So I fucked up.

I don't have a giveaway to chuck at you in return for help this time, but I'm hoping you can put that aside. I have done everything but kept myself up to date on headphones and/or microphones during the 3 years I owned my pair of G35. Also, do not buy G35, they suck even when they're not broken.

I'm looking for a headset or a headphone/microphone combo that I can use not only for listening to music (stationary, I have portable headphones separately) and for playing video games. I also need a microphone as I like to yell at people. My budget is around 100-150€ for the headset or the combo. It doesn't have to be gaming, it can't be Steelseries, Roccat and most definitely not Razer; I'm not 13. Surround sound is a bonus but definitely not necessary. I don't want virtual surround sound.

Here is my current 'planned' set, use it or don't use it as a base if you completely disagree with me, I'm grateful if you help me in any way regardless.
Headphones: Superlux HD 668B
Microphone: t.bone SC440 USB (podcast bundle, it only means stand+pop filter and binnable goodies for cheaper than everything separately)

Reminder: I'm completely fine with using a gaming headset and I'm not an audiophile, I just think this combination is a viable option and want to hear what you think about that combo or what you'd change about it; perhaps you'd pick completely different products or just a single headset that includes both. Studio-grade headphones are not required.

10 years ago*

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100-150 on headset? Fuck no. You can find totally fine and good quality headsets with 20-30 euros max. That superlux looks good and confy. Give another 10 bucks and buy a microphone.

10 years ago

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I should mention that mic static in voice communication pisses me off, a lot. 20-30€ headsets tend to have horrible mic quality and extremely shitty audio playback. The reason I'm willing to pay a tad more for it as a headset is that low-range gaming headsets only sell because they combine mic and headphones in one. If you find an exception, let me know.

10 years ago

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Hey mate, i think you should tell us if you use it intensively or just from time to time. If you're like me and use it everydays for many hours, then confort must be the highest priority imo.

And in this case you should definitely BAN all the cheap ones, especially those with fake leather earpads or those in Skai (Siberia for example).

From my experience in more than 10 years in PC Gaming, i've used pretty much all the known headsets in the price range of 20-100€. None had the 3 most important (Comfort, audio quality, durability) qualities for a multimedia headphone.
And after a lot of research reading tons of opinions, i decided to put more $$$ than usual to try out a better product than the cheap ones.

Now it's been 2 years with my Seinnheiser PC 360 and honestly i will never go back to an headphone that isn't in this type. Amazing comfort (foam earpads ftw), great sound overall, best microphone on a headset you can get (well that's from what reviews said PLUS the feedback from my friends using vocal).
It's not perfect tho, you can't completly cut the sound, overall material looks cheap (but in exchange it's very lightweight) and it's not closed (well it depends on your environement). For me that's minor downsides.

You can also check for some Samson microphone combined with a Beyerdynamic DT 770 pro or a Seinnheiser HD 598.

But please, make your ears a favor, AVOID shitty earpads like on the Siberia/PC 350 and all the others.

My 2 cents.

10 years ago

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Thanks for your input. I am indeed planning on wearing the headphones during all of the time I spend on the computer, which is a lot. I've heard people find the Superluxes fairly cheap looking but actually very durable, especially considering their price and really comfortable to wear and changing the pads to velor ones makes them even more comfortable, they didn't even fuck the wing pad design they copied from ATH

10 years ago

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I've been using for 5 years or so A4 Tech headphones and they're comfortable, sound good and come at a decent price.

10 years ago

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20-30€ Headsets I think is not a good option, at least no less than 50€ imo.

10 years ago

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i'm laughing while watching the broken speaker xD how did you manage breaking it like that? lol

I recently bought Genius Lychas for 21 euros on discount (it's normal price in EU is 30 euros i think). Pretty much pleased with the sound and especially with the microphone(it has noise cancelling). You can watch this review to help you.

There is another headset i wanted to get that you might like too : Natec Genesis HX55.
Official site .

(edit: just noticed you don't want virtual surround, so yeh the second one has got virtual :P)

10 years ago

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I stepped on the cord as I stood up from sitting and it gave a heavy yank on the earpiece, breaking it off. The Natecs are virtual surround and the Lychas are basically a stereo version of G35 looking at specifications, but thanks!

10 years ago

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hmm i see!well check out steelseries headsets then. they're around 100-150 $$ and they have the specs you're looking for ;)

10 years ago

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" It doesn't have to be gaming, it can't be Steelseries, Roccat and most definitely not Razer; "

10 years ago

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Aww, the same thing happened to my own G35. Seriously I'm starting to hate headsets that are made like the G35 as they break far too easily!

