U want to earn money for steam and u have paypal ? Complete this , this is an operation form paypal : https://steam.paypal-referral.com/share/4698-4e868a3bb42e42e4?prov=link u will win 2 € for paypal to buy on steam

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Referral links are not allowed in the community, and if you choose to post a link, please be sure all referral codes have been removed.

Besides, it looks fishy... no one gives money for free, ever.

8 years ago

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No one gives ANYTHING for free

8 years ago

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The almighty SpaceCat does.
Praise the SpaceCat.
Praise the Space Cat :3

8 years ago

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You've changed your avatar again!
I like this one, it's very stylish. :P

8 years ago

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There has been paypal and bitcoin free thingies that were "legit".

This does look fishy.

8 years ago

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Virus Total says it's clean.
However, I wouldn't touch it, not even with a 10-feet pole...

8 years ago

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it is actually clean (couldn't stop my curiosity)
but don't try it unless you're french, it is restricted to FR paypal account.
they did kinda the same thing last year, giving away 5€ if you spent 10€ on steam

8 years ago

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I kinda figured it, as both this user and the other one are French...
I wouldn't try it anyway, however, especially after knowing that it isn't affiliated with Paypal.

8 years ago

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it actually is affiliated with paypal, if you're using chrome, it should show up in your adress bar, that's why i took the risk :p
with those sales coming up i really couldn't resist xD

8 years ago

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There are many sites that look like the paypal site, but they actually aren't paypal.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I still insist that paypal doesn't have a referral program and isn't affiliated to steam. ;)

8 years ago

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they don't need to be affiliated to steam to work with them.
some video game making companies work together to make whole games but still aren't affiliated together.

you're definitely not wrong to be careful, what bothers me is that in this case you're just misleading people :/

8 years ago

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I'm not misleading people. I'm telling them to be careful with a hypothetical program that wants to give money to every French person - seems legit, eh? What is more misleading? To be sure that a program works and tell everyone that is legit or to say why can't a program like this be legit and warn them about it?

8 years ago

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i've tried it, you haven't, you know nothing about it, you're just speculating about something you don't know. Everybody can do that.

8 years ago

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Ok, 2 things then. Firstly, find some proof that this actually works. Also, find the announcement about this program in paypal's official site and in paypal's social media. ;P

8 years ago

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It works. I just tried it and I can see 2€ in my Paypal account that can be used on Steam.

8 years ago

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Why, it says "only to be used on steam"?

8 years ago

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Because is a steam related promotion, you can't use this amount for shopping or for paying other goods or services.

8 years ago

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Well, tell me when you eventually use it, because I wonder if it will work for you. ;P

8 years ago

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Οκ θα ενημερώσω. Το έστειλα και σε έναν άλλο το λινκ σε ένα φόρουμ οπότε θα δω αν όντως λειτουργεί στην πράξη και το μπόνους. Πάντως αν και πράγματι κουλό νομίζω οτι κακώς επιμένεις, μιας και το δίευρο το βλέπω στο λογαριασμό μου στο Πέυπαλ. Αν ήταν μούφα ή απάτη δεν θα το έβλεπα...

8 years ago

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Μα δε θα έπρεπε να το'χαν βγάλει ανακοίνωση κάπου; Απλά έστειλαν e-mail στον πληθυσμό ολόκληρης της Γαλλίας; Και όπως έγραψα παρακάτω, αν όπως είπε ο άλλος, το 10% τής Γαλλίας χρησιμοποιεί steam, τότε το 10% των 67000000 Γάλλων είναι 6700000. Πολλαπλασίασέ το επί 2, αυτό μας κάνει 13400000 ευρώ. Θα έπαιρνε τέτοιο ρίσκο ποτέ η paypal;

8 years ago

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Είναι πυραμιδικό το σύστημα και ο καθένας μπορεί να πάρει μέχρι 40 ευρώ σε έκπτωση. Βασίζονται προφανώς στο γεγονός οτι αυτό αυξάνει τις πωλήσεις (και άρα την προμήθεια της Πέυπαλ). Πάντως είναι η δεύτερη φορά που γίνεται αυτή η προσφορά, είχε ξαναγίνει στις φθηνοπωρινές εκπτώσεις και μάλιστα με 5 ευρώ δώρο. Επομένως το μοντέλο το έχουν τεστάρει και ξέρουν τα υπέρ και τα κατά.

