I installed Ubuntu 12.04 on a spare hard drive when I got a new motherboard 2 months ago so I would be ready for steam for Linux. Turns out I was not ready because I've had to roll-back and re-install the nvidia drivers twice now. When I get it to work I'm going to play FTL while I wait for tf2 to download.

What has your experience been like so far?

12 years ago*

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using it for 4 months now, i love it.
makes me play games under my work environment :D

12 years ago

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Just to jump on the Linux discussion bandwagon, I have to use Windows, Mac, and Linux at school as a CS Major. First time i logged into one of the Ubuntu terminals, it black screened. I average about 7 file explorer crashes in Linux Mint per session. And yet I've had exactly one big error in Windows since Windows 98. shrug

12 years ago

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It works quite nicely, although some of the games require some external dependencies if you're not using Ubuntu (I'm using Arch). But nothing major, I tried FTL, Trine2, TF2 and they all work fine.

12 years ago

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Yeah it's good, games work on it pretty nicely. Running with my Windows OS atm.

12 years ago

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I got Ubuntu, and I can't get steam to download because of 'missing architecture i386'

12 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

12 years ago

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TRied it on Ubuntu and it barely loaded. the whole operating system is lag city and I'm lucky when it doesn't crash after trying to click something

12 years ago

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Had problems at first because Steam kept on not responding but then reinstalled and it went bang in about 2 hours, I just did it for the TF2 item.

12 years ago

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what is linux?

12 years ago

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baby don't hurt me

12 years ago

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Are you f*cking kidding me?

12 years ago

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If you don't know what it is,just stick with what you got because it's a big learning curve

12 years ago

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Good enough, though TF2 segfaults on me for some reason, which is weird and probably deserves a bugreport. But still, at least it made me get compiz working standalone on the new laptop (wanted to get to it for some time now), so it's all fine. Other games work (at least those few I've tested), and by god it's fast after having to resort to Win7 for some time.

12 years ago

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Actually, I've just managed to solve my problems, so it's even better.

12 years ago

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if anyone has linux please add me!

12 years ago

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Using it on my Xubuntu (because Unity is terrible) since beta went open. Only issues I've ever had were the connectivity ones. But steam does that everywhere anyway.

12 years ago

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Any easy way I can try it without nuking my existing setup? EG can I do this, install Steam and TF2, then simply reboot/unplug and be back to normal?

12 years ago

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I think you can use a Live CD, yeah, but the other alternative is using a Virtual Machine. I recommend VirtualBox.

12 years ago

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LiveUSB works like normall system.

12 years ago

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Installed Ubuntu within VMWare, installed Steam and TF2, had to fiddle with driver settings to get TF2 to launch, but even then it just shows a black screen. I didn't expect it to work within VMWare anyway. But got my lil' Tux in TF2 at least. Took me 4 hours of failed tinkering, I deserve it :)

12 years ago

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Similar, but I first tried to run Ubuntu from a USB key. Added a 1TB ext drive for a steam partition but it refused to install TF2 to it (kept wanting only to download to the 200MB free on the USB key despite having added the library location for the 1TB). Tried installing Ubuntu in VMWare but that went GUIless for no reason. Ended up downloading VirtualBox and a premade Ubuntu VM for it. Black screen but tux is there. What a hassle.

12 years ago

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I got it on Crunchbang install and played a bit of TF2. That's about it. I mean, it's just Steam. On linux. I will say that it's a bitch to get up and running on anything that isn't Ubuntu 12.04 32-bit, though.

12 years ago

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Well, first of all Steam for Linux is not likely to work with Optimus enabled notebooks, at least for me. It should be straightforward... but it really isn't.

12 years ago

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It was a pain in the ass to install on my SO's computer because the dreaded "steam has to be online to install" error kept popping up. Finally figured out the problem thanks to the Steam user forums (not the shitty discussion hubs, btw) but it was a hair pulling afternoon that day, lemme tell you.

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by ironfart3.