Today Good Day or Bad Day?
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I don't let politics control my mood, It Was A Good Day.
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We don't even have to try it's always a good time!
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Ahhh....Cristian shows up to troll a bit. Not a particularly good effort though. Do better next time.
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Awww. All in your feelings now. I bet if you ask him, your dad will give you a hug. Never underestimate the value of a hug for your mental well being.
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Nice try. I like how you tried to shame me but also used your dad's alleged death as a tool to try to troll me, lol. At least it was an imaginative attempt.
We both know you hate anybody who has something you want. And anybody who calls you out on that.
Now go get that cold shower. Cheers!
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Oh, you know. I've known dude for a decade or more, unfriended him a couple years ago after he confided in me that he thought pedos were just quirky and misunderstood, and dude has been butthurt ever since. So, he shows up periodically to try and troll me, but because I know so much about both his online persona and who he is in real life, those trolling attempts always backfire. Not really much to see, honestly.
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More of a "meh" day.
These are more strategic thoughts on the pattern of voting, than specific political views...
Every 4 years it's "let's vote for the lesser of 2 evils!" ...and my thought is, "why cant we have a candidate who isnt evil?"
Answer: "Because they're politicians!"
My other thought is those with serious power, dont just leave things up to the whims or fate, or control the outcomes of elections with an iron fist.
What they can do though, is make plans for whomever wins, and make sure it doesnt mess with their plans too much, or even better, helps them either way.
So overall i feel voting is pointless in national elections, but can be a tool for change on the local level.
When it comes to the national level, it's less people in power, and mainly scapegoats to pin things on, whenever anyone complains loud enough.
"Oh the economy is bad? It must be that guys fault!"
Right. That ONE guy in the office of president, is the ONLY reason things go bad.
People need to grow up, wake up, and realize they're voting for PEOPLE, not Saints or Angels.
I'm not pro-Trump and happy he got elected, but i did live in California and from what little research i did on state elections before voting, Kamala always stood out as someone i TRULY detested. So I AM happy that she lost.
Final thought is why cant we get a good female candidate for president?
What idiot thought Kamala was the best choice and why? Because she was the VP? Because they could make her Indian decent make her seem lake ANY other ethnicity EXCEPT indian?
But i guess even the woman that i have been supportive of in the past, seem to be more pro-establishment, over pro-we-the-people. Maybe that's the only way to function at that level, so everyone can easily be looked at as the same, and no one has it easy.
It's always depressing who we get left with to vote for. Here's hoping we get a good candidate to support in 2028, but i doubt it...
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I hear ya, but i truly have little interest in politics, but Kamala stood out to me in California as a horrible person.
Trump seems to be a greedy person, but less detestable.
So like i said, another vote for the lesser of 2 evils, but either way, i'm not happy.
Just been weirded out that i'm happy one side lost this time, as i normally wouldnt care, and mainly been interested in the narrative being driven and how each side is trying to sell you how this new person in office is going to be our next savior or the devil that will end the world.
Sucks to be in the middle of it, but the hype wars are somewhat interesting to watch from the sidelines.
Like watching two ant colonies fighting over a donut, when there is more than enough to go around, and most of the fighting is a waste of time.
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Too true. But when it comes to the issues, i dont agree with either parties platform, so overall i dont care, and only sometimes get weirdly surprised at the feeling of schadenfreude and happy that one person lost. Which is more than just a bit abnormal for my normal thought process.
When i notice this kind of thing stand out, i start to pay closer attention to how media and the news are programming me, and twisting reality to fit their narrative.
Usually i catch on to it, but sometimes i miss it. So now wondering why i feel happy in the slightest, instead of the normal depression of having two more horrible candidates to choose from.
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I'm curious what platform you would prefer, if both republicans and democrats don't appeal to you. Like, what would your ideal party be based around in terms of a few core issues?
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The overall problem is humanity itself, and no matter what system we choose to use, we need to admit we're going to conspire, manipulate, cheat, and do whatever we can to obtain positions of power.
It just bores me how the hype from both sides always demonizes the other, and people fall for it.
Same pattern for the most part, every 4 years, and each time i get reminded how the only elections that i can truly be a part of, and flex my civic responsibility, is local elections.
Still takes alot of effort just to keep informed about all the issues, and sometimes that priority gets forgotten. The whole thing seems an effort in futility and a giant waste of time, while also being impossible to completely give up the hope that some kind of system can work.
So i guess a more ideal system would have voting both easier, mandatory, as well as have the option to seed your vote to someone you trust to view things politically the same as you. Then all you'd have to do on election day, is check your vote, look it over as much/little as you like, and then submit it. As it is, you can only vote for your own parties candidates in many states. So voting day, is more of just an affirmation that you agree with how you're already registered.
One point of failure in our current system, is there seems to be too few representing too many. So while the house of representatives is a good idea, it was supposed to be 1 person representing around 50k, not millions. So these few get preyed upon by those with wealth, and it is much cheaper to pay lobbyists, than deal with the legal system, or appeal to the people.
Another big point of failure is news companies pushing false narratives that drive votes one way or another. The 4th estate used to be something that pushed back against the powers that be, and had at least a facade on integrity with its attempts at an unbiased view. But now it's owned by the same people paying the lobbyists, so many things get ignored and forgotten, if you can pay enough.
Bottom line is no matter what we do, we need to be more honest and open about the known dark side of how humanity. The more power that is available, the worse those who hunger for it will be.
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So you don't really have any specific policies you feel strongly about, just a general feeling of "oligarchs run this country", correct? (I'm summarizing your points, I know it goes deeper than "oligarchs=bad") I don't disagree, but I also think it's pretty clear which party is favored by oligarchs. Not to say the democratic party is completely free of the influence of the wealthy (far from it), but it's definitely to a lesser degree. We've got republican supreme court justices going on free yacht trips provided by billionaires, then ruling against Chevron deference. For all their flaws, the liberal justices are not doing these sorts of things
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I'm being non-specific, as i dont want to get into a long drawn out conversation about it.
There needs to be a cold hard dose of reality around this subject, but it always seems to get lost in hype and feelings.
Without an informed electorate, our vote has no use. We KNOW we are constantly being disinformed for one agenda or another. So yes this has alot to do with the fact that oligarchs run everything from the sidelines. How could they not after handing down their wealth and connection through thousands of years...
We can debate how much specific control they have over things, but logistically it makes more sense than those who gain power just leave things up to the political parties, and dont do ANYTHING to promote their own agenda.
So before we can get into designing something that works, we need to start by being honest about what causes these systems to fail.
The answer is of course, human greed...
If we can design a system that can keep the greedy and power hungry at bay, we may have a chance of a functional human government.
But for now, our system only makes those addicted to power, able to obtain it, and fiend for their next fix, regardless of how it affects anyone else.
So i'd say i more than "feel strongly."
It's more like how i know gravity causes things to fall, so something like believing in human greed has me knowing they too shall be corrupted by temptation and peer pressure. Maybe they'll resist at first, but in the end we humans have an animal side that cant be completely ignored.
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Sure, I agree with pretty much everything you are saying, but why does this lead you to have no preference when it comes to party alignment? My view is that (for the foreseeable future) we are going to have either a republican or democrat in office. They both have hugely different goals in terms of policy, so even though I agree that the wealthy have a massive influence on politics in both parties, there's still one that I prefer because I'm more aligned with their overall view of the world (even if I have huge complaints about them). I just find it hard to believe that someone could be so middle-of-the-road that you'd be unhappy with both parties' views on abortion, healthcare, welfare, foreign policy, etc.
And just to be clear, I'm not trying to criticize you or anything, just curious
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To me their difference in policy is only surface level, and has more to do with who they're pandering to in order to obtain power, more than what they believe.
Basically the right and left are enemies in public, but friends behind closed doors.
It's been class warfare for a long time, but only one class is really maintaining a battle strategy. Divide and conquer.
As long as they keep us arguing over piddling things, they can do whatever they want.
Closest we got to people waking up and pushing back, was the occupy wall street movement, but that got broken up and watered down quite quickly. Then we got disease hype and a new war to distract us from the fact the wealthy are continuously robbing us blind.
