Recuva is fast and easy to use. If recuva won't find the file then, easeUs will come handy because of its deep scanning.
If the new files were not written in the disk I prefer Recuva, but in your case easeUs would be the best.
I have recovered almost 800 GB of data, 600 GB undamaged, other either losing header info or overwritten. Took me more than 2 days scanning 1TB HDD.
The nice thing is that, even if the data were damaged easeUS gave the local directory path which made it easier to know what file were those.
All the best recovering your files.
BTW while deep scanning tweak your power management settings for Hard disk or USB settings. Disable Turn of hard disk after and Disable USB selective suspend settings. I wasted almost half a day because of those.
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Found no .txt files :( just some stupid powerpoints from the university. None of the apps find anything on my old desktop :((
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well if you haven't installed anything back you would probably had the chance, but since you did...... it might be overwritten already
chances are getting lower
sorry for the lost :(
can you like go through you purchase history and maybe tried digging from there?
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purchase history, mails, pms... will spend hours to get the keys... and I can't even remember all of them, just the ones that had a little value.
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Like philosophi said.. it might be because the file got overwritten or lost its headers. If there are any unknown files those without extensions on filename like .txt or .doc in the location/folder where you kept your keys, try opening it on notepad, if you are lucky you might find your partially overwritten/damaged file and could recover the keys.
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Well, the thing is that no program can find anything on my desktop (there was the file)
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Did you do the deep/root scanning or the normal one? Normal one usually don't find the files. Search through the advance search starting from the index 0 I vaguely remember doing that.
Or maybe the file you are searching for is listed under other categories such as Other Lost Files.
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plus tree folders restoring (I don't know how exactly it sound in English).)
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I've managed to get some deleted files back with Recuva (free version is fine).
It's not clear from your post, but make sure you scan the whole hard drive or partition, not just one folder.
EDIT: Ninja'd 😏
But one more thing, stop using your PC for anything else until you've scanned for the lost file(s), otherwise you could accidentally overwrite the area of your hard drive where the lost files are.
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Unfortunately I already Installed quite a few things....If I knew it earlier that I lost my life, I probably wouldn't
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If I knew it earlier that I lost my life, I probably wouldn't
You look alive to me!
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I was simply afraid of cloud service because of the many keys being stolen from there. That's why I didn't put it on onedrive tbh.
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If it ain't your nudes no-one cares about stealing it.
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OP is a guy. If it was his nudes, no-one would care about stealing it.
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That sounds more like an urban legend. You'd have to be unlucky enough to get into a mass account cracking/datatheft operation, and on top of that the thief has to be able to identify the document has Steam keys. Then they would have to use them up somehow.
Plus it kinda tends to affect Apple Cloud only, because it has the largest amount of idiots in the userbase and apparently more holes in its security than a Swiss cheese.
I keep my keys in a cloud and cannot say I had any leakage in the past 2+ years and 7000 sent keys here and in trades. Not saying it means this is 100% safe, but still a lot better alternative for sensitive files than offline backups.
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well explained sir,
now I consider using google drive/ bitbucket.
Still use N++ (txt) tho
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+1 Cloud is safer than users' negligence.
If you guys use google sheets, try adding an auto-backup script, for extra safety.
How to "Schedule Automatic Backups" of your Google Sheets
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Good idea! But I guess I just won't be that paranoid
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Well, there are tons of emails, so it would be harder to steal then finding a file full of game keys.
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I don't think so. Hackers would likely be more interested in your ID, other accounts, credit details, whatever they can fish out, rather than Steam keys. And if they do want Steam keys, I'm sure they'd just run a program to find them in your mails. I don't think anyone who's just a 'simple person' (i.e., not trying account hacking on a massive scale) would get into an account, and only that kind of person would go looking at document titles or contents with their own eyes.
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Such a reset on the same partition is never a good idea, i always buy a new HDD and install the system fresh on that drive, simply because i barely have to do such a thing and when a OS configuration is several years old, i'm used to get newer and proper hardware with better speeds too, besides that free disk space is always good to have.
The old OS for that matter, you can always go back to it and fetch whatever you want, no need to worry about backups and other headaches, it saves a lot of time.
That doesn't help you getting this one file back but maybe it helps you avoiding this next time.
The only thing you can try is forensic utilities or simply a technician with forensic tools, depending on which reset method you used but even then, the windows.old folder is not a full backup or 1:1 copy of the old partition, it usually only contains files that have changed related to operation of Windows only, like when upgrading, downgrading, preserving the possibility to go back to a previously installed Windows version.
