Desktop Dungeons

Desktop Dungeons Limited Free Promotional Package - Apr 2023
!addlicense asf s/859262

ExpiryTime: 25 April 2023 – 16:00:00 UTC
Source: SteamDB

Get Desktop Dungeons: Rewind for FREE if you own the original Desktop Dungeons! but not in our case

Thanks to JavyX
Desktop Dungeons free, Desktop Dungeons: Rewind free?
Sorry for the confusion at the moment. We're trying to sort this out. Desktop Dungeons was meant to be free when Desktop Dungeons: Rewind launched, but timings have gotten confused.

If you bought Desktop Dungeons, you will get Rewind for free. Whether it's the Desktop Dungeons: Special Edition or Desktop Dungeons, both will work and you will receive Desktop Dungeons: Rewind for free on launch.

If you claimed Desktop Dungeons for free, we have no idea what's going to happen, and we don't know how it's going to resolve until Valve get back to us.

If you buy Desktop Dungeons or Desktop Dungeons: Special Edition after the launch of Desktop Dungeons: Rewind, you will not get Rewind for free. This is why we were supposed to be giving Desktop Dungeons away for free for a bit

1 year ago*

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i guess you don't get the sequel for free in this way

1 year ago

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not sure about that

1 year ago

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1 year ago*

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This comment was deleted 7 months ago.

1 year ago

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If I understood their comment correctly, anyone who owns the original game (DLCs or not) should get the new remake for free, including anyone who claims the free promotional package

1 year ago

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This comment was deleted 7 months ago.

1 year ago

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giving a game away for free is scummy?

1 year ago

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This comment was deleted 7 months ago.

1 year ago

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I do understand your way of thinking, I saw the free one and first thing I thought was 'there will be many people who feel screwed over since they JUST got the 75% off one' and from what I understand, the only difference is the card drop?

1 year ago

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I think their intention was to say "Buy it now for cheap and you'll also get the new one", you just happened to be someone who only cares about the first one. It's pretty common for a game to go on sale prior to it going free-to-play, with some sort of bonus for people that paid instead of waited. Maybe they could have communicated it better, but I think they were expecting fans of the original to like the new one. Monetarily, they would prefer you get it now for free and then buy the new one full price.

1 year ago

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This comment was deleted 7 months ago.

1 year ago

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I just don't get how it's dishonest to put a game on sale and then give it away for free later. Pretty much every game that ever goes on sale will eventually be cheaper, that's just the way it works. If anything, this is the best way to do it because it being free so soon after the sale means you can refund if you only want the old one.

1 year ago

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Bruz, paying 3-5€ (depending on the edition) and you get the new remake for free? You for real that is scummy? They didn't lie about anything. It was never a question will this game be free. They simply said, if you own the original, you get the remake for free. Simple. You're making a mountain out of a molehill with this my man. And even if you claim this free version now, you won't get the remake. So, again, they didn't lie about anything. They offered people a great deal (which many companies don't do when releasing remakes) and you're complaining because?

1 year ago

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This comment was deleted 7 months ago.

1 year ago

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Still doesn't make sense why you are complaining. They made a game you would otherwise pay for free after the remake was released. If you bought it before it became F2P you are given the remake for free. So, what exactly is your complaint? That they didn't tell people the game will be free? I legit don't understand what you're so upset about.

1 year ago

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This comment was deleted 7 months ago.

1 year ago

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Your complaint is not valid in this case my man. The whole point of the sale was that you had a limited time to decide if you wanted to buy the OG to get the Remake for free. Did you read the sale notice at all? That was the main selling point they used — buy now for 5€ at most and you get the remake for free. They gave everyone who owns the original game the remake for free, which was what they promised. So, they held up their end of the bargain, thus not at all dishonest.

And why did you even buy the game during this sale if you didn't care about the remake? They still rewarded you and other paying customers with a remake for free. Which is not something many companies do. So, I really don't see what kind of dishonesty you're after here. Paying customers were rewarded with the remake for free (which is what they promised) and those who weren't interested in the sale pitch can now try the OG for free and decide if they want to try the remake in the future.

