I enjoyed Warden. There are better games out there in the genre, but Warden was worth getting in a bundle and playing.
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Thank you for posting, Siwy! :-)
Besides one game they are all repeats.
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Golem Creation Kit on my wishlist, mayyyybe interested in DinoSystem or Torgeath too (has anyone here played either of those two)?
Will try my luck winning the Kit, and if no luck, check back in three weeks and see if I want to buy it, I guess. Hooray for month-long Fanatical bundles ;)
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Oh, look, Super Sports Surgery from Vadim Starygin, the moron who wasn't happy with bundling his games so he didn't provide Steam keys to the purchasers of the OtakuMaker Greenlight Bundle #7 and OtakuMaker Greenlight Bundle #9 (where Super Sports Surgery was bundled initially).
I guess he changed his mind... AGAIN.
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I give Badim about three months before he has a major hissyfit revoking all the game copies after finding out someone managed to trade the game for something actually decent.
Only a matter of time before he shamelessly slithered back into bundling to punctuate his hypocrisy. Still, I always assumed he'd target IndieGala next since they've already got a widespread problem with d-bag devs revoking keys once paid. They seem so quick to just roll over too that he's just another sleazeball in a sleazeball-pit. (Well, plus the fact he already burned Otaku and Groupees,while Humble wouldn't touch his shit for a penny tier)
Would his scamming be a first for BundleStars/Fanatical? I can't really think of any situations there similar to all the bullshit on other bundle sites, or at least in the few years I've been buying from 'em. I'm even more certain Humble never has to deal with that shit, and BS has got to be the second most competent of the bundle sites, so maybe they've got enough juice to smack down dirty devs too.
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Yeah, IndieGala has a real problem with devs deactivating keys. I'm currently in the process of activating a bunch of old IG Bundles from GroupBuys and eventhough I've barely activated a dozen bundles I already had to contact 2 devs abouts revoked / expired keys. One of them reacted admireably and issued me a replacement key within less than 12 hours but from the dev of Ziggy's Chase I haven't heard a beep eventhough I posted in the games discussion boards over 2 weeks ago. Somebody pointed out to me that he apparantly also deactivated all keys for his games from several other Bundles.
And I agree. So far I've never had any problems of the sorts at BundleStars/Fanatical but I still have a lot of unactivated keys there so here's to hoping. But I still think they hold themselves to a higher standard than IndieGala.
With Humble there have been a couple cases where they provided wrong keys (Sunless Sea) or advertised games incorrectly (Wasteland 2 Digital Deluxe Edition). Sometimes they let it be, sometimes they had to revoke keys and provide new correct ones but that's a somewhat different case in my opinion. I'm pretty sure they'd never let a scammer like Badim into their Bundles but that's rather because of the quality or lack thereof of his games :D
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pretty much what I did xD kept only 2 or 3 and gave the rest away but a great bundle imho
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Just be careful. I bought the bundle for myself, but since I am in the US, it was marked "Region Locked- US only" for activation.
Actually, almost every game on the site had a region lock on it when I was looking through non-bundled games, ad the Star Deal. But after you buy, the region lock does not show up in your key list, so if you stash them for a while, you might forget the region locks.
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After further review -
I'm not so sure that the "Activates in the United States" message is indicative of a region lock. I don't know that there are region-locked keys for some of these games. I think it's just a note to let you know that the game can be activated in your country, so you'll know it's safe to buy.
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Yep. Was talking with someone else about this the other night, on Steam. And found that little nondescript arrow to the right of the "Activates in XXX" >
That arrow, if you click it, will open a list of all countries/regions that key will work in.
Would have been nice for Fanatical to how somewhere on the site, what that little arrow meant or did. I suppose they thought it looked more "streamlined" than the only boxes, in high contrast colors, with the words "will activate in" or "will not activate in" in the boxes. Those were not as "pretty". for sure, but were much clearer about what they were for, and what you would find if you clicked on them. Having a page show a country a key will activate in, based on IP address alone is kind of broken... so many kids use VPN's and multiple anon proxies these days, to make them appear to be halfway across the globe, from where they really are. And it's not a difficult thing to do, like it used to be 20+ years ago. Free VPN services all over the Web now.
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Interesting! I never really paid attention to that arrow. But I just figured out that if the little arrow is not there, it doesn't have any region locks.
For example: compare this page to this page.
The starter bundle has the arrow because it won't activate in Germany or South Korea; the Nemesis bundle has no arrow because its keys are ROW.
All in all, I feel like we learned something here. :)
I also learned that IFIYGD = EvilGinger013! :) Welcome to SG, I had no idea you joined!
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Lol! Yeah, I left the GA groups i used to gift in, on Steam. Got tired of people with dozens of alt accounts entering my GA's, not being able to block them from entering, and just dealing with more and more random friend invites from beggars every time I had a GA on Steam.
Here, at least, I can whitelist or blacklist, and limit my GA's to groups I like and my whitelist. (Which you are on.)
Wondered how long it would be before you checked my Steam profile. xD
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It says "excluded from voucher" for me, so that must have been some kind of bug/mistake that made it look like it was accepted.
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Not that it really matters but you seem to have accidently used the polish link for NO THING ;)
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awesome bundle, bought it!
and yeah just a little mistake, you put instead of for the game "no thing" as Sundance85 said above me, I understand some Polish but it was all so weird ahah :))
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Only warden seems interesting and Knight squad that I already own. :3
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