Good for you! thanks for the giveaway too! (Although I missed it because the site was down) Good job for Showing those cheapskate losers whose the boss!
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I hate how the site was down basically all day and i couldnt get a key D:
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Glad I used only one.
Already had the other... but still.
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That sounds like it is just the people who took all four of the games so it doesn't include those who took 2 or 3
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I told a friend of mine about the promo/b'day-giveaway and told him to get Titan Attacks. I thought I'd just play Titan Attacks on his comp so I only went for Revenge of the Titans. He took 3 games excluding Revenge of the Titans because I had taken that one.
Long story short, his key of Titan Attacks got revoked.
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I think it'd have been better to just send out a unique gift code to anybody who subscribed to puppygame's newsletter (ya know, the little robot asking you to subscribe when you launch Revenge of the Titans).
Yes, some people still read e-mails.
And late Happy Birthday!
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If you forgot to lock your car and left the keys on the seat, do you think your insurance would cover it? I don't.
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Just like how if a woman wears a short skirt she's asking for it? Nope, doesn't work that way. It would have been wise of the developer to prevent this from happening, but people still should have respected his rules.
Well damn, I had this window open longer than i thought, and like 5 people beat me to the punch.
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His rules do not correlate with whats expected of society. Like I said before, he knew how the system works yet he chose that instead of finding another method to host such an event.
Also; keep in mind your example is of another issue. We are bound by morals (except a very exceptional few) to not molest or rape.
Over the internet, morals play barely any role as we all feel secure doing mischevious deeds.
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Rules are just morality written on paper. And I'd disagree, his rules do correlate with what is expected of society. Say it's "free bobblehead" day at the ballpark with a disclaimer of "limit 1 per customer" (for lack of a better example). You show your ticket and they give you a free bobblehead. If someone makes fake tickets in order to scam 1000 free bobbleheads, I'm fairly certain the police will get involved at some point. At the very least, the 1000 bobbleheads will be returned to the stadium. Just because the stadium didn't have perfect copy-protection on their tickets, doesn't mean the "limit 1 per customer" disclaimer is any less valid.
And in any case, he made the game, he gave out the keys: ultimately he is judge/jury/executioner and can revoke any keys he wants that weren't actually paid for.
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Right, I totally agree with you that he can do as he pleases as he created the game.
I feel that his rules do not correlate, considering factors such as the role morality has over the internet. Remind yourself this is an INTERNET situation, not in a phyiscal situation.Clearly enlisting such a rule shows that he already knows how the purchase system would go along with the possibility of people abusing it. From my point-of-view, its rather pointless to set a limitation while people still have the option to do disapproved deeds.
Sorry if the way I write is confusing; think of it this way: If you choose an option that has no set limitation; given the ability you cannot expect a rule would mean much. Especially since the abuser is unbound by morals due to it being over the internet.
And because he expected as such, its evident (at least to me) that its more of his responsibility issue since there definitely other ways to make such an event.
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Just because morality influences people's actions less over the internet, doesn't mean that they shouldn't be bound by the repercussions of their actions. Morality SHOULD influence your actions whether you are anonymous over the internet or in person, and the punishment for breaking the law online is the same as it is in person. You steal music over the internet and get caught, you get fined, you steal music in person and get caught, you get fined (not certain if the exact amounts are the same, but you get the point). I agree that the Dev should have handled the security of this issue better, but he made a mistake, or just didn't think of it. The people who exploited this were deliberately defying the rules. Their deliberate misdeeds mean we should blame them more than the Developer's innocent oversight.
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OK, so I legitimately did this, got a Steam key for the ONE game I picked out, and the key had already been used when I got it. Will those "pre-used" keys be replaced?
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Since I like Puppy Games so much, I already had Titan Attacks and Revenge of the Tittans. I gave, however, a Titan Attacks key to my brother, and was the only thing I took from this promotion. I just hope his key won't be revoked.
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awww I lost my copy of titan attacks and I was enjoying it.I only took one copy why was mines revoked.
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Cas says:By the way we are now receiving quite a few heartfelt apologies from people about blagging – really, truly, that’s very touching and very decent of you. I hope you all realise it’s nothing personal, but with 8,000 people to deal with we couldn’t easily do it in a polite fashion but then nor could we ignore it either.
Hopefully we’ll be able to do another special thing for everyone next year!" (what there was thinking they would forgive them or what?)
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More likely it's the people who saw nothing wrong with what they did until the devs reacted. People aren't without consciousness after all. If you gave away free games and some took advantage of it, when you responded to it, would you have preferred that none of them apologize?
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Good to see that they're learning from their experience rather than letting it stop them from being generous again in the future.
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It's not like the developer didn't see it coming. CAPTCHA, MOTHERFUCKER! DO YOU KNOW HOW TO USE IT?
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just to make it short
the abuse that happened
ubdate 1
"Some Of Your Problems Answered
Where do I get the Steam key from for my game?
I got a duplicate key! Can you fix this?
Just try again, it’s fixed now.
I never received the email you said you sent me!
Try again, it’s fixed now. And check your SPAM folder!
It says you’ve run out of Steam keys!
We’ve got some more now, just try again. "
Update 2
he was good enough to reactivate the first game the abuser bought
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