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But I would say politics should be pandering. I want politicians to enact the policies I support, I don't care what their motives are, I want what is best for the country. If there's some left wing grifter running on medicare for all just because he wants to be president, I couldn't care less. I'll even treat the power of the presidency as their reward for passing good laws. The truth is that politicians don't actually run the country, their donors do. The democratic party has more "normal people" that donate to them than the republicans. The democratic party has more support for ranked choice voting, getting money out of politics, etc. To me, the lesser of two evils is pretty apparent
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Trump and his hate-bandwagon is doing a pretty good job at demonizing itself without the hype of anyone else. But then again it doesn't seem you ever listened to him or I doubt you could use the word "likable" without laughing out loud.
No twisting needed. You just need to actually sit through any of his speeches. But alright, I get it, taxes are the only issue most Americans are concerned about.
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I'd say that's over simplifying it. If anything we care more about how our tax dollars get "wasted" more than how much we are paying.
If you loo close enough at politics on that level, both sides are of the same coin, they just each have their own face.
I agree Trump seems more overtly detestable, but Harris seems subtly detestable.
I feel safer with the obvious threat, more than the subtle one. But either way, both are mainly a scape goat so those in power will have someone to blame in case too many people get overly upset.
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clinically pathological liar with narcissistic personality disorder.
You should add "male" or "orange" at the beginning, because that statement alone describes both major candidates xD
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True. That's why they replaced guy with dementia with kamala.
That being said didn't they had better candidates?
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Robert Kennedy apparently was a candidate as well. As you had Bernie Sanders available to vote a while back. Good people. There have been options. But for some reason Americans seem to only perceive two parties and nothing outside of that given spectrum.
I will never understand how the majority of one of the most powerful countries in the world decided it's their best choice to elect a mysoginistic, tyrannical moron as their leader. Twice...
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I will never understand how the majority of one of the most powerful countries in the world decided it's their best choice to elect a mysoginistic, tyrannical moron as their leader. Twice...
Oh, that's easy: it's a cult, and it's been a cult for a while. Once they were convinced in 2016 that Trump = Good, all news about Trump being bad became lies by the mainstream establishment. They wrap their identity around being Republican, so any criticism against those politicians is seen as an attack against themselves--an accusation that they are bad people--but rather than do any introspection, they reject the premise outright and get angry. It's pure emotion, and the only thing that can snap them out of it is something else they care about, such as their child coming out as LGBTQ+ or they themselves getting deported, but sometimes, even that isn't enough and the only thing that'll stop them from supporting fascism is their own death.
EDIT: Also, Trump lost the popular vote in 2016; he only won the Electoral College.
EDIT 2: And it looks like the reason he won the popular vote this time is because around 14,000,000 people who voted Democrat in 2020 didn't vote this time.
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Yeah, Bernie getting tanked in 2016 is what had me finally give up on the Democratic party.
Kennedy was my fave for this election, but sadly he just doesnt have enough clout it seems, and it being so hard to listen to him speak basically reduced his chance to zero. Cool that Trump gave him some kind of promise to include him in health oversight. So at the VERY least we will get more focus on the negative health impacts of seed oils. At best we may finally get universal health care. But i wont hold my breath.
Overall the US is run by leading around the masses by the nose through fear and hype. Content of platform, and truth doesnt seem to be as big an appeal as a good story, and slogan.
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Bernie lost because he got portrayed as a socialist for wanting things to be more even between the people and the disparity between the ultra rich and the poorest poor not so overwhelmingly large. Of course who owns the media, the ultra rich, so they spread lies that he's a socialist, and everyone turned against him because they didn't understand anything and they fell for the easiest trap. Like he would've been able to change the system to socialism or something. Bernie would've been a good president. However the average intellect of someone here isn't as high as people assume, and people already set the bar low.
As for why trump won, it's pretty simple, kamala is a woman and most men are afraid of women in power, they just couldn't let that happen, and she was announced way late as a runner for presidency. People went to the polls and said "where is biden on the poll and whos kamala?". Even though they had what 1 year? Trump is a celebrity so it's easy for even the dumbest vegetable to remember and you'll see his stuff on every social media, so he's influential with young males too cause they fall for that stuff like simps. I too thought it wasn't possible that the american people would want him again, and you can see online most polls will vote against him, yet, he won. So it's either people who don't have internet, or they just avoid those platforms because if they ever have to discuss why he'd be the better president they'd get demolished in every single argument and they don't feel good. But they won. So I think whatever's coming, we deserve it.
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A dangerous moron.
And by the way, Robert Kennedy Jr (please don't forget to add the Jr) is firmly in that camp now. As if one clinically pathological candidate was not enough.
But he can't help it, "worms ate [his] brains", which would explain a lot.
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Yeah, I'm sure that Republicans cutting Obamacare and Medicare in combination with "get more sunshine/exercise" FDA recommendations will do wonders.
Edit: Sorry for the snarky reply but I couldn't be bothered to get into details about everything wrong with his post.
If you want to know why Kennedy doesn't qualify as a "good guy", watch John Oliver's episode about him.
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So I've watched 20 minutes of that 30 minute clip. Not easy. It all sounds so reasonable that I wonder how much propoganda is actually in there. Like in the beginning, when everything positive that was said about RFK Jr was backed up by ridiculing or defamatory statements in the background.
Personally, while not a conspiracy theorist myself, I'm also scrutinizing the system we're all living in and the ones conducting it, because it's not a healthy one. People are not happy, the environment is polluted, natural medicines are being prosecuted while big pharma is promoted. We are not governed by well meaning people.
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Weil, John's summary at the end does a good job explaining the issue with RFK Jr. It all sounds good in theory, he seems to tackle all the right issues. So it's easy to understand why he seems so attractive and worthwhile to support.
The problem is that his solutions and reasonings are flawed. And I'm being kind with that phrasing. Fighting against a greedy industry can't be an excuse for blending out science or reality.
Something else that is pretty telling: RFK just announced his support for Rick Scott as the majority leader in the Senate.
Just that guy who was the CEO of a company involved in a then record Medicare fraud case. Of course Scott now suggests that it was polticial prosecution. There are your 'not well meaning people'.
So excuse me if I doubt him in pretty much every regard.
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Just a heads up: "to blend sth. out" is very much a direct translation from the German "etw. ausblenden" and doesn't exist in English. "Blending" usually means "combining", "mixing", "mashing". The correct expression would be "to dismiss", "to disregard" or "to ignore" in this case. Since you're both German, it probably won't be a problem, but others might not understand. ^^
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You don't see anything wrong with saying the "FDA has been aggressively suppressing vitamins, the sun, clean food, and exercise"? Cause I gotta be honest, I don't think I've ever heard the FDA say exercise is bad for you or that vitamins are bullshit lol
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Well, you know, just have a look ath this thread.
It mirrors picture perfectly the education of the western world and where it leads to. Is it a healthy lifestyle? Is it eating well, nourishing your body with what it needs and the knowledge about it? Does the government and society actually promote or teach you to you go outside a lot, exercise, get enough sunlight, take good care of yourself?
Or maybe rather to slave away most sunshine hours in some office cubicle while eating fastfood and watch TV/play video games when you get home - and don't forget to take your meds!
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I absolutely agree, the US has a societal health problem and many people work long hours, don't have time to cook healthy meals and end up just eating fast food because it fits into their schedule. There are tons of thing this country should do to improve the health and quality of life of its citizens. But this is not because the FDA doesn't promote a healthy lifestyle. They should be stricter on what we allow in our foods, but they definitely tell people to exercise and eat a balanced diet. The fact that many Americans are unable to follow this advice is a problem, but firing the staff of the FDA and talking about ivermectin is not a reasonable path towards solving it.
Also, RFK Jr. is a grifter who changes his stances based on his political aspirations. He's simply not a trustworthy person (even if you ignore that he has sexually assaulted women in the past, which you obviously shouldn't)
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In my opinion 98% politicians are dirty and who cares about the 2%. So get good education, earn money, enjoy life and try to stay happy.
