No Comics, but if Mangas count my favorite is Ranma ½ and I'm now reading Nagasarete Airantou.
The former is a famous work of Rumiko Takahashi and I love the blend of comedy, action and romance with wacky characters. The latter I find it as a similar style but taking place on an island.
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what a coincidence, i just finished the airantou anime yesterday
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I love nearly all the OP and ED music for both series. Shame Nagasarete only has 3 but check them out! (There aren't even good Youtube videos for the full version of the music. I worked so hard to find this rare link.) The ones marked Open and End.
edit: To be clearer. I mean it's a hard found link before and bookmarked, not at this moment lol.
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does manga count? (it should, right?) i haven't read western comics in forever, but i still like them. there's the manga "a silent voice". beautiful, sad and so many more emotions all rolled into one story. it was made into a movie recently. a lot of good manga out there. thanks for the train.
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I do but honestly I don't go out and buy them. I got a bunch online but nothing from the beginning to the end. I want to read but between work and playing other games I just don't have a lot of time. It is a shame because I'm missing out on a lot of good books/manga/comics.
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Yeah I've always felt like comics are a little underground and because of that is hard to find those hidden gems on your own. You just need someone else to literally give it to you or you are wandering in the dark trying to find something good. So I also think im missing out.
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I enjoyed "Orbital" and "Y, the last man" among others.
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I'll leave my list of manga/comics I've read with a short explanation:
1.Ajin:Demi-Human : action/super powers
There are people who cannot die.
2.D.I.C.E: : school life/super powers/drama
Gather dices doing various tasks.You can spend them to "increase" looks/intelligence/strength.What is the limit?
3.Jisatsutou:(Suicide Island) : Mature/drama
People who try suicide are asked to give consent for "assistance".They are sent on a island to live on their own.This one is a bit more "adult" oriented so I suggest not reading it if you are not interested in topics that can affect you emotionally
4.High-Rise Invasion: Mistery/action/shounen(young teens oriented)
Main character find herself on a rooftop on a world where everything tries to kill her.
5.The gamer: action/shounen/super powers
Main character suddently develops special powers where his entire world is shifted into a game-like setting.Nice and relaxing webcomic.
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I loved Ajin but only watched it thought.
Also reading D.I.C.E. Started long time ago and stopped because I lost the name and link now starting over again.
Started The gamer but I prefer D.I.C.E as I found them similar in some ways and stopped it.
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Bump for comics.
I used to read them plenty when I was a kid. But no one would know the titles, they were some local stuff. But they were great. Man, waiting for the postman to bring my subscriptions in a plastic envelope was magical!
No doubt those times nurtured in me the habit of reading - which is so so important.
Congrats for the thread!
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Not sure if it fits in the category, but I kind enjoyed Bone, some time ago. Too many books to read, too little time...
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I enjoy reading comics, but I don't have any favourites.
Where I'm from, comics were always considered to be for kids only, so the only comics one could get here were Duck Tales and the like. It got a little bit better over the years, but comics are still pretty rare here.
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i read manga mainly at work (during breaks)
some manga that left a lasting impression were "Anatolia story" and "little house with orange roof"
both mature manga, josei (for adult women) but totally different.
there are a lot more that i really enjoyed or even cried at.
if you like shounen manga more i suggest "Psyren"
thanks for the train
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I'd never heard of Little House with Orange Roof! It sounds adorable, I need to try it.
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My favorite is "De Cape et de Crocs"
I love the style, it's funny and clever.
Thanks for the train :)
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Ah ça fait plaisir de voir quelqu'un d'autre fan de cette excellente BD ici ;) Et au sujet de Garulfo, en fait j'ai déjà les 6 tomes dans ma bibliothèque, mais je ne les ai pas encore lus (oui, j'ai honte). Merci du conseil en tout cas, ça me rappelle qu'il faudrait que je les commence :)
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I've read a lot of Marvel and DC, but if you can, get some of Monica's Gang, it's a brazilian comic targeted to children, but I still read it when I can.
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I like comic books.
Do you like comic books?
What are your favourite comics?
Show me. I want to read them too. Maybe you create your own comics?
Also here's a train - Choo Choo
And for some mandatory recommendations:
Markus Färber - Reprobus (
One of my favourites, bought a copy kind off by accident and loved it immidiately. Very minimalistic style but incredibly beautiful, every time you read it you can see something new. Tells a story of a brute giant that one day goes on a quest to find someone stronger than him. It's a tale about understanding who you are and trying to change. I'll finish there to keep it spoiler-free ;)
So hit me with something new to read :)
I'm down there in the comments section to chat. Probably expand my whitelist too.
Have a good day people!
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