8 years ago

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8 years ago

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it seems that if a game you previously did a ga for becomes un-givable, it gets removed from your level calculation like you had never given it. I may be wrong on that, just how it seems.

8 years ago

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I'm pretty sure this is intentional, or at least considered not worth the required resources. A bit like how the actual CV values aren't stored, but simply follow the price that's on Steam.

8 years ago

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I don't think that info is actually stored anywhere - simply derived from the current Steam API and price info, cross referenced against the bundle list. With the number of giveaways I've done mine changes almost every day according to price changes, glitches, etc.

8 years ago

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This. The info in graphs is like this by design to minimize the stress it has on website, which would be much higher if datapoints were stored.

8 years ago

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It's possible that it might be less stressful to record that information someplace on a semi-regular basis rather than banging off multiple info requests to Steam all the damn time - but I'm way to lazy to work that out, even if I knew how. But certainly that isn't how the system is currently designed and is why the graphs are retroactively modified by design rather than it being a glitch or an oversight.

8 years ago

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it only goes up.

8 years ago

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Not sure why you assume this is a glitch since you saw the previous thread about this

8 years ago

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I assume that isn't possible due to how much this would affect the servers or something.

8 years ago

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Retroactiveness is all the rage around here.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Interesting. :)

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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There's a level of devotion to rules and hierarchy I often find startling. This said, carry on indeed!

8 years ago

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It happened to me yesterday!
I was at 50% of the 4th level, now i am at 25%

8 years ago

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It's not only CV level or giveaways, but also whitelists & blacklists and pretty much entire data - for example if you earned your first whitelist in February, and second one in April, then if that first user made a mistake and removed you from whitelist and added you back, then you wouldn't see your first WL from February anymore, but from April, and now the second.

Of course, in "big picture" those are misc irrelevant things, and with higher values it's impossible to actually pinpoint them, but from logical database view this is the best possible decision cg could make, because it doesn't add any extra info or overhead, but is purely based on what SG already has - dates of your giveaways, their price, date of whitelists/blacklists, and so on.

So no, it should stay like this, and I'm glad cg decided to go this way.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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