1 year ago

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This comment was deleted 7 months ago.

1 year ago

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Dude, just ask for the refund and get it for free now if the OG version is all you want. Problem solved

1 year ago

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There is nothing scammy going on...
After working years on a remastered version, they are generously giving it for free to owners of the previous version.
Heck they even threw a -75% off for newcomers as well for a limited time as well.

Now that the promotional new release offer is over, they are giving the old game for free BUT YOU DON'T GET THE NEW ONE, also the DLCs are not free.
A bit of a bad timing, but the devs explained themselves in the OP's post.

You got both game versions for 3.49€, dead cheap for so much content the game has to be honest.
I doubt you played more than 2hours on it since you didn't even want the game, so you can always refund it on Steam and if you did play for more I'm sure if you explain to the support team they will still give you your refund anyway.

1 year ago

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The point of the sale was to get people to buy it for a free remake (which boosted the sale numbers obviously, since paying 5€ now vs 20€ or whatever the price of the remaster is later is a no-brainer decision). They promoted the sale with that specific promotional offer and delivered it. That is not shady. You also got your refund and can now get the game for free. If you're unhappy you paid for it, fair enough. But they weren't dishonest about anything like you are saying as they delivered what they promised with their sales pitch - a free remake if you own the OG game before the new one is out. There was no hidden catch or anything.

1 year ago

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I don't agree with some of the things that Dohi64 is saying, but I can understand how why he's not exactly happy if all he wanted was the original game since the historical low before the recent sale was $7.49.

1 year ago*

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Sure, I get that. But the point of the sale was to get it now so you get the remake for free. That was the sales pitch. And he easily refunded the game. The issue is he says they are dishonest, which they are not. They had a sale to promote the offer of getting the remake for free. And they delivered that IMO.

1 year ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

1 year ago*

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The new game still hasn't launched, the free promo happend before the new one launches.

1 year ago

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Oops, thought the game launched already. Thanks for clarifying.

1 year ago

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According to the store page of the new game, it will launch in 1 hour from now:

so I guess there is a small window where anyone who claims the free package now will get the new game for free when it releases 🤷‍♀️

I'm not sure if this is what the developer intended to do (giving the new game for free to everyone, or only to those who previously purchased the game?)

1 year ago

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Yeah that seems like it's a time botch by the devs. The free promo was more than likely supposed to happened after the game launch. Now with the game being owned by a lot of people who didn't buy it, they may get the new game for free.

1 year ago

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The free promo was more than likely supposed to happened after the game launch. Now with the game being owned by a lot of people who didn't buy it, they may get the new game for free.

That's just not how Steam (or any license-based service) works, though. Temporal placement has absolutely no effect on license results. Simply put, it's all down to "if there's a seperate license, it operates differently". It doesn't matter when the developer makes and releases the license, what matters is that they do (ie, versus simply reusing an existing license).

That is to say, no part of Steam's license process ever checks "is game owned" [though developer linked scripts on outside websites, such as the upgrade script the developer of Van Helsing uses to upgrade owners of the base games to the Ultimate Edition, may indeed do so).

Uhm.. okay, let's say it's a car manufacturer, and they decide to offer free cupholders to certain models of cars. Unless they accidentally misconfigured the new model of car to include cupholders, or gave away the wrong model of car, there's just no way to get the cupholders (without paying extra on a seperate purchase). And unlike with cars, the developers here can just easily remove cupholders as needed (if they're not worried about poor customer response, or if it's prior to customers receiving their "cars").

Since this is properly configured as a seperate license, noone'll get the remake unless the developer wants them to ("Free cars, NOW WITH FREE LUXURY CUPHOLDERS! Our free apologies to existing luxury cupholder purchasers"). If the developer had given away the wrong license, it wouldn't have mattered when they'd given it away, it would have had the same "whoops, we accidentally upgraded your model" results either way.