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You say this as if "getting a good education" was just a matter of choice. For most people it's an unattainable goal, made harder by the ones in power who know it would be way harder for them to stay in power if more people got a good education.
Enjoying life is also made way harder by factors outside your control like your gender, sexuality, race etc when people get elected by saying they'll make your life harder.
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It's only unobtainable insofar as paying for it. Like going to Harvard or any of those Ivy league schools it basically impossible for just about anyone outside of wealthy families and a few brilliant kids on scholarships. However obtaining education is free due to the internet and libraries. You can be as smart as you want to be if you put the effort in, you are only limited by yourself. While it is true people can and will try to impede you, they can only do as much as you let them. There are certainly some limiting factors to enjoying life but mainly it's a don't ask don't tell thing. Most people only run into problems when they want the world to embrace them and go around flamboyantly pushing their ideas onto others. Most people don't want to embrace something different to their own ideas and honestly shouldn't have to. Not everyone wants to just look the other way so to speak.
Utopia just cant exist. There are too many conflicting ideas and we cant all just get along. I learned don't ask don't tell the hard way. I lost 7 years of my life and everything I lived for. It's a sad, cold world when you look under that frosty coating. I'm certainly not going to give up and let them destroy any hope or joy for my life. Most people wont have anything to do with me anymore so it makes it super difficult to do anything but I have been finding ways to scrape by and slowly work my way into a secure and enjoyable future. The plasma centers don't do background checks so they will collect from anyone and pay them a decent amount. Most people don't give a damn who they buy a farm animal from, just that the animal is in good health. I've been setting back enough to start looking into CD's and mutual funds. 5% APY is pretty low but getting free interest on money with low risk is at least something. Also food pantries don't do background checks, they will give food to anyone who lives in their service area.
Sorry I do tend to ramble but my point was this. I know for a fact that you really can do just about anything if you put your mind to it. Yes, you might have to play by their rules and hide who you are or what you like but this isn't anything new. Look at David Carradine. Who saw that coming? Cheers.
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I've been setting back enough to start looking into CD's and mutual funds. 5% APY is pretty low but getting free interest on money with low risk is at least something.
Don't fall for CDs and mutual funds they are a scam. Put your money in low-cost, market-cap-weighted index funds. Stock ticker you want: VT.
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Hey thanks, I was planning to do more research before investing. eTrade has a incentive going on where if you open an account with $1000 before January they give you a free $50 so I am scrounging up the last bit of cash for that. Got to take what I can when I can.
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Schwab has invest $50 get $101 free.
You can cancel the Stock Slice Orders and just get the $101 into your account. See the FAQ at the bottom of that page.
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CDs can be good when used like a savings account. If you want to save up money for a car, house, etc., CDs can be a way to get a decent return on money that would normally be sitting in a savings account earning pennies. Obviously, you'll want to plan your CD withdrawal to get the best returns, but it's a risk-free return on investment that will at least outpace inflation.
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Who's talking about Utopia? I don't want Utopia. I just don't want Hell on Earth. There are a few degrees between that and Utopia.
I know for a fact that you really can do just about anything if you put your mind to it
I'm sorry but that's the typical "spoken like a white guy" rhetoric.
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Do you live in a third world country? The country with the highest wages and so many opportunities should not be hell on earth.
However I agree with you on getting a good education, unless you are in Western EU it is not cheap or easy to get a good education.
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I'm from Canada but live in France. I didn't get my education here. I got it in Canada and it wasn't cheap but long story short, I spent 5 years in a soul-sucking financial job and just threw my education down a hole and started over in a completely different area where I had to learn on the job. So yeah I know education can come in many forms and I also know a formal education can be pricey, and pointless.
I just think that saying "oh politics, whatever, just get a good education, you'll get a good job and lots of money to be happy" is very reductive of the challenges people face in some countries, especially the US, to get an education that leads to a good job.
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That is just a copout reply. Race and gender matter very little these days and any inequality could always be overcome. History is full of woman and ethnic minorities who overcame circumstance to not only survive but thrive. I won't bore you with a history lesson and google is your friend. Playing the race card is a very sad thing to do in this day and age, don't blame me for something I had nothing to do with. I promise you that whatever you are dealing with my situation is far worse but I wont be a victim. I also wont play the pity card, I may be hard off but I know how to use what I have to get what I need. I could sit around blaming everyone else for my problems but where would that get me? Be pro-active not re-active. Cheers.
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lol I'm sorry man but now you're talking out of your ass. You haven't walked in anyone's shoes but your own so don't pretend you know what you're talking about. Spewing rhetoric is the copout reply. Nobody is blaming you for anything. And you are playing the pity card by saying you are not playing the pity card. And again you're making it about you when it wasn't about you at all. If you can't even imagine other people's situation you are simply not equipped to speak for them.
Let's leave it at that.
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No now I refuse to because you just keep blaming me for things outside of my power. I don't want nor need your pity or anyone I was merely stating that my situation is worse, take it how you want it. I was in prison DUDE, I lived in abject poverty and the "ghetto". I may not be a minority but I am not the bigot you are trying to paint me out to be. You however are very jaded with anyone you feel has a leg up over you instead of getting out and overcoming whatever you feel is holding you down. Your circumstance is not EVER going to change unless you change your way of thinking. The biggest opposition in most people's lives is themselves. If you believe you CAN achieve and I'm sorry but not just white people say that. You certainly don't see me getting mad at or trying to tear down Oprah or Beyonce. God bless them and may their billions continue to accumulate.
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I never said you were a bigot. I said you can't talk about things you didn't experience and you literally can't understand. You can talk about your own experience all you want and I'm not pitying you or demeaning your experience. I'm saying different people have different challenges and you can't minimize other people's challenges because they are not the same as yours.
Look man, I respect you and our differences of opinions, I have said it many times and you should feel free to share about your experience but don't diminish the experience of others by accusing them of "playing the race card" or other things like that. It's nonsense.
America as a land of opportunity is BS. It's been fed intravenously to generations and generations, through culture and lies and promises of the American Dream but it's a cover up by people whose only interests is to keep people down. You should be mad. You should be mad at the people putting guys like Trump in power. And it's all over the rainbow of American experiences, it's not about the color of your skin
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Ok I misunderstood. It genuinely seemed like you were going after me as a racist and I don't want to be viewed like that. You are right about America not being the promised land and you are right but there is less than nothing I can do about it. I talked too loudly without actually making any action and they walked all over my civil "rights". I was held without bail and no legal council until I signed for time and now if I even think about stepping out of line I already know what time it is. America is a giant penal colony full of corruption with all kinds of control measures in place and stopgaps. It would literally take a full on uprising and anarchy to change anything. You are never going to win playing their game. They have all the cards, including a lot of cards you and I don't even know about, and they have been at this for hundreds of years. America has only ever lost to guerilla warfare from decentralized powers in Vietnam and Afghanistan. And it would take that from it's citizens to bring about any kind of real change. It just wont happen, people are too happy drinking the kool-aid.
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It's ok, I get it. I have no reason to believe you are a racist or a bigot and trust me there are people around here on whom I have no doubt but it's because they showed who they are. I never assume anything out of anybody and I know you well enough by now to know that you are upfront about your opinions so I think I'd know if you were a bigot.
I hope you don't take this as pity but I'm truly sorry that happened to you, man. I used to volunteer for a civil rights support line back when I was in Canada (for the US) and I've heard enough to know the "Justice System" works only for people with money or connections. People like you and countless others are being bullied out of signing out their rights away with promises of leniency or threats of worse charges if they don't "cooperate" just so prosecutors can have nice numbers to show for when they are running for higher office. And it's not about race, it's about a class system that's inherited, ironically, from England, just without titles.
Meanwhile convicted felons with money can not only escape jail but run and get elected for the highest office in the land.
