so my oldest ga that hasn't been redeemed i have 2 codes that haven't been redeemed ones user name is like xxxxzeyu or something..and other is same first for letters and two different second four, oddly the second one has the name of the first one in it's email and they both won the same giveaway. They were both created 2 months ago, they were both online 5 hours ago, and both have entered roughly the same amount of giveaways....dupe accounts? what to do

8 years ago

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Illuminati at work?

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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if you're sure they are dup, try to contact them.
If you are sure that they are regifting or doing something else than activating the key, revoke it and / or report it.

I hope I did understand what you meant. :#

8 years ago

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This one is easy. if it is not marked as received, send a Request received feedback and include the account names, links, and screenshots of the same email addresses in the ticket. Support will be alerted and can handle it promptly.
I would not suggest a reroll ticket as with these kinds of users, you have a big enough chance that they are bots farming SG for freebie keys to sell.

8 years ago

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see the first one has the second one's name in its email
oddly over 1000 entries and of my nine they won should i just report this?

8 years ago

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By creating a request received ticket, you are also reporting it.

If you ask should you include all of this in that ticket, then yes, most definitely.

8 years ago

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Multi-accounting is unfortunately a component of SG, and heavily flooded on low-level public giveaways. If you think you've spotted it, you're probably right. Confronting the users isn't going to do any good- just stick all the relevant information into your support tickets and let support sort it out. There's nothing you can do on your end [except to up your giveaway entry level for future public giveaways, if you find that a desirable enough consideration].

8 years ago

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This ^^ I wholeheartedly agree

8 years ago

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ok thanks for your feedback ...i reported it :) i also mentioned they should look into a few other really similar account names

8 years ago

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don't worry, there are lots of people with alts on sg, from lv0 to lv10.
just report them and see if they can make a nice excuse so they can be allowed to keep leeching on sg like nothing happened.

8 years ago

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lol yup apparently...its just funny they both won the same GA and their names were right next to each other, so it kind of stood out like a sore thumb ...and the fact that one had the other acount's username in its email,,

8 years ago

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