8 years ago

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Άμα είναι και πυραμιδικό το σύστημα, σκέψου μέχρι και πόσα λεφτά θα χρειαστεί να δώσουνε. Και οι περισσότεροι δε θα νοιαστούνε καν να βάλουνε επιπλέον λεφτά μετά, οπότε πόσα πια θα κερδίσει η paypal από αυτό το πράγμα; Ακούγεται πολύ τεράστιο το ρίσκο. Αλλά όπως είπα, εγώ απλά μιλάω εκ του ασφαλούς, οπότε θα δούμε τι θα γίνει (αν θα γίνει κάτι) σε λίγες μέρες. ;P Αναρωτιέμαι πάντως γιατί έχουν επικεντρωθεί συγκεκριμένα στην Γαλλία.

8 years ago

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Ο μέσος γκέημερ σπαταλάει τα εικονικά λεφτά του στις εκπτώσεις επομένως η Πέυπαλ δεν κερδίζει απολύτως τίποτα. Επειδή σχεδόν τίποτα δεν έχει ακριβώς 2€ τότε η μίνιμουμ αγορά θα είναι μερικά σεντς παραπάνω. Λογικά κάποια ειδική συμφωνία θα υπάρχει με το Στημ, επομένως στη χειρότερη δεν θα χάσουν τίποτα, στην καλύτερη μπορεί να βγάλουν πολλά λεφτά μέσω προμήθειας. Όπως έγραψα το έχουν ξανακάνει (και με περισσότερα λεφτά) επομένως δεν το κάνουν στην τύχη, όλο και κάτι κερδίζουν. Τώρα γιατί γίνεται μόνο εδώ αυτό δεν το ξέρω...

8 years ago

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Πολλά παιχνίδια υπάρχουν, στις εκπτώσεις τουλάχιστον, που να κοστίζουν από 2 ευρώ και κάτω. Δεν είναι τόσο απλό να βρεις επιπλέον χρήματα για να βάλεις στο paypal account σου. Γι'αυτό σου λέω ότι λογικά δε θα κερδίσουν κάτι, αλλά θα χάσουν πολλά, αφού είναι τεράστιο το ρίσκο. Εκτός και αν, όπως λες, έχουν κάποια ειδική συμφωνία με το steam, και το ίδιο το steam τούς δίνει τα λεφτά. Τότε όμως, το steam θα χάσει λεφτά. o.O

8 years ago

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Ότι έχει 1,99€ δεν μπορείς να το αγοράσεις με το κουπόνι, οπότε πας σε παραπάνω (πχ 2,49€). Κατά τα άλλα δεν χρειάζεται καν να προσθέσεις λεφτά στο λογαριασμό σου, ούτως ή άλλως είναι δεμένοι είτε με κάρτα είτε απευθείας με λογαριασμό. Το πέυπαλ δεν είναι όπως οι prepaid, είναι απείρως ευκολότερο να το χρησιμοποιήσεις.

8 years ago

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Γιατί δεν αρκούνε, άμα είναι 1,99 ευρώ; o.O Πφφφ, παγίδες παντού. ;P Μία άλλη απορία: Αν είχες ήδη λεφτά στο paypal account σου και πήρες και αυτά τα 2 ευρώ, μπορείς όταν αγοράσεις κάτι από το steam, να επιλέξεις να χαλάσεις από αυτά τα λεφτά πρώτα;

8 years ago

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Πρέπει η αγορά που θα κάνεις να είναι από 2€ και πάνω για να μπορέσεις να χρησιμοποιήσεις το δώρο. Όσο για το άλλο δεν ξέρω να σου πω. Όπως δεν ξέρω να σου πω αν τελικά θα χρησιμοποιήσω τα 2€ ή θα χαλάσω μόνο λεφτά απ'το Steam Wallet. Έχω πολύ καιρό να χαλάσω κανονικά λεφτά για παιχνίδια :P

8 years ago

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Α, πες το έτσι. Μόνο τώρα απέκτησε λογική το όλο πράγμα. Πρέπει να βάλεις λεφτά για να τα χρησιμοποιήσεις δηλαδή. :P Παραμένει τεράστιο το ρίσκο, αλλά και πάλι, έτσι θα σε υποχρεώσουνε να βάλεις λεφτά. Πανούργοι τύποι. xD Και εγώ μόνο steam wallet και keys (για trading) χρησιμοποιώ. xD

8 years ago

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they didn't announce it on their site or social media, probably because it is restricted to french accounts, but sent mails instead.