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Speculative day. There is a lot of pros and cons. Unfortunately with the ways things are going, ramping up, we will possibly be heading into a new world war with the current world leaders. Russia is not backing down in Ukraine and why would they stop there? Why not seek to retake the entire historic Slavic world? North Korea has become emboldened and is pushing as well against not only South Korea but apparently in the Ukraine as well? Weird but not completely unexpected. China is also emboldened by all this mess and is pushing more against Taiwan. I mean they basically think we are not ever going to commit so they will just push as far as they can until we have no choice and things will really go bad. This isn't even taking into account what all is happening surrounding Israel and the entire Muslim world. Things are bad right now, real bad, and likely to get a lot worse. Nuclear deterrence is only going to play so far, you can't let dictators go around enslaving other nations. And are Russia and China really prepared to push the button when they find they can't possibly win any kind of war? But again it's all speculation.
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Do you honestly want a realistic answer to that? I mean a) it honestly changes nothing and b) Trump is far less likely to push the button than Putin or Xi. Out of the 3 Putin is the wild card. I would think he is capable of anything to remain in power and if he felt he was losing it. Beyond that I'm not sure anything else really matters and it's all opinion. I mean at the end of the day not much is likely to change in the next 4 years due to checks and balances or party difference and Trump will not be able to run again. Putin and Xi on the other hand are there for life and nobody is doing anything about that are they?
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There are no checks and balances when the President, the House, the Senate, and the Supreme Court are all controlled by one party/ideology.
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It's definitely not difficult. Go back and look at the last eight years of legislative votes. They're lockstep. In fact, in party dissent for a vote is so rare that when John McCain did it, people were absolutely stunned and started calling him a RINO.
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I mean eventually yes everything gets hashed out or the government would cease to function, which it does occasionally. I mean you do see these government shutdowns that occur when they refuse to see eye to eye? It is actually quite rare for them to ever agree on anything without a lot of concessions. I mean there are times a bill gets caught in house or senate so long that a presidents term ends and it just gets shelved. I mean if you are trying to imply it's all just a show and they are all having wild swinger parties where they decide everyone's fate then they are certainly selling it quite well.
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I don't think you are talking about the same thing I'm talking about.
One party will have total control of all three branches of the government as of January 20 2025.
That party has asserted Project 2025 is their plan.
The minority party won't have enough votes to stop anything and anything the Supreme Court hears will be decided in favor of the majority party.
That's how it actually is. No guessing and no speculation is required. It is literally what it is. And good luck to everybody.
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Oh I see. Well it certainly won't last. I mean the system is set up in such a way that elections are always going on and things are always changing so if it does end up being particularly bad people will exercise their vote. I mean at worst they will have 2 years of free reign? I'm honestly not entirely sure but I don't think it's going to be the end of the world. But yes I will admit a monopoly is never a good thing.
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2 years of free reign and a detailed plan to change the whole system to their favor. Not only was it already in their favor with gerrymandering and the electoral college, but if they even come close to reaching their goals, the next elections might not be as "free" as you know them to be. You might want to read up on their agenda.
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Not to be difficult but the US has seen a unified government 48 times since 1857. I had to ask my friend google because I knew it has happened just not that it has happened >48< times in less than 200 years. Obviously it has never lasted long and clearly nothing too radical has happened before so what exactly are you basing your opinion on? Because some billionaire with a spray on tan who doesn't pull his punches is on top? I'll happily eat crow if I turn out to be wrong and they finally turn the US into a police state but I really don't see it happening in that short window. I am however 90%+ sure that democrats will rally to make sure it doesn't last long.
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Mainly on what they themselves say they want to do. And by "they" I mean today's US conservatives at large. Did you read up on Project 2025 and its ties to Trump yet? The Wikipedia article has a lot of sourced information for starters if you don't want to read the whole 922 page mandate. We will see how much of that they'll actually get done in 2 years. They won't get better odds than now, especially if they also secure the House majority.
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button pushed = job and life over. Of the three of them, the orange menace is the most unhinged and vengeful. The odd irony is since he is buddies with all the guys with the button, it won't happen. Would not want to be in Europe or Taiwan though.
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Posts like the one you are responding to are a good example as to why some people should switch to decaf.
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a buzzword. something to build more hate around which was the name of the winning game.
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You're just saying a string of vague buzzwords.
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That will be offtopic, but I have to warn you.
Don't reply to your own posts. I was banned for that under "spam" category.
Obviously people do it all the time, but in my case I was posting under thread that some mods were uncomfortable with :)
So yeah - that's like ticking bomb. Just wait for mod with different views and you got suspension for posting spam. Because ofc it won't be suspension to silence you. It will be suspension because you replied to your own post which = spam.
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Interesting how you managed to not answer a single question I asked despite replying to the comment three times. Btw, "other people don't trust the media" isn't proof of any of your claims. If your only argument is "well other people agree with me!" then it sounds like you don't have much of an argument. Maybe you should take a break and calm down, instead of thinking with your emotions? You seem really upset.
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Bro has found the ultimate debate weapon. "I'll sit down for 6 hours straight and write so much that no one else could possibly care enough or have the energy to respond to it, let alone read it"
On a serious note, this isn't you trying to offer answers or have any kind of actual conversation with another person. It's just you self-gratifyingly gish galloping to the extreme. I'm sure you're aware of that, but by needing to do that it does make your points look so very weak and insecure.
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Ask question -> be ignored -> make fun of person for not replying.
Ask question -> get answers -> make fun of person for replying.
Thypical leftist strategy. Nerfed long time ago. You just do it to piss people off. Gues what. It worked. And people voted against you to show what they think about you.
Now it's time for right wing to piss you off :)
You like your precious enviroment? Get rid of all enviromental protections.
You like your pronouns? Ban all alternative pronouns.
You like your vaccines? Guess who's now responsible for health sector xD
You'd better keep silent about what you like for next 4 years. Because voters obliged Trump to do everything to upset you :)
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"The left's out for vengenace" cries the "far right"/stasi wannabes.
"You'd better keep silent about what you like for next 4 years. Because voters obliged Trump to do everything to upset you :)"
-The Not-Nazi Party, ladies and gentlemen.
Generally speaking, isn't the point of a democracy to hear everyone's voice, not just agreeable bigots?
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Nazi Party
Calling people who disagre with you Nazi is no longer effective. Seriously. It's not 2010 anymore. Learn new tactics. Right now everybody that uses word "nazi" in serious conversation is perceived as idiot.
I mean comon. You could at least google the definition before using that word.
You gonna be upset for next 4 years. Nobody is going to put you in a death camp.
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Not people who disagree with me, just people who want camps on the border, to take away LGBT rights, woman's reproductive rights, give rapists parental rights (are you F-kidding me?), and revoke other civil liberties. Just people who openly admire fascists, whether or not you believe John Kelly's anecdote regarding Hitler and Trump; a person who speaks of other politicians in terms of "loyalist" or not. Growing up hearing about my grandfather killing Nazis during WW2, watching it in our country now is... Disgusting. I don't bandy it about as a political weapon against everyone who doesn't agree with me with hardly a regard for the origin of the word -- I use it to describe a racist, misogynistic, wasted excuse of a hate-filled man who loves the (perceived) loyalty and fear that surrounds dictators. Maybe not a full-powered Nazi yet, so perhaps Neo-Nazi would have been better?
Fascism: A system of government marked by centralization of authority under a dictator, a capitalist economy subject to stringent governmental controls, violent suppression of the opposition, and typically a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism.
A system of government marked by centralization of authority under a dictator: Trump openly admires other dictators such as Putin, has mentioned doing away with term limits, speaks of loyalists (to him mind you) when talking about other politicians, and so on. To say nothing of having the entire Trump family running his businesses while he's in office. Jimmy Carter had to give up his peanut farm because it was a concern that it might be some conflict of interest. He's basically flouted every check and balance, but sure.
A capitalist economy subject to stringent governmental controls: This part is a bit more in the air, republicans would say dems do it, the elite would say being taxed constitutes it, and dems would point fingers back at republicans. Economy in and of itself is an entire other conversation, so we'll disregard for now.
Violent suppression of the opposition: Don't have time to go gather all the times Trump has called on his "fine people", but policies and the uptick in hate-crimes (especially surrounding the LGBT community) speaks for itself. Also, one of many articles on the subject -- to say nothing of anything else regarding gerrymandering and other rubbish that goes on with our elections.
