I just sent 5€ to an impersonator.

Never trade in the morning, kids.

9 years ago

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Lucky for you its just 5 euros.
I lost about 60 in one of my first trades here. Learned my lesson

9 years ago

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Yeah it's no big deal, it just annoys me because it was super obvious and now I feel dumb

9 years ago

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Scammers take into account that their "prey" is too busy, too distracted, too human, too anything to notice the scam so don't "torture" yourselves.

9 years ago*

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Dude, reading that message is a pain... go and get some grammar lessons.

9 years ago

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English is only my fourth language maybe you should ask SG support to have different language discussions so you don't have pain...

9 years ago

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Good for you. English is neither my native language, nor the only foreign language I speak. Do not take offense, please, cause I meant none. Just pay attention to details that can change meaning or pronunciation in a significant way - I read the first part of your sentence like 5 times, then I decide to read it all and just then did I realize you used to instead of too.

9 years ago

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No offense taken as now I know what you mean. Besides the grammar it's also difficult for a non native language user to see the meaning or the tonality of someone words. It's even sometimes difficult to see if something is a joke or not.

As for to and too you're right :


9 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

9 years ago

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Brian - hah, I tried hard and managed to resist! But geez, it was a close call.

(Professional deformation, I teach english)

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

9 years ago

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Thumbs up. One needs to watch his back here :D (languages are not written with first capital letter in my country, so I tend to make that mistake a lot)

9 years ago

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One nice thing about German is that it capitalizes all nouns. It would be simpler if all languages adopted that idea.

9 years ago

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"deformation"...? I hope that was an intentional mistake if you teach English! :D
If not, we all have brain farts every now and then -- I think disclosure is the more appropriate word there.

9 years ago

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So if you teach english you need to be grammar nazi.
Please, you are using google translate as far i can tell

9 years ago

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The grammar police busted me. :-)

9 years ago

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Yeah, I completely agree, especially when you can not see facial expressions "of the other guy". Anyway, have a nice day :)

9 years ago

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Have a good day too. :-)

9 years ago*

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Lots of native speakers screw up "to" and "too." Don't worry about it. =)

9 years ago

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You're so rude considering you say that you teach English. By the way English starts with a capital.
Must suck being one of your students : )

9 years ago

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Nope, I am not rude at all. At least I did not mean to be, as I have explained. I simply saw a comment that was written with basic mistakes, which made it hard to understand and I suggested going for some extra ed. (You see, he made small basic mistake that should be easy to correct, yet he used quite complicated structure - flawlessly. Nothing wrong or offensive with that. And yes - in English, names of languages start with a capital letter. In my native language they do not. So it is a mistake that I happen to make every now and then (especially when I am not paying extra attention), and I am perfectly aware of it. Talking about being rude... it is not nice saying it sucks being my student, is it?

9 years ago

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I am just speculating that if I were a student of yours then my life relative to my English lessons would indeed suck.
It would suck based on the lack of patience you've expressed towards someone who has made basic grammatical errors. Grammatical errors that are easily ignored by normal and easy going types of people. Maybe the problem is you, I mean nobody else here has moaned about the way they have written a comment.
And the style in which you request that this person should correct his grammar leaves a lot to be desired and could easily be remedied by removing a certain stick from a certain ass.
No need to take offence of course. Think of it as constructive criticism : )

9 years ago

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bro culm dawn plz

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Ahahaha : )

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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haha, that show is awesome xD


9 years ago

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And Cosmo Kramer Is funny as hell too.
I missed so many episodes.

9 years ago

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View attached image.
9 years ago

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The gif is so much cooler haha : )

9 years ago

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There are mistakes that do not matter much, like your and you are. But then, there are mistakes that matter, cause they can change the meaning or make the statement hard/impossible to understand. (I go, too. Work! / I go, to. Work! - try saying it out loud and you will hear the difference.)

I consider myself a very patient person. Please, notice I am not rude, I take my time explaining myself even now. Yeah, sure, when I see a mistake, I point it out. No idea how it is related with patience.

You are, however, right that I should have chosen different words. I believe I have explained what I actually meant in my other comments. So now I have absolutely no idea about all this "constructive" criticism I am getting.