1 year ago

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When you activate the free version shows up on SteamDB as Desktop Dungeons Limited Free Promotional Package - Apr 2023. My guess is if you have this version you will not be getting the free upgrade.

1 year ago

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it all depends on how the developer set it up, whether they want to exclude the free-promotional-package or not from getting the free upgrade

they certainly could have communicated this whole thing better to avoid any such confusion

we shall find out shortly when it launches ;)

1 year ago

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That's not how that works. You don't "exclude" anything with licenses, you "include" them. Think cable plans. You may have an HBO plan, a Disney plan, etc, and the cable provider may run a promotion where they add stuff to the Disney plan. Unless they screw things up pretty significantly, noone on another plan will be affected.

With licenses, unless there's some sort of easily misconfigurable "add to all" element the developer can get glitched on, the developer'll have to manually set each plan to have the new content (similar, say, to manually going through site users to adjust their site permissions, such as from User->Junior Moderator). Which means that unless they actively affect the free license, it'll never be influenced by the bundled remake promotion.

There seems to be a misconception that promotions check your ownership and operates off that, but that's just not how it works. The developer actively modifies existing licenses to have them include additional content, which then becomes accessible to all individuals with that license. SteamDB's layout is really good for visually expressing how that works: for the current app, compared to which added the app association for its remake to all current licenses.

Unless the appID for the Remake is added to what the free license activates for each account with the license, then there's no way for that license to provide additional content. Typically the only time users get content they aren't supposed to have is when the developer sent out the wrong license type to begin with. ie, premium cable (ie, paid licenses) where they meant to offer basic (ie, free licenses). Since this promotion is being run through the Steam store, that's not going to be a concern here.

Basically, there's not any reason to assume getting access to a remake in a situation like this unless a developer explicitly states that'll happen. This is all operating according to typical Steam license procedures, and developer communication has been reasonably clear on the matter; The only definitive issue has been that the developer didn't communicate earlier and more straighforwardly than they did.

1 year ago*

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you seem to know more about this than I do (I assume you have a developer steam account?)

anyway the devs do acknowledge that there was definite confusion:

If you claimed Desktop Dungeons for free, we have no idea what's going to happen, and we don't know how it's going to resolve until Valve get back to us.

even devs sometimes don't know how steam tools work for sure xD

1 year ago

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Thanks, that is clear!

1 year ago

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including anyone who claims the free promotional package

Source? The linked comment was clearly specifically a response to "if I buy", and the free promotional package is being delivered properly (ie, configured as a seperate package and not being replaced by other keys by accident), so there's no indication at all that I can find that anyone'll be getting the remake with the free package.

1 year ago

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no source, just my interpretation ;)

I agree, this whole thing is a bit confusing haha, and the developer might have genuinely made a mistake if this was not what they intended to do...

1 year ago

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I'm not seeing any mistake from the developer, though. Still not seeing where one could be, rather. I mean, aside from not properly communicating with customers beforehand on the free promotion thing, but that doesn't appear to be the current subject of discussion.

1 year ago

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I guess it will all become clear in the next hour or so when the remake launches :)

1 year ago

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That dev comment has nothing to do with the current free promotion. As simple as that. In the discussions there has not been official dev word about people getting the free game now and then the sequel for free too.

Since they're different licenses, it's still a maybe.

1 year ago

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Hopefully the devs didn't make a mistake here.

1 year ago

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1 year ago

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We’re going to be giving away Desktop Dungeons: Rewind for FREE to everyone who owns the original Desktop Dungeons when the new game releases. And to make that even easier, we've discounted Desktop Dungeons for the week leading up to the launch of Desktop Dungeons: Rewind on the 18th!

Bambi might be right on this one. Wouldn't be very cool to give the game for free with the same benefit (getting the sequel) as people who bought it after enticing people to buy it with this promo.

Edit: maybe they made a mistake while trying to set up the free sequel for owners of the original.

1 year ago*

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I also think it's a developer's mistake. It wouldn't be right to give everyone the Rewind even to those who have now got the game for free

1 year ago*

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I was very close to buying it during the recent sale, so thanks a lot for this info.