Belligerent nationalism and racism: You could probably fill a book with this one alone, personally the man sickens me so that I don't want to go and scum around for such.
So, hitting each point on the fascism definition -- what'd I miss? Aside from the fact that talking with true Trump supporters is a waste of time because they've either decided to go along and close their eyes to how vile the man is (using the excuse all conflicting info is just fake news as a copout) or truly believe in the same vile shit.
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By your definition of fascism - people just voted agains it xD
economy subject to stringent governmental controls,
like price control?
Racism towards white men also counts as racism
suppression of the opposition
From lawsuits to literal asasinations.
I'm not saying that trump and right in general is perfect. But left has the same flaws. You might not feel it, because you was in a group with various priviledges. This ends now and you will see how other side felt for last 4 years.
US really deserves another political force. One that would be actually morally neutral and not racist towards anyone.
Also that is really bad article you posted.
When the looting starts, the shooting starts.
I suppose people in general don't want to be robbed. You want to side with bandits? wtf?
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If we're talking price control in regards to medicine it's to counter corporate garbage and such is done in a multitude of countries... I believe even Poland does so, so it's nice to see people tell Americans no to do things their countries have already adopted for the better. But anywho...
"Racism towards white men also counts as racism"
That doesn't happen in the US on a government scale. Might (somehow?) seem like it from over there in Poland, but it's just bullshit fearmongering Trump used to swing the youth vote (along with the purchase of Twitter -- want to talk about manipulating the media still?) who're disenfranchised because they thought Biden would wipe their student debt then it got stopped by the ass on the supreme court. Anti-discriminatory laws and minority protection laws are not discrimination towards white/cis men, and laws to ensure minority safety doesn't make them a privileged group simply because they have the right to safely exist. Get the fuck over y'alls selves.
"suppression of the opposition"
Neither of his would-be assassins were democrat? One was a Republican that gave $15 to a democrat organization (not the Democratic Party themselves) and I think the other was an independent. But sure, blame his opposition and not Republicans who see him as simply using their platform. It's important to note they weren't the opposite of Republicanism before anyone spins it that way. As far as lawsuits and whatnot go -- whatever, blind followers will dismiss any charge against him as simple an attempted assault regardless of the lawsuits validity. Might as well talk to a wall at that point.
And regardless of article quality, those are all his fucking quotes. So we can sit here bickering over quality and every other detail or sit down and face the fact that he's an open admirer of fascism(/dictators), bought and manipulated a social media platform to sway the youth vote, has been decried by his own military leaders (and then insulted them, backtracking on the Republican tradition of being pro military and pro vet but whatever), and is a racist LGBT hating bigot.
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price control in regards to medicine
I don't remember Kamala ever saying that her plans were for medicine prices only.
That doesn't happen in the US on a government scale. Might (somehow?) seem like it from over there in Poland
It looks just like that from here. But it's obviously not true. After all a lot of men voted for democrats... oh wait.
Anti-discriminatory laws and minority protection laws are not discrimination
Unless they discriminate other group of people. Just like I said before. You can't have personal rights that violate personal rights of other people.
all his fucking quotes
And every single one out of context :) This site for sure is not trying to manipulate the viewer. Not at all.
suppression of the opposition
Even if we ignore assassinations and lawsuits. What about mass media and social media? I'm looking forward to see what are we going to uncover when he will start his anti censorship campaign. Like ffs, I cant use AI image generator to create picture of fox with syringe without pop up informing me about one and only trutch about covid xD And I'm form EU xD This will affect us because we are using us social media (no social media in here left due to overregulated law in eu).
bought and manipulated a social media platform
Are we talking about twitter? I hope that Elon and Trump didn't merged in your mind in one person. Also removing pro-left censorship (or censorship in general, but lets be honest - previous twitter owners were extremelly pro left) is not the same as manipulating people to vote right. But I get it. Marksists ideas are easilly overthrown when they are not supported by heavy censorship and removal of different opinions.
That being said I think that you guys gave me enough entertainment with this conversation already :) It's already after voting and apparently people voted against your ideology. I'll for sure observe how will it work for you. After all a lot of problems that exist in your country exist here as well.
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You guys shouldn't use words you don't understand. I't makes you look like idiots.
Why every single leftoid must use "nazi" or "fascist" all the time. If anything last 4 years have more in common with fascism than anything.
But yeah - if in your definition of fascism it equals anything that is not progressive enough. If simply valuing stuff like: family, law and order, hard work, and patriotism is fascism. Then yeah - I guess fascist has won.
And if that's the case we need more of that.
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So banning pronouns and vaccines doesn't count as fascism? Threatening democrats to stay silent "or else" isn't fascism? Maybe if you people stopped taking rights away from minorities, and stopped making laws against minorities, people wouldn't have to keep calling you fascist. Honestly, I don't even know why I'm speaking to you as if you're a person capable of basic thought when you use terms like "leftoid." Though it is funny that you demanded I stop bothering you, immediately followed by you seeking out my comments to reply to. I hope you find the help you need.
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You didn't stop bothering me. Why shouldn't I reply?
Pronouns - yes. But who's banning vaccines?
Threatening democrats to stay silent "or else"
Why did I expected sense of humor from somebody like you xD
taking rights away from minorities
Like for men to use womens bathrooms? You shouldn't have those rights in the first place. You created group of citizens with special privledges. And now you are pissed that this ended.
people wouldn't have to keep calling you fascist.
Like all 2 of them? You guys keep youself in echo-chamber and you started to believe that this is reality and world went mad. Go outside and touch grass :)
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This far and away one of the funniest posts I have seen on this site in a long time. Satirical content has truly been left in the dust by reality in 2024.
When, after all that came before it, you said you weren't even from America or a trump supporter - that really made it one of the GOATs for me. And then the final double doozy of announcing RFK and 'Tulsy' Gabbard as the finest people from the democratic party, followed with the final brave and all too proud "This is the way..i have spoken!" proclamation? Masterclass. You should definitely continue teaching more Americans out there about their politics frfr
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In some of the previous seasons of The Boys I really felt like some of the stuff with Homelander and his supporters was way too extreme, silly and on the nose... "Surely America's not THAT bad"... "Surely THAT many people wouldn't overlook something like that or that or that".....
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I think the show's writers were concerned... a little upset even, to find out that there were some people who actually loved Homelander, I mean not like a crazy character but like a hero. So they pushed the envelope because they thought "surely now they're going to stop dressing up as Homelander at Trump's rallies, right?" and I guess they never did...
Now they should give him a hairpiece, orange makeup and a flabby body to complete the accuracy.
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"Answer me these questions"
I don't really see any reason to engage with a wall of text from someone in such a hurry to be senselessly provocative as their immediate first-line response. Especially not when it would just trigger yet another wave.
You may however get more takers from people if you consider consensing your posts and give reasonable indicators that you will engage in good faith. But you and I both know that isn't going to happen.
As it stands, it just looks like copy-pasta or AI filler of an exaggerated caricature.
The fact I wrote more than just "No" is about all the benefit of the doubt I'm willing to give, but I'm sure somehow you will take this reply as somehow indicative that your values/approach/conclusions are proven correct. It just isn't my job to wrestle this titanic away from the iceberg, especially not now it's weekend eve~
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Firstly, I do not believe you will be swayed by anything I can come up with, no matter how great of a debater I was. Tell me now, would you be persuaded by an incredible argument about how there is nothing wrong with a man transitioning to a woman? Or that not everyone who is ever so slightly to the left of you is a "Marxist"? Do you believe you may not be right about any of the slop you've spilled here?
Secondly, there are no arguments to counter, only insane ramblings bordering on vile conspiracy theories based on nothing but your feelings and opinions you've conjured without data. You made a deliberate effort to make your ramblings hateful, long-winded, and sprinkled with nonsensical thoughts that were echoing through your head at the time. This makes them a pain to read, never mind formulate an answer to. You are arguing in bad faith, and either you know exactly what you're doing but playing dumb, or genuinely don't realise how distasteful you are. The effect is the same.
