Very true! I can rest easy knowing it was a fulfilling life by cat standards.
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We'll see. I keep saying no more but somehow we always end up with another.
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Sounds like you have many fond memories! That's wonderful and I firmly believe it keeps our furry friends alive in spirit.
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That's so sad! It's always hard to lose our animal companions to disease and illness. Thank you for sharing and I'm glad there's still happiness for those we have with us now.
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Sorry for your loss. She looks lovely. <3
I've always been a cat person but have never had one in my home due to various limitations. I did, however, had a somewhat close relationship with a stray kitten in the neighborhood. Every day I'd bring food on my visit and they'd take a nap on my thigh after eating. It was upsetting to one day suddenly find out the cat disappeared, and I can only imagine how it feels to lose a companion of so many years.
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The disappearing cases are difficult to deal with. My grandparents had a cat that vanished from their neighborhood and they never learned what happened to it. The cat in my profile picture vanished for a few weeks as well. This was during a time when I was still in school and was in a very bad, temp living situation. It was devastating. Luckily, he came back and lived out a long life until pancreatitis eventually took him. Thanks for sharing xurc.
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Sorry for your loss. I fear the day my cats passes. She's become my world. Thank you for sharing the pictures, and telling us about her.
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I wish you and your animal friend long, healthy lives!
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Thank you. Your contribution is very much appreciated!
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I'm sorry for your loss. It's difficult when we bond with our furry friends and then lose them. We don't realize how much of our interactions become habitual until we're forced to. Thank you.
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So sorry for you my friend... It is hard to lose a loved one 💗
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I'm truly sorry for yours & your family's loss, no matter how long we're graced & blessed with them in our lives I know that nothing helps when we lose them. For more lovelies now than I can bare to remember we can console ourselves with the fact that in exchange for food, shelter and having the run of everything and everyone just a bit of love they give us years and years of unquantifiable joy and happiness, sometimes even being thankful for all our efforts!....(I mean there must be one cat out there that does surely?.....).
It's painful now but over the next few weeks and in time only the good memories will remain, she lived a good long and happy life, more than many of us can probably claim. It's been 18 years now since our own Princess passed and while I still feel her absence from time to time my only thoughts of her now are all the good times, like with your girl usually surrounding food - eating too much! - and generally acting like the proverbial 400 pound gorilla, she never understood the concept of not being allowed to do anything she wanted!
Be safe & take it easy for a while 👍.
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Thank you. They live with us forever if we let them. Thankfully, we have the good times to look back on in fondness.
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I'd like to think so. So many animals don't get half of that so it's something. Thank you.
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9 Comments - Last post 1 minute ago by pb1
160 Comments - Last post 12 minutes ago by bob12857
45 Comments - Last post 15 minutes ago by gonsi
125 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by ewoda
1,214 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by CasualGamerMe
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8 Comments - Last post 20 minutes ago by andremarques971
30 Comments - Last post 30 minutes ago by lycankai
897 Comments - Last post 33 minutes ago by Kingsajz
My cat passed today. The sweet 9irl was just shy of 14 this month. Unfortunately, she Had been struggling with renal failure for the last two years and although we kept her going with a number of weekly treatments, she left us thIs evening. My family and I always used to affectionately call her our "princess" and she is sorely missed already. She loved pawing at papers, honey ham, and in her last few years, jumping on things she wasn't allOwed on. My guess is to make up for all the missed opportunities!
I don't have a ton of keys left over right now but it would be a real shame not to put together a little something in remembrance of her. Enjoy a small number of quick weekend giveaways. Level 4 required. Ending October 8th at 7:00PM PDT.
Update: The community has come together and started adding more carts. I think this is a Farewell Train now? At the very least, I believe the number of carts has doubled since I posted this. Thank you—everyone—for your kindness.
Update 2: This was originally just a way for me to send my girl off with some extra positive energy. It's turned into a lot of support, kind words, and really shows the giving spirit of many here. I'm unable to reply to everyone in a timely manner but let me give you a heartfelt thank you here in place of that as I'm trying to catch up with all the comments and well wishes.
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