EDIT: Although, doing this right after historically low sale is a weird move.

1 year ago*

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EDIT: Although, doing this right after historically low sale is a weird move.

It makes sense from the perspective of "you're actually buying the upcoming (and free to those who paid for the original game) remake at a discount it likely won't reach again for a good while". Well, though lack of good communication from publishers is never appreciable, of course.

1 year ago

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Wow, just bought this when it was on sale.... I assume they either checked the date(s) or changed the license for free wont get the new free?

1 year ago

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Shared content works by adding a license component to an existing package or packages.

Basically, think of it as having multiple meals on a table, with good distance between each, and you add seasoning to the specific meals you want seasoned. As with that situation, it's presumably impossible to mis-season unless you confuse the meals you're supposed to be seasoning or drunkenly season the wrong meal. Though, unlike with seasoning meals, you can always remove individual elements from packages just as easily, so mis-seasoning is generally not a concern with packages to begin with, meaning the only real issue is in developers giving out the wrong meals to begin with.

Less metaphorically, since this is, as the OP listed, configured as a new package, the developer would have to intentionally include the remake in the new package for those obtaining the free promotion to receive it. The only way there could have possibly been an issue would be if the developer had sent out the wrong keys- which the OP already indicated they didn't- or if the developer had insanely repurposed an existing package, but this package was created only 6 days ago, so there's no chance of that.

As such, there's a lot of very confusing sentiments in this thread that don't appear to have any real basis, especially given the omittance of any kind of source for such concerns.

1 year ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

1 year ago

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ahah I just made a couple of giveaway of this game alst day when it was in sale ^_^' ... But it's cool, now, everyone could have it for free

1 year ago

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If those giveaways ended before today (Tues 04/18/23) and the winners had redeemed them, the would have gotten DD: Rewind for free in their Libraries. (Often takes restarting Steam for them to show up in the Library list... also, might be worth messaging your winners that they should have Rewind free in their accounts now!)

1 year ago

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!addlicense ASF 859262

1 year ago

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1 year ago

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As someone who bought the game when it was on sale recently, it does feel shitty.

However, I'm willing to give the benefit of the doubt here and assume that the first game was not supposed to be free until after the remake launched. If this was intentional, then that's kinda shitty not to mention their plan and will probably refund and call it a day. If it was an accident and they address that, then I'll leave it as is. Mistakes happen, and I'm willing to overlook that.

Plus, getting the game for free may not unlock the remake. If that's the case, no worries either.

Just my take on this though. We will see very soon.

1 year ago

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Yea if it would be free but the rewind was for people who bought original it would be ok. otherwise it would feel very bad for user convinced to buy with a promise they will get rewind...

1 year ago

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otherwise it would feel very bad for user convinced to buy with a promise they will get rewind...

I've yet to see any such promise by the developer be pointed out by anyone. If it's a self-made promise, or one borne out of accidental misreading, language barriers, or willful illiteracy, then there's a limit to how much sympathy one should really feel for those affected (ie, "Oof, that sucks. Oh well, life, right?" as opposed to"Gosh, those scammy bastards! That's really shitty, sorry."), especially given how Valve does offer a refund policy, and how the remake will release within the necessary refund window.

There's still room for sympathy over people with busy lives having to double-check information on a time limit because the developer couldn't be bothered to put out a proper announcement, of course. But again, poorly detailed communication does not necessarily equal willful deception, and definitely doesn't equate to them making any promises.

1 year ago

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Well, it's all resolved now and it turned out to be a simple mistake.

All's well that ends well

1 year ago

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WTF. I guess it would be nice if they would not tried recently to convince people to but it with -75% discount to have rewind version too. It was good promotion but now it feels bad if you bought 2 days ago in promotion because you wanted to play rewind and now that give away it for free and it will be also connected with having rewind version....

