Well, if the rewording is accurate that means Valve decided to let the trading card farming back in.
As well as part of the achievement spam, if they removed the limit on the number of achievements again.
Maybe it's their new strategy to make more money for no effort off of their store ?
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According to the Steamworks SDK it's still business as usual. I can't post stuff from the Steamworks official group, but there's a post stating this terminology is due to the profile feature change that happened June 2018.
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that's the page, thank you! (searched for it with no luck)
juicy imo bits:
(all italic is mine, except that "only")
really thought reviews, wishlists and playtime were taken into account...
is just a sensation, a feeling, i have no real data for this, but it seems to me that that "several times per day" is actually true. i often try "steam is learning" games and a few of them changed their status in just one day. others are still "limited" several months after release.
now we just have to know if this is just a simpler terminology ("steam is learning..." wasn't the best, imo :P looks, like, the *guy is little dumb, sorry!") or if something really, actually changed.
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Part of me wonders if flooding your forum with bots would trick the system, seeing as that probably falls under player engagement.
It'd be nice if Steam had less of this cryptic algorithm stuff. Makes in-client advertising so painful I'd never want to do it for a big project.
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advertising so painful
that's something Steam really should "care" more of ... like, a ton more.
a big, huge advantage that only Steam has, that maybe he's really "still learning" :D
that said, your dev point of view is really appreciated.
(that part of you: i have a very similar, curious part ... but wanted to try something here on SG, like a bunch of us activating and engaging with the xy "steam is learning" game... :D)
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"In general this mainly affects games whose only value is in profile features (trading cards, emoticons, etc)"
Such bs. With how much crap floods Steam plenty of actual games with legit value get caught up in it. If only Steam curated their store keeping assetflips and scams out from the get-go...
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So your game still have profile limited too till now?
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My game released in 2017 and wasn't subject to these rules due to the grandfather clause
I'm not sure what the exact requirements are to remove the 'profile features limited' tag or even if they are exact (could be generated on a case-by-case basis)
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It's still definitely jacking things up in Steamgifts, so that's business as usual. :D
If there's one thing that I wish would change information-wise sooner than later, it's to stop basing the feedback count and ratios only on licenses of the game bought through the Steam store. You see crap games go positive because the author uses their fake accounts and buys a couple copies of their own game on the Steam store and leaves positive feedback while there are 50 negative feedbacks that all came from bundles, so it's inaccurate. You see games marked as negative because the three people who bought it on the store hated it, but there may be a ton of people who got the thing in a bundle who liked it. The inaccuracy makes me crazy. Feedback is feedback is feedback. I don't much care about the source of the license key. People can create fake reviews from any perspective...source of the key doesn't make any difference.
</tangent> 😁
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we <3 you, grez. so. much.
i always thought that, if my review "comes" from a "bundled/very cheap key" (positive or not), it should weight less than your Steam-purchased one. but never really thought about "the source of the key"... that's interesting (and you look, like, the very right person to talk about it :P)
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Yeah, I wouldn't have a problem with it being worth, say, half, or being marked as purchased from outside Steam (I mean, they do that on Amazon, but still allow you to provide a review...information is valuable and helps them place products with people, regardless of whether or not the reviewer bought it from Amazon)...but the fact that reviews for keys sourced elsewhere literally do not count at all is kind of ridiculous. It doesn't reflect the actual community perspective of a game and allows for skewing whenever a game is new or has a low number of reviews.
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You see crap games go positive because the author uses their fake accounts and buys a couple copies of their own game on the Steam store and leaves positive feedback while there are 50 negative feedbacks that all came from bundles, so it's inaccurate.
Still better system compared to one where author uses keygenerator and gives a couple hundred copies of their own game and leaves positive feedback :)
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They do this anyway. They set up fake accounts (same scenario as keygen, because you can only have 1 review per account), then buy the game on the Steam store, and then most of the money they spent goes back to them anyway. Small investment to skew the review numbers. The current system doesn't prevent this from happening at all.
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Oh, I agree that the current system most definitely benefits Valve in some way...it just doesn't benefit Valve's customers. 😉😎😁
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I wouldn't say it doesn't benefit customers - with "cd keys count as proper reviews", developer could create thousands of fake reviews for free.
With current system, they have to provide dozen different ways to pay for product (otherwise it's an obvious review-scam) and that's still just a dozen reviews.
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I contacted Steam support and aswer is:
"We've recently changed the message that appears on store pages but it doesn't mean there was any change in your app's status. Just so you're clear, your game is still able to reach this confidence metric. We don't publicly share the eligibility requirements for unlocking these features, but generally, the confidence metric is based around having a significant amount of real customers buying or playing the game."
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Same, still can't create cards nor backgrounds.
I still have to wait to get more customers I think.
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How about sale per day? You should contact any media outlet or influencers for your game
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i'd try giving away few copies at Playing Appreciated, if i were you...
winners, there, will have a month to give your game a good try. and it's not that rare that they also write a review.
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thanks a lot, that's a really nice advice, I didn't even know about this group
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"Profile limited" is there since ages.
Based on my experience it starts with "steam is learning about" and after a few months if the game did not have enough purchase+traffic it changes to profile limited. The effect of these TAGs are actually the same.
I am not 100% sure but while the game is steam is learning about then the system checking the game if it meets the requirements for passing that stage daily 4* while on profile limited status the system now checking about it just occasionally.
A game which not released yet has steam is learning about:
A game was released about ~1month ago still steam is learning about:
A game was released 2months + a few days ago now profile limited game:
So I believe it changes after 2 months of the release datum.
Not all game start with steam is learning about status anymore, if a studio/publisher had enormous revenues through steam with previous titles then their new games start without it. Because of this even some niche or smaller publisher can avoid that TAG with their new games.
EDIT: and now i realized the topic was more about the tooltip which visible while moving the cursor to the question mark icon.
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the old "Steam is learning about..." yadda:
is now:
does anybody knows ifit's just a rephrasing for more clarity(as it seems to me, googled a bit and can't find any news) or something actually -and hopefully- changed?thank you!
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