Anyone else get decision fatigue when looking at their libraries? I have so many games that I start and don't finish or don't start at all because the idea of dedicating 100+ hours to a game is exhausting. I feel like I'm "collecting" games rather than giving them the attention they deserve. Games like Lethal Company and Content Warning have been nice to just brain rot silly goofy times but also burn me out quite quickly. Like, I love BG3 and have 300+ hours and I still haven't beaten it because it's exhausting to play. Amazing game, just exhausting.

I really like cozy games but even then-- games like My Time at Sandrock feels so long, especially with the in game timer gimmick that makes it take even longer! I've crawled back to Stardew Valley because friends play with me and I like the, "Hey, bae, go do this!" and I'm like, "Aye, aye, captain!"

Anyone else like this?

11 months ago

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That's why we have: BLAEO.

11 months ago

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Also make sure to clean your library of games that you don't want to play (that are not SG wins); I added a bunch of garbage in 2016 and deleting them was a relief.

11 months ago

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Also make sure to clean your library of games that you don't want to play

That was definitely a huge help for me ^^

11 months ago

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But do NOT clear any Steamgifts wins or you can/will get suspended until you re-add them!

11 months ago

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I just started organizing my library using Metascore.
I believe it's enough, at least when searching for quality.
But regarding quantity... Having 7k+ games definitively doesn't help. I'm almost dying inside.

11 months ago

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It surely helps but even with 700+ games, half of them missing a metascore on my library. There are even some good games with low metascore, so you might not wanna just lean on that. If you have BLAEO account, there are Challenge Me events where other users pick games for you. That way you can find some nice games I believe.

11 months ago

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Mitsukuni's comment has really good suggestions, there are also PAGYWOSG and the POP events.

in PAGYWOSG: you get a theme or tag and you pick a game you've won and play that to enter private giveaways
in POP: you get two people picking 7 games for you to play in 3 months, there is a leaderboard for top 25! You get points depending on how many games of the 7 you beat and a bonus if you 100% it. Group giveaways.

I do both at the same time, usually.

11 months ago

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Omg thank you for this link! :)

11 months ago

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You're welcome! Good luck with your backlog. :)

11 months ago

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I thought BLAEO would help and I started organizing my games, first games starting with 0-9, then A, B, etc. I made it through a few hundred games before realizing that going at it one game at a time just wasn't going to cut it. It would require hours and hours of work.

The website seems to work well for users with up to a few hundred games. Having to sort through thousands one at a time is a real pain. If the developer adds checkboxes to allow multiple games to be moved from one category to another then I might revisit.

11 months ago

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I agree that checkboxes would be really helpful but I'd advise for not to do the organizing in one sit, you'll end up burnt out quickly. If it would help, I currently have 760 games on my library but I have deleted 1400+ games to remove the bloated part. I installed and tried every one of them before deciding to delete them (unless they were obvious bad games) and that took me more than 4 years. So, go with your own pace. It will take some time but you'll gain some progress. Everyone takes it differently. I started with the negative part, some go with Steam review percentage, some go alphabetically etc. I'm recommending this extension to the website. It will add some additional information and filtering to your list (even if it's undone) like HLTB times, Steam Deck verification etc.

11 months ago

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11 months ago

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I've only 100% (g)norp lol

11 months ago

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This comment was deleted 4 months ago.

11 months ago

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This happens to me so often that I'm constantly changing my strategy as to how to tackle my backlog... or just bring myself to play games at all.
Currently I'm allowing myself to be lazy and I'm just either playing remasters of things I like or replaying games I know I love, because otherwise I probably would have played nothing so far this year. Another thing I usually do is that if I get in the mood to play a specific genre I'll just indulge on that and attempt to keep the ball rolling for months, last year it was with point and click adventure games and hidden object games, and given that I technically started in 2022 I think I finished at least a couple dozen of those if you count the ones I played on my phone.

11 months ago

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I feel this!!! Like I'll get really big into RPGs and no stray... then I'll just get so burnt out I have to play something else.

11 months ago

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I don't know if this helps, but for me it's satisfying to play and quickly finish small games, so that I can mark them and completed and thus reduce my backlog.