It would be also stupid marketing move as they had many people who was happy with their attitude regarding rewind and now it feels more like scammed if they will give rewind to everyone ;). But I dont know if they will give free rewind version to everyone or only to one who bought it = for now it look like everyone will get them, not only these who bought it...

1 year ago

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Really good game, great music and lovely puzzles.

1 year ago

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Thanks info.

1 year ago

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Desktop Dungeons free, Desktop Dungeons: Rewind free?

Sorry for the confusion at the moment. We're trying to sort this out. Desktop Dungeons was meant to be free when Desktop Dungeons: Rewind launched, but timings have gotten confused.

If you bought Desktop Dungeons, you will get Rewind for free. Whether it's the Desktop Dungeons: Special Edition or Desktop Dungeons, both will work and you will receive Desktop Dungeons: Rewind for free on launch.

If you claimed Desktop Dungeons for free, we have no idea what's going to happen, and we don't know how it's going to resolve until Valve get back to us.

If you buy Desktop Dungeons or Desktop Dungeons: Special Edition after the launch of Desktop Dungeons: Rewind, you will not get Rewind for free. This is why we were supposed to be giving Desktop Dungeons away for free for a bit 😄


1 year ago

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1 year ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

1 year ago

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thanks for the info

1 year ago

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I bought it and didn't get rewind for free or it will happen later?

1 year ago

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Same. They are probably clarifying it with Valve first

1 year ago

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I think it takes some time.
I won a dev key for an other game which gives me access to all DLC that will come out. And it took about half an hour when the first new DLC was released to show up in my account.

1 year ago

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If you don't see it in your Steam Library yet, restart Steam so it refreshes the freely added license. That's what I had to do in your same situation.

1 year ago

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Yeah it's there, thanks.

1 year ago

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I guess it can take time to show up Rewind (or not) on account. I wonder how it plays out on the end. I think it was not in purpose but bad timing but now it is a little mess.

1 year ago

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I really hope people who got the free version don't get Rewind for free too. That's unfair to everyone who bought the game last week.

1 year ago

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You literally copied your comment from here word for word -

why are you like that?

1 year ago

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Why do you care?

1 year ago

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View attached image.
1 year ago

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"If you claimed Desktop Dungeons for free, you will not get Desktop Dungeon: Rewind for free, Valve got back to us.*". Update in steam discussion.

1 year ago

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i have bought it but still i don't have Rewind in my library

1 year ago

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The same for me. But I think delay is connected with this mess and now they need some short (?) time to make it technically in correct way. But I guess everyone need some patience. Valve response is best solution for this if will be realised as announced.

1 year ago

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I bought it last week when it was on sale as well. I have now received Desktop Dungeons: Rewind, so it looks like it was just taking a while.

Looks like the devs just made a simple mistake with the timing of the old game going F2P

1 year ago

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Yea. And it could be dev mistake bylut it could be also steam mistake. Anyway it was resolved fast and in fair way. It means that developer was able to left minefield in a good way :-).

1 year ago

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Rewind appeared in the library now

1 year ago

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yeah, here also

1 year ago*

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Probably a good idea to mention that you bought the old one. Owners of the Desktop Dungeons Limited Free Promotional Package don't get Rewind.

1 year ago

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Oh, sure, that didn't cross mind. Yeah, i bought the old one many years ago

1 year ago

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Nice, waiting for the reviews to decide which one to play. ;-)

1 year ago

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Rewind is surprendly good. it got greats reviews

1 year ago

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But are they professional?

1 year ago

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1 year ago

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Who cares as long as they're surprending you? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

1 year ago

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Many steam reviews seem to be "thumbs up for giving me the game for free".
Do you have links to some professional reviews?

1 year ago

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Пусть лучше моя корова сдохнет, чем у соседа их будет две. Геймеры такие геймеры. ^_^

1 year ago

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1 year ago

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got rewind free because i had desktop dungeons from humble android 14

1 year ago

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They finally put Desktop Dungeons: Rewind in my Steam library last night. What about you?

1 year ago

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Closed 1 year ago by lexby.