Yes, at first I was here just to leech, later I started getting into the community and well look at me now, trying to give more, fixing my mistakes and stuff :P I'm sure there are people like me :)
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Same here at first I was just like win giveaways trade for money or something, Then I really started liking the community and now Im also trying to give back :D
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A wild train appeared! Well, I think pretty much like Zareh. If it's once or twice, that's okay. Three is the magic number though.
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thanks; I believe in some leinacy as people do make mistakes.
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Another new avatar? :)
permanban should be at the third or fourth offense.
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Some friends didn't like Loaf Bloke so I changed it, tho it is still on my steam profile wink wink :D
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Well, when I started here the site was full with DOTA2 Beta giveaways. I was trying to win one just to regift it. Then I got two keys (free ofc) and made giveaways from those (which was actually against the rules)
After the GAs finished I read the FAQ/Forums and I was in constant fear that I'll get banned. Didn't stop me from hijacking things tough for CV. Among the giveaways I created during my first year here are 9 items I got for free...
Also, thanks for the train! :)
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Enjoy! ^^ Well giving free games is not such a big offense I think, people still enter them so it means they want them. :P
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I have to disagree. If one give away free stuff and knows it is against the rules, it shows a great deal of disrespect to the community.
I would argue that most entries into free games are scripts/bots or people who did not noticed yet it is free, with very few exceptions of people who can not get the free stuff (regional restrictions...).
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Well I wouldn't think of it as disrespect, for example on gameminer, there is so called "sandbox" where there are mostly free game giveaways from which you do not get cv. And I can speak from experience that there are people that don't notice the free games if they aren't very active or join many communities. Yes of course it's against the rules but I myself wouldn't punish anyone for giving free game away if he wouldn't get any cv for it. Though I fully understand what you mean :)
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It seems you changed - great.
I am all for giving people the chance to change, but as stated below, if one is ignorant of a community's rules I don't mind suspensions (...).
IMO the internet is a place for grown ups. If one is not able to behave accordingly this corner of the internet might be closed for that person permanently.
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i think beta keys were allowed in giveaways at the beggining (at least i wasn't stopped or warned).
i gave away 6 dota 2 keys when i first joined and they were valued at ~$50. i could have easily made more money by trading them but chose instead to give them away.
now i regret it because they are worth 0cv -.-
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Actually it was always forbidden to give away beta keys.
You are only allowed to create giveaways for beta games when you have an actual gift.
Dota 2 was purchasable back then even in gift form, that's what was allowed to create giveaways for.
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Bump and meow. One non-activation should be temporary ban imho; two permanent.
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So I wanted to do this for a long time now, I actually had 1 win which wasn't activated and no it was not because I traded the game away or something, it was my stupidity, I accidentally won a duplicate ga and the op asked if I wanted something else, so he gave me a bundle, at that time I didn't really know the rules so I took it and was quite happy, but later I became quite anxious about this seeing all the "Ban all non activators" stuff. So finally, I was planning to do this sooner but ye... I bought the game. Since our good members always share the new bundles and such, I noticed the amazing humblebundle. With my cousins help there are reasons why I can't buy them myself, one is I'm too young I bought a couple of bundles for you Sorry, no DMC, I really wanted that one So come in
I wanted to ask all of you not to think that all of the people who didn't activate their 1 or 2 wins are bad and should be permanently banned, there are a lot of people who simply didn't read rules or well I dunno but still, tho I'm not saying that a person who regifts all the time even after being told not to shouldn't be banned or suspended,. That's all I wanted to say and I hope you understand :)
Also feel free to comment, I'm waiting for all kinds of comments ^^
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