Trying to convince people (such as yourself) who are so far over the fence and have build it up more is a waste of time and effort. I wish it wasn't, and you were interested in a rational conversation and not hateful shit-slinging, but based on how you present your "arguments" and are virtually debating with yourself, you clearly are not interested in a two sided discussion. You wish to hate, and I have no doubt you will present any argument that goes against your views as "Marxism", "woke propaganda", or any other code word that "influencers" have drilled into you.
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Yes. It's like a sweat lodge of misinformation and disinformation with the shining eyes of a cultist.
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Let me see if I have this right.
It is okay for someone to pretend or fantasize or role play whatever.
It is okay for someone to do so with willing partners and friends who wish to play along.
It is not okay to force or coerce or threaten people to play along.
Is this what you are saying?
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A victim complex + anger issues is one hell of a drug, huh? None of what you're saying is remotely true. You're making things up so you can pretend you're a victim.
There are people who have been arrested for both liking memes and liking posts on social media there
Name them.
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"faced no further investigation or charges"
So in other words, police fucked up as they tend to do. If your claim was true, he would have been charged. He wasn't charged, because it wasn't a valid arrest. This only works against your claims lmao
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Whether it concerns me or not is irrelevant. I base my arguments on logic, not emotions. Again, what he did wasn't against the law. He wasn't charged. Police fucked up. In other words, your claim is yet again made up. Do you get this worked up every time police fucked up? Or only when you can twist it to fuel your narrative?
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I didn't twist your words. I used your words exactly as they were. You said the two choices are female and male. Intersex is neither of those, so there are clearly more than just those two choices. The issue you're having is that your logic is wrong, hence why it doesn't work. You don't get to go "there are only two options and all other options don't count because I said so!" You want biology to be black and white, because you're incapable of complex thought, so you try and force the world to fit into that. That isn't how reality actually works. Even two males differ drastically in virtually every part of their biology. On top of this, you people like to conveniently pretend that the brain doesn't exist, and that the brain isn't part of biology. Honestly, you really just need a psychiatrist. You spend all of your time spreading hate online, absolutely OBSESSED with trans people, all because they have the audacity to exist. Have you even looked at your comments? You're throwing incoherent tantrums to anyone that replies to you. At the very least get checked for rabies.
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You are way too knowledgeable for people who only view everything through the standpoint of hollow LGBTxyz or green ideas and get their information from skillfully concealed propaganda tv shows and gonzo journalism.
Even though I'm not American, but in Hungary we pretty much percieve everything about the current US elections the way you described.
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This one cocky arrogant asshole didn't even know that the trust in the American mainstream media is at an all time low of only 34%.
Weird how you're blatantly lying when my comment can be found in this very thread. Also very cowardly of you to talk shit about me elsewhere, rather than to my face. I didn't say "I didn't know." I said that what people do or don't believe isn't proof of any of your claims. I can't tell if you're lying on purpose, or if you're just that delusional that you can no longer distinguish reality from what you want reality to be.
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Well, don't forget that our Prime Minister Viktor Orbán receives similar attacks which involve pretty much all the things mentioned with the magical "lack of rule of law" accusation in addition, coming from people whose countries have serious problems regarding freedom of speech/press or ones that don't care about their own historical ethnic minorities, but can give you great lectures on how xenophobic you might be.
The European Parliament election was a disaster, but Trump's victory in the US hopefully brings the much needed change regarding national governments in Western European countries as well (in some, it's happening already).
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There were approximately 142 mil votes while there were ~250 mil eligible voters.
Unless I read something wrong. Honestly crazy that 100 mil didn't vote.
Edit: had to change one tilde for "approximately" because it broke formating and spoilered text lol
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Isn't this also routine?🍵☕
Decoy brains claiming heads.
Officials and bureaucrats who can't always be replaced.
(And although practically fixed and powerful, the blame for all misfortunes is always placed solely on the representative, who is oblivious.)
I don't think any amount of head-colored skins on the bills is going to make things better.
It could be a country, a company, an army, a religion, anything.
After all, in the real world, is it education that workers are exploited, left behind, cheated, and deceived by the “tools of the money scam” and by the “powers that be” of the earth, who are always telling them to go back to a clean slate?
I'm afraid that's what some of those communities seem to be doing.
More than that... Let's be glad that freedom of speech, thought, and expression is protected and that we still have time to enjoy the game. (There is a marked disparity between countries🙄)
Frankly, in terms of realistic goals, I'd like to see that at least for minors in every country on earth.
The story continues, though, with heads of state being assassinated, assassination attempts continuing, and terrorists being assassinated.🌏
It's like this: “This is politics! This is religion! This is a crime! He is evil!”
The people are the representatives.
Do we count ourselves among these people?
Then probably “yes” if we are offering prizes at SG.
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It's because Kamala had a strategy of trying to appeal to centrists and anti-trump republicans. It simply doesn't work, because no republican wants diet-republican policies just because she's more professional/presidential. They want conservative policies and when they get in the voting booth, they'll suck it up and vote for trump even if they hate him. She completely neglected her base and that lowers turnout. Tons of voters are poorly informed about politics and need a candidate to speak directly to them to get their vote. She chose to try and pull conservatives and was counting on dems voting for her regardless. Really highlights the absolute incompetence of the democrat leadership
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I think that there was also a successful push against Kamala, when they started leaning on the fact that the left haven't halted arms sales to Israel while they're are doing the whole ethnic cleansing thing. Even if Trump would do the same / worse, the fact that the objections to the arms sales were ignored was a massively bitter point. So bitter in fact that a lot of people decided to let the candidate who has a pattern of admiring dictators (Netanyahu included) into office, who Netanyahu himself had noted as his preferred president choice, who Trump has already shaken the hand of since Kamala conceded. There was a whole thing about it at least via Twitter, and I feel safe in assuming there were similar sentiments on other social media. Part of me thinks that this was definitely boosted / promoted by those in Trumps side, even if social media does lend itself to a certain emotional irrationality. Its certainly an angle that contributed heavily, and a major blow if intentional.
And honestly a similar tactic worked the first time around too, when a lot of voters flipped due to outrage that Bernie stepped back at the last second, and people felt outright betrayed and wanted to "teach them a lesson", only for a sizeable slice to later admit regret. Similar sentiments here, they wanted to "teach them a lesson", even at the cost of what I feel is a much higher likelihood of prolonging the arms sales / resisting if the global scene presses even more heavily on halting the slaughter. Harris seems that she would at least smell which way the wind is blowing and respect international law if they finally angled the pointy end of the stick in Americas direction. Trump on the other hand has shown continued belligerence towards any group, authority or individual not properly stroking his ego, and given the sales are profitable and he gets to play the role of a 'hero' to those that are ignoring the war crimes... yeah.
That, combined with how blithely Trump has flaunted his disrespect for the legal system, entire states, ethnicities and people, gloating about the dissolving of Roe v Wade even after the stories of pregnancy-based fatalities keep trickling in, following the Stormy Daniels thing by then attempting to give hush money AGAIN during this election, and then vomiting out product placements and being altogether unconcerned about big issues and spending his time airing petty grievances and making constant weak insults... I just really can't fathom how this wasn't a crushing defeat for him?
Its very disillusioning no matter what angle I look at this from. Normally I can at least see a candidates appeal on various issues that they might have going for them, but the guy is like a saturday morning cartoon villain caricature. I know that a cult of personality can be a powerful thing, but to have totally counterbalanced the perpetual slurry of pointless and easily disprovable lies? The insults? The repetition of popular fascist talking points and occasional echoing of famous sentiments from a certain infamous european dictator behind a world war? The random ping-pong zig-zagging between who he has grievances with at any given moment? I mean maybe I shouldn't be surprised, he was put into the running while pending trial and after the absurd shit he pulled last election, or the blatant misuse of presidential pardons, etc?
I just... genuinely cannot see his appeal beyond the cult of personality or appeals to the xenophobic? Like, seriously, what stances does he hold that offer any substantial value that would cause a reasonable person to decide it is worth enduring the other behaviour / values / actions that come with him? He was so bad that Biden got in largely on simply being "not trump". I mean usually in these cases the response is "I think he has a better plan for the economy" but aside from leaning into the "more for me, not for thee" top down approach I can't really see that either?
