What was your highest level?
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I made it to lv 125,190 and I honestly think I was the only one actually clicking hehe. But thanks to my team I don't feel like Charlie Bucket in Willy Wonka when the teacher asked him how many chocolate bars he opened... "Two? ...I can't do just two!"
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hmm.. seems I got to lvl 396K. I have no idea how, nor do I care. I did at least beef up my health and my auto-attack in the game, so I wasn't totally useless in the games I was in. But even then, I only did it for the cards, seeing if I could scrape a few extra bucks out of this.
Didn't go too well though. In the end I even crafted a badge because I ended up with a full set of cards that didn't want to sell for 5 cents of profit..
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I feel something is mising in me right now... No more visiting uLLeticaL twitch to get room, no more awesome music he played on that channel, no more copying room number like crazy and trying to enter :D That was great time and I've never seen internet so organized before! hmm, what can I say... ༼ つ ◕◕ ༽つ PRAISE GOLD HELM ༼ つ ◕◕ ༽つ
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Yeaaah, it really depended on what room you got into. A few times my room struggled to breach level 200 after a few hours. I always built for idle damage primarily (with an even elemental split), but rode on top of a stack of Raining Coins and would keep peeking back in to throw a few of them onto a boss. I wonder how many people joined a room, played for a few minutes then left it on overnight with only 1k idle damage? :3c
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I got my 100m badge via a good room choice. My RL friend that was also trying didn't make as good a choice and only hit 65m, so on the last day I got into a YOWH room as it was starting, and dragged two of my RL friends in, one of which had only been like 6k before it, so got them both the 100m badge as well. I think I hit 100m on 3 days total.
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The highest figure I saw was 1.7mil
Before that crazy last day I only managed to reach about 4K though.
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I got only in Reddit rooms almost for the entire sale, they did well the first few days but then the trolls came and destroyed almost every Reddit room.
On day 8 I got in room #12 (45931) but I dropped it because it seemed dead and to my regret it eventually got to 100 million while I ended up in a failed room (45947 #13).
I got stuck on day 9 in the 96 million room (47038 #4), which sucked big time.
On day 10 I got into YOWH room #4 (48595) and got the 100 mil badge in only a few hours.
So it was definitely an adventure.
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100M in 49659 (also my friend got the 100M out of pure luck. She hit the random game button just for the cards and left it. The next morning her team had made it. She had randomed in to 48294).
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Haha, that makes sense; we were one of the rooms with the least actives. Had less than 500 active people for most of the run
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On the second last day, I was in your room, then I hopped over to YOWH #6 which was hit by a reset bug... .
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WOW man, actually I tried to enter a lot of rooms manually too but in vain. On the second last day after trying for 2 hours I clicked the Random game button. within hours i was at 10M + nd eventually reached 100M. Guess wat was my room no. 48294.
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Just found this:
Rooms that made it to 100M:
Day 8: 4 rooms made it to 100M / 3 Wchills / 1 YOWH
46100 (Wchills), 45931 (Wchills), 46120 (Wchills), 46550 (YOWH)
Day 9: 6 rooms made it to 100M / 3 Wchills / 3 YOWH
47321 (YOWH), 47365 (YOWH), 47051 (Wchills), 47075 (Wchills), 47686 (YOWH), 47020 (Wchills)
Day 10: 9 rooms made it to 100M / 4 Wchills / 5 YOWH
48520 (YOWH), 48581 (YOWH), 48275 (Wchills), 48583 (YOWH), 48595 (YOWH), 48273 (Wchills), 48625 (YOWH), 48294 (Wchills), 48293 (Wchills)
Day 11: 8 rooms made it to 100M / 3 Wchills / 5 YOWH
49659 (YOWH), 49666 (YOWH), 49645 (YOWH), 49492 (Wchills), 49705 (YOWH), 49514 (Wchills), 49481 (Wchills), 49470 (YOWH)Wchills rooms that made it to 100M: 13 rooms
YOWH rooms that made it to 100M: 14 roomsUnluckiest room: 49531 / Final lvl: 98,439,223 D:
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My friend didn't need one either, just luck rolled in to a special room. I mostly just joined rooms that were near my max join level and progressed from there. Then I found out about Reddit team and YOWH team, and stalked Reddit (utter failure for me). Then on the last day, I got in to YOWH#2 (fast team ever) and made it. I had pretty much given up hope. I just knew to click the wormholes on X00 and not nuke the X00 levels!
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