To me "Good MOBA" is an oxymoron.
It's a genre I could never get into no matter how much I tried. To me it just felt like "RTS lite" and I couldn't really find much in the way of depth or strategy that everyone says they're meant to have. Not really a fan of the whole "hotkey combat" thing either, always found that depressingly boring.
Also the god-awful communities that seem to build up around those games. I've already gradually moved away from multiplayer games due to the idiotic behaviour of other players, I can't see how I could stand the whole MOBA crowd who seem to be some whole new breed of angry mega-virgin.
The closest I came to enjoying a MOBA was Monday Night Combat since it was more shooter focused and there was less emphases on the whole mob mechanic and more on player versus player. I heard SMNC went a bit more traditional MOBA so I haven't bothered with that.
It's not a genre I'm completely against. I think with a completely rehauled combat system and more emphases on slaying other players I could get into it. Maybe a Mount and Blade combat system with big environments.
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I can't say I have any decent experience with MOBA's, but the community thing is definitely right on. I can't imagine how people can have fun when you've got a few people with anger issues.
K/D/A ratio is very important in life. I guess some people are really gung-ho about being the best in something in life.
Imo, if gamers take gaming very serious, to the point that their competitiveness makes them wail on people and what not, the game is not worth playing. Everyone wants and tries to win, but there is a difference between gamers who lose and are not bothered by it, and the players who rage and put other players down because they are "noob" and they are apparently perfect awesome sauce.
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I've tried SMNC before
I didn't particularly like it as much because the controls seemed really glitchy and unfamiliar to me so I ended up sucking at it a lot
I loved the practice games, but the matchmaking set me up with complete veterans so I ended up getting a really bad KDR
That's one of the main reasons why I liked league from the very start
There are enough people on there that I was always matched with people my own skill level
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I only played/play DotA/DOTA2. I invested a lot of time in it back in high school so I couldn't be bothered learning the new ones like LoL (and my friends had a HoN phase, good lord.) I never talk in-game much and ignore the communities, so the horrible horrible communities OF ALL!!! don't bother me.
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I surprisingly like Awesomenauts, more because I like platformers of any variety and the presentation and overall theme is well done. The characters, their personalities, and the voice acting all works together real nicely. As for how it acts as a moba, I wouldn't know. I only play against bots, and haven't accumulated much playtime. As an action platformer (if you can consider it that), it's quite fun for being an arena/moba style platformer.
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I think Dota 2 is probably the best MOBA out right now and it has the most support. The only other really competitor it seems is LoL, but I don't really like their business model and grinding for hours to get a single new champions is stupid.
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Dota 2, Dota 2 and if I have not mentioned it yet: Dota 2
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Dota 2 and League of Legends are preety good. But if you want totaly different expirience, try Awesomenauts. It's really fun and unique.
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Dota 2 is awesome, hard to learn, hard to master, but awarding :)...but there are also many assholes in-game, my last game was with Idiots calling me noob and reporting me because I killed them ^^
What were they thinking if they go alone thinking one Ursa could defeat me..and in the end, well I was quite godlike as Riki with Daedalus, Butterfly,Sange & Yasha, Power Treads, Vlads Offering and Poormans Shield ^^
Edit: I played LoL over a year ago for only few months and thanks to this my entry to Dota 2 was a bit easier
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Dont forget Russians. Im know there as Krvnik Zoophile ( Krvnik is the Bloodseeker ) (Крвник Зоофил) , Whore (Сука), Psycho (Психо) , Watter Noob (possibly Morphling) (Вода нуб) , Skileton Knait (King Leoric, possibly) (Скилетон Кнаит), Idi nahui (unknown meaning) (иди нахуи) , etc.
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I can't read what they are writing so it doesnt affect me much, though there seems to be a lot of them.
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Ive played Hon for 2000h+ and I like it the most. Its fast, the mass battles are not cofusing as in dota and it requires skill. However it is unbalansed, buggy and has many falls.