It is funny that everybody seems to have a problem with me and my - yes, believe it - well meant comment, but the guy it was meant for...

9 years ago

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Exactly. Like when you use the word "cause" when you should use the word "because".
But don't worry I understood what you're trying to say, or should I say, I understood what "your" trying "too" say.
Either way you really shouldn't get your Knickers in a twist over it.
Getting annoyed with bad grammar could possibly lower your life expectancy, but don't quote me on that.
Life is easier if you forget and ignore life's little mistakes. It's really not worth getting worked up over. Just accept that some people are trying to use English as a universal language albeit with an acceptable error here and there.

What would be cooler is that if you offered to help improve their use of English rather than the way you dealt with it, but whatever. That was the constructive criticism part

9 years ago

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You are wrong there, my friend - I am not annoyed in the slightest. I was bored, I wanted to help, write a few lines... Looks like this community is kinda over-sensitive. And using slang and making mistakes are two very, very different things.

You are a native speaker, am I right? You would be surprised, but using slang, or "Contemporary Informal English" correctly is actually harder for those who learn English as their second language, and it shows their level of mastery. How it should be said is the very first thing that is taught. How it is actually said, however... you need first hand experience for that.

9 years ago

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At what point was slang used, maybe I missed something?
I have no problem understanding a foreign person trying to write in English, yet you do.
You seem a little too sensitive to the improper use of the English language. Which, again, is your problem not ours.

9 years ago

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Even "cause" = because. Contemporary Informal English. Shortened language.

Sometimes, understanding can be problematic. Especially with mistakes that can change meaning. I am not sensitive to it, I do not mind, I am not bothered, angry, upset or whatever emotion you think it causes me to feel.

I just wanted to help the guy to avoid such an unnecessary mistake. That is all...

Talk about being a little too sensitive - you guys are the ones that keep complaining about me, not vice versa. Even the guy whom I have corrected was OK with it... so, you do not like me and my comments? To use your words, that is your problem, not mine.

9 years ago*

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Before you go around correcting peoples English, practice what you preach.
You have already been told by another person here explaining to you that you should not slate bad grammar by using bad grammar. Yet you continue to do so with every responding reply. This leads me to believe you're not an English teacher, I most certainly hop not : )

9 years ago

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Is typed hop by accident, I meant to type hope. Please don't shoot me : )

9 years ago

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hop hop

can't resist xD

View attached image.
9 years ago

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Ahahaha : )
From this day on I will honour that Gif by typing the word "Hop" instead of "Hope"

9 years ago

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Really was it that hard to read that?

Also you use the word Dude?come on are you some 15 year old stoner stuck in the 80's?I bet you say that even to girls who are not Dudes!

Maybe 4rc is perfect and they are a god and we must bow down.

I also know i am not prefect at typing nor my English anymore...but i do not point out other people's flaws in grammar and such when mine is not that good,and even if i was damn good at it i still would not,as not everyone is good at everything,and i am sure you have shit you suck at...that others would think is easy as pie.

Damn it i typed good instead of god...

fuck i am such an idiot,good thing i could edit it so "the teacher" does not spot it,or maybe they have

I know i am not the best but i try,but i really do not need to be better then i am,i mean i could be if i wanted but for me it would just be a waste as really what i do it is not needed.So if people want to act like we are in High School and point out that my English is not the best,and i need to get some education then maybe they need some lessons in how to be a decent human.

If the time arises and i need to improve my English and typing then i will do so,all i am saying why point out someone else flaws and bad grammar just because you call it hard to read,when i had no problem reading and to tell them to get some education,was rude you may not have thought it was but it was because your to busy being annoyed by it then to actually think about what you said.

We get it your a English teacher and you want to help and teach,but your so fixed on correcting people your blind to what you say.

9 years ago*

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Can not believe all the hate I am getting... Yes, I used "dude" cause I meant my comment to sound more friendly and half-seriously, no big deal. No, I am definitely not 15yo, nor a "stoner" but you seem eager to stone me, just for pointing out that I had a problem with reading/understanding one comment...

