I`d just like to know the reason why I got Blocked/Blacklisted..
even it´s the users right to do so without lettin´ us know...
It COULD get into a huge mess with blaming input, but, they could leave this comment space blank...
but well I just thought about it and wanted to check up wether it is a good idea or not.

I looked into the forum but only found Userscripts who let me allow to keep notes for myself, but yeah the other user should also knwo the reason to my mind..

Nevermind here it is...

Additional improvements

  • Dropdown menu
  • Implemented default answers
  • Whitelist notification !
  • Info if deleted from either list!
8 years ago*

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Would you like to get note why you got Blacklisted!?

View Results
Yes, it would satisfy myself to know the reason!
Maybe dunno yet...
No! I dont care about gettin` Blacklisted at all..
No, I dont want to leave a comment when I Blacklist someone....
Userscript Blacklist notes are enough.. they dont need to know why I Blacklist em!

I feel like this could be easily abused to insult others and create unnecessary conflict... :-s

8 years ago

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Yeah thats someting that also flashed into my mind secondary!
But I feel also frustrated If i get Blacklisted without knowing for what!?
Maybe I did just wrote something wrong what wasnt meant tobe like that?!
Also I cant change the Blacklist entry at all, but maybe the written word or wrong interpretation of something.

Also we dont know who blacklisted us!
But to follow that line.. maybe it is tooo easy to crete an account and its going into somekinda cybermobbing wave of just wrong Blacklist notes .. who knows...

Just an idea at last , never said its a good one ^^

8 years ago

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Oh I understand your point of view, and in an ideal world (were everyone can be polite) it could work.
The problem is that most of the people wouldn't be polite when using this feature, it's unfortunate but true...

But yeah as I said I do understand where you are coming from, and the idea is not bad per se... It's just that a lot of people would use it badly imho

8 years ago

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Allow me to say that in todays world an idea of only 50% possiblity of functinal working endproduct aint givin a chance!
And also we are all living with it ^^

But to my mind a great outcome of it could be wasted, if its not working , well close the gap and liv with the consequences, but please let us try ^^

Thats also the reason y I posted this Thread, also knwoing my Blacklist entries will raise up.. but it needs to be done ^^

8 years ago

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I really hope you do not get blacklisted just for voicing your opinion! :-)

Anyway, I personally don't feel a strong need to know why I was blacklisted, but on the other hand I'm not opposed to a feature similar to the one suggested here by RM10...

8 years ago

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To be honest I thought I´d get more BL adds than WL when I opend this thread.
But the Stats leactured me better!

The userbasement aint that faul most users may assume.
And it would be a awesome to feat. with respect that behaviour! I thank ya WL dudes and I dont argue about those who BL me.
It is as many said but it wont stop users to let their ideas and minds flow ;=)

8 years ago

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Does it matter actually? People usually blacklist for no reason at all. Imagine seeing reasons like "for the lols", "because I didn't win your giveaway", "to feel superior", "because my d*ck may get bigger that way", etc. :P

8 years ago

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I would laugh at a few of those. I'd like to see comments for blacklist reasons.
EDIT: Blacklisted for wanting to see blacklist reasons, oh the irony.

8 years ago*

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But most blacklists are unreasonable, so it doesn't really matter to see those comments. :/

8 years ago

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Usually they just blacklist people because they can't enter the GA whether it's because you put higher level of entry requirement or something like that. Or yeah, no reason at all that too.

8 years ago

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It could work fine if implemented default answers to choose from.

8 years ago

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Thats a nice additional idea!

8 years ago

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+1 Just have a couple of default answers and nothing else. If people can put their own text in, it will get abused hard.

8 years ago

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While I personally don't feel the need for such a feature, I agree that this could work

8 years ago

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if you care about being blacklisted even slightly, you will have a bad time here.

8 years ago

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Nah never cared bout, just curious of what happend or let the other choose to get me blacklisted. I would never try to be kind just to get NOT blacklisted ^^, but if something got into wrong interpretation (cuz english is not everyones main language) it could be usefull? Dont?

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

8 years ago

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I need to accept it anyways, but if I can avoid something just because I am missing the vocabulary and so it got a wrong expression, thats not needed.

