Finally finished watching Attack on Titan and was wondering if anyone knows when the next season comes? Some of my friends think it'll be coming out some time in spring. Also general Attack on Titan thread.

11 years ago*

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If a 2nd season comes soon, is very likely that it will be full of fillers, the manga hasn't developed too much the story yet.

11 years ago

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It will come only on 2015 to avoid fillers.

And i also sugest you to run right away to read the manga. Seriously, you won't be able to wait. (I'm also buying the Volumes since they're starting to release where i live now, got my hands on the first and second one :3)

11 years ago

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Idk I tried reading the manga, but the problem is that it's not as badass as the show. You can't really see the cool shit they do with their maneuver gear on a page.

11 years ago

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On manga, the gear techniques are pretty much seen in your imagination only, witch is the only bad thing about it. But i guess if the author spent more time showing the process of the gear movements, the manga would lose its pace (You know, being a shounen manga and all).

And i find the manga pretty good actually. I know after the female titan arc, things have gotten a bit slower than usual, but what's about to happen might result in cool fighting scenes. I just hope the author doesn't forget that he still has to explain a lot of things in the process.

11 years ago

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This series started out really good, I was even considering it one of the best shows of the season, but about... I think it was 6 or 7 episodes in, the entire series just completely jumped the shark and it just got worse and worse from there.

The manga is spectacularly bad. After the part where the anime ends, the story just goes completely insane and the plot twists feel like they were written by M. Night Shayamalan, and not Sixth Sense Shayamalan either.

11 years ago

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Yea my friend said the manga has been pretty bad and the show has two options. Follow the manga and lose every viewer or just ignore the manga and fix what's wrong with it. I was really confused when they put in the female titan. It really makes no sense on why a human would want to destroy all the humans.

11 years ago

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I'm sure there's probably a reason, but that's not even the biggest issue. The characters do completely nonsensical things. Some of the villains fall into the "...You're joking, right?" territory. And dammit, I am REALLY sick of the constant "OMG we have to rescue Eren from the problem of the week!" arcs.

I say they passed the point of where they should have ignored the manga. Eren should have died early on and Armin should have become the new main character, and he would have to man up and fight the Titans in Eren's place.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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Have you ever seen Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann...?

11 years ago

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Armin's too big a pussy. Would rather have Mikasa as the main character and yea Eren has to die. He's a great character, but he has to die. Mikasa needs to finish this shit.

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 11 months ago.

11 years ago

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I don't see how you can call the big reveals "awesome" so much as you could call them "complete asspulls".

11 years ago

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check this site for free steam wallet cards no bullshit!!

11 years ago

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Dude, stop it. You're going to get banned if you keep this up.

11 years ago

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Oh btw,
Reiner is the armored titan,

bert is the colossal titan

ymir is a titan too, the "dancing titan"

Monkey Trouble is COMING

Kristoria knows EVERYTHING!

And Eren is King of the Titans

and they haven't even started work on season 2

they only just said last week that they will make it sometime eventually

and to make a second season, it would have to be equal length the season 1, meaning they would need 30 more chapters of the manga to be released, so 30 months until you can expect to here anything bout this coming out.

11 years ago

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Insta lol'd. +1

11 years ago

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I knew Reiner was a titan, but I thought he would have bene the Colossal titan. Still I don't like how they had humans attacking other humans as titans. Makes no sense and if the manga says why can someone tell me? I really don't want to read it since I tried reading the AoT manga, but couldn't since I had to see the bad ass shit they do. I can't see any logical reason as to why they would want the human race to die and how come Dr. Jaeger didn't do something about the titans if the secret to the titans was in his basement.

11 years ago

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Yeah. My opinion in the first place was that they wanted to force the humans to go out and fight and to not just live inside the walls. But that theory is broken because they broke more than one wall. One should've been enough.

Another one is that their objective might be focused on taking the king down. Since humans can't get close to him, titans can. Maybe Dr. Jaeger was forced to work for the villains. Maybe they aren't even villains. Maybe even the government is involved or something. But idk.

The last one is: Since the last chapters of the manga [SPOILER] it seems that the numbers of dead humans tie with the number of titans, leading us to believe that dead humans become mindless titans. But then, why would the people who can freely transform into titans want everyone to become one? Maybe, outside walls, they communicate or something and when they are near humans, they act like a brainless. Well, i don't know for sure. Maybe everything i said is wrong. But i just want ONE thing:

Give us a fair ending. Don't be like "Lost".

11 years ago

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Hanji was going on about Titans being made out of light. Also I could see the thing with forcing humans to finally fight against the titans, but wouldn't logic say "Hmm I can turn into a 50 meter call titan. Instead of smashing the walls down I can just smash other titans!". I started to lose interest as soon as I saw the female titan because I right away thought "That's gotta be Annie" because of how she looked and fought. I felt like they ran out of ideas by that point in the story.

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by PapaStalin.