: Steam key not included in Games For Gaza)
The picture is saying that when you buy the individual game through itch.io it comes with a free Steam key. The description specifies that you do NOT receive a Steam key for this game as part of the Games For Gaza bundle
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well then they shouldn't have used a picture saying it is included then
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Should the developer stop advertising that their game normally comes with a Steam key? Or should itch.io allow for alternate banner images for bundles?
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Description from the bundle page
Games For Gaza
A bundle hosted by Oak Grove Games by Esther Wallace with content from 140 creators.
Buy 256 items for $10 Regularly ~$1,525 Save 99%!
26 October 2023 - 9 November 2023
Many physical games (paper or.. ) others for Windows, Linux, Mac and a couple for Android, few soundtracks. Look around..
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