10 years ago

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they held many occasions of me doing the exact same thing and me falling sleep with them on

10 years ago

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Platronics Gamecon break almost the same - just after using them. Nothing need to do to break it.

10 years ago

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sennheiser PC350

10 years ago

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Why do they have such a high impedance? Can you say anything about the microphone quality? The microphone hearing range isn't the most impressive considering price. They're a good pair, but I don't want to overpay for what they do either if I could get better for the same price or equal for less money.

10 years ago

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They do have a high impedance so you can ask why. They were manufactured that way. As for the microphone range - the microphone here is supposed to record human voice. That's 500 - 2000 hertz.
So, what again is bad about 50 - 16 000? If you wanna record music or dolphins, you probably should buy something else. The microphone is good though, BUT the whole thing isn't worth the money.
Consider either the PC360 if you're going for a headset (which is decent, but you still overpay) or the Qpad Qh-85, which is decent, too but I feel that thing would break apart after 2 years. Although both can't sound very well without an amp.

The Superlux HD668 would sound kinda boring to a young listener, especially somebody who's used to headsets. It was even too clinical for me. It sounds good but i would recommend something else, depending on your region / availabilty:

Takstar / Coolertron Hi-2050

Monoprice 8323

Panasonic HTF-600

These are all much better bets than the superlux in that price range.

10 years ago

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I've generally taken hearing range as a guide for how good the microphone sounds in general as it slightly points towards whether it's built from trash or not; I know what hearing range actually is. I also yell a lot and in various pitches, yelling is fucking awesome which is why I also wish there was a reliable way of knowing how quickly the microphone peaks, do you know if there are any pointers towards this in specs?
Thanks for the suggestions, I'll take to reading reviews about these. Someone else suggested I buy any Monoprice headphones because they're known to be high in quality/price ratio but they look like they wouldn't last very long, especially the joints and cord look cheap but the latter is replacable, can you vouch for them?

Also, would you suggest I get a soundcard in case I were to buy a higher-impedance headset such as the PC350? Will my onboard soundcard be able to sufficiently power them?

10 years ago

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You can't take hearing range as any measure. As long as the range is in the expected range or voice or hearing, regarding either mics or headphones. Some of the very best microphones out there, like the royer labs rf-12 have pretty much the same frequency range as the sennheiser pc350/360. 50 - 15000 hz. And that's not even a mic just for recording voices (like the senns) but for recording in general (though not all instruments). Even with high-pitched screams, you won't be able to break the 2khz. Although the tbone mic will respond much better to that than any other headset-microphone (they're usually dirt cheap parts)

I wouldn't buy a soundcard for the PC350, reason is that the PC350 is highly overpriced and overrated. The 360 does a better job but still lacks in the price/performance ratio the 440-mic and one of those three headphones I've suggested. Plus, seing as you want a long-lasting headphone - I've gotta ask: why not spend more? And why do you keep treating 'em like that? ;)

And no, your onboard-sound wouldn't be enough to sufficiently drive them (regarding soundstage, dynamics and frequency) but it would drive them loud enough, if that's a mild consolation to you.

I wouldn't expect any of these headphones, because they're dirt cheap, to last more than 2 years. If they do - fine. If they don't, they were still dirt cheap and you didn't spend 100+ on a headset with either crappier sound or crappier build (mostly both)
Even a lot of the sennheiser pc350/360, which are actually decently built, don't last longer than 4 years. ALso in the same price range of the PC360 there are standalone-headphones (no mic) which are much, much, much better built and you can replace pretty much everything. As long as you don't rape them, headphones like the dt990 or akg k612 (starting 150) will last 10+ years.