Agh great, now I gave myself a case of the 'humanity sucks' again.
It seems the lesson wasn't learned the first time around, nor after the first time he didn't get elected.
Maybe this time?
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He won't be thrilled because he was killed.
all environmental protections will be nuked
You guys should calm down xD Trump won so suddenly corpos will start to dump toxic waste to rivers :) /s
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You're clearly one of those people that just deny reality
Wrong assumption. I'm just one of those people who doesn't care about environment.
I won't bother with you any further.
Please don't bother with me any further. I have to deal with activists on daily basis and haven't meet a single one that would actually understand even the basics of what they are fighting for.
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I mean, no offense, but, you opened the can of worms yourself. There was no way to talk about it without people getting angry/happy about it and start talking politics
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They knew exactly what they were doing. The title of the thread is still the same. It seems pretty safe to assume their name is short for FlameBaiting.
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It was a good day. I'm tired of identity politics in games and entertainment, and while Trump's victory may increase it in the short term, in the longer term, we'll have better products (and people, hopefully).
The funny thing is, the "tolerant" left is out for violent "vengeance", now that they have lost and shown their true colors (which the normal people knew for a very long time).
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Those protestors don't represent Democrat or Republican voters, those are just terrible people. This type of behavor is disagreed upon by people from both sides and is absolutely terrible. If you read more into this story you'd know those people immediately sparked a counter-protest at the university from students from both political sides.
Here's a link to a news report about the situation:
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i know for a fact they voted for trump based on his beliefs because some of them said so
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I'm not disagreeing with you, I'm aware those protestors voted for Trump. What I'm saying is those protestors don't represent all voters. Again, students from both political sides were offended by the protest and held a counter-protest to remove the protestors from the campus.
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This type of behavor is disagreed upon by people from both sides and is absolutely terrible.
This is delusional. If conservatives aren't against women/minorities, why do they keep attacking their rights? You don't get to just look at every single conservative and go "well no that doesn't count because that one makes us look bad!"
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boy have i got news for you...
plus, just wait until you get the the incest bits in the bible
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I understand the context behind it. You, along with everyone else here, exist because incest was part of human history at some point. It’s not something I say with pride, but it was later abolished. You don’t need to turn to the Torah or other scriptures to confirm this—science supports it, too. When we look back into our ancestral origins, we all come from the same source.
If so-called Christians still followed certain ancient laws literally, we probably wouldn’t have the freedom to choose who we are with or discuss topics like these openly. People would face severe consequences. The reason we don’t live under those conditions is because Jesus taught us to treat one another with respect, kindness, and support, not to encourage sin.
It sounds like you haven’t met thoughtful Christians who use reason and compassion, and I’m sorry if you’ve been hurt or treated disrespectfully by those who claim to represent the faith. I really don’t want this to turn into a religious or political debate, but once again, those things don’t align with what true Christianity stands for.
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That passage has to be taken in context. During that time, Timothy observed that women would speak in churches over men and pastors who would preach. Timothy instructed the church that women in that area should be quiet. Today we see women preaching and becoming pastors in some countries and denominations. It talks about authority deeply rooted in the Genesis. Man came first, women was designed to be his helper. Not the other way around. There's no hate in that, it's about respect and authority and keeps a Christian family in balance when you have a head that leads the family.
Now, being a helper doesn't mean it's by all means something inferior. God is portrayed multiple times in the Bible as the helper. A woman is respected if you read the Bible and use your brain. Some form of extremism exists in all types of faiths including atheism.
The Bible was not built on hate. I recommend reading what Jesus has said and how much He respected and valued women.
Don't want this to turn into religious or political, but I feel you misunderstand and hate Christianity because of lack of research.
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This goes in any faith, philosophy, or belief system really. People either don't document themselves enough, they over-document themselves to the point they transform their beliefs into a complete salad and throw logic out of the window, and oftentimes it's damaging for society. You can look at any extreme belief and use that to feed your own belief.
We can all agree that social media and the internet have plagued and divided us more than united us. Sure, I believe something and you something else, but that doesn't mean we have to resent one another. We can definitely work things out and respect, care for, and guide each other to become a society that isn't based on division, hate, or misunderstanding. I see it too often in what's going on today in the world, and it's damaging one belief system or another.
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Idk where you're getting that information, but I love and respect my wife to bits and pretty much every Christian I personally met. What you're feeding yourself online might have affected you in viewing people as normal. Don't look at extremists and conclude that's all Christians. I don't view atheists or other people that believe that.
I will never insult you, but I'll tell you what I think. And that's a thing I always did, prior to becoming a Christian. I don't care if you want to listen and become a Christian, but what I care about is that you don't put hatred in your heart because of it. I'd suggest interacting with more Christians in the world and you'll realize that no average Christian is trying to get you.
If you want to talk to someone reach out to me via Steam. I am not gonna disrespect you, hate you or speak with you in a certain way because I'm Christian. I am like everybody else normal. I'm sorry if others have hurt you. I really am.
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Your exact words were "A woman is respected if you read the Bible and use your brain." You claim you won't insult me or disrespect me, but you already have. The rest of your comment is just making things up I've never even said or mentioned.
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Please share with me where the bible is sexist about women. Let's analyze these together using the context and the historical evidence.
The majority of people in church are women. They read their bibles and can't seem to see them rising up against the Bible or Christianity.
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We can talk about other stuff, like Lycans and Werewolves. I love that stuff too. I will not enforce my "bad faith bs" on you. It's not how I operate, but if you have questions you can ask me. I'll try to explain if not lead you in the right direction.
You've done nothing but twist things and thrown thinly-veiled insults at me.
If I did, I am sorry. That was not my intention.
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I can see you're just going to twist things so you can be "right," so good luck with that, I guess.
if you read the Bible and use your brain
I do use my brain. That's why I don't believe something is true just because a book - one full of nonsense, contradictions, and inconsistencies - says it is. It's also why I'm able to see the bible and Christianity for what it is.
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I wasn't referring to you using your brain, but to some Christians because some clearly don't when they put such message to the world. I'm sorry that it made you confused.
That's why I don't believe something is true just because a book - one full of nonsense, contradictions, and inconsistencies - says it is. It's also why I'm able to see the bible and Christianity for what it is.
I was like yourself too, but I researched deeper to better understand. The Bible was written across hundreds of years, by people, with different writing styles, and ideologies, all inspired by God. If you don't wanna see it like that, then maybe look at it as a good historical book that depicts some events in history that our society is based on today. You're free to believe what you want, but don't call me or others hateful when you hate me and others back for what some people do online.
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I'm sorry that it made you confused.
Do you think you're fooling anyone? I don't think your god would appreciate you lying and being passive aggressive and manipulative.
I was like yourself too, but I researched deeper to better understand.
You're free to believe what you want, but don't call me or others hateful when you hate me and others back for what some people do online.
Where did I say you were hateful? I pointed out that sexism exists in the bible. How was that me "hating" you?
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Do you think you're fooling anyone? I don't think your god would appreciate you lying and being passive aggressive and manipulative.
Listen if I am, I get to deal with it, not you. Don't worry about me. If you want to discuss civilized over this reach out via Steam. We can talk. Heck, we can even voice-chat. If you still will think I'll try to manipulate when I'm just trying to explain that it's not the way you see the world.
Where did I say you were hateful? I pointed out that sexism exists in the bible. How was that me "hating" you?
I can see that from your messaging. I can see you are pointing out sexism in the bible conducted by people and not by God. So, can we not excuse ourselves and misinterpret what clearly we are told and what people do. If you wanna hate on the religion, you can, I'll join you. I don't think it makes people any better and actually narrows our mind, but instead look at what Jesus, who has taught things and how he did things, use him as an example and not look at what people did or do today in the name of religion.
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not sure if your an idiot or a troll
this is just the beginning and its only going to get worse
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Who would have the contact info of Democrat voters? Think about it for a second.
Due, he was in the office for 4 years, and I'd say it was a pretty peaceful time for the whole world. Things exploded like crazy in the late 2020s.