My point is - he used nice structure, advanced vocabulary and correct wo. A basic mistake like that, however, makes it hard to understand on one hand, and on the other it makes his English look a few levels lower than it actually is, which is a shame. I honestly just wanted to suggest going for some extra lessons, polish the skills a bit. His English is obviously very good, he should not let small mistakes outshine it.

And, fyi, there are mistakes that do not matter much, like your and you are (a lot of examples in your comment). But then, there are mistakes that matter, cause they can change the meaning or make the statement hard/impossible to understand. (I go, too. Work! / I go, to. Work! - try saying it out loud and you will hear the difference.)

And why point it out? I will share a grain of wisdom with you... A friend points out your mistakes, an enemy uses them. (Explanation -a friend points out your mistakes, so you can learn from them. An enemy does not, they keep you in the dark about your flaws and use them against you when they can. The first step is always identifying the problem or mistake.)

PS - you would definitely lose that bet.

9 years ago

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If you want to use examples something like I, go too. Work! / I go, to. Work! is a horrible example as they are both terribly constructed statements and terrible use of punctuation.

The main point of this is if you want to give "constructive" criticism and not just appear to be a rude asshole, you better not make any mistakes yourself or accept the communities fire back on you for it. That's kind of why the statement is "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone." If you throw a stone at someone, expect ten more to come back when you make the same sin.

PS - I doubt any enemy is waiting to launch an attack based on someone improperly using a form of your, their, or to. Get off the soapbox and stop trying to justify why you are ok but everyone else is wrong.

9 years ago

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I am not saying anyone is wrong. I am saying I am misunderstood. The example given is the best I could think of for now. Furthermore, I am not aware of making any mistake. I welcome any and every correction - one can never stop learning.

No one will attack, of course. I meant - he who wishes you well will help you get better. Stop taking everything literally when it suits your needs, will you?

Ok, let me use other words. What I expected -

-Dude, reading that comment is a pain, get some grammar lessons.
-What is wrong with my comment?
-(explaining to/too, praising other aspects of the sentence)
-Aw shit, totally forgot. High school is long in the past. Thanks
-You are welcome, have a nice day.

What I got -
Strangers complaining about my comments, lecturing me about patience, calling me stoner and even quoting bible on me.

Is this for real?

9 years ago

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An attack does not need to be physical in nature for it to still be effective. You say that an enemy will use your flaws against you, that is a form of attacking. Physical, emotional, mental attacks are all attacks but are all different in nature. I find it funny how you tell me to stop taking everything literally, yet you're the one jumping on people for the improper use of to vs too because of how they could literally be taken by reading them...

If you are not aware of the mistake in this phrase - I, go to. Work! - then there is nothing I can do to help you, since you are already an English teacher (with at least a certification if not a degree I hope), except pray that your students find someone like you on the internet who helps correct their mistakes.

So, basically what you want is to be able to openly criticize someone without receiving criticism of your own. You wish to correct someone with a smug reply to their comment, but as soon as someone makes a smug reply to your comment there is a problem huh.

Nope, this isn't for real. This is the internet and just fanta sea. Next time just let us know you wish to make comments about others posting without getting comments about your own shitposting and we will do our best to take care of your request.

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9 years ago

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I did not jump at all. Look, I wanted to help the guy with some grammar he had problems with, you jumped on my neck for that. Not vice versa.

I have certification and a degree. And the sentence is correct, you seem to miss the point. Let me explain.
Johny has just left work. He went home. Tom is talking to Betty. Tom wants to say that he is also leaving, and that Betty should remain at work and she should keep working. He says: I go, too. Work!.

However, if he does not use too/to correctly, the sentence can have different meaning. It can sound like "I go to work!" which would be very confusing, since he was already at work. (Of course, if you see it written, it makes no sense. It is just an example of incorrect use of to/too. That is, my dear, why I wrote - say it out loud and you will notice the difference). That is precisely the point. Small mistake can change the meaning very much, or it can make the whole statement impossible to understand.

Here is my original example - (I go, too. Work! / I go, to. Work! - try saying it out loud and you will hear the difference.)
Same sentence. Swapped too with to (yes, incorrectly, that is what it was all about).