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8 years ago

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So? Why not announce it in their site and social media too? o.O

8 years ago

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It's legit dude, there's no need to keep arguing.

8 years ago

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There are many similar scams that seemed to be legit. I already wrote an example above. But you're right, no need to keep arguing, because I can't prove anything because I won't even use it, so there's no need to keep having this conversation.

8 years ago

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back when paypal first started, they offered 5$ credit to all new signups. without verification. it only lasted a few days before they realized their mistake. by then i had something like 200$ on my main account.

8 years ago

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I saw the same post minutes ago. xD You CANNOT win free money from these sites, people, don't you understand? xD Also, referral links aren't allowed here.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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here my friend FAQ

8 years ago

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it's an operation from paypal , i just have an email and i wanted to share it

8 years ago

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4 comments ever made, out of which 3 on this thread alone. I'm sure you were just looking out for the community, amirite?

8 years ago

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Found another one (I see only two posts here.. or does it counts OP too? in that case, I found the last one) =P
..anyway, try to guess what's written in it before clicking XD

8 years ago

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hahaha, good info.
Also, happy cake day. :D

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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It's not affiliated to paypal, ffs. xD

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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you get 2€ for everybody that uses you link, and you are leaving out this information deliberately.

8 years ago

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Blacklisted... wtf is going on today

8 years ago

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hurrr look guys im so smart hurr durrrrrrr

8 years ago

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See, no one is questioning whether that link is legit.
But Steam Gifts' rules, the same rules you agreed to when you registered, FORBID you from sharing referral links.
And that site even has "referral" in its URL, go figure...

8 years ago

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do you still believe in fairy tales?

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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exactly :D

8 years ago

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looks legit, but restricted to french paypal accs

8 years ago

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How does this look legit? xD NOBODY gives free money. NOBODY!

8 years ago

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I tried it :o)
but i'm not french so i couldn't get anything :(

8 years ago

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Don't believe this shit, Susolo. Paypal doesn't have a referral program and it couldn't be associated with steam for this program anyway. They will probably steal info or something.

8 years ago

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actually i googled it a bit, and some people on french forums actively share their links (e.g. here, this site is the n°1 french video game site)

  • the link provided actually uses a real paypal link to login (which like you connect with steam on other sites, will never share your account informations)

however, if you're not french, don't bother. I googled it hoping to get something similar for whole europe or for my country but found nothing :(

8 years ago

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If this seems legit to you, then it's your problem. But I don't want to see any people coming here and crying that they stole their paypal money. -_- Do you REALLY think that paypal has a referral program now, although it doesn't even need it, and it gives away free money? Are you serious?

8 years ago

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they're not giving away free money, they're giving away money to spend on STEAM (2€ gift codes). that's a huge difference my friend.
It's not the first time they do it, last year it was 5€ for every 10€ spent on steam (again, for french people only)
And from all the information i could gather, this actually looks legit.

I'm just trying to inform people of what i know about it, as i took the risk and tried it. i have nothing to earn from letting people get their pp stolen...

8 years ago

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No, there's no difference in it. It's still free money. And paypal isn't a charity organization, if I recall correctly. This link above isn't affiliated to paypal or steam and, also, paypal would not cooperate with steam to give you free codes. Paypal does NOT have a referral program anymore (I think it had when it first started) and it doesn't need it, because millions of people are already using it. In the end, they'll probably ask you for some private info, you'll give your info, and you'll end up having your paypal / steam account stolen. If it was a giveaway, I would actually believe it, but this is not a giveaway, but just a referral program that isn't legit at all. -_-

8 years ago

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What part of this don't you get?

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8 years ago

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The part that paypal isn't having a referral program and isn't affiliated to steam.

8 years ago

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Neither GMG, Nuveem, Amazon etc are affiliated to Steam, yet they sell keys for Steam games. Go figure.

