A lot of people love this game and it has really good reviews on steam, but I already played the first hour of the game on a friend's account, and it felt kinda boring...What do you guys think?
P.S. If i buy it, i want to play it solo.

9 years ago*

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Should I buy Borderlands 2?(Poll Requires Games to Vote)

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Buy the GOTY edition!

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9 years ago

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I'm going to play it solo if i buy it

9 years ago

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buy GOTY, play solo

I played around 160h of this game, and I played solo.
It starts a bit slowly, but then it gets really fun. And the GOTY edition is really worth it.

9 years ago

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I've got most of the stuff for it before there was a GOTY edition and I pretty much only played single player. I've got over 300 hours in just 1 character.

Once you get the GOTY there is still a couple of items missing, can't remember which ones at the moment though. They came out after the GOTY edition was released. you should pick those up too.

Seriously its a great game and when I did play it with others I still had a blast

9 years ago

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You must resist the urge to buy!

9 years ago

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great game

9 years ago

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It's very good co-op game if you have have time to play together in weeks.
But if you buy it to play alone, my advise is don't buy it.

9 years ago

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Yeah i intend to play the game solo...

9 years ago

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Its funny alone too. Dont know why only buy it when playing it co-op. Played it till lvl 55 solo and had a lot of fun.

9 years ago

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It's decent if you play it alone but it's way funner with friends.

9 years ago

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You can play it solo but it can get boring. After about 50 hours or so ;)
Depends on how interested you are in the story or the gameplay. If you do get it buy the GotY edition.

9 years ago

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If you play alone, you can't play as siren because almost all her skill is team support, and one of best thing in Borderland is save each other ass when they are crawling in the floor. THIS GAME IS UNFAIR WHEN PLAYING ALONE.
You can't play a main story more than 3 times if you play alone, it's boring as f*.
Even if you could reach level 72 alone, you would bother to do all DLCs or reach OP8 because till this point game is too hard and you can't find fun when trying to survive alone.
That's mean the chance you throw away half later game is very high.

9 years ago

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The first hour or so is kinda lame, but if you manage to endure it the rest of the game is totally worth it imo

9 years ago

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With friends its awesome.

9 years ago

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Why SHOULDN'T you buy Borderlands 2?

A short essay from M. J. Thunder.

Because you can buy food instead.
The end.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

9 years ago

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Who said I was going to play with it?

And who the hell are you calling stupid?!

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

9 years ago

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Oh, okey, I just wanted to fully understand who you where talking to.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

9 years ago

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Damn, this would be such a great response if he would say "because you can buy balls instead".

9 years ago

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Why would I say that?

9 years ago

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Because it's summer, so having some balls to play with - for example on beach, or on playing field - can be fun?

9 years ago

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Where I live, it's winter, so I don't know if OP is enjoying the summer too.

9 years ago

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B2 it's boring....B1 way better

9 years ago

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Actually... The whole point of B2 is to go to Sanctuary and simply gamble your money for those automats.

9 years ago

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Because you'll put on your backlog, considering that one can spend a lifetime with this game.

Bought the GOTY at Humble Store for 7,49€ a few months ago, and haven't touched it yet.

9 years ago

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Everything goes to backlog if you play adventure capitalist or clicker heroes.

9 years ago

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Never touched either.

No idea why people get attracted to that garbage.

9 years ago

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Yeah, that's the point - it's a garbage but when you try you cannot stop.

9 years ago

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So people don't play it because it's fun, but because they can't control their addiction.

Poor guys.

9 years ago

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Same with buying games, you cannot stop it, you're like "Oh my God it's on 95% sale! I gotta buy that!" And after couple of days you see it in your library and ask yourself "why the hell did I even buy that..."

9 years ago

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Rather like "Oh my god, it's on 95% sale, and it'll never be that cheap again."

Told myself, that I'm only buying games directly on steam, when I will install/play them within a week. Because in the end, they can only get cheaper.

Bundles are another story. :(

9 years ago

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It's definitely something you have to be in the right mood to play.
I can understand it being "boring", though I played all the way through it multiple times with multiple characters (mostly solo, but not always).

If you have other shooters to play that you definitely enjoy, you could stay with them. Or just wait 'til the Winter sale. Or, go a bit out of your comfort zone and try BL2 with other people (the interface makes it pretty easy to do) -- but ideally with people who haven't played yet (maybe try the Let's Play Together section of the forums here to get a group together).

Also, you might want to play Borderlands 1 first. There are recurring characters in 2, and if you like to follow a story's characters (not necessarily the story, but the character arcs), it would be helpful.

9 years ago

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I forgot to mention that i actually finished the first one, and i enjoyed it... But idk, that first hour of the second one felt strange... Maybe you're right and i wasn't in the right mood :D

9 years ago

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In that case...

1) it gets better, imho, though not by a massive amount, and I love the villain but don't want to talk him up in case you end up hating him like some people do, and...

2) the Assault on Dragon Keep DLC is freakin' amazing (but play the main game first ere you run into spoiler territory).

9 years ago

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Buy GOTY. Anyway even in solo is pretty fun on the first run thanks to the tons of humor you'll find.
The real fun anyway starts when your pg has developed a bit and you strats to find various good weapons, at first may seems a bit limited (I still have to understand why you get the first skill point at level 5, making the first levels quite boring).

9 years ago

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If you liked the first one, buy it, if you found it repetitive, don't.

In my opinion is a bad game, repoetitive, 1 active skill and all passives, some gun models with stats variation, uninteresting story, etc. But again, i have been told i don;t get video games.

9 years ago

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I don't why everyone likes borderlands series but I think it really sucks. I finished first two and didn't like at all. Now trying the pre-sequel and it's even worse. So yeah, don't buy cause it sucks lol.

9 years ago

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If you didn't like the 1st one you probably won't like it :p

9 years ago

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Now as far as downsides to this? the gun company traits are more gimmicky than in the past, the stupid amounts of DLC. But if you're to buy it, get the GotY edition (the most for your buck, even if it doesn't have all the content DLC, Gogdarn it, Gearbox)

9 years ago

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Love the game, my biggest gripe about it doesn't start till you hit Ultimate Vault Hunter mode.

At that time, many of your talents become useless (at least as a Siren) and the entire concept of Slag which honestly sucks solo and becomes about required by the time you hit the last play through.

9 years ago

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another thread?? fine .
cuz you need money to get a good haircut. save it,

9 years ago

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Are you allergic to loot, pecs and explosions? If so, don't buy it

9 years ago

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This is one of my favorite games.Buy the GOTY edition. And you can play the entire game solo.

9 years ago

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I played it solo. It's... Fun I guess. For some reason I can never play it for very long. I think the areas are too large to travel around. Unless there's a catch-a-ride nearby, you'll be walking around for ages.

Then again, that might not be the reason I can't truly get into it and complete it.

9 years ago

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Solo is fun but trust me, it's SO MUCH better to play co-op! I mean, the loot is better, the enemies are tougher and definitely will keep you on your toes. I played solo for the first couple of playthroughs and I just felt like killing myself to finish the story. I enjoyed it again once I started to co-op though! ^^

9 years ago

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Mates I want to get both 1 and 2 with dlc's how do I do that? They didnt bundle them both with goty editions.

9 years ago

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DLC's thats why... i bought the GOTY expecting to have all... i lack like 20 dlcs...

It is a great game though

9 years ago

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i really enjoyed this game, but not as much as the first borderlands. of course if this one bores you, don't even get near the pre-sequel one... i couldn't play more than 10 hours.

9 years ago

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do drugs instead

9 years ago

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