Which one do you recommend me?
I'll keep Sins of a solar empire om my watchlist.
Maybe I'll buy it later.
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I think u need the DLCs for Civ5, Endless Space might be a better option if you are on tight budget.
My favorite is still Endless Legend but i'm no expert in this genre. So as a newbie perspective, i think it's really easy to get into it even though it lacks a bit of an introduction for total newbie. I only played it during Free Week and i totally enjoyed it, i might get it for this sale (full collection = 20€).
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I think you should consider Endless Legend as well ;)
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I didn't considered Endless Legend because of the theme.
It seems like a great game, but historical and space games get my attention easier.
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Well Endless Legend is kind of a space sci-fi game, but I get what you mean. In that case, Galactic Civilizations 2 is pretty cheap right now on steam (not sure how beginner-friendly it is tho).
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Fallen enchantress: legendary heroes or the sequel endless legend or Civ 5
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CIV5 "complete" is the better game, but in this case I would say Endless Space Gold, because CIV5 needs at least "Gods&Kings" to show it's full potential. CIV5 the basic version is still fun and noob friendly but in the long run you still need both addons. (God&Kings and Brave new World). You only need the DLCs if you are a achievement hunter.
In your case I would buy Endless Space. If you ever have enough money to buy CIV5 and all the other stuff, or a CIV5 complete edition go for it. You won't be disappointed, but for now, Endless Space should be your choice in my opinion.
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In my opinion Civ V only makes sense if it's the complete version, the addons really make the game better! I haven't played Endless Space yet but it's been on my wishlist for a while. So, in this case I'd suggest getting Endless Space.
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I think it depends on the setting. Do you prefer historical period strategy or SF space strategy? That can determine the longevity of your interest.
Even if you like both, I would say get the one that can see yourself spending indeterminate hours playing.
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That's part of my dilemma. haha
I can't decide between historical or space strategy.
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Thank you so far for all the comments.
About the Civ5 complete edition: It looks like this adds a lot of content to the game, but I'll not be able to get it because I bought Ryse today haha. So that's why I'm in doubt.
Is Civ5 still a fun and great game without the DLCs? Or is it worth to buy Endless Space for now and save for Civ5 Complete later?
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if you get Civ V, get Civ V complete, the vanilla is a waste of time, Also you might want to consider Endless Legend as a option, though that game is more laid back than Civ V some people have said they like it more than Civ V. Its on sale for less to.
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I would suggest you Total Annihilation (which is now on Steam too!), a real-time strategy game from 1997. This game was ahead of its time, featuring 3D units and terrains, a wonderful ballistic system (different kinds of weapons with different trajectory, speed and accuracy), explosions that damage nearby units, small to massive maps and armies, ground, air and water units, two single player campaigns (one for each faction), a great soundtrack...
You should definitely check it out, on Steam or GoG you can buy it for a couple of bucks.
Another one I would suggest is Battle for Wesnoth, an open source, fantasy-themed, turn-based strategy game which is periodically updated. It features a good nubmer of awesome single player campaigns (mainly for different races/factions), local and online multiplayer, mods made by fans (downloadable directly from the game) which include units or entire factions, music, scenarios or even complete campaigns.
The game focuses on units, you can't build structures nor acquire resources (only gold to recruit units) but has a deep emphasys on unit resistances to different kinds of attacks and unit defense (hit chance) based on terrain type (very different among different units).
Being open source, this game is free of charge, perfect for a tight budget! XD
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I was positively surprised by Warlock - Master of the Arcane. I see you have about 4 hours on it, did you only idled for cards?
You could try it until you decide :)
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Yeah, I idled it.
But I'm not into fantasy themed strategy games. Since these titles are very time demanding I' see myseflt spending more time on historical or space sci-fi game.
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I only played RA3, but it was a good game. I'll give it a try.
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Only RA3?! You have to play all of the Command and Conquer games, and all the Dune games, and the Krush Kill n Destroy games, and the Warhammer 40K Dawn of War games, and the Starcraft games, and the Warcraft games, State of War all of these are incredible, great, amazing, fantasticaly fun strategy games :o if you havent, you have been missing out, if you can, definetly give a try and make sure you have proper versions and stuff :) these are all the great strategy games i know of that are worth a try, i realy suggest them to any strategy game lover, like possibly you sir. And yes, RA3 was definetly a good game, despite the false nay sayers.
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I know, I need to work on this. From these games I only played that "free" version of SC 2.
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Me aswell a long time ago but i got rid of it once i got sick of being owned.. anyways, alright, good. Also i forgot to mention other strategy games that you should try if you love them. Commandos series, Age of Empires series, Ground Control series, Cossacks series, Total Anhillation. As for Starcraft, you only played Starcraft 2, that free version? Well you definetly gotta try Starcraft demo (some proluge missions that arent in the main game) the original first one, Brood Wars expansion and MAYBE the other, fan made offical expansions that exist for it that are bad and good. Should also try Warcraft 2 Tides of Darkness and the Beyond the Dark Portal expansion, then Warcraft 3 Reigns of Chaos and the Frozen Throne standalone expansion afterwards. As for Dune theres Dune, Dune 2 The Building of a Dynasty, Dune: The battle for Arrakis, Dune 2000 and Dune Battle for Emperor. Then each Command and Conquer game has a expansion to also play trough, keep that in mind, but also theres fan made games worthy a playtrough like Renegade X and Twisted Insurrection for example. Alright, thats all then, hope you find the best working versions of them with the musics and cinematics and etc. and hope you have fun. I know that you can get the C&C games from this communications centre website.
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Endless Space is harder to get into than Civ V, but Civ V without expansions was not a game that I thought was very good. It felt like it was missing something. Wait for a sale and buy the complete pack if you're interested in Civ V.
Another game worth taking a look at is Pandora: First Contact. The AI is not great, but it does some interesting things, which makes it quite fun. It's like an updated Alpha Centauri (though I still think AC is the better game. I also prefer AC to Civ V).
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Civ V is more "noob friendly" than ES, and Warlock has been mentioned too and it's more "noob friendly" than the title I was going to mention (Eador, both the original Genesis and MotBW), but since you're not in fantasy I'd have no idea.
I see Total Annihilation has been mentioned and such a masterpiece should in my opinion be played by everyone, but that's in no way 4X, it's a RTS.
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I won Total Annihilation on a ga, it's a RTS indeed, but quite fun.
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Civ 5 combat is boring and tedious, so if you like some combat, even a little, avoid it and go with the other game (though i haven't played it)
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In this sale I plan to buy another strategy game. Since I didn't played a lot of 4x games, I want help to get into it.
Because of budget issues (only want to spend steamwallet money), my options are Civilization V without DLCs or Endless Space Gold.
So, my questions are: Which do you guys recommend me? Why? Which is the most noob friendly?
I saw that Civ V has demo version. I'll download it tomorrow. But I still can't compare to Endless Space, so I'm counting on you to help me.
Thanks in advance.
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