Hey guys!
Two days ago I gave my first game away. Today I became Level 1.

I am proud that I am no longer a leech, and I'll diligently give away games myself!

Here's one to all you Lv1+ out there, I think you deserve it!

9 years ago*

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Are you a leech?

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Thanks for giveaways :)

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Sneaky sneaky. :)

9 years ago

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Thank you Granck :D

9 years ago

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Hey congrats :3

9 years ago

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Thanks. I'm just borderline Level three now myself, just one more "received" and I'm there!

9 years ago

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Bumping this as at the time of posting only 45 entered, and it's not even a puzzle...

9 years ago

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some people (like me) already own the game and can't enter^^ don't be mad if there isn't thousand of entris :p most of the people out there don't even read the forum...
Thanks and congratz for your first giveaway :p

9 years ago

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:/ I understand that people own the game, but it really is underwhelming that so few had entered, surely not everyone owns the game right?
I know, Me, Myself doesn't own the game.
Pretty weird that I'm giving away a game I don't own now that I think about it.

9 years ago

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personnaly i activated the game because i wasn't sure if i gave the key or not, so i used it instead of creating a fake giveaway by mistake^^. but it is not a game i would have activated or spent my point for, there is a lot of factor to take into account, like if people own it, if people want it or not, if it have cards, if they are forum lurker, if it have potatoes or banana, if there is a flux of awesme games currently on SG... (its been a few hours there is a lot of stalker call of pripyat giveaway and i spent all my point for those for example :D)

Also its not a bad thing, the number of people who join won't change the CV youll get or don't give you points, so the number ain't really important. And in another hand, there will be only one winner so there will still be a happy person n_n

9 years ago

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Welcome to the "real" world. There's an additional plus side to gaining levels, you become qualified for more give aways with FAR less entrants. (so even as you give, you receive)

(As an aside I gave away about 50 games that I don't own. Often especially in bundles, you'll find yourself getting titles you know you won't likely play. I usually either give these away directly to friends, or toss up a give away)

9 years ago

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Nice to see, congrats and thanks for contributing to the community ^^

9 years ago

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