My official response to this puzzle and the prizes:
Good luck for the folks who actually know what to do.
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I'm not a quitter but seriously i can'f figure what to do with what i got, and this is the 3rd day i keep thinking, i even asked to my wife and no freaking clue and without any hints i'm toast.
Good luck to all of u who actually were able to solve it, and thx for the chance i think even when i wasn't able to decrypt the steps xD.
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Honestly, I think people get stuck by looking too far into it, trying to find a hidden message within a hidden message that isn't actually there ¯\(ツ)/¯
The best hint I can give is that you need a combination of five case-sensitive letters and/or digits for a link to a giveaway on SteamGifts; something like flx5S goes at the end of with a slash at the end. A 'puzzle' I'd do for that link would be something like the image I've attached below, but solving that would have been a lot more difficult and confusing...I didn't spend much time on it it's just an example lol
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Florida, which is abbreviated to FL, and that's actually the original X-Men (Cyclops, Marvel Girl, Beast and Iceman). Figuring that out would have been hard lol, I probably could have whipped up something better but oh well
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Hahaha, nah I think its a good puzzle. I am just not a US resident thus its a little tricky. They do look like X-Men but I did not search for it as there were many other superhero cartoons that look similar. Similar to your current puzzle. The gifts look tempting and I did try but I can't recognize the songs probably a couple I think. I just didn't want to break my brain for it as it may be out of my knowledge loop. Will appreciate a solution at the end of the gift date.
Still have this puzzle in mind with the small chance I somehow figures something out. hahahaha
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I really appreciate your response and explanation, i did knew it was a combination of five case-sensitive letters, and i believe i found them, but still can't figure the url, for the past 5 days i've been struggling but sadly without success. Beside i can't talk about anything related here, or i may broke the rule of no hint.
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3/3 all wishlisted items, on the first listen I was able to get all five titles easily, even down to the image you have on the video. But can't really put them together, besides initials of the titles, or initials of their respective main characters? The problem is that I don't know how to capitalize letters, do I just bruteforce it, anyhow?
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No clue. Tried several things. Curious to find out what I'm missing.
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I probably should have set the end date a lot sooner...will make sure that happens in my next one, but for now here's a 72 hours left bump :P
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Thank you pal for the event. Just like some people, I know the songs and the TV Serie (btw a great/funny serie) but I don't know what to do with them. Anyway thank you again.
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No problem at all, it was fun setting it up. I'm sorry about that though, I was hoping the hint I added yesterday would be enough to help people figure out what you're supposed to do to find the link once you've 'solved' what was intended to be the 'puzzle', but I think it was still too vague. I'll try adding something else to what I added soon.
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I spend another half hour and nothing...No problem pal, thank you anyway...and welcome to my 💙.
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I swear that I've come to this exact conclusion...I don't know what I did wrong when I tried to enter....patiente...💙.
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Level Requirement: Level 1+
End Date: 30/10/2018
Edit: A lot of people got stuck and frustrated with this puzzle. I thought it would be fairly simple to find the link after figuring out all the songs, but that hasn't been the case and I'm sorry. I spent effort on this making it to be fun, not confusing and frustrating. I still won't give any hints on the audio itself, but here are a couple for finding the link after 'solving' what was actually intended to be the puzzle:
The giveaway ends on the 30th, I will edit in the answer after it ends if anybody cares.
The link was zIXPR. The songs belong to The Legend of Zelda, Indiana Jones, The X Files, Pirates of the Carribean, and Rick & Morty. Danny Devito was lower-case but higher in importance :D
Again, sorry for not thinking about X FIles and Zelda having more words in front of them, I completely overlooked that. It was a fun experiment but I'll probably not do anything like it again haha
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