In all seriousness.. How do you get better at anything? By practicing of course!
If you really want to "git gud" at the game, you have to play quite a lot.
Basically play every day, do some deathmatches or aim maps against bots before matches. Can't really say how much, as it varies how long it takes for a person to warm up. Learn how to tap with various weapons, and how to spray.
Preferably play with people that are on your level or slightly higher. It's hard to get better by playing against lesser opponents. Soloqueue is cancer, don't do it.
If you feel like you're strong in a certain role, concentrate on that first. Try to get really good at the aspect you're already strong at. Look at demos of pro players who play that role, and try to emulate things that they do.
It's really helpful to learn some of the most basic smokes (and other nades) for each map, so look for tutorial videos and go practice them yourself on an empty server. Your team should know the smokes as well, so you can do proper executes on bombsites.
Crosshair placement is very important. It makes fragging a lot easier when opponents are likely to just walk into your crosshairs.
Those are perhaps the best tips I can give you. Other good ones have already been mentioned.
This is more of a "do as I say" and not "do as I do" as I don't do most of these things :D.
But that's because I have a long history in the original Counter-Strike, so even tho I took like 7 years off CS, I got into CS:GO quite quickly.
I'd say I'm actually quite a crappy shooter and I basically never warm up for games and I only play a few games per week, but I've managed to do well in the game with my old knowledge and "gamesense", which you can only develop by playing more and more, so you get used to all kinds of situations.
So as a TL;DR: PLAY MOAR! :D
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Thanks for going into detail:)
Many aspects of the general knowledge and gamesense you mention feels similar to how i am with dota2, where even if im not trying or concentrating i can be okayish, as i have been playing it for 10 years already, but these tips like to practice roles and warmup is what im looking for to try to improve in csgo asap!
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Thank you for the ride on your SGTools train Szaszke. ^^
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Shoot enemies in their head till they die, it works every time
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Counter-Strike: Russians cursing…
As for tips, listen here, OP: watch streams of pro players. It will give you an idea of overall execution.
Practice: spray patterns, nades, movement. Try to remember and use usual peeking spots to your advantage.
Reddit has enough guides for CS:GO, just check the top rated posts.
Here's a few Youtube channels for you:
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Watch Tournaments. I think that's the best way to learn how to play, skills will come along or not :P
You can also watch some Youtube videos of people explaining positioning, the right way of aiming, usage of nades, in game movement, rotations etc. There is no single way that is right, you have to learn and develop each of these skills in order to become better. A step at a time.
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Don't tilt and rage, use sounds to your advantage, don't run around like a elephant all the time and maybe do some bot maps to help you with aim, if you feel that it could be improved.
you can find some usefull maps in this article, i used to train on those aswell.
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Heh, I just started playing again as well after a 1 year break. Somehow it only dropped me down from GE to LEM, which is a bit too high for me now >.< Anyways:
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This particular map I already have, how do you use it properly? Should I make my targets ADAD or stand still and go for 100? I mean for best practice.
Thanks for all the tips, I already do some (or try to) but will keep these in mind really thanks!:)) I will not boost ever, just wanna be better at the game as I find it fun to play:)
Also as you were the most specific, another question, I understand the premise of counter strafing to stop fully to shoot with best aim, but what do I do if I run into someone while going forward? Do I "counterstrafe" with S? or do I crouch? or release W and hope for the best? (FE. moving up mid highway to A on cache and noticing a dude at site)
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Should I make my targets ADAD or stand still and go for 100?
I would do a little bit of everything (going for headshots on standing enemies, headshots on moving, sprays on standing and sprays on moving) since you do encounter a bit of everything when in game. I would also warm up on the map before every first game of the day.
Do I "counterstrafe" with S? or do I crouch? or release W and hope for the best?
I might not be the the best person to answer that as I am an AWPer and dont tend to deal with riffles all that much, I just let go of W. I have never seen anyone stopping with crouch tho. The most important part is just that you do not shot and run.
Adding to my previous list: if you haven't nailed it down yet, practice the recoil pattern for at least the first 10ish bullets (you generally either kill them or die by the time you shot 10 bullets anyways) for the m4/AK and anything else you use a decent amount. I dont know what is your sensitivity, but I would try to keep it as low as you are comfortable with. Personally I keep mine at 400dpi and 1,49 sensitivity in game, but that is on the really really low side.
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Ill try to do (and keep doing !) all these practices thanks:) ye I'm most comfortable on the main 2, with the occasional ump when the time calls for it. Recently changed sens to 400dpi 3.00ingame, which was huge change from 2100dpi ~7.00ingame :D though I might look to reduce ingame even further, but I'm not yet efficient with moving my whole arm on the pad.
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Tapping "S" while running forward will be the fastest way to stop, turn sv_showimpacts to 1 to see exactly where your bullets land (to know if you've waited enough before shooting, or cl_showpos 1 can help as well). (Video on this)
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would rather play casual than matchmaking
i have nearly 700 comp wins with currently mg2 ranked, my peak rank was smfc, note that I only play solo, so it's really hard and stressful. I don't play mm anymore cause there are so many hackers. If I were you, I would play faceit or other community competitive for example so stronk
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Ladies and gentlemen, I started to play CS GO again after a long break. While I was away volvo placed me in the magical land of silver 1, but since managed to battle myself up to gold nova 2. I believe that is still shit-tier, still, if anyone would have any short tips that can be integrated into my cs gameplay, please share! inb4 git gud
Also, GIBS (all lvl2)
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