8 years ago

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pointing out blacklists in any way/shape/form will only lead to more blacklists.


8 years ago

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but y u dont know who you got blacklisted from ^^
justbecause out of the hillariousy/fun to let someone a note?

8 years ago

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Some people blacklist people with high game count. That happened to me.


I don't really need to know why people blacklist me. Everyone has their reason. So far i have 0 people blacklisted and i'll probably keep it that way.

8 years ago*

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if that happened to you how could u be sitting at 0 blacklists?

8 years ago

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oh i meant to say i don't have anyone on my blacklist

8 years ago

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i dont care who blacklists me, they have the right to do whatever they want blacklist regarding, same as you or I..
i was just trying to fair-warn you that bringing it up will likely cause additional blacklists, i hope it does not for your sake, but just was trying to give a friendly notice to this.

8 years ago

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to be perfectly honest, i'd perfer the opposite direction... i'd kinda like to know who and why the hell im being whitelisted when that happens, but i sure dont wanna see some craptalking blacklist notice.

8 years ago

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I'd say that I have an idea what for I got most of my blacklists. And so do probably most others with theirs. For the few uncertain blacklists, this imho hardly seems worth the turmoil that it would cause.

8 years ago

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Misclick maybe... or maybe something offended them... but well I've ignore about such things that I remove all my blacklist :D

8 years ago

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I am on 14 blacklists and at least one of them is beacuse I'm german and two time because I had a different opinion than the op...
If people think they should blacklist because of reasons like this, I don't want to read it ;)

8 years ago

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Welcome to my whitelist!

8 years ago

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For me na I can do without I only ever care about it when I first see it like hmm I wonder why then meh fuck it it's the persons choice to blacklist me or nae.

8 years ago

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This could work like how you find out blacklisted by someone. Under the message of "You can't enter you are blacklisted" message you could write a reason and when that person finds out, he/she also finds out why they are blacklisted.

Edit: This will also help people who use blacklist to keep track of why they added them to blacklist.

8 years ago

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I got a blacklist +1 today and all I did was being helpful in a couple of topics. It makes me wonder why....
People have the strangest reasons why to blacklist. Its best to leave it like its now, it would only lead to drama and more blacklisting.
It isnt a big deal really

8 years ago

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The drama is the only thing that keeps me also a bit off this idea... maybe .. but we could also trust the userbasement to handle this on a matured and adult way and watch what will come out of it....

Ideas need to be talked about and maybe tested ^^^..well at least mentioned xD

8 years ago

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I think it will just be another way to spam the messages.
Many people blacklist with no reason.
The best to do is don't care about that.

8 years ago

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I don't think I would really want to know.

8 years ago

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I'd love to have this with drop down options, but I think having a text field could do more harm than good.

EDIT: As an afterthought on your "I dont want to leave a comment when I Blacklist someone" option, I wonder if having to do that would lower the amount of blacklisting.

8 years ago

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A drop down menu with given reasons is a good addition!

8 years ago

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If someone blacklist you, it's his own problem, not yours

8 years ago

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Who cares...

8 years ago

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Hi R3dka, how it looks like many more voters in here.
It would concern me if it is out of a language failure or wrong interpretations cuz of wrong vocabulary.

8 years ago

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Wouldn't care either, if they blacklist for mistakes or wrong vocabulary then there is something wrong with them not you.

8 years ago

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I would prefer if someone had the balls to comment and tell me they blacklisted me. I would even give them props for not being a little sissy - so when I blacklist them back, I'd be doing it with the utmost respect!

But sadly, nobody ever does. I always have to hunt them down q:

8 years ago

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Thts the best way to do it with the respect to let someone know!

8 years ago

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Exactly. Because, without a reason, it's basically "I blocked this person from entering my giveaways because [insert shitty excuse here]. Oh, but the best part? I can still win their giveaways and leech off of them >:D"
Always seemed cowardly, if ya ask me q:

Here's a few pre-selected excuses, just 'cause why not:
Because they didn't win your giveaway
You stated an opinion
You offended them boo-hoo? XD
Cuz u suk nd i'm da best
They saw you in the forums. No reason, they just saw you
Your profile picture annoys them
Your user-name isn't "perfect"
You're a human.