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That is not very cost efficient. Buying a new HDD every year?
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sell my old hard drive !!! - and let someone else do a recuva - no way :P
not without a low level format several times and a hashing of the drive - not sure what they would want, but last time I let a device go after a reset and wipe someone managed to recover some shit and hack a couple of my accounts - never again - now it's a drill through the damn thing :P
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Given the very specific format around XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX a custom scan would be most likely to find the keys if they still exists. Unfortunately the small size and fragmented nature of the file(assuming it was just txt) makes it probable that it has already been overwritten.
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Damn Small Linux ISO
Using a blank Fat32 USB drive run unetbootin select the appropriate drive letter and tick diskimage and navigate to the damn small linux iso. Then boot press enter for default boot options and once its running open ATerminal. grep "[A-Z0-9]\{5\}-[A-Z0-9]\{5\}-[A-Z0-9]\{5\}" /dev/sda > keydata.txt is the command provided by Nudiustertian. If sda doesn't work(it really should) try sdb through sdd. Then hopefully you can figure out how to copy keydata.txt back onto the usb stick since I can't walk you through that blindly off the top of my head. If not I'll have time later to run though it myself and give more detailed instructions if you need help.
edit: oh if your keys were lowercase or mixed you'll need grep "[a-zA-Z0-9]\{5\}-[a-zA-Z0-9]\{5\}-[a-zA-Z0-9]\{5\}" /dev/sda > keydata.txt instead.
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Well, I gotta hurry now, and I am really not a huge computer specialist. I might try doing this later, so if you're still willing to help me, accept my friend request in steam. Do you think it's really worth doing it? I mean can I even get the file back as a whole? Or just some random keys. If so, I'd rather go through all emails and pms and get the most important keys, which are 99% not used, and they have value, and just try forget the smaller games, which weren't too important anyways, but would gladly give it away to someone who needs it.
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Actually rereading your original post it may not have been deleted at all, a clean install doesn't produce a windows.old. Where exactly did you have the file stored, it may be there under your new install or prepend windows.old to the path and see if it's there. The more I think about it though the deep scan described above isn't going to be more helpful than going through your pms/etc since you used notepad++ to store the keys. It's likely you have dozens of copies on the physical disk because of the way it saves files(if I'm remembering correctly anyway) and you won't know which copy has only unused keys.
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Oh dammit... I didn't know that. Yea the file was saved tons of times... Everytime I got a key, or sold one.
So you think there's no hope?:/
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Well, alright. Thank you anyways! Thought we can find the file that was lastly saved.
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Did your files automatically sync to one drive? You could look there.
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Found no .txt files unfortunately.... and said it couldn't scan 2 partitions. Anyways, none of the programs find anything on my desktop :(
You think GetDataBack is the best?
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Has your desktop filesystem path remained constant? Maybe try with the whole C:\Users dir.
GetDataBack has been the best I've used for recovery, but keep in mind I haven't been doing this kind of stuff for years so maybe in the meantime better software came out or existing ones got better.
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I don't really know tbh. I've tried MiniTool Power Data recommended by someone, and it found a .txt file... from League of legends. So it's useless.
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I accidentally formatted a whole drive not long ago and was able to get part of it back thanks to Recuva, here's the free version:
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Thanks! I've tried it. It said couldn't scan 2 partitions. I was looking for a .txt file but there were none... I guess it's gone forever. None of the programs find anything on my desktop. Happy Birthday btw! (Iguess?)
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Maybe you can try others's suggestions, I hope you can find that file. Cake day is not real life birthday but Steamgifts birthday, I registered on SG this day last year.
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Oh I see :D Sorry then.
Well, I kind of gave up the hope... I guess I'm gonna spend hours and just get through all the emails and pms
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If say the keys originally came from Humble Bundle or another bundle site you will have already revealed the key or gift link and as such you wouldn't know which ones were used and which weren't. If people are buying from say 10+ different sites then it's much easier to compile everything into one list than it is to go searching for them every time you need one.
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Yea, sure, I understand. But at least he would have something right? I'm kinda trying to cut one's losses here. ;)
Maybe he can do an comparison between his steam acc, SG giveaways and stuff that is in his accounts. That is some work to do, but atleast you could be saving some keys.