I can plead for the monoprice in terms of that it's better built than the superlux headphones, which are awfully built. (but you can replace the earpads there) - and I only would recommend the monoprice for small ears, the earcups aren't the biggest (7cm in width on the inside on the widest point)
They also tend to be uncomfortable after 4+ hours, but that's, like the earcup-thing, very dependant on the user, since everybody's got a different sized head and ears.
As for the hi-2050 (which I deem better) they're more comfy and open. The panasonic are better in terms of sound and comfort too, but they seem not to last that long, as there's records of them breaking down after a year (which might be related to outdoor use, plus it's still cheap. If I can use something for $40 for a year? well, whatever, I don't mind, but that's up to you)

You also won't find that many reviews on those headphones, but consider head-fi to be one of the few sources that actually have readable, good reviews. There's a lot of awful and nonsensical reviews out there for headphones and headsets, which aren't even worth considering reading. Just to elaborate that a bit more, pretty much everything, be it an actually good headphone or a crappy razer headset has "crystal clear sound, awesome bass, super mids and sparkly highs" in those reviews (talking about consumer/pc-hardware oriented sites now)

10 years ago

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I see. The thing that caught my eye about the Superluxes honestly was that they look and seem comfy as fuck, and /g/ is raving about them like they're the best headphones on the face of the earth. Part of the reason I this time was originally looking to separate microphone and headphones was that I do sleep with my headphones on, it's nearly crucial for me in order to get sleep some nights and earbuds slaughter my ears, whether they are rubber dildos or ones that rest in your ear it's still pure pain. I have a more expensive set of portable headphones I use to listen to music to that really aren't great for gaming as I've had to experience during the time I've been without my headset.

Also, there's a reason I wrote "it can't be Steelseries, Roccat and most definitely not Razer; I'm not 13." I know that they are filth that sell purely due to sponsorship and marketing and I know I can get much better for their asking prices across the board.

10 years ago

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Ever tried expensive in-ear monitors? Or custom made ones? ;)
Because loads of people do have that point of view on in-ear monitors (earbuds always suck, I'll give you that) - but mostly because they haven't tried or cared about either better sound or spending more money. I absolutely guarantee you that for instance a vsonic gr06, a brainwavz b2, a custom art music one, westone pro30, and so on and so forth (everything worn over-the-ear instead of straight-down) will cradle you in a fuzzy mushroomcloud of comfort, perfect isolation and much, much better sound.

But I'm sidetracking, the superlux can be comfy, but not "as fuck". At least from my standpoint, but I've had much, much more expensive (and thus comfortable) headphones on my ears. If you've ever tried a Sennheiser HD700 or HD800, that's the kind of "comfortable as fuck" :D

The part that bothered me most about the superlux headphones, except from the sound signature which I described a little in a post further down this thread, was the awfully scratchy headband.

But to kind of conclude this, if you want to stay in this price range, you have to compromise. 40€ won't get you the best sound ever, neither the best comfort, nor the best durability. But they're good tools for the job and recommendable in this price range. Since every taste is unique, I would suggest you just order all four of the suggested (HD668, Hi-2050, HTF-600 and mono 8323) and just keep the one you prefer best. A big part of liking a headphone, especially being able to say "this is absolutely perfect for me" comes down to personal comparison and taste. Not only in comfort, but in sound. Comparing personally is quite unusual in this low price range (and absolutely fucking crucial above 100€) but if you aren't absolutely convinced of a pair, you should order and compare for yourself.

As for a soundcard, just to mention, a cheap ASUS Xonar DGX would be sufficient enough for the abovementioned headphones. You'll certainly hear the difference in sound, above all, you'll have more details and an easier time pin-pointing the sources of whatever sound you hear.

10 years ago

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I haven't tried expensive earbuds, no, the cheap ones have put me off so much that for mobile use I bought over-ear headphones that I use. I feel like paying a lot for earbuds just so I can sleep with them is a bit of a waste, hope you get where I'm coming from.
Thanks again for all your input, I've learned a lot and I'm going to reconsider my choice incorporating most of your suggestions while still keeping the HD 668B as a viable option.

10 years ago

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I do understand that, of course. Expensive IEM are a harder choice to buy than expensive headphones - since earbuds mostly don't last thaaaat long. Sweat or even the slightest form of liquid in your ears might already destroy them. And loads of them don't have removable cables (my westone um3x do, phew) - but I too wouldn't pay 300+ just for going to sleep with them. But then again, The Vsonic GR06 are hella comfortable and go for $60, if you're ever the mood to try something new.

Have fun choosing btw, good luck.

10 years ago

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500-2000 and have bad quality of voice. Thanks. I better pay once more and have better sound. I want buy QPAD-85 but i hear how much noise they record, and have poor quality platic leading to microphone. Then saw in good price PC 350 (which not check earlier due too normally are over price wchich I could spend), thenI check how they record voice - it is huge difference than QPAD-QH85, Gamecom 366/367. And I saw, that PC350 are elastic and not broke like Gamecom - looks the same as thread autor picture. And decide to buy it.