I mean, sure, the big bois like Witcher 3, BG:1, F:NV keep sitting there, unplayed, but it feels like I'm making progress.

11 months ago*

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I had thoughts like this before, but I dealt with this dilemma in the following way:
1) I buy games that I once played simply to support the developers (For example, all the games in the Fallout and Mass Effect series). I have never launched them on Steam.
2) I only buy games on discounts and mostly buy games:

  • from indie developers
  • Designed for solo playthrough
  • With an interesting visual style or gameplay.
  • 18+ games.

3) I never buy or play games with loot boxes or other risky mechanics. This is a principled position.

And I perceive the SteamGifts site itself as a pleasant hobby or a club of interests in which sometimes I can win games that I would never buy and there is an opportunity to donate extra keys to games.

I see my collection as a kind of charity; thanks to my purchases, talented people will be able to continue their creativity and make the world a better place.

11 months ago*

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I dont care anymore for things like completion and such, and for me in particular its been better.
We dont own games any thing, nor anyone- their main if not sole purpose is our enjoyment, a little destressing escapade of the daily grind. They can be enriching and much more but all that is a plus. 'Did i had a good time?' its all that really matters (and matters most)

Sure some people find extra enjoyment from completion itself, or collecting, or 100%... but frankly id guess the majority do so more out of other reasons then actual enjoyment. Ive read comments from completionists and such like title x or y was a drag or whatever... anyway, i dont know if thats your case but unless that really gets to you i wouldnt bother as much. Weight in- is completing a game (or x particular game) such a feel good reward for you that outweights the commitment? If/when yes go for it, if not questions yourself.

Once i stopped caring so much about completion and such i found myself enjoying things more- i learned my taste kinda shifts like my mood and matching the mood i have more fun. Sometimes i feel like button mashing on a controller, others more slow paced, or i want a good story etc.

Steam notes in particular made it easier for me to pause story games without much fear of getting lost when coming back. I write more or less where im leaving things off - like a recap in case it takes me awhile to come back... and done. Feels just like when i have to wait for new seasons of a show to release.

That removed the 'time to beat' factor of my indecision hurdle...
that said i still get decision fatigue, just like getting on netflix and spending way too long before starting anything.

I dont know if that 'issue' can ever trully be removed- sheer availability does that.
What ive been doing is if i notice im starting to take long blind starting something i havent ever played yet - like 'okay, taking too long, what am i seeing i havent played yet?' and clicking the first one

Theres also an online tool (if not more then one) that was made for picking a random steam game from your library to show you, from all or unplayed... but i dont remenber the name or link

I do however use a local alternative- Playnite. Playnite is like a launcher for any games/exes between launchers (i use it to have steam, gog, epic, itch and such all together), and it have plugins. Theres one that pops up a random game and you can just reroll.

...But theres an easier way via steam itself. On your library setup a shelf to be 'play next'. Thats steam own random selection thing- it makes a row of SEMI random games everytime you launch steam- apparently an algorithm based on what you last played or played more +other players with similar tastes most played games +unplayed. Its good too.

11 months ago

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I recognise myself in your description, it's very accurate.

Theres also an online tool (if not more then one) that was made for picking a random steam game from your library to show you, from all or unplayed... but i dont remenber the name or link

Would it be this one?

11 months ago

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Tried, didn't worked on my account :(

11 months ago

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Oh? Strange, works like a charm for me (just had to enter Steam64 id)

11 months ago

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Maybe it doesn't work with massive libraries. There is probably a timeout to protect their servers from attacks.
Tried again and nothing

11 months ago

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Wow, this one much better! I remeber finding two sites like this - or heck maybe one of then was this one only early version thing. One only worked with steamid, and i think another was part of a roulette wheel thing
This one is way better, the filtering options and such are presented in much nicer and more intuitive way

But yeah, this kind of thing. Just saved the link, this will be very helpful

11 months ago

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This comment was deleted 10 months ago.

11 months ago*

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Oh yeah, those are terrible- also the ones that require sheer luck (therefore grind), and we have a whole thing on unatainable achievements now (timed things, or games where online doesnt work anymore, list goes on)

Despite that i do like then, but thats only because achievements in particular never hooked me (maybe only once or twice). Even back when i felt pressure to complete games was like you said, the closure, the end credits, not the achievements. So i never felt the pressure over the bad ones.

