I'm sorry, but I decided that I'd ask this question, too, since I'm horrible at making decisions... I'm pretty sure that I'll get Stardew Valley and Rabi-Ribi, but after selling about $5-6 worth of cards to be able to afford the special edition of Rabi-Ribi, I think I might get something else and buy the artbook and soundtrack of Rabi-Ribi at a bigger discount.

So I'll have a few dollars left that I need to decide what to do with. My top choices are probably: LiEat, NEKOPARA Vol. 1, or The Indie Mixtape, but I'm open to suggestions. So please help me decide?
If you just want to vote, that's fine, but I'd like to have comments, too, if you have time.

EDIT: I'd like to thank those of you who commented, I think I've decided to get the Rabi-Ribi special, but save those extra $ from my excess card sales. I'll close this now, though, since the sale is coming to an end.
I whitelisted those who commented as thanks. :)

8 years ago*

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What should I spend my last few dollars on?

View Results
Just save it...
Special edition of Rabi-Ribi
Other (Include in comment)
The Indie Mixtape

Just so you know, the artbook for Rabi-Ribi is kinda awesome, as it includes a bunch of playable unreleased content. I thought that was kinda neat, never seen anyone else do something like that with artbook DLC.
Sorry if I made the choice even harder!

8 years ago

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Yeah, I saw that on the page for the artbook. It does make it seem even more awesome, as if just the art weren't enough. :)

Thanks for commenting, whitelisted.

8 years ago*

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Not many comments, lol. But it looks like most people think I should just save my last few dollars, I guess?

8 years ago

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Nekopara has 1/3 of the votes that saving it does, now...

But am I seriously not going to get any other comments? Are people that sick of this question, or does nobody who owns these games have opinions to share? ;P

I'll do one last bump before I give up since there's also a tiny giveaway for those few that don't own Hordelicious...

8 years ago

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I tried to post in all of these threads and give my dispensable opinion on every game, but anime games aren't in any way my ...... expertise.... .

I have the feeling that purchasing extra and additional content (not DLCs) for games is a good way to show your support for the developer, and as it's now just at 25% off you could do that - if you wanted to - without a sale. So I feel if you rather want the content for the purpose of owning everything of the game and add a little to your "gaming value", you should probably wait for a better discount, as I still believe that it doesn't add that much.
If you want to play LiEat and Nekopara right away, you should just buy them. If you like what you see and really want to play them, then there is no need to save the card-farm money. You should save your money just if you intent to buy something better in the future. But what would that be?!

8 years ago

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I still very much appreciate your input, I'm not really sure what I'd save up for, just basically wait until an amazing deal catches my eye or something, I guess? But yeah, I doubt I'd play Nekopara right away since I kind of have a tendency to put off my VNs, but that is one that I'd like to pick up at a good price, but it'll probably be discounted like this fairly often. LiEat sounds like something I'd really enjoy, but I might forget about it for a while because of my other games, so it sounds like I should probably just wait for that, too.

The good thing about getting the special edition of Rabi-Ribi is that you get both the additional things for $5 more than the base game. And while I do want to support the developers, I still have a hard time buying at full price (I have lots of weird "habits"?) and I don't know how long it might be before the discount is big enough to get that same deal. But maybe at some point I'd be able to get myself to buy them separately?

Whatever I end up deciding, you and Cantisque are whitelisted now, thanks again :)

8 years ago

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In my case, I often don't respond because I dislike saying what people should do with their money.
I'm also only familiar with the Linux-compatible games on Steam, plus I don't really know what kind of games you like apart from the few things you mention here, so I could recommend things that aren't in the poll, or vote on the poll, but that's kinda about it?

Anyway, have a bump from me.

8 years ago

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I was mostly just looking for other people's opinions. Normally it seems like there would be lots of things people recommend, it must have just been bad timing on my part. Thanks for the reply, though, I appreciate it. :)

8 years ago

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Nekopara it's fun to have, but only for giggles and stuff like that (yeah...)
Rabi-Rabi it's more for playing and having cute things at the same time
And the special edition is neat
I would choose rabi-rabi special edition

8 years ago

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I do love me those catgirls, and I really want to collect those cards, backgrounds, and emotes, but yeah it seems like I should wait for another time, especially since I probably wouldn't get around to it for a while anyways, with the other games I got this sale. Thanks for the reply. :)

8 years ago

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Closed 8 years ago by AwesomePossum50.