10 years ago

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RIP :'|

10 years ago

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a real 7.1 or 5.1 with 1 000 watts rms, that way better

10 years ago

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Sennheiser HD 518 with Antlion's modmic would fit pretty well in your budget.

10 years ago

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I was just going to suggest a modmic. I use one with my M50S and am completely happy.

10 years ago

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Which gen are you on? I've listened to gen3 modmics and they sound absolutely fucking terrible. Gen2 is supposedly a lot better and they've promised that gen4, which is being released during Q1 (soon), is going to sound better than gen3.

10 years ago

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I was looking at a modmic earlier but at least the current gen sounds like shit and they don't ship gen2 anymore with gen4 not (quite) being released yet. I don't want to take a gamble with the gen4 either in case it's also bad; would need to wait for reviews.

10 years ago

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Then you could look into Blue Snowball. Though it's gonna eat half of your budget. It has pretty short cord, but it uses A male to B male cord, so you can get longer one from pretty much any store.

10 years ago

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SteelSeries Syberbia v2's or Logitech G930 for wireless are your best bets for a quality headset at a good price.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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Right now I use the Sennheiser 449 + asus sound card with headphone amp + logitech webcam as a mic.

I'm quite happy with the results, the sound card offers 7.1 virtualization(similar if not better than the one in the logitech g35), the headset has good quality and the mic has never given me any trouble(aside from picking a bit more room noise than headset mics from tine to time).

I would recommend you something similar, maybe some Sennheiser 555 + asus xonar, it should still give you plenty of room to buy a good webcam or standalone mic.

10 years ago

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A Xonar is definitely something I'm eventually looking to buy but I can't fit it into my budget right now

10 years ago

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Pitty, the cheap ones are about 20€(be sure to pick a model with headphone amp) and it has been the best improvement to my audio system in years.

10 years ago

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Are the cheap ones worth getting regardless? I have a decent mobo so I haven't stressed about getting a soundcard as I've expected the on-board one to be good enough to not justify spending less than 100€ on a soundcard as the improvement would be marginal, am I wrong?

10 years ago

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OnBoard still sucks in terms of audio, the Chip on the Z68 Deluxe isn't even that decent and even with the best onboard-chip (marketing), a 30€ Xonar DGX Card is still waaaaay ahead.

IF the difference is marginal or not, that depends on the headphone you use. Not every thing needs amping, the superlux don't and I currently wouldn't buy them (see other post by me). The Sennheiser here of course are prone to amping, but they're overpriced compared to your other options in that price range - not to say Sennheiser sucks, but there's better options.

10 years ago

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As Thallassa said, the cheapest Xonar will be far better than any integrated audio, that's starting to change with gigabyte offering a few boards with good audio and amps but that's not your case right now.

The Xonar DG was about 24€ when I bought it(I would recommend a DGX instead) and as crappy as the software is I love this card and wont be going back to integrated audio unless it breaks and I cant replace it.

After a lot of years playing with 5.1(real, 4 speakers in each ear) and 7.1(virtualized) headsets I'm completely used to playing FPS relying on audio clues, to the point where if I have to play in stereo it actually confuses me a bit so having a sound card that allows me to play with a decent 7.1 emulation using a good headset instead of overpriced crap from logitech/razer it's great for me.

And again, as Thallassa said, there are options cheaper than Sennheiser so you should be able to pick the Xonar and a good headset.

10 years ago

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Siberia v2 ?

10 years ago

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I can tell you from experience, Logitech products are complete garbage now compared to what they used to be. Cheaply made, poorly designed and over priced. Personally my next headset will be Corsair Vengeance 2100. I've heard pretty good things about them, plus I want a decent headset that's wireless and affordable Lol.

10 years ago

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Sorry but I don't want virtual surround anymore, I'm done with it. Either true surround or stereo.

10 years ago

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I'm really happy with my AKG-GHS1 :)

10 years ago

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Can you give me specifications for it? The website is regionlocked to being US only and it's also blocking me with both proxy and VPN

10 years ago

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Official page Amazon link for black version I don't like camo so I took black. There's also white version :)

10 years ago

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After watching this video and reading the comments seeing how many people had theirs break I decided against this headset, also being on-ears as a gaming headset was a bit offputting. Be careful with your headband. Thanks though!

10 years ago

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This happens if you don't make them as big as your head :P

10 years ago

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Also watch this video :)

10 years ago

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I did watch it as well, and I can honestly say he has no idea how to review in my opinion. The points he make don't carry any evidence other than his negative opinion about the rubber cable being rubber. He also did not talk about the microphone at all, which is a half of the combination, not an accessory, at least to me.