I think I covered most of the reasons!

8 years ago

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I'd probably be serving a lot of suspensions for telling people they have non-activated games for this, though..
It just hurts me more.

8 years ago

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I think it would only lead to more conflicts. I'm on a few BLs myself even though I've never caused trouble in the forums or GA wise and I got most of them after making forum GAs, but I'm not curious why and even if I wouldn't be able to enter a GA because of it, I wouldn't ask.
Everyone has their own reasons for blacklisting, and I don't think the one who does it should have the obligation to justify themselves.

8 years ago

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No we dont talk about justify/defend his own reason of Blackllisting.. we cant change this mostly either..
But out of the idea to let the blacklisted user get his missing info y, and not for the trolls or abuseing.. for the possibility of something went wrong or as written from MunicipalRase respect.

8 years ago

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The thing about blacklisting is that it can't be "abused". Everyone is free to use it as they wish.

8 years ago

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yeah its also with the whitelist ^^

8 years ago

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I have the feeling that this would give the whole blacklisting thing just a bigger meaning. The reasons, why people blacklist each other are so varied and certainly in many cases pretty silly. mine are sometimes
In the end blacklisting should just serve one purpose and that is so people can feel a bit better about giving away their games. Knowing that someone, that seems extremely aweful to them, could win their game might make people give up on the whole giving away thing.
So some sort of individual "filter" seems to be a good thing.
However, just because someone gets blacklisted doesn't mean they are a bad person. It just means that this particular gifter doesn't want to share with them anymore.

I feel that having to state a reason would just increase the drama.
We have all our weak moments and post sometimes kind of rude and stupid stuff, or break a rule, which we didn't understand or whatever. Making "mistakes" is just part of being human.
Having someone to state a reason, would be a constant reminder for a person that has been blacklisted, that they did something awefully wrong, although this was just the impression they made in an instance to this particular person. Someone who gets blacklisted might feel the need to defend themself afterwards, even though this isn't needed. Just because someone blacklists someone, doesn't mean there is some deeper "justice" in it.
When we get blacklisted we should just respect that ajd move on - those are someone elses's gifts we can't win anymore.

I think we would be all better off, if we would think more about who and why we use the blacklist function. I don't say it shouldn't be used,but not-blacklisting for every transgression might teach us, to be more understanding and helpful in the first place.
On the other side, we shouldn't get offended, if someone decides to put us on their "naughty list". If we are okay with the things we write and our actions we take, then it shouldn't bother us at all, when someone decides to blacklist us.

8 years ago*

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With this statement of your this thread could get closed ^^
If all handle this "naughtylist function" in the way you descripted in here, such discussions wouldnt excist ^^

8 years ago

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I really find it annoying that blacklist is even an option. I got like 20 blacklists because i didn't know the rules of this sites. Now it is 38 or something.

8 years ago

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Of course now a guy blacklisted me...

8 years ago

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I don't care much about the reason, but I'd be happy to have a list of those who blacklisted me, so I can reciprocate the favor.

8 years ago

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And what average user would do after reading (assuming someone bothers to write in english) for example, "regifter" or "leech"? Start ranting "dis not fair, yada, yada, unblacklist now" on forum and steam, or skips this and goes directly to insulting.

8 years ago

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I fear the most commonly found reason would be "because I didn't like you" or "other".

8 years ago

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when it goes into formatted answers?

8 years ago

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Explicating reasoning behind blacklists would breed conformity. I found the possible implications like bending over for someone for the remote possibility of winning a game repulsive.

Sorry if that sounded ass-backwards, english is not my mother-tongue.

8 years ago

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here's an exhaustive list of the reasons why you might get blacklisted:


8 years ago

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xD we all know that, there are also more to get onto this list xD

But I somekinda felt like a notification with formatted pattern could also try tp prevent the blacklist useage cuz the users need to rething the reason!?

8 years ago

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doubt it'd make a real difference.

8 years ago

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Closed 8 years ago by moppelmurks.