Without the pressure theyre nice. Even some dumb ones like 'killed 2000 enemies' make me 'oh my really that much already?' stuff like that. Its also neat when one pops up and i see like 2% of players got it.

I have another weird thing around achievements- when i do have something telling i 100% the game, the rares cases where i got it, i felt sad actually. In my case games i really love i usually replay some years later- so seeing a 100% completion is almost like telling me its all gone, no extra juice left to find or do playing again.

11 months ago

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This comment was deleted 10 months ago.

11 months ago

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That aint much to worry. Some games i wanted badly and only got years later i got then (1) much cheaper (2) way more content, no bugs, optmized (3) with a better pc so i ran then way way better then i wouldve when they launched. From a personal perspective thats a win- i dont even weight the price that much but way more the quality of the first experience... we can only do something for the first time once. At least some games i did have but didnt finish when i finally got to then i could see the difference, water to wine (with an upgraded pc) and finished some that way. Good that i didnt prior with terrible framerate and low res

I feel thats a bit of a curse with any major current release- unless were one of the few that can afford an actual top of the line machine chances are we wont play current AAA at ultra and such. Those titles in particular kinda of were made to be seen at their best so... even less reason to hurry.
But even beyond graphics nowadays most games release unfinished. Zero bugs,extra content... apparently we only get the full polished game a few years after they release anyway

11 months ago

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BLAEO is a nice group to help with that.

But I think the number one thing you can do is assign a cut off date. A line in the sand so to speak. Hide any game acquired before the date you assign. Maybe you remove a game from 'hidden' if you realize you want to play it, but otherwise, just play the games you acquired after your assigned date and try not to acquire any games moving forward that you don't intend to play soon after. It'll make deciding on a game to play much easier.

And after playing a longer game, play a bunch of short titles. Go back and forth like that. It helps.

11 months ago

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I don't start a new game unless I'm done with the one I'm already playing.

11 months ago

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So many games and yet when I have time for gaming, I realize I have nothing to play

11 months ago

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I've found that focusing on only one game to beat at a time helps a lot. Of course I'll try out a bunch of games before deciding which game is the one I'll dedicate my time to, but once I play it I plan to finish it. Currently that game is Soulstone Survivors and I'm close to 100%ing it, my next game should be Horizon Forbidden West.

11 months ago*

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Yeah. I've signed up for BLAEO, but my library still overwhelms me. So much to play, so little freetime.

11 months ago

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This comment was deleted 11 months ago.

11 months ago*

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Here, me. Pretty much like you, just playing barely anything until very recently. 500 hours into Forza Horizon in 98 days and I've not played anything from the second expansion yet. Some days I have fun, some days I have frustration, some days it feels like a chore.

11 months ago

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There are various "Play" events on SteamGifts that encourage users to play and beat their games. They've helped me chip away at my backlog in a fun way over the past year. Maybe they'll help you find the motivation and focus you need :)

Play a game you won on SteamGifts
Play or Pay
Monthly in a month

11 months ago

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This comment was deleted 10 months ago.

11 months ago*

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I used to have the same issue but a few years ago it was like a switch finally flipped and changed my perspective of this. Even though I knew in theory that gaming is a hobby that is meant to be fun I used to stress over the backlog, completion, trying the new hot thing etc. but somewhere along the way it was like the theory finally got internalized and now I feel my relationship with the hobby is much healthier than it used to be. As long as a game is fun for me now it doesn't matter if I stay with it for 20 hours or 200, nor do I stress over finishing them anymore. If it is not a source of enjoyment it can just go into the unfinished pile and maybe someday when I feel like trying it again I'll dig it back up, maybe not.