10 years ago

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That looks horrible. On-ear is terrible choice for headphones, they're not comfortable.

10 years ago

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@himohillo Maybe they're horrible for you. They are really comfortable and sound quality is really good :P

10 years ago

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I have one of these, and love it!

Razer Carcharias

10 years ago

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Superlux headphones are the best! I'd take those if i were you. I already own those :P

E: and if shit happens and you broke these too, they are not that expensive

10 years ago

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They apparently have overly sharp high tones, especially the 681 and the 681 Evo, but nothing you can't EQ out in music. Can turn out to be an issue in gaming though.

10 years ago

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IMO mid and high sounds are pretty neutral. For more comfort i'd recommend buying velour pads with them. Superluxes are just unbeatable in price/sound quality.

10 years ago

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Sorry, but they're far from neutral.
The HD668 are as close as it comes to neutral in superlux-headphones, but the highs are overly grainy (and you can't eq the grain out)

As for the hd681 evo, it has recessed and grainy mids and a bloaty bass - you can eq the bloat out which will result in the superlux sounding dull and boring, while you again can't take the grain out. The HD681 is in fact overly sharp which you can eq out. Still not the first choice in cheap headphones, although definitely not bad, don't get me wrong.
Of course, "grainy" and "overly sharp" regards to personal tastes in headphones, as well as comparison's you've already made with your own ears, as to which "neutral" "recessed" or "more than neutral" can be compared with frequency graphs and comparisons to an actually neutral headphone. For instance, overly sharp mids might as well also be recessed mids, and so on.

10 years ago

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Never get razor headset. It's such a crap

10 years ago

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I used to break my headset by throwing it into the monitor or the wall behind it. I got rid of that bad habbit.

10 years ago

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Yesterday i bought them , they are nice :)

10 years ago

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These are designed to run on virtual surround sound, and I don't want that. It is as a rule of thumb a sign that you're paying extra for that function, and virtual 7.1 is nowhere near perfected enough to be paid for in my opinion. Been there, done that with the G35 which were supposedly the best virtual surround sound headset when I bought them.

10 years ago

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Duct tape?
Anyways, why would you spend so much just to yell at people? If you need quality just get a cheaper USB condenser mic, like Samson Go Mic, Meteor Mic or a used Blue Snowball.
Before asking for advice you should decide what do you need. What kind of headphone? Open, closed? Over-ear or not? Do you need detachable cord and built in mic?
Generally I would say Sennheiser HD280 Pro, Audio-Technica ATH-M30 or ATH-WS55.

10 years ago

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I've already taped the cord after it peeled off and the pads have lost all of their fake leather coating and cannot be replaced without complications. They sound like shit. It's just time to change.

The Meteor Mic is actually more expensive than what I linked and it wouldn't fit on my table and leave enough room for me to move around as I change positions of my keyboard and drawing tablet a whole lot. Over ear is what I'd consider to be the best option, on-ears tend to get uncomfortable for me in the long run. I'd prefer semi-closed to closed. Built in mic isn't mandatory, neither is having a separate one; I just think having them separate is a viable option where a good gaming headset is, gaming headsets just tend to cost more for what they offer compared to buying them separate, just because they're combined and gamers don't always consider where they throw their money. I don't like buying used products but I have no logical reason not to, it's just that there is something I'm unaware of that bothers me about someone else having owned the product before me.

10 years ago

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Speedlink Medusa NX 5.1 USB

10 years ago

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I actually used to own the Speedlink Medusa 5.1, but the multiple 3.5mm headphone jack version. The sound was ok, the bass was fucking horrible and it broke within half a year at the connections of the cord to the volume controller and the headset itself, low quality cord in general as well.

10 years ago

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I know this is way under your budget, and if I were you I'd probably get something fancier.
I got this at a local Family Dollar for $10, so for me this is my main headset, you might want to have one of these around to be a good cheap backup if anything happens to your main setup.
The headphone part has good clear audio, it won't win any awards, but it's still solid quality.
The microphone is what I'd call youtube quality. It's nice and clear and I use it for my gaming. Again, it's not HD or anything, but it is excellent for my purposes on a budget.

10 years ago

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I said it before, and I say it again

Beyerdynamic MMX300!!!

10 years ago

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Closed 10 years ago by Lewder.