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I remember sending it somewhere but that was months ago. Since then a lot of keys were added, removed etc... I was thinking where I could've saved, but there is nothing. Anyways I don't like sending and spreading everywhere cause it's risky. But as I see nobody had problem with the cloud services (at least on google) so I guess I gotta start using that.
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If you used Humble Bundle, you can access . It is a tool in which by entering your email linked to the Humble Bundle account, you will receive a mail with all your past orders and the links to them. Hope it is useful for you.
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I can access my humble purchases, that's not the problem :(
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Boot from Linux recovery stick, grep "[A-Z0-9]\{5\}-[A-Z0-9]\{5\}-[A-Z0-9]\{5\}" /dev/sda > keydata.txt
(find out the correct drive/partition with mount
). If there's any key-shaped data still on the disk, in any way, shape or form, this will find it, even if the file metadata itself is gone. Along with a lot of other crap, probably, but hey. You can probably read a good book while this is happening, as reading a whole drive isn't fast.
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Umm, sounds kind of difficult. Not sure how can I do this? Will this 100% get my file back anyways?
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Thanks for the advice! I have OneDrive on win10 , is that good as well?
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The more you use the disk, the less are your chances of recovering any particular file. The best options are either to boot from another media, or take the drive out and put it in a another machine as a secondary drive. Recovery software do give different results, so trying more than one is recommended. GetDataBack (trial) and TestDisk (free) at least used to be good options.
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Tried at least 5 programs and none of them found anything on my desktop :(
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I'm sorry for what happened. It's a bad feeling, when you lose important stuff.
I've recently needed to perform a system recovery with keeping the files option selected. The whole folder of my user file was in there and I restored documents and appdata with no problems. I thought that Windows.old would keep all the user files. No?
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It's not that...I got the keys from a forum so PM's can be checked, and also there are the emails from which I copied the keys (from giftlinks) but it just takes a lot of time.
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Thank you, dear! :(
But I kind of gave up hope already
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at least you didn't delete the fucking MBR like i did
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What happens when u delete MBR, and how can you even do that?
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The MBR (Master Boot Record) is the first sector of the drive, it can be displayed in windows partition manager.
The MBR contains a small amount of executable code called the master boot code, the disk signature, and the partition table for the disk.
If the MBR is deleted or compromised, the entire hard drive is rendered inaccessible, as the system has no idea where to access the partitions.
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Damn...what's the solution for that? :D and how the fk can be that deleted
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I feel your pain.
If someone hasn't already recommended it, you might want to switch to something like Google Docs/Spreadsheets. That way, you won't lose the files if something happens to your PC.
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Thanks for the advice! I did another txt file and copied to OneDrive, and created a shortcut on my desktop, that way I can easily access it and also get synced with it.
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Yea I created a txt file in onedrive and made a shortcut on my desktop. The only bad thing is, that if I access the file from my phone, I can't edit it, just view it. (iPhone) Any suggestions? Cause on weekends I still do trades but I'm always on my phone
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Damn... :D Thanks for the effort Gainja.
What app u suggestin to open those?
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so basically a word or a one note file, can be opened from my desktop, and my iphone as well, and they will be in perfect sync?
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Are you really sure that it's not in windows.old? Since recovery programs likely won't find it if it's not actually deleted
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Everyone has already given advice, so I'll just give you my sympathy. I'm sorry that you've lost this file. I've lost important data without a backup and it really sucks. There is an empty feeling, and a helpless feeling knowing that there's nothing you can do about it.
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That's really unfortunate - but, if you look on the bright side, the only thing you're really losing is time. It'd be another thing entirely if you had NO way of recovering those unactivated keys, and then you'd lost however much money you spent on them.
Just take this as a learning experience and try not to do it again.
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Hello guys.
First of all, yes I am dumb. I recently purchased a gtx 1080 and decided to do a fresh start for my windows, cause I didn't do a reset ever, and it is 1,5 yrs old. Well I saved my files to an external hdd, but forgot one thing. One of the most important files from the PC. The one that contained all my unused CD keys for the games. I've installed quite a few programs before realising my biggest mistake in my life. Well, I've tried using EaseUS, ShadowExplorer, but found nothing in that damned windows.old. Is there any VERY LITTLE chance that I could still get that file? Or do I have to go over hundreds of PM's and E-mails browsing all the keys that were on the list (hardest part is that I can't know which is used).
Please help :( Thanks.
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