A polite & grateful user who never broke the rules but has a private profile and 30 times more wins than gibs belongs on:
Lately I blacklist winners of my giveaways with private profile (actually, I haven't blacklisted anyone for this rule). I believe that nice man have nothing to hide. But apart of this rule, and if you pretty sure that he doesn't have not-activated wins - I would say "No list".
I never blacklist anyone because of ratio because I have bad ratio because this site is not a for trading, it's for giving away. If someone want this game, and I want to give it away - why would I care about ratio? Maybe he can't afford buying games, and came to this site because of that.
Yes, I usually do a level restriction on giveaways, but not because I believe all people should be high level, just because I want to be sure user know, how the site works. It does not always helps, but helps a lot. If there was an option for giveaway "only for users that surely know rules and have no previous violations", I would use it. But sadly, it's impossible to check this for sure.
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I can totally see why users would want to have a private profile. I had one until earlier this year, for the same reason I'm not on Facebook - privacy is not a curse word and something I appreciate myself. However, the allure of this site was too powerful, so I compromised, gotten used to having a public profile and now I don't lose sleep about it anymore. I know I can temporarily change my profile to public once a week for syncing, but I'm past that point.
I can tell that their profile has no issues because I asked them to make it public long enough for me to check, and they agreed. This is what I always do if the winner has a private profile, but it's no doubt a hassle.
As for ratio, I partially agree with you. I actually moved someone from my blacklist to my whitelist a few days ago, because previously he/she looked like a leech to me but once I read more about their background (in a post they wrote on the forum) I understood how wrong I was. However, there are shades of grey between a trade and a straight no-restriction giveaway for the sake of altruism. Many users on the site join groups and increase their levels (by giving more) not only for the sake of giving, but also because it increases their chances of winning giveaways they enter. In a way, it's a bit like trading, but without the stress.
Using high level restrictions does improve things greatly. I had to deal with a lot of crap in some public giveaways, but I found a system that improves things greatly. Whitelist giveaways seem to be completely trouble-free, and Invite-only L4 and Public L5 giveaways are relatively trouble-free as well.
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Well, I don't think that seeing my profile is a danger to my pricavy. But I don't have facebook too (except of this three fake accounts, lol).
As for blacklisting for private profile - I took this as a rule because I don't want to ask user to show their profile. Just don't want extra troubles for me.
And ratio... Of course you can do giveaways with rules you want. If you want it to be people with good ratio - why not. But you know, there is no much difference between this and group giveaways - in both cases you giveaway for a small group of people, selected by some rule.
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You are certainly free/encouraged to manage your giveaways the way you like. You deserve that much for sharing games with the community. But intimating that having a private profile means one is hiding information for nefarious purposes is, to my thinking, narrow-minded.
Successful spear-phishing attempts work best when you can include little details that disarm people's suspicion. Hypothetically, knowing you played 10 hours of Rocket League this week might seem like harmless info, until someone uses that info to socially engineer you into clicking on something you shouldn't.
Even the best of us make mistakes. Decreasing the number of ways someone can disarm your natural defenses is worthwhile when computer security is important for you or the company you work for.
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i don't care about private profiles, support will check them if you as a reroll just in case. i understand why some people would set their profile to private (not referring to shady stuff).
and some people with "bad" ratio are fine, it just depends on attitude.
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No list.
If you gifting them makes you uneasy, they do not belong on your whitelist.
That being said, I don't think they deserve to be on your blacklist unless they do something that you can't tolerate. Some people cannot afford to make giveaways, and some people will lie about not being able to make giveaways. In the end, the blacklist management is up to you. :)
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But how does one friendly person manage to get on your honourable whitelist?
And i would say they belong to no list aslong as they havent got a good reason to not be, that could be that they can't afford etc.. Even Tho they easy can visit sites like Tremorgames and make some coins to buy a game to giveaway..But then they might not have the time, but they have the time to enter giveaways here ;) It's the act that counts not the value of the game your givin' away in my opinion.