Praying will do them no good, extra homework will.

And in my criticism, I was right. I made a valid point. And I had a goal - I actually wanted to help. You guys just keep giving me all the hate you can muster, yet why - that is a mystery to me.

As I mentioned - if I make a mistake, please do correct me. I will welcome it. But the only thing you keep writing is "we do not like you pointing out grammar mistakes, duh"

9 years ago

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I made one comment, if that is jumping on your neck then you need to get off the internet and thicken your skin. You seem to love justifying your reasoning but shooting down everyone else's and claiming it as an attack. Please type a few more sentences and paragraphs of the same regurgitated shitposting to make yourself feel better.

Also, where did anyone right "we do not like you pointing out grammar mistakes, duh", because the only place I seem to find it is in your posting.

As far as your original example if I ever tried to use "Work!" as a sentence in my writing, from Kindergarten through my requireds in College, I would have seen a large red circle on that. I love how you through two more paragraphs into justifying how you are still right and I am wrong.

Your original example, in it's original context, was horribly wrong. After two more paragraphs of shitposting and justification you've changed the context to best fit what you wanted to represent but failed to do. As entertaining as this thread has become, I must go grind more Diablo 3 paragon levels because I just must.

I bet that his next reply however will tell me how I am wrong and why he is right and it is ok for him to do whatever he wants in his shitposting, but nobody else may shitpost or even post as they see fit. I love the internet!

9 years ago

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I see. No matter what I write, it just will not get through to you. You made up your mind. So, I am actually wasting my time. We will not be talking again.

9 years ago

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Who exactly are you arguing for? The person who recieved the correction was completely OK with it.

9 years ago

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I'm posting for myself, as I did in my reply. I don't feel that anyone on this website needs someone "White Knighting" for them, I just did not like what I was seeing being posted multiple times so I made a comment about it.

If you read the thread nobody is upset with him correcting grammar, it's the way that he has come off in his original post and his replies. Attitude carries through text, especially on a forum, and his does not read well on my end. Your reply below pretty much sums up the issues I had with him. He's posting with an attitude of entitlement while trying to passive aggressively insult those who he does not agree with while trying to sound smug and insult them at the same time. Take the passive out, I'd be ok with it I think. I don't mind an asshole who admits to being an asshole, that's why I love Evil's posts most of the time on this forum.

9 years ago

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I think that it is not the fact that you pointed out a grammar mistake that caused everyone to jump on your neck, but rather the way you introduced that you would like to help correct the mistake. The only thing I do not understand is why everyone got so angry over it when the person who was corrected was just fine with it.

9 years ago

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Nobody is angry, weird internet person : )

9 years ago

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I suppose that angry was the wrong way to put it. But seriously, weird internet person? (I understand that was meant in fun. I can tell because of the smiley face.)

9 years ago

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I sometime write sarcastic comments. I just found it funny how some people mistake the emotions expressed when written. That's all dude.
I call people weird internet person if they mistake a comment reacting to a perceived emotion if you know what I mean.

And I just won Fallout New Vegas Ultimate Edition so I am beyond happy : )

9 years ago

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Lucky you! I only hope to be so lucky one of these days.

9 years ago

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Also i was not being serious about the stoner thing,you just are to serious and read into things way to much..you need some hobbies..

It was to make a point and to point out the you saying Dude and me pointing it out and making fun of it was akin to you pointing out that guys bad grammar and telling them they need lessons

Yet your asking is this for real? lol

You call it hate,but what i said is far from that i never mentioned hate nor did i imply it,you just see negative and like most assume it is hate,when in fact it just someone sharing what they thought of what you said.

For every action there is a reaction if your not prepared for that then you best not do the action.

Bottom line is if your going to share you opinions and thoughts,you better be open to others but i can see your not,your to worried about defending what you said and calling it attacks.You also point out everyone else has made up there mind,seems like your the one that has made up your mind and what you said and did was alright but what everyone else says and shares is wrong and attacks....

9 years ago*

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Well good thing i am not a betting man...