Lol ive played for 100 or so hours and I did not like it. Too easy for there are no denies and every hero has a farm ability.
Played dota2 for 25 hours and I think its pretty good and its becoming better with each day. The new mods, the events and the item farm make it very interesting.
Demigod ive played for 10-15 hours and its bad. Thats all. Its just terrible.
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League used to be that way for me as well lol
the recent changes fixed a lot of the balance issues
and i'll need to try HoN then XD
I heard it was a good game, but I never got around to trying it
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Why? Because it's NOTHING like those competitive-frenzied abominations Dota and League of Legends where the communities will eat you alive!
You actually control your character here. Abilities require no mana (in fact there is no mana at all) and have short cooldowns. It's a platformer so you actually maneuver, dodge and aim your attacks. There is such thing as clicking on the enemy and watching your character do everything on their own. Technically there is no such thing as leveling up either. The level is calculated as 1 level every 100 gold, so it shows how powered up the character is instead of actually powering them up in any way. So, unlike in Dota, a significantly higher level enemy can actually be taken down in a 1 on 1 fight if you have the skill for it.
Then again, since you're a fan of LoL, this is probably not what you mean by a "good" MOBA game. But, hey, it's worth a try.
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I love that game ^_^
and LoL actually hasn't been that bad since the Honor system got implemented
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Awesomenauts suffers from very poor matchmaking however. It doesn't wait for people to fill a lobby as usual MOBAS, it starts with whatever amount of players and fills the remaining slots with bots. Matches are often not full (3vs3), late joiners are most of the time either screwed themselves or shift completely the balance of the game. Not to mention the poor netcode, which still hasn't been perfected and matches you with far away people or people with awful internet often. Between those issues only like 20% of all matches is enjoyable at all anymore, so the game is currently pointless to play. Hope its fixed though, matches can be very good.
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I love the new patch ^_^
7 new items,
zed released,
and some awesome buffs/nerfs as well
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Nice I'm on a 10 week break from League so I'm not even more what the new champions are. (just looked them up and the newest are Elise and Zed)
Might start playing again, but I doubt it unless they release a new game mode or add ARAM or Provening Grounds map to normal match making.
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I've played HoN for I'd say close to 3 years. I played it in early closed beta non stop for a year, stoped for half a year, then played it 3-4 mothns trying hard to improve, quit the game because I got tired of the community (last game I started plaing, and literally in the 1st second, all four of my teammates left just like that), but recently I started playing it again.
HoN is fucking addictive, I'd give it that. The community on the other hand is pure shit, it's the worst of the worst - every game 6/10 times your teammates in the event of losing early on they spam concede at 15 minute mark, go afk if the game isn't going their way, general griefing, blame absolutely every time everybody else on his team, etc. Really I like playing, I don't rage, and if someone starts insulting me for no reason, I just ignore them and let it slide. Sometimes we win simply because we ignore a griefer - hope that explains the situation with the community.
If you disregard the community (which is impossible unless you play with friends) the game is a lot of fun, challenging and rewarding. It's incredibly hard to learn and twice as hard to master. It's competitive community is also nice to watch, they have a lot of good matches worth watching, they have a site streaming professional HoN gameplay and stuff - the game has a lot of pluses and one gigantic minus which in most cases turns a big number of players off the game. Really - some players can be real mean with their insults.
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I'd say hon is by far the best... i've tried almost every moba. But probably has worst far.
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Pick one. Awesomenauts is a fun little game though.
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I play League pretty regularly, and I play a game of DOTA 2 every once in a while
I sometimes play SMITE, but the game ends up lagging my computer a lot
What MOBAs do you guys play?
and for those of you who play League: What are your thoughts on the new Jungle and TT upgrades?
I am in love with the new TT, but the Jungle is extremely annoying now.
Riot killed leashing :/
Edit: is it just me, or are there very few League players on this site? <_<
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