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Gizmo rulezzzzzzzzzzz!
btw, whats that background on your profile? looks nice.
you are now Whitelist #189. feel free no to add me ;) i'm trying to get to 200 with nice people
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Gremlins is more or less my best nostalgi films from being a kiddo, and wow thanks man!
I'll definitely get you on mine aswell, that was unexpected.. Getting whitelisted is always a good feeling :D
I wish i had the picture in better quality but sadly not, here ya go tho http://imgur.com/G3BTzJE .
But please be nice and don't "steal" my profile pic ;) Just kidding haha
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Having a public profile is NOT required to use this site. Not everyone prefers to show other people which games he's playing, what games he does have, and what friends etc.
He is required to do a sync once a week to keep using the site though.
I do have private profile winners from time to time, and I just add a guy to my friend list, ask him to make his profile public for a while, do all the checks (SG tools, if he owns my game already), then say thanks and give him the game. Noone ever rejected to do so, as he knows that I'll ask for a reroll in such case.
You must decide yourself, because what is a good/bad reason to blacklist/whitelist for me, may not be for you.
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never broke the rules (...) has a private profile
Well, how do you know they never broke any rules if they have a private profile? Since it would take some effort to add them, ask them to make their profile public to check if they activated all their wins and all that, I wouldn't add them to either list and just move on.
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No, like someone posted the link before I did and I didn't notice until after I posted ;)
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Doesn't matter.
I am thankfull to you all. :)
Found it
I learned something new :D
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Haha come on you even blacklist someone who "never broke the rules except one calling out recently, is polite most of the time xD, thanks giveaway creators for the win and redeems quickly" even if he doesn't have such a ratio and a public profile xD
I have no problem with someone having a private profile, some people don't want share informations like what friends they have, what games they play and stuff like this. Also due to the fact that they have to set their profile to public to synch with SG once a week(?) they have to redeem the gifts like everyone else too. Yeah ok you can't check if they activated all the previous wins that sucks...
I won't blacklist someone, who has won 30 times more wins than they gave away. No one here have to give something away and not everyone can give something away. But of course I prefer people who are great contributers and active in the forum. :3
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Hello everyone,
Since we are discussing about whitelist-blacklist may I ask something about it?
A couple of days ago I found out someone blacklisted me.
I asked him the reason and how can I correct if I have done something wrong but he didn't answer.
Could you please check my profile and inform me if something is wrong and how can I correct it?
I believe I am behaving well but every community has their own rules and I am still adopting.
It would be great if you could check.
Thanks in advance
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There are only two things I see that might cause someone to blacklist you, your Region Locked GA's (which I don't think anyone should hold against someone, not everyone can control where they live) or you could have won a GA from the user and they blacklisted you. Some people do this to give "others who have not won" a chance to win from them.
Those are literally the only two reasons - unless you said something in a post somewhere that rubbed them the wrong way, which there is nothing you can do about really that's just human nature.
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Other less likely reasons would be:
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I was also surprised when I found out that because I only asked for left door.
My steam account also had a notification as I dropped from left and right door groups too.
Then I found out I am part of them but I don't know how.
But that blacklist happened before that.
Still you are right. It can be a reason.
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I contected her (teffke? an anime picture of a lady?) and explained since i can join both giveaways I thought giveaways she created are over and they added everyone to both of them. Since being part of them didn't make sense I also came up with a senseless idea.
She told me i tried to be part of both of the doors and i am kicked from groups.
But we couldn't solve the dilemma why i am still part of them.
I can see that groups and even join the giveaways on steamgifts and there isn't an option to leave them.
(I removed myself from the giveaways after you informed me)
It looks like i have a blacklist material now and even I try i can't make it right. :)
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Where would place a user who never broke the rules (validated myself), is polite, thanks giveaway creators for the win and redeems quickly? Sound great so far. But what if he/she has a private profile and 30 times more wins than gibs?
I'm afraid there's no site-maintained giveaway this time.
But the ninjas on my whitelist can find a key for Broken Sword: Director's Cut in the description of this giveaway.Comment has been collapsed.