Seems the person before me didn't do it in 19 hours. Can I do it?
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actually funnily enough 'vandertramp' was the very first person done, if you're talking above the below
guy, i found someone else to do tht on a sub-thread to this.
i'll whitelist you to make up for your time cause you've been around trying to get in for a while now but shh don't tell nobody
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Oh wow, that's really nice of you. Thanks a lot! ^^
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The link is in the comment above, if you haven't found it yet.
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I just removed my entry here, you can do either of the participant#2 or #3. Sorry for this.
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I'm so sorry, I just came back from work and discovered I need to play a game after downloading a zip folder with .exe in it. I don't mean to point you as a possible threat, but I'm always careful of the downloads from outside. Especially if it's an exe.
I just thought it was a survey and wanted to participate, sorry again that it took too long time to remove my entry here. Good luck for your dissertation, though.
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so this slot is open now? since SweetDalilah took #3
ill do it
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survey done and email sent
was it intentional that the survey have statements and its negation with similar wording?
as a non native English speaker (fluent, but rarely spoken recently) it confused me at first glance.
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Yeah I am I was sleeping and going to Uni. Will do it soon Ups just saw you are saying by 20 UK. time thats half an hour only. Is it possible to send it a bit later.
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Done, sent email, only need to complete the last bit of survey :)
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I finished the test and I took a picture of my results but I havent sent them yet and I cant go back to see what email i need to send them to.
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I see that someone deleted their comment. Let me know if it's a free space and I'll do it ;)
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i press Finish button and seems like nothing happens. maybe i need to start at beginning? i start at morinng, stop on last page, mark it and turn off computer. then i return after about ten hours, i continued from this page, did task, send screenshot and fill up all the data...
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don't worry about it, i've outsourced to remaining participants to this thread
i'll whitelist you for effort cause i don't wanna be a meany after taking up your time
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I'm so sorry, I was out when I commented and checked it and thought it'll be better if I did it on comp but when I returned home I was carried away with things and it slipped my mind TT I'm sorry, if you still need it you could send a link and I'll try to get right into it?
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I'll do it.
Edit: Done. Hope the game won't be published. :P
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I'll give this a shot when I get home from work in 4-5 hours :)
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I'll do it
UPDATE. I entered and started the questionarie without knowing I will need to start some game on a PC. So, now I have some questions.
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Aaaaand done. Questionarie finished, email sent.
Sorry for the delay, finished it as soon as I got home.
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I woke up now :p I'll do it as soon as i get up ;3
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I'll do it *
*Not sure if you got all the 100 participants, but if there's spot left on this or either of the tests, redirect me the right way, and I'll do it.
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Seems like I'm too late for this. Got home really late, that I forgot to check if the spot is open. But it looks like you've got the data you've required.
Best of luck to you.
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My apologies, I have to back-out. I didn't realize that this would involve running an executable file.
I am on a Mac, so, the executable will not work for me. I have deleted my entry comment above. I was participant #6 in Test #6 (in case you need to delete the partially complete survey from your data).
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if there's a room/space left I'm interested. Anyway, thank you for the gibs. =D
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I'm not the OP (he seems to have gone to bed)... but, if you scroll up, you should see that there are a lot of slots open. Just reply to one of the participant posts above that have not been replied to by anyone else (like OP describes in his instructions).
Then take the appropriate survey.
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You need to run an executable file to do a test? What kind of test? And what's the name of the .exe file?
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For the people worried about the .exe file, you could use a sandbox/virtual machine software and run it from there, this minimizes(but not eliminates completely) the risks associated.
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Very true. I still wouldn't do it though.
On a side note..You would actually be pretty surprised at how many people use no protection on their pc. When I was working on peoples pc like only 2 out of 10 people had any sort of anti-malware or AV.
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I'm using Comodo Firewall + WinPatrol. The hell with antiviruses.
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If I'm not mistaken Malwarebytes Premium is constantly running on your pc and if that's the case you need to uninstall Avast. Two AV's running at the same time can conflict with each other, just like two firewalls.
Now if you used Malwarebytes AntiMalware free you could use that will Avast cause Malwarebytes wouldn't be constantly monitoring and it would only be a scanner.
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Tbh if I had to choose between the two I would uninstall Avast. Bitdefender in my opinion is better than Avast. They even have a free version that has extremely good zero day detection and it will protect your pc. Bitdefender Free better than many of the paid AVs out there on the market today, but it's very basic with no options really. It's more of install the program and thats it. Run a scan when you want.
Kaspersky is top of line when it comes to paid AVs. They just released a free version not too long ago that's pretty good as well. I would take both Bitdefender and Kaspersky over Avast.
Bitdefender free or Kaspersky free as the active AV and Malwarebytes Antimalware Free to just do random scans to see if your AV let anything through. I'd take these over most paid AVs out there. Anyone looking for good protection I'd advise this.
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Thanks for the advice. I installed Avast a long while back when I upgraded to win10 from win8.1 after doing some basic research. I should have done some more research after that. I’m getting a bit tired of Avast pushing me to upgrade though so I’ll take a look at Bitdefender. Thanks again :)
Edit: I see Bitdefender and Kaspersky doing really well on the real world protection report Mar 2018 on AV-comparatives. Going to uninstall Avast for Bitdefender now
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Make sure you keep any active protection from Malwarebytes off before you start to install it.
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I guess that's Microsoft's pretense for putting its Win Defender bloatware and stuff on by default and hard as f*** to get rid of :/
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As much as I'm not a fan of Windows Defender it really has improved a lot and it will be getting better soon. I still would take something I mentioned above over it any day of the week though.
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I'm interested but it's bed time here too and on my smartphone. I don't understand though what I need to do after I complete the Questionnaire? Do I need to send you anything, or will you know automatically that I completed it. Thx, I'll sign up above.
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Thanks, sounds like a lot of work but these are good games! :)
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Last time I participated in a study, it took less than a 1h and a half with breaks, all I had to do was push some buttons, and it got me like 50€ with 100% probability...
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Hey, please, tell the people who paid you 50€ for taking part in a study that I want to be their guinea pig for life
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:D I unsubscribed from their mailing list a while back and I don't remember the URL. The experiment was in École Normale Supérieure in Paris though, and as far as I remember all of the XP on the mailing list were performed in France, mostly in the Paris area. So you'll have to factor in the plane tickets too ;)
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For those worried about the .exe. It's probably safe. Using BitDefender as an AV.
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Alas, I have a learning disability, so I guess that counts me out.
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What i'm reading here is "i'll give you a cookie if you do something for me", whatever this "something" is. Your post never mentions, in any way, what you are asking people to do, while giving us a colourful description of the 1st step to get this "cookie" (and we all love cookies, right?).. "Something" could be "jump off a tall building". I think some people are attributing some degree of (unfounded) trust to you, and are blindly signing up.
Example of dissertation people wouldn't be want to participate: "how many people are gullible enough to blindly do anything for a gift?"
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I'if you filled in one of the slots by completing the required questionnaire or i used your time you'll find you're whitelisted, where you'll have access to a Cuphead and Final fantasy X/X-2 giveaway.
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