8 years ago

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Ffs, what does this have to do with it? xD We're talking about free codes, not about selling games. Did you actually see paypal posting this "thing" anywhere? Or do you trust a random mail? What's next? Will a Nigerian prince actually give you a part of his money if you send him some money first? XD

8 years ago

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You act like no one ever gave something for free in order to promote himself. And I said nothing about free codes or game. You talked about Paypal not being by any means affiliated as a business to Steam and I gave you examples of other companies that are not affiliated yet they are somehow connected to Steam.

8 years ago

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Yes, I should be more specific. I meant that they don't cooperate, not that you can't use paypal to buy games from steam. xD Paypal does not need a referral program. That's all. Or do you actually believe that paypal decided to give money to every French person?

8 years ago

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Yes, I do because it is quite possible. There is no such thing as having many users and not needing a referral program. Look at Coca-Cola for example. Is there anyone on the earth who doesn't know about Coca-Cola since his young age? Barely anyone I'd say, yet you see Coca-Cola advertisements don't you?

2 years ago or so, Steam was giving away Sniper Elite 2 and Left 4 Dead 2. Thinking the way you do, Steam has the monopoly as a distributor and they still gave something away.

8 years ago

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So? What does coca-cola have to do with it? Because it advertises itself? Paypal advertises itself too. Paysafe too. Steam too. But giving free money is a whole other thing. Think of how many people live in France, multiply it with two, and think of how much they would probably have to pay for this thing (that's the possible risk, not like every French person has a paypal account).

8 years ago

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You do realise that not even 10% of the French population is using Steam right? Do you even realise how much it costs to companies to advertise themselves? Paypal is forcing French people to visit their network in order to advertise themselves. It's the same as paying someone else to advertise your service with a banner on their website, it's just that you do it yourself.

You either really have no idea how business is done (especially on the Internet) or you are willingly refusing to understand which is even worse. Anyway, I am not willing to fight over this anymore. This discussion is pointless as you can't even state any facts other than the Nigerian prince.

8 years ago

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Oh, how exactly do you know about this percentage, if I may ask? So, ok, I didn't state any facts. Did YOU state any facts to prove me wrong? Or will you just talk about coca-cola? Still, 10% of 67000000 is 6700000. Multiplied with 2, this results to 13400000 euros. Yep, this totally sounds legit. xD My other example is this: I remember a new social media that appeared in Greece (maybe in other countries too, but I don't really remember) and it had a referral program promising free shit. It looked like a trusted site, so a lot of people trusted it and started sharing their referral link in order for other people to join this site through their referral link. Eventually, the site just disappeared or else it would have to give quite a bit money to people. Nobody knows what happened to this site and what did they do with all this private info (it was a social media, so it had names, passwords, photos of people, etc.). I didn't trust this site of course and I was right eventually. Let's see how your French referral program will end then.

8 years ago

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Just so you know, I didn't even bother reading your reply :D

I don't usually call names or flame people but this time I will, even if it lands me on hundreds of blacklists and get me suspended. You are extremely stupid. I just have no words to describe how amazed I am with your stupidity. You failed to realise that I didn't give 2 shits about this French referral thing. I am stating you why it would be legit as an advertisement move but you can't realise that. You are Greek after all, like you would know anything about finances.

8 years ago

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Oh, here you see an example of an illiterate person, guys and girls. He doesn't even read my reply but he acts like he wants to have a dialogue, he calls me stupid because I don't agree with him, and he is bigoted against Greeks although his steam profile states that he's Greek too. xD No sir, you specifically aren't stupid, you are just an illiterate person, because you can't even do a proper dialogue and your examples of coca-cola and such are the same that a 5 year old kid would do. So, if you are indeed a 5 year old kid, then I can understand why you are talking like an illiterate. At least, that way, they won't call you stupid. I'm talking about a referral program and you tell me about coca-cola, like f@cking coca-cola sends mails for free bottles or something if you talk about them with your friends. :S Why can someone have a dialogue with you, if you don't bother listening to them?

8 years ago

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You wanna tell me you never seen Coca-Cola or Red Bull giving away free bottles right? As I already said, you are too stupid to even talk to, let alone to argue with. It may be due to the lack of nutrients in your diet, as you should be extremely poor.

