
I've recently found I have a foil trading card (Game Dev Tycoon - The Start) and wondered how I ended up with it. is it just chance? Also, why do they seem to go for much more money? Are they that much more rare?

As I've said before, I don't really get the whole business, but I'm glad of the pocket change it giveth.

11 years ago*

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Cards drop randomly so that may be why you ended up with one. Check the market for selling prices....

11 years ago

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I chucked it on for just under £1.00 less than the next lowest one for sale (if that makes sense). I'm not too bothered about getting loads, it's just a little bonus. Ideally I just want to get freedom force for free so if it doesn't work I won't cry like the big girl I am.

11 years ago

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It makes sense and I'm doing the same thing.
Foil cards are a digital picture with the word 'foil' in the caption.
Dunno why people are paying more to get those, but why not?^^
I bought Binding of Isaac + DLC + Soundtrack with the money I got from selling trading cards and I'm happy about this :D

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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I thought you were a evil mastermind and that your plan to turn the world into a permanent state of pyrovision was foiled by those meddling kids. Maybe even Kick-Ass.

11 years ago

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SELL IT BEFORE THE PRICE DROPS. foils for games that just released cards are expensive

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by richa160284.