Well maybe i just understand things because i think outside the box and not always see things in black and white,yes what they said was a bit off,but it was not so bad that you could not make out what they said.

Your wisdom falls short as your not telling me something i do not already know,granted i do not know everything,but come on it does not take a genius to figure that out.But people also have to learn by making mistakes on there own,you can not go through life pointing out everyone mistakes,it far better to offer them help then to just say there grammar is terrible and they need to further education..It would be better to say do you need help with that,i can show you a easier way to do it,and so on.You just blunting pointed out you hate reading what they said and told them there grammar was terrible and they new more education.None of that is needed,do you not think that person is so dumb they do not even know that there English is bad?Or like they said it is not there native language yet you expect them to get better grammar to easy your reading lol

I just think there was a better way then pointing out that you hard a hard time reading and there grammar is terrible and they need lessons as if it is your choice to decide what people need and do not need.

Also i would be better with English and grammar if my memory worked a bit better...but i am not trying to make excuses i just deal with it and move on...

So again assuming just because has trouble with something does not always imply they just need more lessons....again think outside the box...not everyone is built the same...and some people struggle with math,others excel some excel at English others are just not so good,and so on.

9 years ago*

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but how on earth did you fall for it? you ARE support!
you're supposed to be better than us mere retard mortals XD

Best part is that you say "nah, 5 euros, no big deal" and if you only knew how much is that for us, creatures of the lesser countries, then you'd think more of your money.

PS. 1 US dollar = about 17 argentinian peso (unofficial). // According to a website converter, 1 euro = 10.6~11.20 arg peso. (official)

Don't get scammed!

9 years ago

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I lost GTA V to an impersonator. =|
Now I'm forever cautious, which I guess is a good thing.

9 years ago

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Don't worry GTA V is not even good game :D

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Yes, it most likely to happen when the person is tired/asleep/etc :( At least you didn't lose a lot of money

9 years ago

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sorry for your guys's loses to many scammers not enough bullets I hate there faces with a burning passion

9 years ago

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:( sorry Tem

9 years ago

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Never go full retard.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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3 games was revoked from my account today,i lost 15$ because of a scammer last month.

9 years ago

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Just curious Vanatic, does Steam send you an email when that happens? Or do the games simply disappear from your library/inventory...?

9 years ago

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Simply disappears, and a red message appears in the steam client(I don't remember exaclty the message :P).

9 years ago

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Ah ok, interesting, thanks for the info.

9 years ago

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it looks like this

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9 years ago

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9 years ago

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yes,i got 3 warning messages...i just cant believe someone bought humble bundles by fraudulent credit card.Then he used them for trade and giveaways:(

9 years ago

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Sorry to hear that. After 11 years on Steam I was scammed for the first time here on SG... I hope that the impersonator will be perma banned, this perma banning won't help you anymore but it could avoid other SG users being scammed...

9 years ago

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He's not registered on SG. These impersonators just lurk trade threads and add you when you post in it.
It was super obvious (private profile and flagged as scammer on SteamRep) but I'm still half-asleep and didn't check anything before trading.

9 years ago

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Sorry to hear this, didn't even know about this method of theirs; so basically they see SG trade posts and add you on Steam without posting on SG.

9 years ago

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Can't they make the Trade section a "registered users only" section ? If they can't see it, they can't scam...
With the $ requirement to become a member that should stop some of them...?

9 years ago

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They could see you with the main account and add you with an alt, so it wouldn't stop almost anybody.

9 years ago

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I've noticed that the impersonation scams have really picked up as of late.

9 years ago

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I have seen several SG discussions about impersonators the last weeks so you have a good point there but with what TempeteJoachim said about lurking in threads and not being registered on SG I think there's not a lot Support can do about impersonators. We can only be vigilant but there will always be a time even for the most wary that their guard will be down and be vulnerable to any kind of scamming.

9 years ago

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Yes dad. I will never trade in the morning :)

9 years ago

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Well, look at it this way: maybe he'll use it that money to buy a a drink and choke on it. Think positive.

9 years ago

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He could be using it to buy 5 copies of Bad Rats.