8 years ago

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What do free bottles have to do with referral links? You are confusing advertising with referral links. When I advertise something, I am the one letting people know about my product. Referral links, on the other hand, are about other people talking about your product, because they'll get some benefits. How am I too stupid to talk to, but you are the one that can't read a f@cking text? I know about the nutrients that I have to take. I was reading during school and university. Maybe you got confused about who's the illiterate person here that can't even read or think? Yep, I'm kinda poor, but not that poor to not have internet. So what? You're going to laugh by fattening your ass even more by spending money on food? -_- Guys and girls, he's rich! :D Get in line for Aseed. ;)

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8 years ago

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You really think referrals and advertisement is something completely different because it is done in a different way by different people? Damn, are you all Greek that stupid? No wonder Germans fuck you in the ass for almost 10 years now. Damn, even Macedonia stole the name along with it's history from you :D

8 years ago

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No, it's different because then the people that advertise the products get benefits. If you aren't even reading my comments, then why are you even answering? Otherwise, you can open a dictionary or even start learning the alphabet, if you're experiencing any difficulties to understand me. Also, now I'm between thinking that you are either a troll or a bigot or from FYROM and think that Thessaloniki belongs to you (because, in your profile, you wrote that you live in Thessaloniki). I vote that you are a troll for sure though. :P

8 years ago

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Yeap, you've got me. I am from Macedonia and I troll you all along. Yet, it doesn't change the fact that you are stupid. 4 people stated you facts yet you refuse to understand. It is funny, isn't it? How from the whole bunch of people who read this thread, no one got to agree with you. I don't know. Either we are all retarded and you are the smart Internet guy who knows everything, or it's the other way around.

8 years ago

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The last option was a joke, you smartass. xD No, you didn't state any fact. The only think you said is that this referral program could be possible, because coca-cola gives free bottles. If you think that's helpful to understand why paypal uses referral links, then you must be f@cking kidding me. You people say that I'm wrong, although none of you actually tried this thing. Only vicarious33 tried it and actually stated some facts (well, Susolo too, but he copy-pasted from another guy probably :P). How could you even think that you stated a fact that it's actually negotiable? You mostly said bullsh@t. Only vicarious33 did an actual dialogue with me. As I said, illiteracy can block a person from doing a proper dialogue, so why don't you go read, think a bit too, and then talk? As I said before, your statements are exactly like the ones that a 5 year old kid would do, when he wouldn't be able to give any explanations. Like, for example, if we would ask him to explain why he says something and he couldn't explain it, he would just call us stupid for not understanding him. Still, if you're actually 5 years old, then this can justify your illiteracy, so you can just state right now that you're a 5 year old kid if you actually are. Man, you are not a person capable to do a dialogue, but only a monologue. So, go talk to the mirror, because that's the only thing you are probably capable to do. ;P

8 years ago

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The fact is PayPal does have a referral program. It is just not well-known and targets only a specific portion of users.

8 years ago

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It used to have a referral program only when it first started. Now, about having a referral program for special people, businessmen, etc., this I don't know about. :P But I'm pretty sure they didn't decide to give free money to every French person.

8 years ago

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Maybe the domain is no longer for referral only anymore, but they can still use it to run promotions. And the fact that the domain does belong to PayPal means at least it is not a scam.

And I remember about 2 years ago, PayPal ran a similar promotion, where they offered $2 for users who did some tasks, and this same domain was used.

8 years ago

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vicarious33 explained that the 2 euros are only usable on steam if you buy something that costs more than 2 euros, so you actually have to give some of your money too. So, this actually makes sense eventually. It remains a great risk, but they'll probably manage to persuade people to put money in their paypal accounts this way. xD

8 years ago

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Ok, I realized you're trolling. Have fun.


8 years ago

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well believe what you want, but i'm pretty sure you've already received coupons, or things like that, for using a service, to use elsewhere. whether on the internet or irl, after buying from a shop. it is the same thing here, you get 2€ on steam if your referral buy something on steam with the 2€ code he earned (and what is interesting to them is that this person is likely to spend more that these 2€).
it is called advertising. paypal doesn't need it? every company needs advertisement, even the leaders on the market. paypal isn't the only way to spend money on steam, and maybe other means are prefered in france, thus the reason behind this action. They want to have more people to use their service. At least that's my guess.

it's up to you to believe it or not, but you can't assert it's not legit when you actually know nothing about it. that is actually misleading to people who would actually be able to profit from it.

