"Dota 2 is temporarily unavailable in the Community Market. All Dota listings excluding Treasure Chests and Keys will be returned to the owners' inventories. All other games are unaffected. You can continue to buy and sell items from other games like normal. Dota 2 will become available on the Community Market again once the next Dota patch is live. Go to the patch notes for more information."
This, I think.
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i had unusual high tier couriers worth 2k
valve added a system where any low tier couriers colour can be taken out and painted to another courier,the high tier ones like blue/indigo are essentially very low price now
before price depended on effect+ colour ,highest being ef effect and blue/indigo colour
that combination could go upto 1.5k on one courier alone,
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So you didn't have $2,000, you had an item.
The difference is that just because it has that value doesn't mean it's worth that much. It's only worth as much as someone will pay. And if no one was willing to buy it from you, then it's worth $0. If you hoarded it to yourself, it was worth $0.
So you didn't lose any money, since no one was buying it anyways.
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Oh man, you'll hurt your courier's feelings saying that! Seriously though, your liking it should not depend on its rarity!
Besides, most people in your shoes would probably expect a free game out of pity than make a giveaway! Hope you feel better!(then MOAR givaways)XD
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I think that spending 2000$ on a virtual item is even more dumb, but that's just my two cents.
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Of course it is, but I'm assuming the guy who owns that item got it though playing, not by buying it with real money. Either way, he should have sold it as soon as he got it. $2000 is a lot of money and waiting for the value to MAYBE increase is rather greedy when you already have $2000 in pixels.
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thats probably what some other guy said when it was only worth $100...or $20 even
/devil's advocate(admittedly at 2k though I would have sold too. go up past there and you'd have trouble finding buyers anyway 2k is enough for me. but he liked it so he kept it, its his right)
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This sounds horrible, but should be fixable, given that (and not to accuse or anything but just saying) that $2k was legitimately yours, I can't imagine that there would be no way of reversing this.
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You should play League of Legends, it will cheer you up for sure.
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The value of any virtual item = $0 + whatever you and others "imagine".
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Technically that's also the value of every real item.
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+1, some people just don't understand that thing don't actually have a value, it's just what value people give to it.
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That is completely true. I mean I could make my PC's value a million dollars, but does that actually mean it has a value?
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Well, reading your earlier comments? No, you didn't lose $2000 because of the last patch.
You lost $2000 because you refused to sell the item while the price was high.
Now the price has dropped, you missed your chance. This really isn't the fault of the patch. Demands perpetually fluctuate. Sometimes they sky-rocket, sometimes they crash. You weren't interested in selling, so you lost nothing.
It's like graphics cards. Their price points normally start pretty damn high, but as new cards come out (or as the market changes) the price can drop drastically. If you decide to use a graphics card for an extended period, it's resale value will plummet. Instead of blaming the market or the companies that manufacture newer cards, you should examine your own habits within the marketplace. I feel for you, because most people would be bummed out by such a sudden switch-up, but it's just the nature of the game, my friend.
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Well, it could be worst... imagine if you were the one who BOUGHT this - translating the site to english via google translate.
The item was sold for R$90.000,00, that is about US$30,000.00. And now it worths nothing!
Well, this person LITERALLY LOST this money (since the item doesn't have it's price anymore).
You just lost the opportunity! This buyer lost the money!
Thanks for giveaway, and I wish you to feel better! :D
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If it makes you feel any better, consider the fact that you are in a place financially where you possessed something you could easily sell for two thousand dollars, and you did not feel that you absolutely needed to. IMO that would be a pretty rad place to be in.
Thanks for the giveaway, I think I have more entries for that series than I do for any other game/series.
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I have a TF2 unusual worth about $50, but it was self-unboxed and only took me 12 keys so it has sentimental value. Every once in a while I think to myself "You should REALLY sell that damned Liquidator's Lid before it goes down in value." I can't even IMAGINE having something that expensive. :P $2000 is more than I paid for my car...
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Every Free to play game is more expensive than normal games :D
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after reading the comments, god damn did u mess up, even if u liked it.. 2k$ is still 2k$ .. shouldve just sold it and let it be someones elses foolish stupid mistake
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How did u make 2k on a videogame?
plz tell me lol
but anyways... 2k as in USD?
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48 Comments - Last post 32 minutes ago by SilentGuy
So with the recent Dota 2 Patch..i lost $2000...this is all i have left with me so why not give it away too
good luck everyone
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