I still do get choice paralysis when I'm between games though. There are a couple things that have helped me with this.
Firstly, I organised my library into categories in degrees of interest. That way when I want to pick a game I don't have to scroll through tons of games but instead I go through a couple of high interest categories with a much more limited selection. Depending on library size you could just make a couple of those, i.e. a Very Interested and a Somewhat Interested category and just add the games you want to them while ignoring everything else.
Secondly, although they have been mentioned already, things like BLAEO and Play or Pay can also help nudge you in a direction when you can't make a choice yourself.
Lastly, I generally avoid trying to pick an individual game straight away. Instead I go step by step and first try to define what general vibe I'm in the mood for. Do I want something more involved, something more action packed, something more story oriented, a management type of game I can semi afk in? That sort of thing. Then once I have a better grasp on what kind of game I'm in the mood for I'll start looking at individual titles. I've generally found that skipping that step and jumping straight into a title that I either "scheduled" in advance or everyone is playing or any other reason is often a title I drop because I picked it up at the wrong time and I wasn't able to enjoy it as I would at some other point.

11 months ago

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I suggest using Playnite with some extensions. Playnite allows one to import their various libraries (Steam, GOG, Epic, Ubisoft, EA, etc.) and launch them from one central application. First extension to install is Duplicate Hider for games owned on multiple storefronts. Next I suggest Start Page which allows the creation of a custom layout that can be shown when first opening the app. My layout shows 3 recently added games, 3 recently released, all of my installed games, and a list of random unplayed games, with a refresh button to get a new batch of random unplayed games. Last is the Play Next extension, where you can set various parameters and their importance and you will be given a lost of suggested games based on the games you've played and the parameters you've set. I didn't really care for Play Next so I uninstalled it, but your experience could be better than mine. I found the suggestions mostly unappealing and I was already finding games on my Start Page. There was another extension similar to Play Next but I don't remember the name and I also uninstalled that one.

11 months ago

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Thanks. Nice to know about Duplicate Hider. That will save me some time.

11 months ago

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Duplicate Hider should honestly be an included feature (not an extension) because it's so important.

11 months ago

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+1 for Playnite.

There was another extension similar to Play Next but I don't remember the name and I also uninstalled that one.

You might be thinking of "Game Relations" which adds a tab that displays similar games and ones by the same dev or publisher. It's alright, but some of its recommendations are lacking or flat-out wrong sometimes.

Another extension that I love is "Filter Presets Quick Launcher" which makes it easy to switch between the various preset filters that I use to organize and navigate my collection.

11 months ago

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Good guess, but no I was thinking of MindGame: "Answer a pair of simple questions, and you'll have a game to play in no time." But I will try Game Relations, it sounds pretty useful.

Edit: Also I do use Filter Presets Quick Launcher but it didn't strike me as relevant, although I can see a Top Rated preset being a good way to tackle the library

11 months ago

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Absolutely get decision fatigue. I can relate pretty hard with your comment on My Time at Sandrock too. I played like 50 hours of it before feeling fatigued since it felt like I wasn't progressing to the next "stage" of tools. I'll get back to it... someday when I'm less fatigued and more motivated.

There's a lot of good advice on here. One thing I'd contribute is I've been playing a lot of "smaller" or "quick" games to squeeze between longer game sessions like MTAS or in your case, BG3. Games that you can play a short run of and still make progress like Vampire Survivors/Halls of Torment etc. Could be something like clearing a few levels in a puzzle game or getting to that next level in Bejeweled. Or doing one or two levels in a retro FPS like Heretic or Doom 2. It's not fast progress, but it's progress and it helps just jumping right in.

There's also nothing wrong with forgoing backlog progress for a bit and replaying a game you like. Maybe you'll catch something new or a spark will come back and you'll feel motivated to kick that backlog's butt.

11 months ago

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Sorting the games into play length categories might be helpful- long, medium and short games.

  • You can try setting a goal of playing 2-3 games a month. If you need a break, maybe just do 1 game in the month if it is a longer game.

  • For SG events, I participate in the Monthly play a game you won on Steamgifts month.

  • In general, if I don't enjoy the game, I pause and come back to it later. I like to alternate between 2-3 games to reduce boredom and exhaustion. Another benefit is the game might release updates or a balance patch at a later time, adding new replayability to the game.

11 months ago

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I start playing every game of mine for 3 hours. With this, I have a goal to reach.3 hours is around 1 play session. If the game moves me, I play more, if not, I start a new one. But I never finish a game just to finish it. That's a waste of precious gaming time.

11 months ago

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