sometimes 2400Mhz cost the same as 1600Mhz, happened several time here in Spain, they tend to up prices for 1600Mhz since most of ppl buy these, if it's same price, there is no reason of getting 1600Mhz, I got the same way 2x4Gb 1866Mhz Sniper G.Skill it was cheaper, there was also 2100Mhz for same price, but it had CL11 and as ppl said is better CL9 1866. But
I guess there won't be any noticeable difference between 1333-2400Mhz, but still if its same price I would get the best xd.
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it doesn't matter AMD has no problem with 1.65v anyways, and RAM will auto-adjust to 1.5v even if it's 1.65v by default
, happened in my brother PC with Kingston RAM, but it may lose some speed(it won't be noticeable anyways), but you can put it again to 1.65v, AMD MOBOs support it.
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dont get gigabyte they produce more lemons then California. also corsair is one of the most reliable manufacturers for psu. every XFX card ive had had been amazing. Also put money into your CPU and MB cause good board and chip means you can upgrade the other components later and still be fine with the older board and cpu
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"dont get gigabyte"
There is absolutely nothing wrong with Gigabyte MoBos or graphics cards.
"corsair is one of the most reliable manufacturers for psu."
There are many more reliable PSUs than Corsair ones.
"every XFX card ive had had been amazing."
They have heat issues. Double Dissipation is honestly the worst cooling design out of all the graphics cards, they overheat like crazy
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"had 3 failing gigabyte boards, 2 failing gigabyte gpus"
Were any of them recent? My friends have no issue with their products
"I've one corsair psu ever bought, works since 4 years non stop"
This doesn't mean there aren't more reliable PSUs, Channel Well is average and nothing more.
"I don't think their cooling method is a problem"
And when exactly was the last time you used an XFX graphics card?
XFX is known for their overheating / terrible cooling, their temperatures reach 80~ idle and 100-110 in-game.
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"psus, simply as the architecture is, they consist of many 3rd party components, so this is a roulette of production day fails. cwt and corsair? little hints, 6 years of your ignorance and seasonic."
Stop changing the subject.I'm not talking about the production of the PSUs, I'm saying that there are more reliable PSU brands than Channel Well rebrands. and there is.
"XFX R9 270X, 12 times ... but well, how do I explain it, well, what does XFX produce? only AMD Rx cards."
What are you talking about?
I know XFX makes AMD graphics cards, I never stated otherwise.
"what does the AMD conception require? 2+ fans. why you complain only about XFX card? because you dont know a shit about what they produce currently and that not a single AMD Rx card exists with a single fan colling method."
Oh god, you're such a fucking idiot. You actually think if a graphics cards has two fans it must be great at cooling? XFX has always had overheating issues regardless of fans.
At first I actually considered what you said which especially about the Gigabyte products, but now I see you really have no idea of what you're talking about.
"why do you complain only about XFXs cooling method? cause they are the only one marketing it as a self describing feature."
Because it's not that good, there are other graphics cards that do efficient cooling and no matter how you look at it reaching 110 at games is terrible.
"and if I learned on thing, never listen to anyone regarding PC parts."
See this is why you're an idiot. If you want people to consider your opinions consider theirs instead of debating with them.
"especially not those trashing names in the first place and even more less on the things they praise to heaven."
Until XFX fixes their shitty cooling design they deserved to be thrashed in that department.
Honestly go do some research and while your at it please improve your English too. Either you're really young and naive, or your English isn't that great. It could be both.
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I have an XFX R9-270X DD - and I idle at 32C and max out at 65C on demanding games like bf4 on ultra, metro ll etc... There are no cooling issues with my XFX GPU. Might be I have one of the 'good' ones, or could just be that you dont know what your talking about. Im leaning towards the latter.
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" Might be I have one of the 'good' ones, or could just be that you dont know what your talking about. Im leaning towards the latter."
All you really needed to do is google XFX overheating, but if you want to disqualify all those complaints just because you got good card then there's really nothing I can do about it.
If you really want to take someone's word go to a (few) tech-related message board and ask about XFX's cooling performance.
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Even 500W is way over the top, get 450W if you can find good one with good price.
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I think he don't needs more than FX6300, because even if he gets an i7 it will do maximum of 5 fps difference, and because of power consumption. I don't like i3's they look bad and intel always changes sockets, so you won't be able to upgrade, also AMD Motherboards have more features for low prices than Intel's
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Main power draw is from the controller. Reducing transistor size in NAND is largely irrelevant.
The bigger problem with smaller process nodes is the lower write endurance, and a somewhat related side-effect of lower performance from using larger dies.
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why not 2x i7, just in case something isnt functioning properly, and hes feeling too lazy to wait for replacement to arrive?
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I have the Radeon R9 290 Tri-X,I warmly recommend it to you, she can't disappoint you. In Romania, It's like with 100$ more than the 280x.
And I hardly recommend an SSD! On SSD you will install your Windows. I have an 60 GB SSD.
Exemple : With SSD - Boot time, ~10 Seconds ( Windows 8.1 boots more fast than Windows 7, and If you don't like the Metro thing from Windows 8.1, you can use 'Start is back' and this program will disable Metro and you will have that Windows 7 Start Menu.
Without SSD - Boot time, I don't reminde, like 30 - 40 seconds... :-??
PS: I have an i3 momentanly, (Yeah, I know about my botelneck, I plan to buy AMD FX-8350 4.0GHz box & G1.Sniper A88X, you can take a look at this too. :)
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well, i boot my computer 1-2 times per day - so ssd saves me 40s a day, but i have the permanent problem of lack of space on the main hard drive (symbolic links may fire back sometimes)
had a ssd once but got back to normal hdd - more reliable.
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If you intend to do any overclocking avoid the ASRock EXTREME3. They have vrm overheating issues. I had to return mine because it handled power so poorly. Ended up with an asrock 990 extreme 9 (which is probably overkill).
Also regarding the previous comments of 6300 vs 6350, I have a 6300 @ 4.5ghz @ 1.408 V stable.
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Sounds good, personally I've never had AMD CPU, but it has good reviews.
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17,428 Comments - Last post 52 minutes ago by MjrPITA
So, I am building casual gaming pc, nothing special.
My budget is very limited.
This is my list so far:
CASE: Gigabyte GZ-G1 Plus GZ-G1P1BA-CNB
Motherboard: ASRock sAM3+ 970 EXTREME3 R2.0
RAAM: Kingston 8GB/2400MHz HyperX Beast XMP (Kit! 2db 4GB) (KHX24C11T3K2/8X)RAM DDR3
PSU: Corsair CMPSU-750CX 750W Builder Series
CPU: AMD AM3+ FX-6350 - 3,90GHz
GPU: Radeon R9 280x ( don't know which version atm )
Tell me what you think and what do change, thanks :)
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