9 years ago

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Sorry to hear that! I'm thinking about trading, but I've never done it before. Please can someone explain what an impersonator is? I mean, I know the dictionary definition but how does it work with regards to trading? How can you tell? Thanks in advance.

9 years ago

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Someone claims to be a highly repped trader and links you to the wrong rep feedback making you trust them. To avoid, simply make sure the feedback is for the same steam account as the one who has added you.

9 years ago

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Cool, thank you for the answer. Will make sure I'm cautious.

9 years ago

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People who use the same username and profile picture than a trader.

It's easy to tell because they either have a private profile or a low level profile, and of course they have a different URL than the the real Steam profile that you can find on the SG profile of the trader. For some reason I didn't think of checking this time and only realized after I paid.

9 years ago

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Thanks for the tips. Will be on the lookout for fakers! Sorry you missed it this time.

9 years ago

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I like to use this for trading: https://barter.vg/
it's focused on games though
One important thing, is to check the rep(utation) of a person. on barter there are 3 values A/B/C, the middle one is the "good" one, the right one is the "bad" one. Steamgifts tracks rep as well.

9 years ago

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Thanks Vlvgmr. I will check that site out. Had a quick look and it seems to have some cool features. Thanks for the help.

9 years ago

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Even if you are too careful, you can never be 100% safe from a scam.

9 years ago

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Not during a trade, but I went fr during the HB end-of-summer sale. Bought both The Witcher I and II without noticing they were for GOG. Still awaiting for a refund xD

9 years ago

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Don't feel bad about it, I already managed to buy on GMG several games that are for their Capsule client while I was thinking it was for Steam and I got the Support answer that GMG don't do those kind of refunds :-)

9 years ago

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The GOG versions are way better than Steam (drm free all the way). I just don't buy there as often because they are more expensive for me, otherwise would buy all of them there.

9 years ago

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I already had the games on Steam, I bought them again for a GA so gog versions weren't suitable this time xD

9 years ago

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Oh, I see. So how's the HB support? I would imagine they wouldn't create much of a fuss about this kind of stuff. Have they denied or are just stalling the refund?

9 years ago

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The refund process has already started. I think it takes 4-5 days. And they refund policy covers up to 60 days if I remember right. Nice people.

9 years ago

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we still love you

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9 years ago

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if you used paypal (and didn't send as a gift) chargeback :D !

9 years ago

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not retard but rich, I think.
now, just request your rich badge.

9 years ago

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Always check the profile link here on steamgifts. Sometimes people add you with a fake profile (impersonator), making you believe that he is some cool guy, with tons of positive feedback, from here.

Happened to me already 3 times, but i always figured it out, and I was like "so, this is your twin?".

But, there always others ways to be scammed. I hope to keep doing good deals here.

9 years ago

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Aww, that sucks... wait, what were you doing awake? Mornings are for sleep!

9 years ago

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Well I say morning but it's 1PM. I consider it's morning until 4PM ^^

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 10 months ago.

9 years ago

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^^ +2

9 years ago

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Maybe you can get them back with a little lie. Tell him you want to give him 20 but you need your 5 back first.
... jeah.... just ... trying to say something silly... nevermind....

9 years ago

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Feel sorry for ya. I just never went into trading alley so i'm safe. Or am I? Yes.

9 years ago

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Oh my. I would be angry as hell if I lost 5€. Can we do something to cheer you up? Here, have some cats in a boxes!

9 years ago

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Oh, I JUST had a discussion about scammers with my colleague. He literally just left... In this case it was ebay/western union but the conclusion was the same: most of the times it's not the super tricky methods that succeed, it's the ones that just got lucky cause someone was lazy/distracted/greedy/... :-(

Long story short: I'm sorry top hear that

9 years ago

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Even the best can make mistakes (look at Zidane)

9 years ago

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View attached image.
9 years ago

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And someone beat me to it. I really need to wake up earlier -.-.

9 years ago

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But you do have a impersonator on Steam, sometime ago he tried to befriend me on Steam.

9 years ago

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Oh I know. I just wanted to post the picture since the title is a reference to the film Tropic Thunder, that's all.

9 years ago

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that prove . even pro can sometime fall

9 years ago

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