I am ranked, around 1.5 MMR, but I know that I can do better with right people. I like it from behind ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). All jokes aside, I play as support mostly, because I don't feel like I'm skilled enough to carry the game.
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a good support can help or make early game, though. especially if you rotate when your team needs it. you've (probably) got a lot to learn either way, though.
reading WarFerret's response, I laughed.. but it's actually a sad experience if you read it all.
even if you don't play a game too seriously, you can still play it well. just depends on what you mean by taking something 'too seriously' (blindsided by everything except the game) or keeping a level head while making thoughtful decisions. shruggin' this off, though.
mostly shruggin' since I'm not personally interested in looking for people to play, and not at the mmr level of 1.5k too much either. nobody seems interested to play with you so far though, so good luck if you really want to find people (not because of your mmr but not many seem interested)
I tried to look up your dotabuff profile, but match history is private. Was just going to see what heroes you played.
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escape while u still can. i lost a friend to dota
or at the very least! play with a very loose heart/mind
dont take the game seriously like other dota nerds !!
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I don't play it too seriously. And I don't understand people that take this game too seriously, it's not like we are playing for the big bucks. But it's all good, I have a thick skin. Last time I received death threats I just laughed a little.
Sorry you lost your mate to dota, was it because you didn't see eye to eye with play style, or he just started to play dota 24/7?
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she started playing dota 24/7 or sobbing about losing about dota 24/7 , and drifted from how my comfort level where i dont take the game seriously/dont rage/complain if we dont win
she just wanted to win/complained bitched a lot/stopped inviting me because i dont play good enough, and i stopped wanting to play with her because she became a cunt to me
also she kept taking what other said too seriously, like she would get "troll'd easily i guess you can say/ very emotional
but all in all, im the one who was better off from that break of friendship, i dont like those types of people
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Oh, wow, I didn't even think someone could be that serious about a game. Sad as it may be, it's probably for the best that it ended that way.
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+1 -- no harm done with losing a dota cunt
-1 -- "an internet friend is not an actual friend" --2 people i met online were the best people i ever hung out with in my life
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fuck off cunt hah
why wouldn't i want to get with a guitar-playing-bear named brad from canada?
and the other one's gone with the wind nowadays
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friend 1 = brad
friend 2 = disappeared.
you said something about fucking them and i made a joke out of it :p
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if u mean the first dota bitch, nah,i dont care about that one, i was just warning last pheonix that dota is filled with scum
because its a free to play game it is filled with beggars scammers idler/traders bitches cunts trolls undersirablepeoplefromundesirableplaces try hards crybabies entitled pricks
but old man mana wizard + the papa bear ursa + ability draft was fun, i liked varied abilities every game
(so thats one thing i can say i liked about dota)
if u mean i was butthurt about brad being a cooking appliance, that would be hilarious to think about
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i thought we were playing a game where we keep sprouting bullshit at one another, if u want to quit, press escape, and hit Quit. aka shut up
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Sometimes it can, yes, but it can be very fun as well.
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yeah , used to be like that but now i just play it as a game and i don't blame others and won't flame from the beginning, btw you can't play MMR with a friend who has like 1k MMR difference.
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I knew someone would bring out the MMR card ^^. But I could probably learn a lot from you.
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I just won a game as support Troll Warlord , so yeah, Im open to any kind of games of doto. Feel free to invite me
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First time I've heard of this, lol. Invited you! :)
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hey, feel free to add me. tbh i rarely play with a group. maybe we can play together + the others u find on this thread so i know what it feels like to play as a team?
I only play at night though.
Position: safelane carry/jungler
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Yeah, that is the plan, find decen folk to play with :)
No worries I play mostly at night as well.
I invited you.
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I've played with a lot of friends in the past and present, most of the time they rage or they throw or we lose. My win rate is higher solo but I still play with them and try to get them to turn their mindset around when they're upset, that should say something. ^.^
Well, dropping this here for potential partners. :3
This is the best part of yasp(opendota now), quite amusing to see.
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You got me quite interested. I haven't experienced anything that bad to be honest.
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To be honest these days I had the most bad and terrifying experience in Dota 2. So right now I'm quite angry and sad about the game. It's impossible to win and it's impossible to lose forever but these days I've been paired with the most annoying and weird players of the freakin' game. Trolls, feeders, leavers... Game after game, and all that when they changed the report system to be more severe.
It had no sense having 0 reports and being paired twice in a row with the same invoker mid that played only mid (literally), or premades of russians and/or portugueses insulting everyone that its not part of their premade, etc.
When you lose because of this, its quite devastating
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I can definitely understand that. Swearing isn't unusual, although I just ignore and don't even waste my time telling that "my mom isn't fat", lol. Leavers and/or whiners are the worst though. How can you type gg after the first lost team fight, that is just ridiculous.
Although I haven't had experience as bad as yours (maybe it's because I have US east checked in my region selection as well :) ), I don't like public matches and that is the reason I created this topic, to find some decent folk to play with and maybe someone that can help me to get better at this game. And where else to find decent folk, other than at site where people give away games for free :)
Smart, no, yes? :D
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I highly highly highly recommend not playing, but since this thread is pretty much a week old I guess it must be too late for you by now.
(I mean, I only just deleted the game with the intend to quit forever for the 6-th time last night and am once again considering re-downloading it to help you out... IT'S A DISEASE I TELL YOU! :P )
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It was too late long before this week :). Well, if you can't quite after sixth time, just embrace it! :)
let me know when your download has finished :D
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Whelp, too bad. Another poor soul lost to the terror that is MOBAs.
I wouldn't exactly say that embracing an experience that I hate but due to a number of reasons (one of which is probably the misguided hope that "it will be less shitty this time around") still play occasionally is a healthy thing to do. So, no, I do not intend to re-download it now. If you want to I could ask a friend to give you advice, but don't expect anything from me directly.
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i don't usually play ranked but i've got 5700 + hours in if you want to play
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I never had experience this bad, but I did receive death threats :D
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Well, thank god I don't play in that region, I guess ;)
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I find this very odd. Why would someone waste time just to ruin other games for other people and lose in the process? Some really hateful people there. Have you tried playing other regions, or is the ping too high?
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I have a shitty connection and playing in any other place gives a ping of 200, so i just play in latin america severs, the thing is that this kind of people are in all the countrys of latin america, 90% mostly concentrated in peru, the community is so toxic... one time just for placing a ward, a guy started to buy couriers and send them to the enemy he going under the towers to die, and it was ranked even... is just something unbelievable...
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Whaat. for placing a ward? Isn't that a good thing, lol?
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I know right? hahahaha... I try to play quiet but when this kind of this happens, god i can't avoid to get really mad, even worse when im the support, and mostly of the time theres only one support, cause hey, "why im gonna support my team when i can be who carried them to the victory"... I've descended from 3k to 2k, and come back to 2.5k thanks to this kind of people...
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Yes, the thing I dislike most about public matches - either you pick support or there is no support at all :( Supporting can make or brake a game and the higher the MMR goes, the more important that role is. I guess those people like to lose, I just don't understand why would anyone want to lose? :(
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Hello people,
I was wondering if someone would be interested in playing dota 2 on Europe and US East servers. I recently started to play again and I am looking for decent folk to play together, since public matches are quite ridiculous
I play on Europe West, Europe East and US East.
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