Minorities are not in danger but criminals and groomers are.
Start doing your own research. Seriously, we even have AI now. Stop believing everything you see online.
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project 25 is going to ban SOOO MANY VIDEOGAMES!!!! ididnt even think about that
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Project 25 was the Wall of his 2024 campaign. Pretty sure he doesn't give a crap about anything on there now that it's put him in power where he can fill his pockets and make up for the money he lost on his social media fail and other "businesses" he ran into the ground.
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If you're tired of identity politics why would you want someone who makes trans/homo/whatever/phobia part of their platform? Seems that rather than not see it you simply want to see your preferred legislature pushed through.
After all, wouldn't a real advocate of one's liberties and "freedoms" who was simply tired of politicians using such as hot issues (whether you're in the business of giving civil liberties or taking them) want a more to each their own approach and that such shouldn't even need to be a political issue to begin with?
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Tell me something,
Who allows men in women's locker rooms?
Who allows people under 18 a permanent non-revertible change to their bodies, that can not only destroy them physically but mentally as well?
Who wants people banned or killed for misgendering someone?
There are more but I guess the left will never learn or when they do, it'll be too late.
Hitler Trump or Tolerant Kamala?
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Puberty blockers aren't "a permanent non-revertible change". Perhaps you should do actual research? They also don't destroy anyone "physically and mentally" and have been around since the 90s.
Who wants people banned or killed for misgendering someone?
Literally no one. Why are you making things up? Do you need to be a victim so desperately, that when someone asks you to use the correct names and pronouns, you think you're genuinely being murdered? Trans people just want to be allowed to exist. That's literally it. Why do you think those different from you shouldn't be allowed to exist?
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Haha, dude, I think you are too deep into this so I'll not reply to you further. I know it's hard to think but you should try it sometimes.
And me as a Victim? the protection the trans community has does not even compare to straight people.
I have many things that I can write here but then, you'll be crying claiming to be a victim? So you do you.
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I'm tired of identity politics in games and entertainment
Read: "I think video games shouldn't be legally allowed to contain minorities, or anything relating to them."
The funny thing is, the "tolerant" left is out for violent "vengeance", now that they have lost and shown their true colors (which the normal people knew for a very long time).
Yeah, man, I heard they're storming the capitol -- oh, wait...
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You are still in the la la land...
If you actually did your own research, instead of "relying" on the mainstream and leftist media, you'd know what actually happened on Jan 06.
As for minorities, they were always part of video games but in the "modern" games, it's their whole personality.
Keep consuming...
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I just relied on the video footage. Coincidentally, it paints the exact same picture as the so-called mainstream and liberal media. Imagine that.
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Why don't you tell me what "actually happened"?
but in the "modern" games, it's their whole personality.
No, it isn't. Even if it was, it's pretty fascist to want to enact laws that regulate what kind of minority characters can be allowed in media.
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I knew that trump would win because of the squirrel xD
Americans are interesting nation xD
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No, it's actuall squirrel
Some retarded officials in NY turned "no nut november" into "no P-nut november" and people voted trump as part of revenge xD
At least that's how I see it from europe. Might be biased though.
This looks like nice sum up of events:
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Bad is an understatement, though this post does make good BL farming I guess.
As for trying to keep politics out of it... For a lot of people, candidates have made targeting (minority) identities part of their political campaign making them even more enmeshed than the typical so it's rather... Obtuse to think such wouldn't come up.
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Welp, at least I managed to get the Steamgifts community talking to each other, not how I intended with the post though. Never meant for any negativity, sorry to everyone here. I hope the best for all of you, regardless of political views. I also didn't intend on causing any blacklistings or user reports, sorry. I just wanted to spread positivity and hopefulness 😕
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Nothing to apologize for. The thread, while full of opinionated people, is not a hot mess. People disagree. So far it's been pretty civil. I'm pretty sure I racked up a lot of new BL from people who don't make GAs too but that's a bonus cause that saves me spots on my BL lol
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Like Fluffster said, this has been surprisingly chill. Despite some barbed comments and butted heads, people are largely behaving themselves, and really your opening post kept the wording very neutral. So however long the thread lasts, whether it fizzles out or has to be closed, I don't see any real harm. Even if you may have been a bit too optimistic about people not jumping at the chance to rabble-rabble-rabble-rabble.
Besides, blacklists happen for the weirdest of reasons anyway, and people give stuff away for free here so they should be equally free to curate who they want to offer it to. Best part about having a big community is that nobody goes hungry for giveaways. Any anger potentially caused might even be offset by letting people vent about the subject, meaning it has less chance of spilling out in other threads? Maybe? I dunno.
IDK, I think you're fine.
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It was a good day because RFK is going to be able to do what he's wanted to do for a very long time and tackle the shit that's added to our food and dumped into our environment.. He would have been the nominee but the democrats decided they were going to turn on him because he dared to run in the primary, so the democrat party did to him what they did to Bernie Sanders in 2016. Sanders probably would have won that election, but the establishment wanted Hillary Clinton. RFK would have won this election, but the establishment decided they wanted Biden, then changed their minds after the debate and forced him to step aside and put Harris in place. The least popular and quite possibly worst VP ever. The person who was utterly destroyed by Tulsi Gabbard in the 2020 primary and was the first one do drop out because of zero support. Yeah, bravo democrat party. Bravo.
If you want to blame anyone for this outcome, blame the democrat establishment. RFK certainly does but he's still getting a lot of what he wanted so yeah it's overall a good day. First thing he wants to tackle? Get rid of fluoride in our drinking water! FUCK. YES. RFK all the fucking way. Trump won because he gave us RFK.
And lest anyone forget, RFK first approached Harris about working together on that and she said no, it was only after being rejected that he approached Trump. Had she said yes and welcomed RFK she would have won.
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How is he going to accomplish that when a worm ate half his brain and the other half was apparently used to dump a dead bear in Central Park and cut off the head of a beached whale. It's a lot to expect from somebody like that.
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Everyone has hobbies. His is collecting roadkill in his freezer. Nothing unusual about that. The bear was found in "very good condition" and the meat was going to be stored in the freezer. Perfectly normal response to seeing roadkill.
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Narcissists only pretend to live for their legacy but they're too self centered to pass on anything to their children. They want their children to "do well" because it shows them as "great parents" and feed their narcissism but they generally won't do anything in their lifetime to pass the torch because they want their power to be theirs.
I'm hoping for just enough BS that people will wake up and go vote for the damn midterms instead of snoozing because they "don't like Harris" like they did in 2018 but not too much that we end up in irreversible territory
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To them, "legacy" is not about their children's well-being. They don't care for them. It is about etching their own name into history. And just like pyramids, monuments and statues, having their family / their name continue what they have started / "achieved" even after their death is just that. A confirmation of their self-perceived prowess and superiority. I agree that they will cling to power until they die, but preparing for someone with and in their name to continue their "legacy" after that is very much a narcissistic thought / action.
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Maybe but most textbooks narcissists are unwilling to recognize that their life and their time will end (hence the coup, fake stolen election and all that jazz) and that's a necessary step to prepare the way for your children.
I don't doubt that we will have to deal with Donnie Jr at some point, like Dubya, but I think he will still have to go through the process.
Ugh. Now I need to take a shower.
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Original Title: Election Current Thoughts
Original Description: Not wanting to talk any politics in the comments. Just wanting a general poll vote to gauge everyone here about the current situation. To keep positive, why not put a funny meme or pet picture below or something lol.
First off, I want to apologize to everyone for making this discussion. I did a poor job at naming it and writing the description for it. I made this discussion while I was at work the day of election to try to bring some positivity and hopefulness about it all by making a poll and asking for memes to be posted below. Looking back at it, the title and description I wrote sounded like baiting, I didn't intend for that at all. It was meant to be a funny and not political, but I did a poor job with that. I'm sorry.
I've never been one for any form of drama or negativity online or IRL, and never meant to cause any. I probably caused quite a few blacklistings and maybe some user reports from this discussion, and I should've done better handling this thread. I apologize, I'll do better next time and I hope the best for all of you.
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