8 years ago

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Paypal has already a lot of users, that's why it does NOT have a referral program anymore. And if paypal, as you said, wants to advertise itself, then please show me where do they say about this referral program in their official site or in their official social media? So, they didn't make any announcements about it, but I should actually trust a random mail? What's next? Will a Nigerian prince actually give you a part of his money if you send him some money first? XD

8 years ago

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gmail for instance automatically sort mails from trusted senders (paypal is one) from fishy ones (your nigerian prince is one) and a kid could tell an actual mail from paypal from a fake one. these french people received a mail from paypal, that's how they did their advertisement.

one last proof found on a forum

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8 years ago

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I can confirm. I live in France and I just tried it. I have exactly the same thing on my Paypal Wallet

8 years ago

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It's impossible. This is the same scam as the Nigerian Prince one. You are stupid and got your information stolen. Now some Russian guy owns your residence.

8 years ago

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You do understand that I can see the amount available on my Paypal account as a Steam promotional code, don't you...

8 years ago

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You do realise I used sarcasm? :D

8 years ago

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Oooops! Sorry mate, as there are many sceptic posts here though it seems that there are enough proofs already I thought that you're also one of the unbelievers :D

8 years ago

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I actually don't really care whether it's true or a scam. I stated above why it could be a legit move, comparing it to things other big companies done in the near or far past. There is nothing unbelievable in the case, it's not it has never be done in the past.

8 years ago

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Ok, I just saw your discussion with my fellow greek. I agree with you, it's not something unbelievable and actually it's the second time Paypal France runs this promotion. It pushes people to use Paypal rather than their steam wallet funds so it can drastically raise the money they earn from fees. I'm pretty sure in the end of the day they make a way more lot of money than they spend by giving out these 2€ funds.

8 years ago

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Are these 2€ Paypal funds or just Steam cards worth 2€. If it's cards, then I'd even bet that Steam is providing them with those cards at a minimum cost, in order to promote themselves for the upcoming Sales.

8 years ago

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Νο, these are Paypal funds that can be only used on Steam (when you click on them it redirects you to Steam) and you have to spend at least 2€ in the store in order to use them. You can earn up to 40€ of funds if up to 20 people use your ref link. Obviously they try to force people to use their Paypal accounts rather the Steam wallet funds as average gamer uses almost exclusively their Steam funds during sales.

8 years ago

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Just think of how many people live in France, multiply it with two, and think of how much they would probably have to pay for this thing (that's the possible risk, not like every French person has a paypal account). I remember a new social media that appeared in Greece (maybe in other countries too, but I don't really remember) and it had a referral program promising free shit. It looked like a trusted site, so a lot of people trusted it and started sharing their referral link in order for other people to join this site through their referral link. Eventually, the site just disappeared or else it would have to give quite a bit money to people. Nobody knows what happened to this site and what did they do with all this private info (it was a social media, so it had names, passwords, photos of people, etc.). I didn't trust this site of course and I was right eventually. Let's see how your French referral program will end then.

8 years ago

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well i think companies like steam and paypal know their stuff.

one last proof (https://who.is/whois/paypal-referral.com/)

8 years ago

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Of course they know shit. This random Internet guy knows better :D

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

8 years ago

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Oh, come one! You've been here for a year now, you should've known better.

8 years ago

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0 sent / 0 won; 4 comments, doesn't look like he's been active at all.

8 years ago

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he will be banned XD yesyes pls

8 years ago

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thnx!!! very much. i buyed100 copes of limbo for give way!!!

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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restricted to french paypal accounts... besides, we dont like referal links here

8 years ago

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Private profile as well... real classy.

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8 years ago

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Nice to meet you! Happy summer sale! Have fun with your ban! Bye bye!

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8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

8 years ago

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solved thanks for skyrim

8 years ago

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such deal, but I dunno how it works, how many GTA IVs I can get for them?

8 years ago

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Banhammer coming :D

8 years ago

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Closed 8 years ago by Ronix.